*** Source: Early California Wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs. *** ---page 6-16--- 16 Will of B.H.G. HARTFIELD. (died in Santa Clara County, California) (Will filed in Records of County Clerk, San Jose, California) Date: 22 August 1849. Probate: 30 December 1854. This is to make known to all whom it may concern that I, Benjamin H.G. Hartfield, now a resident of St. Joseph's Island, Victoria County, Texas, being of sound mind and memory and in usual health of body, believing it to be the duty of every man "in life to prepare for death", I have therefore thought proper to make my last Will and Testament in the following words to wit--First: I leave all my estate, both real and personal...... all property of whatever kind.....to the whole and sole control and management of my wife, Louisiana Hartfield, who is hereby appointed my sole Executor under the following instructions, to wit---- After paying off all my debts that may be presented in accordance with law I wish the balance of my property to be kept together and used by my said Executor for the maintainance and education of my children to wit: Joseph Ada Hartfield, Araminta Hartfield, Alvacinda Hartfield, Mary Ann Hartfield, Sarah Oregon Hartfield, Louisiana Gregory Hartfield, and any child that hereafter be born to me by my said wife, Louisiana Hartfield. That as my said children come of proper age and require the same, I wish my said Executor to give my property out to them in just and equitable proportions. That provided my aforesaid wife and Exector shall live to see all my said children come of age and claim their portion of my estate. I wish my said wife to retain in her own hands an equal moiety of my said estate with my said children for her own personal support... That during the execution of my said estate my said Executor shall live and be maintained with my aforesaid children out of my said estate, but shall not make any extra charge thereafter for own maintenance. (This is in case of second marriage.). Thirdly: I request that my said executor be not required to give bond..... Fourthly: I do hereby appoint my said wife, Louisiana Hartfield the guardian of my aforesaid children without bond. In Testimony Whereof I, the said Benjamin H.G. Hartfield do hereby declare the above.....to be my last Will and Testament to which I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this 22nd day of August 1849. Signed: B.H.G. Hartfield. Executor: Louisiana Harfield (wife). Witnesses: James Somerville. Caleb Jordan.