Source: Early California Wills, California: California Society, D.A.R., 1952, 952 pgs. *** ---page 6-1--- 1 Bartolo Garcia, Santa Clara County, California Will filed in the records of the County Clerk of Santa Clara County. Dated: 10 December 1852. Probated 3 January 1853. ......... I hereby declare I am in debt to Francisco Garcia of the county of Santa Clara and State of California in the sum of one thousand dollars together with the interest thereon: due said Garcia by a certain note dated July 1st 1852 payable six months after date being the only debt I owe in the world except the doctor's bill for my present sickness, and I do give and bequeath unto the said Francisco Garcia all my property both real and personal in the State of California for the payment of the debt due him, from which said property the said Garcia shall pay himself (having taken possession of said property as soon as I die) the full amount due him and the balance if there be any, shall be handed over by him in equal proportions as can be to my five children. Likewise I do hereby appoint the said Francisco Garcia executor of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills made by me. ......... do desire and request that said Francisco G Garcia shall at my death take possession of all my real and personal property, and pay himself out of the same and do all necessary acts as my executor ......... and that no bond or obligation shall be required of my said executor from any Judge or Court, having full confidence in the faithful performance of all things by my said executor Francisco Garcia....... further he shall be authorized if he see fit to sell at public or private sale any or all of my real or personal property within one month after my death. (Signed) Bartolo Garcia. Executor: Francisco Garcia. Witnesses: A. C. Campbell, Antonio M. Pico. Page 1.