Riverside County Volunteer Lookup Page

The people listed below have volunteered to conduct various lookups of genealogical materials within the County of Riverside, California.  Please feel free to e-mail them directly.  If you would like to volunteer to do lookups of any sort, your help would be appreciated - just let me know!  

Riverside County Cemeteries

Mariana Zuelsdorf Mariana is willing to lookup information within the San Gorgonio Memorial Park in Banning.

Riverside County History Books and Biographies

Steve Lech My collection is too extensive to put here.  Please e-mail me with your request.  As a rule, though, your relative/ancestor needs to have been in the area prior to 1935, and better yet, prior to 1922 in order to potentially have a biography in one of the early histories.

General Biographical Works

California Pioneer Project

[Back to Riverside County]

Stay tuned for future updates!

This page was updated last on 27 Jan 2019.

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