Iowa Hill Cemetery Index: U ~ Z

Today is: part of CA GenWeb


A description of the headers for this table:

There are five cemeteries on Find a Grave for the Iowa Hill area:


A description of the headers for this table:

Name of deceased
A number in the "14" column indicates the location on the map.
A "Cn" means the person is buried in St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery, otherwise the burial is in the Protestant Cemetery.
A letter, with no number, in this column designates a "cenotaph" erected in memory of a someone whose body was buried elsewhere, or whose ashes were scattered elsewhere. (These are in the Protestant Cemetery.)
An "X" indicates names added since the 2001 transcription.
is the number of the online memorial on Find a Grave. To view online memorials, go to, click Search, enter the number from the FAG column in the Memorial # field, then press Enter.
ccupation of deceased
Birth Place:
Place of birth
Date of death
Cause of death
1 - Community Cemetery (Protestant, IOOF, Masonic)
2 - St. Dominic's (Originally St. Joseph's) Catholic Cemetery
3 - One or the other
4 - On the Iowa Hill Divide, possibly in a cemetery
5 - Unknown, probably in cemetery
6 - Chinese Cemetery
Age: Mil:
Indicates the person is a veteran of military service; details are in the Comments column.
* w/o = wife of
* s/o = son of
* d/o = daughter of

This table last updated: January 2, 2024 .


Name Marker New FAG Occupation Birth Place DOD Cause Cem Age Mil Comments
01 14
Updergraff, John Snieder       114142044 Miner PA 01/12/1858 Mine cave in 4 30   Washington Tunnel, Roach Hill, Single
Urban, J. T. "Tom"** * 91   89247232   NM 04/19/1979   1 73   Inscription "Tom"


Valleau, Timothy James   73 X 87207893   Sacramento CA 04/15/2007   1 61 X Army, Viet Nam; known as "Gabby", member of the Bad Company western acting group & ECV 3
Valliere, Jack "Oak"   75 X 109756055   Oakland CA 07/16/2010   1 65   Cenotaph; actual burial is in Newcastle
Van, Mitchell J.       114142046 Hotel/Saloon Prop. Germany 05/19/1855 Murdered 4 27   Stabbed by John Roberts, no relatives
VanDiver, John F. * 21   89247308 Miner GA 04/04/1882 Lung Congestion 1 60   "Cultured gentleman" Mason
Vanina, John E. * C33   73933868   Mexico 10/09/1980   2 89 X Army, WWI
VanVactor (Possibly T.C)       114142047     11/02/1867 Accident 3 66   Fell off bank of Jamison mine
VanVactor, Benjamin * 14   89248092 Child   08/26/1861   1 8mo   S/o Wm. & Elizabeth (age 17); stone in bad shape
Vickers, James       114142048 Farmer/miner TX 06/15/1870 Accident 3 66   Struck by timber at partner Kelly's Ranch in Damascus; highly esteemed


Ward, Lewis C. * 76   89248216   Arkansas 05/31/1965   1 78   Inscription "Pappy"
Warren, Benjamin       110472378 Miner/Merchant VA     1     Age 66 in 1870. Colored man.
Waters, James       114142050 Miner Wales 03/04/1880 Pneumonia 5 48   Widowed, resident Iowa Hill 1 yr.
Watts, Alvin J.   60   89248286   CA 070/8/1975   1 69 X Army, WWII; mined Strawberry Flat, logger; marker is approx. as exact grave location is unknown
Webster, Plummer * 10   89248366 Miner OH 02/07/1859 Mine explosion 1 30   S/o Eli & Mercy. Loved apples. I.O.O.F.
Weisler, Edward E.   2 2 89248440 Child   12/02/1875   1 9   S/o Wm. & Lizzie. B/o William H., Albert A.; marker is approximate as all that remaind was the "EEW" footstone and it had been moved
Weisler, William     X 136159817 Miner Germany 06/25/1890 Illness 1 64   F/o Edward "Eddie" & 2 others (a girl was born after his death); h/o Lizzie; IOOF
Wellman, John Jacob       114142052 Miner ME 06/12/1882   5 50   Died at Iowa Hill
Wettin, Fred * 54   89248496 Cowboy Germany 05/04/1973   1 77   Came to CA by railcar, belonged to I.W.W.
Wetzell, Joseph     X 117813744 Miner   05/01/1856   5     Died Iowa Hill; had various mining claims
Wheeler, Infant       110472522 Infant Iowa Hill CA 10/08/1859   1     S/o Morrison & Eliza Wheeler, Married 12/1856
Wheeler, Infant * 11   79386188 Infant daughter Iowa Hill CA 12/01/1858   1 1dy   D/o Morrison & Eliza
Wheeler, Leander L.       89248649 Butcher ME 11/30/1869 Accident/Shot 1 30   Shot by Eisler aiming at a bull. H/o Eliza (later married Gibson)
Wheeler, William F. * 9   79386125 Infant Iowa Hill CA 02/08/1861   1 4mo   S/o Morrison & Eliza
White, Jack   C X 129097264 Airfield Superintendent KS 09/19/1998 Cancer 1 76 X Cenotaph, ashes scattered from the Mineral Bar Bridge; served in the Korean War; Chairman of the Iowa Hill Telephone Committee
White, Joseph     X 120103115 Miner   07/24/1855   4 25   Died Roach Hill, immigrated to CA in 1847
Williams, Infant       114142053 Infant   01/27/1895   3     S/o of Mr. & Mrs. James Williams
Williams, Reuben W. * 25 X 79386247   ME 02/04/1882 Paralysis 1 32   Lived in area approx. 6 years, IOOF & Mason
Williamson, Donald Nels * 67   89248740   Oakland CA 12/18/1994 Car Accident 1 53    
Wilson, John     X 117814179     12/16/1877 Fall 5 35   Resident of Monona Flat, died in Michigan Bluff
Wilson, Theodore     X 120103246     12/06/1879   5     Member Rosy Crown Lodge, I.O.G.T
Wimbish, Milton       89248902 Teamster AL 09/10/1897 Wagon accident 1 25   Colored man, buried I.O.O.F.
Wing, Lock       111014972 Miner China 02/08/1899 Mine accident 6 45   Big Dipper reservoir burst
Wood, Ingrid Anne   85 X 25600758   Vallejo CA 11/30/2004 Pancreatic cancer 1 54   W/o Lee Wood, d/o Anna Plumb
Worley, Alfred     X 73925748   England 07/06/1895   1 72    
Worley, Antone F.       89249124 Miner France 09/18/1890 Quincy 1 50   Worley and Company Miners, died Prospect Hill.
Wright, Hanibel       114142054 Miner   02/14/1853 Bowel complaints 5     Sick 8 weeks
Wuagneux, Robert W. Jr.   80 X 132652167 General Construction CA 06/25/2014 Heart Disease 1 66    


Yonash, Esther Mary * 99   53884616   IA 10/03/1966   1 71    
Yonash, Frank * 103   53884832   Bohemia 12/04/1959   1 72   Inscription "Our Loved One"
Young, Catherine (Kati) * 40   79386320 Hotel Proprietress France 03/10/1901   1 78   W/o John Owned Starr Hotel
Young, John * 38   79386859 Hotel Proprietor France 09/20/1888   1 67   H/o Kati. Owner Starr Hotel I.O.O.F.
Young, Sarah E.       110473782     03/04/1865 Consumption 1     W/o O. H. Young; died on Wisconsin Hill


ZurMuehlen, Cordt Henry * 27   79388041 Ditch proprietor Germany 05/18/1894   1 76   H/o Meta Anna. 2 daughters
ZurMuehlen, Meta Anna * 27   79387349   Germany 05/08/1899 Natural Causes 1 82   Pioneer women arrived 1854


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