Obituaries - U

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Below you will find a complilation of obituaries gathered from various newspapers throughout Placer County. If YOU have an obituary for a Placer County resident and would like to addit to this collection, please contact the county coorinators.

Unknown names are in chronological order by date...

Roseville Tribune and Register, Friday, 4-25-1930
Mrs. Umphenour Dies After Long Illness

After a lingering illness of many months’ duration, Mrs. Emma J. Umphenour passed away yesterday at her home on the corner of Irene and Cherry avenues at the age of 57 years, 3 months and 9 days. She was born in Illinois in 1873. Although the deceased had lived in Roseville but little more than a year, she had endeared herself to a host of friends and especially among the young people. Her courage and fortitude in bearing her great suffering has been an inspiration to those with whom she came in contact. She possessed a remarkable personality and was loved for her beautiful Christian character. She is survived by two sons, Ralph of Roseville and Oris of Des Moines, Iowa, and by two brothers, C. W. Handley of Citrus Heights and F. M. Handley of Kansas. Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. Bronner at 2:30 o’clock Saturday at the Friends Church. Interment will be at Sylvan Cemetery.

Roseville Register, Thursday, 5-15-1919
Baby Ruth Umphrey

Six years ago, the 23rd of last October, Ruth came to brighten the home and gladden the hearts of her devoted parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Umphrey. In very early childhood she suffered an illness which brought her more closely under the tender care and attentions of loved ones. She was gaining in strength and gave every promise of perfect health until early in February, she suffered a severe attack of the dreaded influenza, which so weakened her constitution as to render her unable to overcome her ailments. She most patiently bore her heavy burden with cheerfulness to the end. She was naturally lovable and endeared herself to all those who knew her. She took much interest in the Sunday school and loved the children’s songs which afforded her so much comfort when the days were dark and the nights were long. Conscious until the very last, she breathed her life away as an evening prayer. In the cloud which has cast its unwelcome shadow across the tranquil path of life and rested heavily upon a happy home, we can only say our Heavenly Father knows. He who looks far down the widening road of life knows what is best for us, as well as her whom he has taken to be with Himself for evermore. The funeral services were held in the First Methodist Church Friday afternoon, and the following day the sorrowing parents, with her brother Clifford and sister Elizabeth, accompanied the remains to Alabama, their former home and the final resting place.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Friday, 9-20-1929
Unable to Identify Body at Dutch Flat

Unable to assert the identity of the man found dead on the Southern Pacific Company’s right of way near Dutch Flat September 16 by three deer hunters, a coroner’s jury summoned by C. B. Hislop brought in a verdict that death was caused by a gunshot wound inflicted with “suicidal intent.” George Hager, George Waite, and Edward Ramsey discovered the remains while on a hunting trip. Wallace Folsom, who investigated the matter for the sheriff’s office, asserted a hat purchased in Sacramento was worn by the man at the time of his death, but none of the other articles found with him gave any clues regarding his identify or the locality from which he came. Folsom estimated the man had been dead more than a month.

Placer Herald (Auburn), 2-26-1898
Coroner Mitchell Kept Busy

Last week Coroner Berry Mitchell was kept busy performing the last official rites over departed sons of Confucius. Saturday the body of the Chinaman who was drowned in the American River on the 23rd of last December was found near the Albrecht place. The inquest was held by Coroner Mitchell, and a verdict in accordance with the facts as stated was rendered. A short distance above Cisco last Sunday morning, a Chinaman was found dead in his seat in the west bound overland. The remains were taken off the train at Auburn and Tuesday, after the arrival of an agent of one of the Six Companies, the body was interred in the Chinese buying ground near here. Tuesday a Chinaman who boarded the train at Newcastle died between that place and Rocklin. The latter part of the week, a Chinaman died at Penryn, but as it was evident that death resulted from natural causes, he did not go to the expense of holding an inquest.

Placer Weekly Argus, Auburn, Saturday, 11-10-1877
Suicide - On Tuesday the body of an unknown man was found hanging to a tree about half a mile from Roseville near the picnic ground. Coroner Swett, upon being notified, went down to that place and held an inquest. The deceased was found suspended to the limb of a tree and almost entirely concealed from view by the overhanging branches. He was found accidentally by some parties who were hauling wood in the vicinity. It was in this way they discovered a bundle of clothing comprising the following articles neatly folded under a bush:  a black sack coat, a pair of white drawers, white under-shirt, and check over-shirt. A dog that was with them by scenting and running around a tree a few rods distant directed the attention of the men to the body. It was found to be that of a man, and it is thought he must have been 50 to 55 years of age. He had on a woolen shirt and a pair of overalls. The bones were denuded of the flesh, and it was the belief of the coroner’s jury that the body must have been hanging since the middle of September. Nothing was found upon his person excepting a couple of business cards—those of the International and Western hotels in Sacramento and what purported to be a recommendation written by one McCarthy recommending Mr. Hickey as a steady, industrious man or something to that effect. A verdict of suicide was rendered by the coroner’s jury.

Placer Weekly Argus, Auburn, Saturday, 6-9-1877

The body of an unknown man was found on the 4th instant on Canyon Creek near Dutch Flat. The man had red hair, was about 6 feet in height, and was well dressed. In one of his pockets there was found a pair of spectacles, $5.45 in silver, and a pocket-book containing a receipt for transportation endorsed M. or W. Clements, dated Peoria, Ill., Nov. 13, 1875, and signed by C. R. Williams, agent.