Obituaries - H

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Below you will find a complilation of obituaries gathered from various newspapers throughout Placer County. If YOU have an obituary for a Placer County resident and would like to addit to this collection, please contact the county coorinators.

Placer Herald (Auburn), Saturday, 8-10-1901

While attending to business at his store Saturday evening last, Harry Haack was overcome and fell to the floor. He was carried to his room at the Lautenslager residence. Dr. Rooney and Johnny Walsh were in attendance, but he never regained consciousness and died within an hour. His temperature ran up to 110, and he was literally burning up. Deceased came to Auburn some years ago from East Oakland, suffering from hemorrhages. The climate here was favorable to his condition, and he gradually grew better. He had been ailing for a few days prior to death, however, and it is thought the heat was too much for him. He was a member of Evening Star Lodge IOOF of East Oakland and of the Rebekahs at Fruitvale. The funeral was held under the auspices of the local lodge of Odd Fellows Monday morning with F. S. Stevens, John Abram, O. E. Thomas, C. A. Johnson, J. Fulton, and W. A. Shepard as pall bearers. Deceased had no relatives in this country. He was a native of Germany, aged 42 years.

Placer Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 1-15-1930
Former Rocklin Postmaster Found Dead Saturday

Joseph M. Hackett, well-known retired S. P. telegrapher, was found dead at his home here Sunday morning by friends who were in the habit of assisting him. Dressed only in his night clothes, he had fallen, striking his head against a box, cutting a deep gash in the back of the head and ear. Mr. Hackett was a native of Altoona, Pennsylvania, and would have been 67 years of age yesterday. He came to California at the age of 16 years and worked as telegrapher in Sacramento, later coming to Rocklin where he had resided for about forty-eight years. He was pensioned in 1913, after which he became postmaster, serving for 16 years without the loss of a single day. Last June he resigned this position on account of ill health. He is survived by one brother, James B. Hackett of Altoona, Pennsylvania. A brother, Don Z. Hackett, railroad engineer, was killed in a wreck near Colfax some 30 years ago. A sister, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Gerber, passed away a few years ago at Fair Oaks. A nephew, Geo. C. Truman, resides in Sacramento. The remains are to be cremated and interred in the Rocklin IOOF Cemetery.

Placer Weekly Argus, Auburn, Saturday, 1-4-1879

Died - At Iowa Hill, December 19th, Mrs. Chester Hackett, a native of New York, aged 63 years. Mrs. Hackett came to California in 1855, joining her husband at Iowa Hill and from that time till her death she occupied the same old home. The deceased was a very amiable woman of strong religious convictions, and her life was a beautiful illustration of Christian principle, being foremost, at all seasons and with a total denial of self in works of charity wherever sickness or human suffering called her. The funeral was the largest ever known at Iowa Hill. We understood that blood poisoning caused by erysipelas, very rapid in its growth, was the immediate cause of her death.

Lincoln News-Messenger, 5-8-1914

With representatives in full uniform, about thirty in number, of the Auburn and Marysville Knights Templar commanderies as escorts of honor, the remains of the late John Haenny, pioneer Placer County resident and one of Lincoln’s most esteemed citizens for nearly half a century, were laid to rest with full Masonic honors last Sunday afternoon in the Odd Fellows Cemetery. The ceremonies were conducted in a most eloquent and impressive manner by H. P. Jansen, Worshipful Master of Gold Hill Lodge, F&AM, and there were many visiting brethren from neighboring towns who participated in the solemn obsequies. Rev. John Brereton officiated briefly, and a choir composed of members of the Rebekahs and Eastern Star sang softly. The members of the Odd Fellows, Eastern Star, and Rebekahs, of whom the deceased was an active member, attended in a body. It was one of the largest funerals in Lincoln’s history and strongly testified the great esteem and respect in which the deceased was held. There were many beautiful floral offerings.

Roseville Register, Friday, 9-27-1912
J. L. Hagerty Fatally Injured

The second fatal accident within the last week occurred on last Monday when J. L. Hagerty was knocked off a box car and fatally injured. This makes two within the last week. Hagerty was not a regular switchman but working as a brakeman out of Roseville, but on Sunday night he was called to go on the switching crew as they were short handed. He was riding a string of cars, and it seems that his lantern in some manner became extinguished, and he was unable to signal the engineer to stop before bumping into other cars on the track which threw him off the car beneath the wheels, and the wheels passed over both legs between the knees and hips. He was rushed to the emergency hospital where Dr. Woodbridge attended him but expressed little hope of his recovery as his legs were so badly mangled. It was about 3 o’clock when the accident occurred, and No. 23 was held about 20 minutes until the injured man could be put aboard, accompanied by the nurse and Fred Cornish, and taken to the railroad hospital at Sacramento where he died about 8 o’clock. He gave his age as 27, and his folks live at Tipton, Iowa. He was a member of the B of RT, No. 58, at Lincoln, Nebraska, which lodge was notified of the accident. His effects were taken in charge by J. R. Tully, secretary of the lodge at this place.

Placer Tribune and Register, Friday, 2-14-1930
Meningitis Fatal to Will Haggman, Rocklin Boy, 23

William Haggman, 23, died early Wednesday morning at the Sacramento hospital from spinal meningitis. Haggman, who has been employed in the local yard office of the Southern Pacific, was taken sick Saturday and removed to the hospital Sunday. He died shortly after midnight Wednesday morning. Because of the nature of the illness, all funeral arrangements have been private. The body was taken in charge by the Hislop Undertaking Parlor at Auburn. Young Haggman was a native of Rocklin and made his home there with his mother and a brother and sister. He attended the Roseville high school and for the last two years played on the Rocklin ball team in the Placer-Nevada League. He leaves his mother, Mrs. Ella Haggman, sister Mary and brother Alex, an employee of the Roseville branch Bank of Italy. Funeral services were held over the grave yesterday afternoon at 1 o’clock, the body having been interred earlier in the day. Numerous large, floral pieces marked the funeral. Members of the yard crew of the Southern Pacific and PFE Brotherhood of Railway Clerks, Rocklin ball players, and pals of the dead youth sent wreaths.

Roseville Press-Tribune, Wednesday, 11-5-1952
Funeral Today For Schellhous Descendant

Funeral services for Mrs. Annie May Haines, 81-year-old daughter of the pioneer Schellhous family which settled in the Dry Creek area in 1852, will be conducted at 2 o’clock this afternoon in Lambert Funeral Home. Burial will be in Roseville District Cemetery. Mrs. Haines died Sunday morning on the Dry Creek ranch where she was born. She was the youngest daughter in the family of 13 children of Martin and Carolyn Schellhous, who came across country from Michigan in 1852 to be one of the early pioneering families to settle in this area. Early in life Mrs. Haines was a teacher. She instructed pupils in Roseville’s first schoolhouse and later held other teaching positions in California. She married James Haines of Applegate, and they went to Australia for seven years where they homesteaded a ranch. When they returned to this country, they settled on a portion of the old family property in Dry Creek where she remained the rest of her life. In recent years, Mrs. Haines lived with her brother Earl Schellhous, now the last of the 13 children. Survivors, in addition to her brother Earl, are eight nieces, Florence Sawtell, Ellen Schellhous, Ruth Clark, and Bessie Moeller, all of Roseville; Mabel Scott of Citrus Heights; Annie Van Vliet and Dorothy Winter, both of Sacramento; and Nina Leicher of South San Francisco; and four nephews, Carl Sawtell and Herbert Schellhous, both of Roseville; Lyle Schellhous of Rio Linda; and Marvin Schellhous of Pleasant Grove.

Roseville Press-Tribune, Monday, 8-15-1966
Mrs. Hakl, Life-Long Resident, Dies at 81

Sarah Jane Hakl, born in Roseville 81 years ago and a life-long resident here, died August 13 in the Roseville Hospital. Her home was at 210 Fern Street. Mrs. Hakl was the daughter of Thomas E. Johnston and Jane Straugh. Her maternal grandfather came from Germany during the gold rush days and settled in the Elverta-Reigo area, becoming a rancher there. Her father, Thomas Johnston, was born in Sutter’s Fort. He became a butcher, having a slaughter house in Reigo and hauling meat by horse and buggy into Sacramento. Mrs. Hakl was the widow of the late Stanley C. Hakl, who died in 1957. He had owned and operated a machine shop located in the former Maurice Mahan garage where the Roseville post office now stands. When the post office was built on the site, he moved the machine shop to Clinton and Fern where he operated it until his death. Eight children survive:  Nathanial E. Rogers of Roseville; Quentin W. Rogers, Eugene, OR; Wesley B. Rogers, Concord; Ellery R. Rogers, Roseville; Garnett F. Rogers, Santa Rosa; Gladys M. Painter, Roseville; Marchetta Drive, Sacramento; and Freda Bohn, also of Roseville. There are 14 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; a brother, Robert Johnston, Sacramento; and three sisters, Violette Bodman, Los Angeles; Maggie Goold, Pleasant Grove; and Gertrude Fraizer, Arroya Grande. Funeral services will be Wednesday at 2 PM in the Lambert Funeral Home, 400 Douglas Blvd., with Elder J. W. Scott officiating. Cremation will be at East Lawn, Sacramento.

Placer Weekly Argus (Auburn), Saturday, 1-16-1875

Sudden Death - Coroner Swett was called to Newcastle on Tuesday to hold an inquest on the body of a man who died there very suddenly on Monday morning. The deceased, whose name was George Hale, had but recently come to the state and had been employed a short time in the quarries at Penryn. On Sunday he and two companions came to Newcastle where they spent the evening drinking wine at Charles Gould’s wine-cellar. When night came, one of the party went home but Hale and the other man, having probably imbibed freely, decided to remain. There was no place for them to sleep except in the barn, and there, with little or no bedding, they passed the night. When daylight came, Hale was found to be suffering with a severe chill and unable to help himself. He was removed to the house, and an effort made to alleviate his condition. After being by the fire a few minutes, he began sinking and thinking that the heated air of the room was the cause, he was carried out on the porch where the fresh air could revive him. Instead, however, he rapidly grew worse and in a few minutes was dead. The coroner was called and not being able to satisfy himself as to the cause of death, a post mortem was ordered. Drs. Frey and Deuel made an examination and arrived at the conclusion that his death was caused by congestion of the lungs, super induced by exposure to the weather and a low vital condition. The deceased was about forty-five years of age and from papers found in his possession, it appears that he had a wife in Chicago. He had the reputation of being a sober and industrious man and from the fact that he was not in the habit of drinking, it is probable that the wine he took affected him more seriously than he looked for, and by reducing his vitality, left him a ready prey to the attack of disease.

Auburn Journal, Tuesday, 7-17-1917
Halestead Dies from Hemorrhage at Towle

Coroner Hislop was called to Towle yesterday afternoon to take charge of the body of Emile Theodore Halestead, who died there from the effects of a hemorrhage of the lungs during the night of July 15. The man arrived at Towle for a two months’ health rest but had been there only two days when death overtook him. The deceased was a native of Norway. He was 48 years of age at the time of his death. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Hanna Bjerka of 530 M Street, Sacramento. He is also survived by a brother, Charles Halestead, whose address is at present unknown.

Sacramento Bee, Tuesday, 9-11-1906
Edward Masser Hall, Pioneer Banker, Dies

AUBURN (Placer Co.), September 11—Edward Masser Hall, a pioneer citizen who came to California in 1849 by the Horn route, died in this city yesterday morning of heart trouble at the ripe old age of nearly 80 years. Mr. Hall was one of the first bankers here in the early gold days and was associated with W. H. Hubbard. Of the early pioneers who accompanied him on his memorable trip around Cape Horn, he was one of the only two survivors of the ship that brought them here, the remaining one being John Boggs of Newcastle, at one time Sheriff of Placer County and now Postmaster at that place. Mr. Hall moved to Oakland many years ago, but ill-health compelled him to make frequent long visits to Auburn. A wife and grown son and daughter survive him. The remains were taken to Oakland for interment.

Placer Herald (Auburn), 4-20-1861

On last Friday night, a man named James Hall was killed by one Owens in the vicinity of Gold Hill. The men had been partners in wood chopping and were living in the same cabin; but having several difficulties, they separated and it is said that Hall had threatened the life of Owens. On the night in question, Hall went to the cabin and with threats demanded admittance – this was denied by Owens. Hall then attempted to break in, when Owens fired through the door at him, and then opened the door and attacked him with the butt of his gun, breaking his skull and killing him in a few minutes. Owens then went to Gold Hill where he informed several persons of what had transpired. On the following day, he came to Auburn and surrendered himself. He was subsequently examined and discharged – as from all the circumstances he appeared to have acted in self defense. Hall was sent to the State Prison from this county several years ago for grand larceny, from whence he returned but a few months ago.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 11-6-1929
Lincoln Woman Dies

Funeral services will be held from the Mehl & Hislop Funeral Home at Auburn at 2 o’clock today for Mrs. Jessie Hall, 37, who died Monday at her home at Lincoln. Burial will be in the Auburn Cemetery. Besides her husband, she leaves her mother, Mrs. Stella Swesey; two sisters, Mrs. John Moore and Mrs. Thelma Jameson; and a brother, Everett Swesey, all of Placer County.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Friday, 11-8-1929
Buried at Auburn

Burial services were held at Auburn Wednesday for Mrs. Jessie Hall, 37, well-known Placer County woman who died at her home in Lincoln Monday. She was a native of Rocklin. Mrs. Hall is survived by her mother, Mrs. Estelle Swesey of Auburn; two sisters, Mrs. Ralph Jameson of Lincoln and Mrs. Jack Moore of Sacramento; and a brother, Everett Swesey, also of Sacramento.

Colfax Sentinel, Friday, 9-15-1893
A Beloved and Respected Citizen of Towles Dies of His Injuries

Henry B. Halsey died on last Sunday morning after suffering intensely for over a week. On Saturday, the 2nd instant, the engine on which he was engineer on Towles Narrow Gauge Railroad, while running to a forest fire, was thrown from the track. As the engine was going at full speed, it turned so suddenly that he could not escape. As it turned, a tool chest fell upon him, holding him in the cab longer than otherwise he should have remained, and in falling, the chest struck the steam gauge, breaking it off, and thus letting the steam into the cab. Before he extracted himself from the cab, his back, arms, breast, and face were severely scalded. Although his wounds were immediately dressed at the camp and he was immediately brought to his home at Towles where Dr. Martin was awaiting him, although he received constant and the best of care, on Sunday morning he succumbed to the dreadful injuries. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon, the services being held at the residence, and the body being interred in the Masonic Cemetery at Dutch Flat. Although the day was very stormy, the funeral was largely attended. The deceased leaves a father, H. H. Halsey, a sister, Miss Fannie Halsey, and a brother, Will Halsey, to mourn the loss of a noble brother, a fine, thoughtful son. Besides these there are many relatives of the family who will mourn the loss of such a pure and noble life. Everyone who knew him will think of his death as untimely and a loss to the community not to be repaired. Henry B. Halsey was born in Dutch Flat, October 2, 1867. From his very childhood he had the love and respect of everyone who knew him. Modest and retiring, but good natured, kind and affectionate, he won the hearts of everyone as a boy and retained them as a man. After leaving school at Dutch Flat, he worked as a fireman on Towles Road for some time and afterward left for a like position on the Southern Pacific. About three years ago, he was appointed engineer on one of Towles Bros.’ engines which position he filled up to the time of the accident. He was always industrious and faithful to duty and seemed to have a great fondness for engineering. Henry Halsey was one of those young men who attracted little attention by reason of his modest, retiring nature and his disposition to attend to his own affairs. His genial, kind, sensible turn of mind attracted those who knew him with an affection that could not be severed. His manly thoughtfulness, his devotion to his family, his industry and attention to duty won him the regard of all. Two and a half years ago, his mother died, and Henry keenly felt her loss and ever since he has seemed of a more retiring disposition than before and seemed ever thoughtful of her memory.                In his death, the community loses one of its most promising, useful young citizens; one such as it cannot afford to lose. In his death, a large number of relatives lose one of the best and kindest natures that they have ever known. To his family, a devoted son, a kind, affectionate, noble brother, their loss can never be repaired, his place can never be filled. Many are the friends who grieve at his sudden departure from this life, just in the beginning of manhood. Many hearts go out in sympathy for those heart-broken ones who have lost a dear brother and son. And all believe if there be any reward for a kind, unselfish, noble life, Henry Halsey will receive it.

“And then, who o’er thy dear one’s bier.
Doth shed the bitter drops like rain,
Hope that a brighter, happier sphere,
Will give him to thy arms again.”

Roseville Press-Tribune, Friday, 8-12-1966
One of City’s Oldest Pioneers Dies at 81

Mrs. Mabel Elizabeth Haman, 81, a native of Roseville and a life-long resident, died August 11 in Wheeler, Oregon, while on a vacation. Mrs. Haman had been a teacher in the first to third grades of the Roseville schools for 46 years prior to her retirement. She was the third generation of school teachers, her mother and grandmother both having taught school lhere. She was the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Fiddyment. Her father had come to Roseville in 1853 with his mother, a widow who bought land west and north of Roseville for $1 per acre, and maintained it as a ranch for many years. The elder Mrs. Fiddyment donated the land for the Pleasant Grove School, built the building herself, and was its first teacher. Walter Fiddyment married Ella Bond of Elk Grove, also a teacher. Two of their daughters, Mabel Elizabeth Haman and Marjorie Chilton, became teachers, and the third, Mrs. Florence Henion, is a music teacher. Mabel Elizabeth was chosen a festival queen in Roseville about 1906. She was married to George Haman, who died in 1926. She was a life-long member of the Roseville Presbyterian Church and donated one of the windows of the church in memory of her father, a charter member of the church. She was a member of the Roseville Women’s Improvement Club, of the Roseville Better Gardens Club, the Placer County Historical Society, and the Retired Teachers Association. She is survived by her sisters, Marjorie E. Chilton and Florence Henion; two sisters-in-law, Cora Fiddyment and Alice Haman; nephews Frank Chilton, Walter, John F., David F. and Russell F. Fiddyment; and two nieces, Patricia Martyr and Cora Lee Corin, all of Roseville. Funeral services will be Monday, August 15, at 2 PM in the Lambert Funeral Home, 400 Douglas Blvd., with the Rev. Eugene Barnard of the Presbyterian Church officiating. Burial will be in the Roseville Cemetery.

Roseville Register, Friday, 7-25-1913
Mrs. Wm. Haman Died Monday - Highly Respected Roseville Woman Succumbed to Incurable Disease

Mrs. William Haman, one of the most highly respected women of Roseville, died Monday afternoon shortly after five o’clock. She had been in very poor health for several months and underwent an operation about five months ago in the hope that her health would be restored. The operation was only partially successful, however, and her death was not a surprise to those who were familiar with her case. Mrs. Haman was nearly 49 years of age, and her maiden name was Susan Ann Vettel. She was born at Nord, Butte County. She was married to William Haman 15 years ago and leaves one child, a boy ten years old. Mrs. Haman has resided in Roseville for about eight years and has made a large number of strong friends by her kindness and many lovable qualities. Her husband is a prominent man locally and is chairman of the board of supervisors. Besides her husband and child, Mrs. Haman leaves two brothers, Frank and George Vettel. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from the Presbyterian Church and was largely attended. The business houses were closed during the funeral as a mark of respect. In the death of Mrs. Haman the community has lost a most estimable woman, and her husband has the sympathy of the community in his bereavement.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 6-6-1928

In the death of Mrs. Eugenia Hamilton which occurred Friday, June 1 at the Sutter Hospital in Sacramento, Roseville lost one of its most beloved citizens. The whole community was deeply grieved and shocked at her passing away at the early age of 41 years. She was ill in the hospital a month. Mrs. Hamilton was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Langston and the wife of Fred Hamilton, trainmaster of the Southern Pacific Company. She was born in Rome, Georgia, and with her parents moved to Birmingham, Alabama, at the age of 13. It was there she met her future husband, to whom she was married when 18 on the 21st birthday of Mr. Hamilton. They were married by Rev. Brown of the Presbyterian Church of Birmingham, who is still occupying the same pulpit, and Mrs. Hamilton’s mother, Mrs. Langston, heard him preach during her visit south last winter. Mr. and Mrs. Langston, having moved to Roseville soon after their daughter’s marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton followed to make their home here on May 1, 1917. The Hamiltons had no children of their own, but there was scarcely a time during their twenty-two years of marriage when they were not helping to raise some child. Their nephew, Leroy Fleming, made his home with them from the time he was a mere boy until his own marriage, and during the past three years since the death of her brother, A. C. Langston, they have had in their home his daughter, Evelyn Irene, while her own mother was employed in Oakland. Mrs. Hamilton leaves her grief-stricken husband, Fred; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Langston; three brothers, Walter, Joe, and Mack; her nephew, Leroy Fleming; and several other nieces and nephews to mourn her loss. Her brother, A. C. Langston, buried in Sacramento, and several sisters and brothers buried in Georgia, preceded her to the grave. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the Broyer & Magner parlors. Rev. Walter F. Griff of the First Baptist Church of Roseville preached the sermon, and several hymns were rendered by a quartette composed of Mrs. B. C. Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rees, and Wesley Rees. Mrs. Knapp sang a beautiful solo. At the grave in the Sylvan Cemetery, services were conducted by the Golden Poppy Lodge of the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. Members of Rose Camp of Royal Neighbors attended in a body. Mrs. Hamilton was also a member of Lolomi Council of Pocahontas. For the first time in the history of the Roseville yards, all business was suspended for thirty minutes during the funeral services. Masses of beautiful flowers testified to the love and esteem in which the deceased was held by her friends, and a large pillow of beautiful flowers was sent by the fellow employees of the Southern Pacific Company.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 8-29-1928
Funeral Services for Rocklin Babe Held Here Last Sunday

Funeral services were held from the Broyer-Magner Chapel Sunday, August 26th, for Olive May Hamilton, twenty-one months old baby of William and Thelma Hamilton. Rev. Paul B. Franklin of the Glad Tidings Tabernacle conducted the services. Interment was in the Sylvan Cemetery, and a large concourse of relatives and friends of the parents followed the remains to the grave. The little girl passed away at the Sisters Hospital in Sacramento on August 24th.

Roseville Register, Friday, 9-20-1918

Thomas Benton Hamlin was born at St. Joseph, Missouri, April 30, 1844, and departed this life at Roseville, September 13, 1918, being 74 years, 4 months and 17 days old. In 1864 he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Orr, this union being blessed with four children, three of whom survive. He lived for a time in Kansas, coming to California in 1900 to make his home, and here he soon built up a large circle of friends. He was a devout church member and always stood ready to do a good deed. Of a strong positive nature he always courted danger and scorned the impossible. Though he had not been in the best of health of late, he had continued his accustomed tasks until less than a week before the messenger of death issued the final summons. To this eventful hour he had looked forward with resignation and hope. Besides a sorrowing widow; a son, Thomas J. Hamlin of this city; two daughters, Mrs. Rosa Hewitt of this city and Mrs. Elta Whitney of Willits, he leaves 14 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren, his eldest grandson, Frank Hamlin Whitney, being with the colors in France.

Roseville Register, Friday, 12-5-1913
Respected Woman Died This Week

Mrs. Margaret E. Hammill, a well-known resident of Roseville who has been suffering for some time with an incurable disease, died in Roseville Tuesday night. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Father McNaboe, and the Pythian Sisters, of which she was an esteemed member, had charge of the services at the grave. Mrs. Hammill was born in Pine Grove near Loomis and lived for some time in Auburn. She was 53 years old when she died and is survived by her husband and one son, John Hammill. She also has two sisters and a brother living, one of her sisters, Mrs. John Curran, living in Roseville at the present time. Mrs. Hammill was a highly respected woman, and she had considerable fame as a florist, her skill in growing beautiful flowers having won the recognition of many experts. The community will miss her, and the husband and son have the sympathy of all.

Roseville Register, Friday, 9-22-1911
Sudden Death of Carl Haney

Carl Haney fell dead on a stair way in the Hotel Barker last Friday morning about 12:20 AM. He was going upstairs to wake a lady who was going out on No. 16. R. H. Elser heard him fall on the stairs and came out to see what was the matter. He found Carl lying head upward about halfway down the stairs. He called a companion and they took Carl to the bottom of the stairs and summoned Dr. Wheeler, who pronounced him dead and attributed his death to epilepsy. Coroner Bisbee came down on the Colfax local, and a coroner’s jury rendered a verdict accordingly. The deceased came to Roseville about three years ago and worked as a partner with J. H. Flynn at painting for some time. He has been in charge of the wholesale liquor store of C. H. Barker for the last year and a half. He was quiet, courteous, and accommodating, and had many warm friends among those who knew him. Very little was known of his past. He was about 40 years old and a native of St. Louis, MO. He had been married, but whether his wife still lives is not known. His letters gave very little information, and it is not known whether he has a living relative. He was buried in the IOOF Cemetery Saturday afternoon from W. H. Harmer’s undertaking parlors, Rev. Linn officiating, and a number of friends followed his remains to the grave.

Roseville Register, Thursday, 10-11-1917
Pioneer Citizen Suddenly Passes to Last Rest

Fire Chief G. M. Hanisch died at a Sacramento hospital Saturday morning after a short illness and while undergoing an operation. G. M. Hanisch came to this county in 1867 and followed the contracting and plumbing business for many years. He was for many terms Chief of the Roseville Volunteer Fire Department in which he took a deep interest. Nothing that he could do to protect the community from the devastation by fire did he leave undone, and his untiring efforts in behalf of adequate fire protection resulted in a good fire department. The firemen always responded to every call to duty, and he had the respect of every member. Principally as a result of his agitation, the city just lately acquired a fine new fire truck. The lamentable thing about which is that the old Fire Chief never had an opportunity to make a run with it. He was president of the Roseville Telephone Company and was the man who was instrumental in giving to Roseville a good telephone system. In every movement for the betterment of the public, Mr. Hanisch was always found at the front doing his best to see that public improvements be made. He was one of Roseville’s leading citizens, and in his passing away the community loses one of its most stalwart citizens and the family a kind and devoted father. He leaves to mourn his death eight children:Walter, head of the Telephone Company; Frank, now with the United States Army; Emery, Oscar; Mrs. Alice Taylor; Mrs. James Engvall; Mrs. J. D. Bollinger; and Miss Emily, all of Roseville; his brothers, A. A. and Louis Hanisch; and his sisters, Mesdames M. Gattman of Chicago and Emma Clausensous of Pine Grande; and five grandchildren. The funeral was held Monday at 2:30 PM. The services were held at the Guy West parlors, and Rev. Mee of the Methodist Church officiated. The funeral procession was a long one and was headed by the firemen who marched behind the new fire truck. All of the pioneers of this section and many citizens who knew his worth followed the remains to their last resting place in the IOOF Cemetery where he was laid to rest in the family plot. Gottlieb M. Hanisch was born in Austria in 1844 and passed from this life Oct. 6 at the ripe old age of 73 years. When six years old, he left the land of his birth and came to California, remaining for some 17 years in San Francisco where he attended school and acquired a trade. In 1861 he located in Roseville which has since been his home. He had built up a splendid business in this city. His beloved wife passed away nearly 17 years ago, leaving him to rear a family of eight children, which he did so well that they are all highly respected citizens of this community. In his passing, one of the early pioneers of the community has gone. He will be missed from the counsel of men, and the public, when new things are to be done, will miss him from their midst. To the bereaved, The Register unhesitatingly extends the heartfelt sympathy of the community, consoling them with the thought that the splendid work accomplished by this sturdy and true citizen will be a source of gratification to them in days to come, and that the work he so well performed here will be rewarded by Him who seeth all things and rewarded the just and faithful. Frank Hanisch, Liberty Boy, came down from American Lake to his father’s funeral but owing to his inability to get a furlough quickly, he reached here a day late. He will return to his duties some time this week. Frank looks nifty in his uniform and has already won promotion to a sargeantship.

Auburn Journal, Thursday, 6-6-1968
Local Youth Is Killed in Vietnam

Private First Class Thomas James Harbour, 20, the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Harbour of Auburn, was killed in action Sunday in Vietnam, according to notification received from a US Army spokesman. The youth was serving with the 101st Airborne Division at the time of his death. Funeral services will be scheduled after further information has been furnished by the military. Harbour was graduated from Placer High School in 1965 and attended Sierra College for two years. He had been employed by the Edgwood Supply Company for four years as a part-time worker while attending school and later on a full-time basis. He had played six years in the Auburn Little League and Auburn Babe Ruth League. Survivors include, besides his parents:  five brothers, William C Moore of Vallejo, Vester D. Moore of the Marine Corps, John A. Moore of the US Navy, and George F. Moore and John D. Harbour, both of Auburn; three sisters, Mrs. Iva M. Close of Milpitas, Nadril I. Moore and Elizabeth J. Harbour, both of Auburn; and a nephew, Lloyd Close. Harbour had been in the service since August 4, 1967. After training at Ft. Lewis, WA, he was assigned to Vietnam where he had been on duty for about three months.

Roseville Register, Thursday, 1-1-1920

Mrs. Sopronia Harmon was born in Indiana in 1855 and passed to her eternal home in Roseville, December 26, 1919, at the age of 64 years, 5 months and 29 days. Her girlhood days were spent in her native state where she acquired her education and grew to young womanhood. She later moved with her parents to Michigan where she was united in marriage with Alonzo Harmon. To them three children were born, two having preceded her to the great beyond. Early in their married life, this devoted couple came to California, settling in Vacaville which was their home until nine years ago when she was bereft of her companion. Since then, she had made her home for the most part here with her daughter, whose tender ministrations and constant companionship were of unfailing comfort throughout the past two years of confinement and five years of poor health. She was of a sunny nature and loved the association of people, while her friends were always enriched by her presence. Her thrift and industry were assets observed by all, while her love of good reading made her an example of culture and refinement toward which others were induced to aspire. In all of her busy life, she found time to cultivate to a marked degree those Christian graces cherished by every great soul. So deeply were these rooted that when overtaken with failing health, she confidentially looked to the "Giver of every good and perfect gift" in whom she found the peace that passes all understanding. To do His will was her supreme ambition, and as she realized the end was approaching, she was fully resigned and longed for her release from this tenement of clay as she beheld the mansion prepared on high. Of the nine brothers and sisters, she was the fifth to answer her Master’s summons, there remaining one brother, William Rosetter of Roseville, Asher and Lorenze, and sister, Mrs. Lovisa Sheldon, all of Michigan. She also leaves to bless her sainted memory one daughter, Mrs. Fred Calligan of Roseville, and one grandchild, Irma. In her passing, a loving mother, a devout Christian, and esteemed citizen will be greatly missed. Her battles over, the victory won, she rests from life’s toil in the safe keeping of her Lord and Master. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the West Parlors, Rev. Thomas E. Mee preached the sermon, and the attendance was large while the floral offerings were many and beautiful.

Sacramento Union, May 07, 1913

In Lincoln (Placer Co.), May 3, 1913, Mrs. Rebecca Frances Harper, a native of Missouri, aged 70 years.

Auburn Journal, Thursday, 10-26-1950
Auburn Youth Killed in Korea War

Lester M. Harries of Auburn was notified last Friday of the death of his son, Pfc. Clifford Ronald Harries, in Korea on September 22. Harries had been serving in Korea for about a month. Word of his death came in a telegram from the Secretary of the Army, which was relayed through the office of Sheriff E. J. Kenison. No details were given. Harries was 21 years old, a native of Omaha, Nebraska. He had been a resident of Auburn since 1939. He graduated from Auburn Union Grammar School and Placer Union High School. He had been employed at Montgomery Wards, the Auburn Fruit Exchange, and Cal-Ida Lumber Company. He was a member of the local National Guard Company until he volunteered for enlistment in the army in September 1948. He was inducted at Fort Ord, where he took his infantry training, and then transferred to Puerto Rico. He was home last January, due to the death of his mother, and returned home again for a short visit before he left for Korea in August. Memorial services were held for the deceased in the Rocklin Community Church on October 22. In addition to his father, Harries is survived by two sisters, Wilma Maye Harries and Jessie Georgia Harries, both of Auburn; and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fitch, also of this city.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 12-14-1927
Host of Friends Saddened by Death of Dr. E. R. Harris – Suddenly Stricken Here Friday and Expires in Hospital Saturday

A shroud of gloom unveiled the city and surrounding community last Saturday by the death of Dr. Earl Robert Harris, well known and beloved Roseville dentist. Suddenly stricken while at work in his operating room last Friday, he was immediately rushed by his physician, Dr. R. H. Eveleth, to the Sutter Hospital in Sacramento where he expired on Saturday. Dr. Harris had not been in the best of health for a year. He took a several weeks’ rest from his calling some months ago. He was apparently greatly benefited thereby and resumed his practice. Dr. Harris was born in Nicolaus, December 31, 1886, and was thus 39 years, 11 months and 10 days of age when called by death. He graduated from the Physicians’ and Surgeons’ Dental College in San Francisco and was for a year thereafter an instructor in that institution. He came to Roseville about twelve years ago to engage in the practice of his profession. He was a very lovable man; one whose clean life and unquestioned integrity won the admiration of an entire community. His close attention to his profession and exceptional ability were characteristics which won the respect of his professional and business associates, and for his gentle and sympathetic nature and personality which was so pronounced in the practice of his profession, he became greatly beloved by all who came under his care. In his passing, Roseville has indeed lost a valued citizen and a real man. Dr. Harris is survived by his widow, Mrs. Jessie M. Harris, with whom he was united in marriage after becoming established in his profession here. He was of an intensely home-loving nature and built a beautiful home on Encinal Avenue. He is also survived by two brothers, E. Harris and Dr. G. N. Harris of Bellingham, Washington. Fraternally Dr. Harris was a member of Roseville Lodge, No. 222, Free and Accepted Masons, being raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason on April 30, 1919; a member of Roseville Lodge, No. 203, Independent Order of Odd Fellows and of the Scottish Rite bodies of Sacramento. Funeral services for Dr. Harris were held in Sacramento at 2:30 o’clock Tuesday afternoon, and were conducted by the Roseville Masonic Lodge, Past Master William H. Murray officiating as worshipful master. Burial was in Odd Fellows Lawn Cemetery in Sacramento.

Roseville Register, Thursday, 8-3-1911
Death of Elmer Harris from Peculiar Cause

Elmer Harris died in Lincoln on Monday, July 31st, aged 27 years and 29 days, after a lingering illness which has extended over a period of about 14 months. When first taken ill some 14 months ago, it was thought to be a case of malaria, but Dr. Ashby diagnosed the case and pronounced it enlargement of the spleen, and after a trip to Richardson Springs and trying several local remedies, Elmer was taken to the German hospital in San Francisco where all the means known to medical science were brought to bear upon his case, but without avail, and he returned to his mother’s home in Lincoln a few months ago and in spite of the best medical aid that could be procured, he passed away. He has been in the employ of W. G. Hampbill as foreman of the Roseville Water Company the greater part of the past five years, and up to the time of his sickness was as hale and robust a specimen of manhood as could be found in the country. Mr. Hampbill has taken great interest in the case throughout and has used every means in his power and has spared no expense in trying to get relief and a cure for Mr. Harris. All efforts were unavailing, however, and he has gone to the great beyond. Elmer Harris was born and raised in Placer County. He was married about three years ago to Lulu Mourrier, and they have resided in this town most of the time. He was related to several prominent families in this section, and his mother is a resident of Lincoln and he died at her home there. He was a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles and was buried at Lincoln yesterday afternoon under the auspices of Roseville Aerie No. 1582, of which he was a member. A large number of Eagles went up from here to attend the ceremony. Drs. Ashby and Woodbridge performed an autopsy on his body yesterday morning, according to his request, and they found that the spleen was greatly enlarged, weighing 10 pounds. It had absorbed the blood of the liver, heart, and intestines, and those organs were shrunken out of shape. The autopsy confirmed Dr. Ashby’s first diagnosis. The case was a most rare and peculiar one and baffled the most skillful physicians. In the death of Elmer Harris, a useful citizen, a kind husband, and a dutiful son has been removed, and many true friends mourn his loss. The Register extends sympathy to the bereaved and regrets his death.

Roseville Press-Tribune, Thursday, 5-25-1967
Killed in Vietnam – Burial Set Friday for Jack Harris

A Roseville soldier came home from the battlefields of Vietnam late yesterday afternoon. The body of Sgt. Jack Marston Harris, killed in action May 15, was accompanied to Roseville by a military escort, Sgt. Allen Rawson of the Presidio, San Francisco, and reached here at six o’clock Wednesday. The fallen soldier will lie in state at the Cochrane’s Chapel of the Roses, 103 Lincoln St., until funeral services tomorrow at 10 AM. The Rev. Boyd Stockdale of the First Presbyterian Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Roseville Cemetery. Ray McGrath and Arthur Hecox, representing Roseville veterans’ organization, will fold the flag as the final ritual. Sergeant Harris, 21, a native of Roseville, was graduated from Roseville High School and attended Sierra College, being active in athletics in both schools. He was an Eagle Scout, a member of Troop No. 14, Boy Scouts of America; Explorer Post No. 11; Order of the Arrow, and was a staff member at Camp Pahatsi. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Donegan, Roseville, and Charles R. Harris, Sr. of North Highlands; two brothers, Charles R. Harris, Jr., and Neal Harris, North Highlands; two sisters, Barbara Donegan, Roseville, and Kristi Harris, North Highlands; and grandparents, Mrs. Hila Harris, Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Meyers, Roseville. Remembrances may be made to the Tahoe Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, and will be accepted at Cochrane’s Chapel of the Roses.

Roseville Tribune and Enterprise, Wednesday, 2-27-1929

Norma A. Harris, one in a large family was born in Sacramento, July 30, 1883, and passed from this life at the Sutter Hospital in the same city, February 19, 1929, after an extended illness which took an acute turn a few days before her departure. Accompanying her parents to Placer County, she had lived the greater portion of her life in Roseville where she had made many friends, being a member of the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Fraternal Order of Eagles. She was united in marriage with J. E. Harris of Roseville, of whom she was bereft on October 14, 1924. Since then she had continued to reside with her family on Oak Street where as a neighbor and friend she was ever found ready to assist in doing for others. Industrious, kind, and sympathetic, her constant aim was to provide liberally for the happiness of others even beyond her strength. In this endeavor she was cordially supported by each member of the family in which the common bonds of kindred interests were strengthened by the devotion of all. A loveable sister and sacrificial mother, she enjoyed the confidence of those who knew her and will be greatly missed as she labored in the noonday of her busy life when called from its exacting duties. Her resignation to the will of her heavenly Father was calm as it was sincere amid the prevailing facts so little understood by mankind but which may be some day in the better land. Those who suffer the severe loss are two sons, Joseph E. and Glenn E. Harris, and one daughter, Dolly J. Harris of Roseville, also the following brothers and sisters, Thomas O. Pangborn and Wayne R. Pangborn of Roseville and Earnest R. Pangborn of Lindsay; Mrs. Minnie M. Sparks of Lindsay and Mrs. Bertha Rich of Roseville. Five sisters, Alice Hazel, Winnefred, Pearl, and Mildred had preceded her as did her mother and father more than fifteen years ago. Many loyal friends join in tender sympathy with those whose loss few can reckon. The largely attended funeral services were held from the chapel of Broyer & Magner Thursday afternoon. Rev. Thomas H. Mee officiating, and Mrs. D. W. Parker, Mrs. M. C. Heitt, Mrs. B. C. Knapp, Mrs. P. W. Dornfeld accompanied by Mrs. A. S. Teal sang “My Faith Looks Up to Thee,” What a Friends We Have in Jesus,” and “Jesus Savior Pilot Me.” The pall bearers were H. C. Ellenberger, George Cirby, H. T. Miller, P. E. Picci, J. E. Beckwith, and J. E. Falltrick. The interment was in the family plot in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Roseville where the friends from far and near placed many floral tributes of loving remembrance.

Roseville Register, Friday, 8-27-1915
Survivor of Merimac Dies

Michael Hart, a survivor of the battle between the Merimac and Monitor of Civil War history, and also a man-o-war with Admiral Schley’s fleet at Santiago in the Spanish-American War, died at Rocklin Saturday at the age of 68. He leaves a sister, Mrs. John Lonergan, to mourn his death. Mr. Hart, because of his experience in the two wars, was a man with whom it was a delight to carry on a conversation about the war. He was well educated and knew the history of the American navy as if he had written the book.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 2-8-1928
Free From Suffering

Little Helen Louise Havens, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Havens of 650 Atlantic Street, departed this life of sorrow and suffering January 31, 1928. Her stay was short but loveable and made inroads into our hearts that time cannot remove. She was sick for several months and bore her suffering patiently. All loving hands could do was to no avail. She leaves a father, mother, one sister, a grandmother, grandfather, an aunt and uncle, besides a host of sorrowing friends to mourn her loss. She was 1 year, 11 months, and 4 days old. After funeral services, held by Elder Ben W. Brock, Wednesday afternoon February 1st from the chapel of Broyer & Magner, the little one was quietly laid to rest in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Roseville to await the coming of our Lord.

Lincoln News-Messenger, Wednesday, 8-22-1917
Civil War Veteran Passes On

Following a paralytic stroke some time ago which made him an invalid, John Hawk died at his home in Mt. Vernon on August 18. Funeral services were held in Lincoln on Monday under the auspices of Valley Lodge, No. 107, IOOF, of which the deceased was an old member. John Hawk was born in Pennsylvania and was 74 years, 3 months and 19 days old. He served all through the Civil War and had an enviable record for services rendered in defense of the Union. He came to Placer County in 1875 and had made his home here ever since. He served with great credit to himself as a member of the Board of Supervisors of Placer County, and was a man who always identified himself with any enterprise or movement for the advancement and improvement of the county and community in which he lived. John Hawk was honest and true, a good citizen in every sense of the word, a most indulgent husband and father, a kindly, genial, industrious, and faithful man with hosts of friends and no enemies of whom we ever heard. During his long illness he was calm and resigned, and the wave that bore him away was “as the tide that moving seems asleep - no moaning on the bar” - may that rest be complete. Deceased is survived by his wife; one daughter, Mrs. George D. Williamson of Lincoln; and one son, Earl Hawk. Another son died a few years ago.

Roseville Register, Thursday, 8-23-1917
Former Supervisor of Placer County Dies

AUBURN, Aug. 20 - John Hawk, former supervisor of Placer County and prominent Odd Fellow, died at his home in the Ophir district, and the funeral was held Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock at Lincoln with services under auspices of the Odd Fellows. Deceased was a past deputy grand master of the Odd Fellows and was a member of the Newcastle lodge. He is survived by his wife and a son.

Sacramento Union, 8-6-1913
In Roseville (Placer Co.), August 2, 1913, Archie Hawkins, a native of California, aged 34 years.

Roseville Register, Friday, 8-8-1913
Death Occurs in Roseville

A. Hawkins, an old-time railroad man who was quite well known here, was brought down from Truckee suffering from typhoid fever a week ago, and he died Saturday morning. He was a member of the Masonic order, and the funeral was held here Tuesday under the auspices of that order. Mr. Hawkins was well known and liked by the trainmen of the Sacramento division. He was a fireman on the division for a number of years. He was aged 33 years.

Sacramento Daily Union, 08-20-1855

In Auburn, Aug. 13th, of inflammation of the brain, Hiram Randall, eldest son of Hiram R. Hawkins, aged 2 years, 7 months and 21 days.

Roseville Register, Friday, 5-15-1914
Doctor Hawver of Auburn Dies Very Suddenly

Word has just been received that Dr. J. C. Hawver, the well-known dentist, died suddenly at his home in Auburn this afternoon at about 2 PM. The cause of the sudden demise has not been learned; he had only been ill since early this morning.

Roseville Register, Friday, 8-8-1913

Another death which occurred last week was that of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hazeltine, who died Tuesday and was buried Friday. The child was only a little over a month old.

Placer Weekly Argus, Auburn, Saturday, 9-28-1878
The Valley of the Shadow

The grim reaper has been busy with his sickle hereabouts during the past week. First, we have to record the death of Moses Heald, an aged and highly respected citizen of this county in which he has resided since 1854. He was a man respected by all who knew him, being intelligent, honest, and affable. He was a native of Massachusetts, unmarried, and 65 years of age. With the exception of one brother, T. A. Heald, who is in business in San Francisco, his relatives are all in Massachusetts. He was buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery at Roseville last Sunday.

[Submitter’s note:  Second and third paragraphs are transcribed elsewhere.]

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 8-21-1929
Robert Hector Buried Saturday at Auburn

Funeral services were held at Auburn Saturday afternoon for Robert Hector, 80 years old, who died at his home there Thursday. Interment was at Auburn Cemetery. Mr. Hector was a pioneer of Sacramento and Placer counties. He was the father of Dr. Robert Hector of Berkeley, Mrs. R. L. Hollingsworth of Sacramento, and Mrs. W. G. Hemphill of Roseville.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 9-8-1926
Body of Former Roseville Lad Recovered Sunday

The body of Robert Waldo Hedden, 6-year-old Rio Vista boy, formerly of Roseville, who met his death by drowning in the Sacramento River on August 19, was recovered on Sunday at the lower end of Grand Island, three miles north of the spot where the lad fell into the water. With his sister, Wanda Hedden, the boy was swimming in the river opposite Rio Vista, when he was seized with cramps. The girl said that as he was drowning, he shouted to her: “Kiss mamma good-bye.” The youth was the son of Robert and Ruby Hedden, proprietors of the Eagle Café at Rio Vista. The body was seen floating in the water by F. N. Davis, Route 1, Rio Vista, who was looking for a place to fish. It was taken in charge by Coroner John T. Skelton.

Roseville Register, Thursday, 10-14-1915
Rocklin Man Commits Suicide

Jacob Heino, a stonecutter, was found dead in his cabin at Rocklin Monday morning. The cause of death was two shots through the left breast, one piercing the heart. Heino had been to the Exposition and had been on a protracted spree, and on returning to Rocklin found that the law relative to habitual drunkards had been invoked and he was on the “blacklist” at all of the thirst emporiums. This so nettled the old man that he told friends he was going to take his own life, which he did. A neighboring lady heard three shots Sunday evening, but she did not give an alarm but investigated in the morning and found the man dead. Heino fired three shots, but only two took effect, the third being imbedded in the wall. One shot went through his heart and the other to the right of it. Death must have followed immediately after the shot entered the heart. Jacob Heino was a native of Finland and a stonecutter by trade and was, at the time of his death, a member in good standing of the Rocklin lodge of the Stonecutters Union. He was buried by the union, interment being made in the Rocklin Cemetery. The services were held in the Finnish Temperance Hall this afternoon.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Friday, 7-26-1929
William T. Hellar, 80, Summoned at Oakland

Following an illness of three or four months, the end came for William T. Hellar, aged about 80 years, Thursday morning at an Oakland sanitarium. His sons and daughters, Martin C. of Roseville, Lloyd, Grace and Mary of Oakland, have been constantly at his bedside until the end. Funeral services will be held Saturday in Oakland and will be attended by many of his near relatives from Roseville and vicinity. The remains will be cremated and taken to Visalia for interment beside the body of his wife. Mr. Hellar, with his wife and family, lived for several years in Roseville, later moving to Visalia where Mrs. Hellar passed away several years ago. Since then he has made his home with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. Hellar, near Roseville. When taken ill he was removed to a sanitarium in Oakland where everything possible was done for him. The deceased leaves four children living:  Martin C. and Lloyd Hellar, Mrs. Grace Thompson and Mrs. Mary Burke; and grandchildren, Clark and Martin C. Hellar Jr., and Melvyn, Guerdon and Bordette Thompson. A brother, Samuel W. Hellar of Hyanpon, Plumas County; sisters, Mrs. Annie C. King, Mrs. M. A. Kreuger and Mrs. Nora I. Haines, all of Roseville; and a large number of nieces and nephews and grandnieces and grandnephews also survive him. Mr. Hellar was born in Alameda County, the son of Thomas and Eliza Hellar, pioneers of that locality, near Hayward. During the residence here of the deceased, he gained a host of friends, being highly respected in the community. His long and useful life has come to a close.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 8-7-1929
In Memoriam

William T. Hellar passed away in an Oakland Sanitarium July 25, 1929, after suffering for about four months. Episcopal services were held at Grant D. Miller undertaking parlors July 27, where many relatives and old-time friends gathered to pay their last tribute of respect with their presence and beautiful floral offerings to the departed loved one and friend. The deceased was born in Petersburg, Virginia, December 14, 1849, and came to California in 1859 with his parents, the late Thomas and Eliza Knock Hellar, and one sister and three brothers. They came by way of New York and Panama on the steamers Northern Light and Orizba. His parents purchased 403 acres of farming land near Hayward in Alameda County and named it Hope Ranch. There, nestling among the foothills in a beautiful home supplied with all the luxuries of a prosperous country farm, amidst happiness with devoted Christian parents, William grew to young manhood with four brothers and four sisters. He was educated in the Hayward schools and was successful as scene artist, in carriage painting, and in paperhanging. At Hayward in 1873, he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Ann McCray of Visalia and lived in a home built for his bride on a portion of the Hellar ranch. Of that union, seven children were born—Mrs. Grace Thompson of Oakland, Martin C. Hellar of Roseville, Mrs. William Burke and Lloyd Hellar of Oakland, and the late Ralph, Willie and Johnnie Hellar. In 1876 William with his family accompanied his parents and their family to Kansas, near Wichita, where they took up claims on the fertile prairie land in Sumner County, raising corn, melons, yams, and vegetables, besides hogs, geese, ducks, and chickens, selling eggs by the peck and bushel. They also engaged in the artificial stone business with success. There were 32 people by the name of Hellar, all relatives, living in the southern part of Kansas at the same time. About 1881 the two families returned to California, the parents going to their old home near Hayward, which they had rented for four years, and William Hellar working at his trade again in Hayward, later going to Visalia where they owned a fine fruit ranch and where most of their lives were spent. Since the death of his wife in 1923, Mr. Hellar has resided most of the time with his son, M. C. Hellar. Beside his children left to mourn his loss and five grandchildren, Melvyn, Guirdon and Burdette Thompson and Clark and M. C. Hellar Jr.; a brother, S. W. Hellar in Trinity County, and sisters, Mrs. Annie C. King, Mrs. M. A. Kreiger, Mrs. Nora I. Haines, and a half-sister, Mrs. W. H. Seaver, all of Roseville; besides 17 nieces and nephews and 16 grand-nephews and nieces. The following lines will often occur in the memories of his children:

The years of his life were only four score
When the messenger whispered low,
"The Master has come and calleth for thee".
He answered, "I’m ready to go".
We gaze alone on his portrait tonight,
And more than ever we love him,
And we thank the Lord that he gave to us
Such a good, old-fashioned father.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 12-19-1928
Walter F. Hembree Died in Sacramento Saturday

Walter F. Hembree died Saturday, December 15th, at the Sacramento Hospital from the effects of a ruptured appendix. While he had been ailing for some time, he did not consult a physician in time to have the operation soon enough. His sudden death came as a great shock to his neighbors and friends. He was 37 years of age and a native of Arkansas. Funeral services were held at the Glad Tidings Tabernacle on Tuesday afternoon. The deceased leaves to mourn his loss his wife, Pearl, and five children, Orvis, Floyd, Shelton, Melbourne, and Doris. For several years, Hembree conducted Hembree’s Auto Top Repair Shop on Second Street. He left Roseville for a while, but last spring he and the family returned and took over the business again.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Friday, 12-21-1928
Walter F. Hembree Funeral Services Were Held Tuesday

Largely attended funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon at the chapel of Broyer & Magner for Walter F. Hembree, who passed away on Saturday, December 15, 1928, in the Sacramento Hospital. Rev. Paul B. Franklin was the officiating clergyman. The choir, consisting of Mrs. E. Coon, Mrs. A. H. S. Boese, and Mrs. S. B. Matthews, sang “I Would Change My Cross for a Starry Crown.” Pastor Franklin, in speaking of the deceased, said that he was born in Washington County, Arkansas, July 24, 1891. He was united in marriage with the companion of his years in 1914. They came to California in 1916 and resided in Roseville the past eight years, with the exception of several months’ sojourn in their native state. In his splendid life and helpfulness to others, he won a host of friends. Pastor Franklin said:

“The departed had on the Sunday previous to his death reconsecrated his life, and during his brief illness he constantly spoke of his faith in God and his readiness to face death. He was a loving, kind husband, and the home conditions were ideal. As a father his life was given to the great task of inspiring his children to seek to reach the heights of character. In his last hours he spoke to his boys, beseeching them to become real and vital Christians and to be ready to meet him if God should call him home. During his sickness he craved the water which because of the nature of his illness had to be denied him. Turning to his pastor, he said, ‘If I cannot drink this water I will, if God calls me, drink the everlasting water in heaven’.”

The minister emphasized the text, “Watch, be ye ready.” Brother Hembree was prepared and has gone to be with his Heavenly Father. Rev. and Mrs. Franklin sang a duet, setting forth the wonders and splendors of heaven. Interment was in the Sylvan Cemetery where the pastor conducted a brief service. Those who are left to mourn are the loving and devoted wife, four sons and one daughter, Orvis, Floyd, Shelton, Melbourne, and Doris. Mr. Hembree became ill on Monday, December 9, but did not think it necessary to call a physician. He grew worse and a physician was called on Wednesday, and upon his advice the patient was immediately rushed to a Sacramento hospital. On Friday he underwent an operation for appendicitis. It was then thought that he would recover, but his friends were shocked to learn that he passed away on Sunday, December 16, shortly afternoon.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Friday, 2-24-1927

William J. Hembree was born June 14, 1854, and died January 25, 1927, his age being 72 years, 7 months and 11 days. He had spent most of his boyhood days in the states of Tennessee and Ohio. In 1880 he was married to Herriet Clevenger, who, however, preceded him in death in June 1905. In 1909 he was married again to Mrs. Amanda Saunders. He leaves to mourn their loss, Mrs. Hembree, his wife, two brothers, three sisters, and one son. Some years ago, he was converted and consequently haptised. For many years he had been an ardent student of the Bible, which proved to be a great blessing to him in the days of his afflictions. It was his great delight to quote scripture texts in the presence of his visitors. That seemed to be his steady conversation, and even when reason at last had failed him, he was heard talking of or relating some Bible incidents. He bore his affliction with great patience, being wonderfully sustained by the Lord. Whenever he was rational, he prayed. Every possible aid and care had been bestowed upon him by his faithful wife, who heroically performed every known duty with loving hands. His son and his wife have stayed up with him for many a night and have rendered assistance in many other ways. Good friends and neighbors also came in and manifested their love in many ways and deeds of kindness. We have every reason to believe that the departed has gone home to be with the Lord. May the Lord grant us all to die the death of the righteous and be eternally reunited again around the great white throne, is our prayer. Amen! – Karl Glesser, Pastor of the Church of God. Funeral services were held on Thursday in the chapel of Broyer & Mahner and were conducted by his pastor. Interment was in the Sylvan Cemetery.  [Roseville Tribune and Register, Friday, 2-24-1927]

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 3-9-1927

On March 3, 1927, the life journey of Mrs. Eliza Maria Hemphill, beloved wife of the late Alexander Hemphill, came to a peaceful close as she was tenderly cared for by her only son, Wallace Hemphill of Roseville, Placer County, California. Born in Burlington, Iowa, in 1855, she came to California upon the completion of her liberal education, making her home with her esteemed uncle, Hon. Jacob-Neff, Lieut. Governor of this state. In 1875 she was united in marriage with Mr. Hemphill at Dutch Flat, a year later taking up their residence in Lincoln, where for many years he was engaged in banking and agriculture. This devoted couple moved to San Francisco in 1907. In 1921 she was bereft of her companion who had passed the ninety-second milestone. Since then she has spent considerable time in Roseville where she enjoyed many loyal friendships, and where she added much to the happiness of other lives, as she did wherever she went. While at Lincoln, she had always been an earnest member of the Methodist Church, and even with her advancing years she derived much benefit from her regular attendance of the ministry of Dr. Gordon, whose leadership in San Francisco she greatly strengthened by her devotion to the high ideals of Christian service. Her love of home, her charitable ministrations we well as her unfailing civic contributions to the common welfare exemplified the splendid attainments of character and unselfish sacrificial life. Those who knew her best marked the reflection of a beautiful life refined by experiences in reaching over more than seven decades. As a neighbor and sister beloved, it was ever her joy to lend a helping hand that often lightened the burden and cheered the discouraged. Having cheered many along life’s pathway, she continued to hold the happy assurance of peace and trust in her Lord and Master, and after an illness reaching over several months she bore testimony that she was ready to enter into her final rest. In doing so she bids farewell to the things that pass away, and confesses her unfaltering faith in the word of God that abides forever. The funeral services were held from the beautiful Columebarium of the East Lawn in Sacramento, Rev. Thomas H. Mee of Roseville officiating, music being furnished by Sacramento in a manner most befitting the memory of one highly esteemed by a large circle of friends.

Newcastle News, Wednesday, 12-4-1918
Phillip Henny, Nephew of John Henny, Fatally Shot by Playmate at Auburn

Phillip Henny, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Henny of this city, was accidentally shot by a playmate, Sidney Watts, Saturday forenoon and died of the injury and consequent operation Monday. The shot took effect in his leg, tearing out a portion of the bone, and it was necessary to amputate the leg near the body. The loss of blood and the shock proved too much for even the robust boy, and he passed away in spite of all that could be done for him. The two boys were on a hunting trip at the edge of town, and the Watts boy brought his shotgun around to fire at a bird. It was exploded accidentally just as it pointed at his companion. The Henny boy took the matter bravely, but it was half an hour after the shooting that he was placed in the county hospital where it was expected Dr. J. Gordon Mackay could most quickly be located, and the doctors began working on him. Withal, he kept his nerve remarkably well, and when his father, summoned from Towle, arrived, he proudly told of how brave he had been. The father made one of the fastest journeys between Towle and Auburn that has ever been made over that highway. The funeral of the boy was held today, and a great load of flowers was sent to the home of his parents by the many friends of the deceased and of the family. The desk of the lad in the eighth grade room of the Auburn Grammar School has been decorated with flowers this week by his playmates. Phillip was a promising youngster, a very matter-of-fact boy, and was well liked by his elders as well as by his playmates. He was 13 years and 5 months of age and a native of this community.

Placer Weekly Argus, Auburn, Saturday, 12-7-1878

Died - At Sacramento, December 1st, 1878, John Henry, aged 55 years. Deceased came to his death by a fall from a threshing machine. His remains were taken for interment to Forest Hill in this county, where he formerly lived, much respected by all who knew him. The funeral was largely attended.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Friday, 4-15-1927
Mrs. Rachel Hereford Dies at Lincoln Wednesday; Funeral Will Be Held Today

Mrs. Rachel Hereford of Lincoln died Wednesday morning at seven o’clock after a critical illness of several weeks which was brought on by an accident caused when Mrs. Hereford slipped and broke her leg while planting some shrubs in her garden. A paralysis followed the breaking of the bone, and Mrs. Hereford has been a great sufferer ever since until her death. Mrs. Hereford has lived for more than forty years in the Lincoln district and raised a large family of whom three sons and five daughters survive, her husband having passed away previously. She was seventy-three years of age when she died. Funeral services will be held in Lincoln at 10:00 AM Friday, and the burial will be in the Manzanita Cemetery near Lincoln. Her sons Ed Hereford and family from Richmond, Will Hereford and family from Alameda, George Hereford and family from Roseville, and daughters Mrs. Robert Sidell, husband and family, Mrs. Fosst, husband and family from Sacramento, and Minnie Hereford of Lincoln, were all at her bedside when she passed away and will attend the funeral.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Friday, 4-20-1928
Obituary – John Hermanson

Was born in Unatamala, Ylistaro, Finland, December 12, 1856, and passed away April 13, 1928. He was united in marriage with Mary Haani in 1880. To this union were born nine children, only one of whom survive. He came to America in 1883 and two years later was joined by his wife in Wyoming. From there they moved to Utah and then to Montana. In 1920 they came to California and located near Roseville where they have since lived. He was a member of the Lutheran Church. For nearly fifty years, he and his companion trod life’s pathway, shared its joys, sorrows, and hardships. Three months from the day Grandma Hermanson was laid to rest, Grandpa’s earthly remains were laid by her side. The loved ones ministered to his needs, Grandpa grieved to the last for the companionship of his departed wife. He leaves a son Walter, daughter-in-law Mary, a grandson Archie, and many friends to mourn his loss. “Together they walked life’s pathway, To share life’s joys or to weep. Now that life’s pathway is ended, In death side by side they sleep.” Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Leroy Thornburg, and interment was in the Sylvan Cemetery.

Placer County Republican (Auburn), Friday, 1-5-1894
Suicide of Adam Herold

News reached this city on Saturday last of the suicide in San Francisco on the preceding afternoon of the Hon. Adam Herold, formerly State Treasurer and for the past few years one of Placer’s prominent citizens. The rash act is said to have been committed in a fit of despondency occasioned by financial reverses and political disappointment. Mr. Herold went to San Francisco from his home at Lincoln on the day before Christmas, and a day or two later his son, Adam Herold, Jr., who had rooms at the Golden West Hotel, went to Lincoln to spend a few days at home, the father in the meanwhile occupying the son’s rooms at the hotel. At about 11 o’clock on Friday morning last, the chambermaid knocked at his door, intending to enter and clean up the room. Herold answered the summons but sent the girl away, saying he would call her when he wanted his room cleaned. At about 5 o’clock, a boy was sent to look in the room through the transom. He saw Herold lying face downward by the washstand, but he could not see from his position just what caused the attitude. When the door was opened, it was seen at once to be a case of suicide. Herold was hanging from the faucet of the washstand by a silk scarf. His face was not more than a foot from the floor and, had he been so disposed, he could have easily supported himself on his hands. The body was immediately detached from the faucet and removed to the morgue. It is supposed that heavy losses in recent investments and the failure to procure the appointment as Superintendent of the Mint led to the suicide. He is said to have worked very hard for the appointment and when another was chosen for the position, he felt the blow keenly. His son Adam is a teacher of drawing in the Lincoln School at San Francisco, and a grown daughter is a resident of Newcastle. The family home is at Lincoln. Deceased was a native of Bavaria where he was born in 1842. He left Germany in 1869 and came directly to California where he settled in Santa Clara County. While there, he went into business as a brewer. He was proprietor of the Gilroy Brewery when he was nominated in 1886 for State Treasurer. He was elected by a good majority and filled his position with credit. Since the expiration of his term as State Treasurer, he has been a resident of Lincoln in this county.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Friday, 9-23-1927
John C. Herter Funeral Held Here Last Friday

Under the auspices of the Roseville lodge of Loyal Order of Moose, funeral services were held here last Friday afternoon in the chapel of Broyer & Magner for John C. Herter. Interment was in the Sylvan Cemetery. Herter was a native of Switzerland, aged 63 years. He had been a resident of Roseville for many years. He was employed by the Pacific Fruit Express Co. He died in the S. P. Hospital in San Francisco, Tuesday, September 13. Mr. Herter is survived by his widow, Mrs. Louise Herter of 232 Earl Avenue.

Placer Weekly Argus, Auburn, Saturday, 7-6-1878
Dutch Flat Items

On Monday evening J. O. Higbee of this town dropped dead on the sidewalk in front of his store. On being raised by friends who ran to his assistance on seeing him fall, he only gave two heavy gasps and expired. The post-mortem held by Drs. Martin and Wilson disclosed aneurism of the heart to be the cause of his death. The aorta, or big artery of the heart, burst and flooded it with blood. Mr. Higbee was an old resident of Dutch Flat, having settled here in ’54 or ’55. The deceased was advanced in life, being stated to be 68 years of age. From letters left by deceased, it is found that he has relatives in Ohio, to whom the news has been telegraphed. The deceased was also supposed to have a niece residing in San Francisco or San Jose.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 9-5-1928
George W. High Called by Death at the Age of 71

After an illness extending over nearly twenty years, George W. High, a resident of Roseville since 1910, passed from this life at Auburn, California, Saturday, September 1, at the age of 71 years, 3 months, and 7 days. As a native of Woodland, California, he had attended school there and grew to young manhood. For five years he had lived in Arizona and Texas; returning to California, he had resided in Marysville for some time, but with failing health, he had traveled extensively throughout the United States. He was very well informed, being a great reader and student of human affairs. During his constant and intense suffering, he found comfort and diversion in wholesome literature, his example being an inspiration to others with less affliction to endure. His marriage with Miss Emma Maude Stork of El Paso, Texas, October 23, 1886, was blessed with one son, George W. High, Jr. of Roseville, besides whom he leaves one grandchildren, one brother, John Weaver of Woodland, and two sisters, Mrs. J. B. Deeds of Sebastopol and Mrs. Mary Miller of Winters. With these many friends join in kindly regard for one whose lot seemed unequal. As a tiller of the soil, he had been industrious while health was his, and later lent himself to such pursuits as his declining strength would permit. Possessed of courage, patience, and a splendid physique, he long withstood the storm and stress incident to his affliction. The termination of his earthly career came, therefore, as a grand release of a devoted husband, a loving brother and father whose many attributes made him a friend to man. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon from the chapel of Broyer & Magner, conducted by Rev. T. H. Mee, and Mrs. B. C. Knapp, Mrs. A. S. Teal, and Miss Mary Pasold sang “Rock of Ages” and The beautiful River.” The pallbearers were M. E. Reed, Joseph Guiodoth, Luther Coillett, J. G. Welch, Hector Lestello, and M. P. Ellerson. The interment was in the family plot in the Odd Fellows Cemetery where his companion was laid to rest in 1918, and where relatives and friends presented beautiful floral offerings that represented their love and esteem for one who endeavor was to help others.

Roseville Register, Thursday, 6-17-1909
Death of Supervisor Hill

Edward Eugene Hill, supervisor from this district and one of Lincoln’s foremost citizens, died last Wednesday night after a long and painful illness. Mr. Hill had been in poor health for the past two years, but his determined and cheerful spirit constantly asserted itself and he did not become bedridden until a few weeks ago. He suffered from a complication of diseases, but an acute stomach affection seemed to be the immediate cause of death, which was expected as his life was despaired of nearly a week ago. Deceased was born in New York 57 years ago and had been a resident of Lincoln for over 25 years. When he first came to Lincoln, it was in the employ of the railroad company as a section foreman, subsequently engaging in the livery and undertaking business, which the firm of Hill & Hughes conducted until last September when they sold out to become the owners of the Palace Meat Market, now known as the Hill & Hughes Market. Mr. Hill served the people of Lincoln as constable for two terms and was thrice elected marshal and tax collector of Lincoln. At the time of his death, he was serving his second term as supervisor from this district. During his first term, he was chairman of the board. In the death of Mr. Hill, Lincoln and western Placer have suffered an almost irreparable loss. He at all times zealously safeguarded the interests of his district and was recognized as one of the ablest and most influential supervisors Placer County ever had. He was a man of splendid business acumen, sound in judgment, loyal to his friends, broad-gauged, upright, and fair in both his private and public career. Mr. Hill is survived by his wife and a number of relatives in this state and in the east. The funeral was held in Lincoln Friday afternoon at 1 o’clock. Interment Manzanita Grove. A large number of friends from Roseville went up to the funeral.

Roseville Register, Friday, 5-17-1912

On last Saturday afternoon, Herbert Hill of this place, while riding on a logging train on one of the short lines of the Diamond Match Company, was crushed by a derailed car and received injuries which resulted in his death on Monday night as he was about to undergo an operation which was the only hope of his recovery. George Herbert Hill was born in Roseville December 21, 1882, and died in Stirling City May 13, 1912. He leaves to mourn his loss a widow, Lulu Fisher Hill, a mother, Mrs. Cassie Hill, a brother, Forest C. Hill of Sacramento, three sisters, Mrs. Maud [illegible] of Berkeley, Mrs. Maybel Winters and Mrs. Myrtle Aiston of San Francisco, two grandparents, and four aunts. Besides his relatives, he leaves many friends who deeply feel his untimely death. He was a man who was well liked by all who knew him. The sympathy of the entire community is with the bereaved friends and relatives. The funeral services were conducted from the local undertaking parlors Wednesday afternoon. The Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen attended in a body and conducted a short ceremony at the grave. The Rebekahs, of whom the widow is a member, were present to bear up their bereaved sister with their characteristic sympathy, and marched to the grave in a body. Music was rendered by a select quartet, and Rev. O. L. Linn officiated. The large bank of flowers from the various orders and friends of the deceased was another indication of the esteem in which he was held.

Roseville Register, Friday, 5-24-1912
Particulars of Herbert Hill’s Death

EDITOR REGISTER:--It may interest the many friends of Herbert Hill to know the particulars of his death, and I write them to you. He went to the Butte County Railroad to take a position about two weeks ago. He had worked five days as brakeman. He was coming down from the woods with a train of logs, riding in between the cars, presumably sitting on or near a brake. The third car ahead of him jumped the track, piling up the cars, and the ends of the logs crushed him against the brake staff, crushing his hip bones together and badly breaking the bones, the sharp ends of which cut and mutilated his intestines and other organs. At the time of the accident, he was laid aside as dead, but after some time began to moan and was picked up and taken to the company hospital at Stirling City. The accident happened late Saturday afternoon, and his unusually rugged constitution kept him alive until 6 PM Monday after intense suffering. His wife reached him Sunday morning, in time to be with him during his last few hours. Herbert realized his end was near Monday afternoon and gave instructions as to the funeral, and a Presbyterian minister was called in and gave spiritual comfort.

Herbert expected to go to work permanently on the electric line from Sacramento to Woodland about July 1st and had gone to the Butte County line to put in the time until the electric line began operations. He had worked about 12 years on the Southern Pacific and after getting injured, spoke with considerable feeling that he could serve a big road so long without accident and get killed after only five days on a small road. He was born at Roseville December 21, 1882. He was a member of the B. of R. T. and was buried under their auspices. The order sent a representative, J. J. Cox, to Chico to assist the relatives in getting the body back to Roseville for interment. [signed] F. C. Hill, Sacramento, May 16, 1912

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 8-4-1926
Roseville Loses One of Its Most Valuable Men in the Death of John A. Hill, Which Occurred in Oakland, July 30th

In the passing of John A. Hill, one of the most highly respected and best-loved citizens of Placer County has been called from an active life during which many were blessed by his beneficent and kindly nature. Born near Roseville, November 23, 1856, he was approaching the three score and ten years allotted to man at the time of his death in Berkeley, July 30, 1926, where he had accompanied his devoted companion a few days previous for a short vacation. In the all-wise plan of the Infinite, this worthy son of the plains and lover of the mountains was to take his departure from the city overlooking the Golden Gate where he was wont to briefly rest prior to his journey beyond the shores of time. Few men have lived longer in Placer County, where practically his entire useful life was spent. Here he had been closely identified with many of the enterprises that have meant much to the growth and happiness of the community that appreciated his wise judgment and willing service. On July 17, 1897, he was united in marriage with Miss Mary E. Tifft of Yuba County. To this happy union two daughters were born, Mrs. Julia E. Aitken and Miss Gertrude Hill, who, with his bereaved widow and one brother, Walter F. Fiddyment of Roseville, and one sister, Mrs. Nattie Finney of Concord, remain. Two brothers and one sister had preceded him to the eternal life as have many of his comrades in various walks of life. While countless attributes of sterling worth were present in his business pursuits and public service rendered, it was his home that highest development of a noble character was manifested in a manner that will live through the years. Patient, devoted, and loving, he ever sought the welfare of those about him while his philanthropic impulses led him to deal generously with every needy cause. Courteous, kind, and sociable, he had the rare faculty of making friends whom he regarded as the choicest assets of his altruistic life. He was an honored member of the Masonic fraternity, having joined at Lincoln and became a charter member in Roseville, where he also was an active member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows for nearly forty-seven years, being in the rank of the Commandery. In these associations, his untiring energies were freely bestowed in the spirit of a brother beloved. He also served faithfully as school and city trustee and was a member of the troop committee of the Boy Scouts since the organization of Troop One more than six years ago, ever proving himself a true friend of the boys, as he was of everyone who came within the influence of his attractive personality. For many years, he was a successful farmer and only recently sold his large holdings. He had been identified with the Roseville Banking Company from its founding, first as a director and then as president for several years, until December, 1925, when it was merged with the Liberty Bank. It was in this capacity that he assisted materially in the building of homes and establishing business enterprises, thus encouraging thrift and self-reliance. His deep appreciation of religious education was evident in his generous support of the local churches and in his endowment of the College of the Pacific at Stockton. Many are the hearts that have been made glad by his thoughtful attention and willing sacrifices of time and talents. The benediction of his gracious spirit will long abide as the crowning virtue of a well-spent life, filled with good works that were his joy and his crown. The funeral services, which were very largely attended by friends from far and near, were held from his late residence on Jones Street, Rev. Thomas H. Mee assisting the Odd Fellows and the Masons who conferred the highest honors of their respective fraternities. The choir, composed of W. G. Rees, F. E. Herr, Mrs. Annie C. King, Mrs. D. W. Parker, Mrs. J. L. Boyer, Miss Mary Pasold, and Miss Alberta Hite, sang “Gates Ajar,” “It Is Well With My Soul,” and “Nearer My God To Thee.” The honorary pall-bearers were Messrs. Walter Jansen, Wm. Kaseberg, J. H. Smart, A. B. McRae, Geo. McCauley, John Albrecht, T. H. Boswell, H. A. Linthicum, E. H. Crown, Edwin Schellhous, J. H. Herring, and C. E. Finney. The active pall-bearers were Ed. Hammill, L. H. Barbar, E. C. Bedell, Wm. Butler, Wm. R. McCoy, and John Holt. Stanley Rasmussen and Russell Henderson were escorts from the Boy Scouts of Troop One. Interment was in the family plot in the Odd Fellows Cemetery where many choice floral offerings as feeble marks of friendship were reverently laid as all hearts blended in sympathy for the bereaved and in thanksgiving for the life that had been lived above reproach, and still speaks fidelity and true brotherhood that marked each step on the way that leads to peace and consolation when the day’s work is done.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Friday, 3-23-1928

Charles A. Hines, another old-time resident of this section, died at the Sacramento hospital on Thursday, March 22, 1928, following a lingering illness of about a year’s duration. Mr. Hines was born in Missouri seventy-four years ago and when about one year old came with his parents to California. He had ever since been a resident of this section. He is survived by his widow and ten children, Mrs. Minnie Walton, Mrs. Maude Brazil, Ivan Hines, Mrs. Carrie Gunter, Chester Hines, Justin Hines, Mrs. Kate Ritcheson, Albert Hines, Mrs. Charlotte Nehrbass, and Josie Hines. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, March 24, at 2 o’clock PM from the chapel of Broyer & Magner. Rev. Thos. H. Mee will deliver the sermon. Interment will be in the Roseville IOOF Cemetery.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 3-28-1928
Many Friends Pay Tribute to C. A. Hines

On January seven, 1854, in the little community of Roanoke, Missouri, Charles A. Hines, an only child came to bless the home of his parents who five months later undertook the long and perilous journey by ox team for California. The end of their journey found them near Placerville, El Dorado County, where the family lived for a short time when they came to Placer County, locating on their farm near Center Joint. When twelve years of age, he was bereft of his father, and it fell largely to him to assist his mother in developing their new enterprise. Having acquired his schooling, he entered the employ of the Southern Pacific and helped to build the large foundry in Sacramento. The necessity of his help at home once more found him on the farm, but with his natural ability as a mechanic and the experience gained in the railroad shops, he established a blacksmithing business near their residence, where for years he served the community in an efficient manner. He also farmed for several years, being active in agricultural pursuits and devoted much time to public interests. It was largely through his efforts that the Center Joint School was secured, and for years he was honored in being elected as trustee and clerk of the board. He took much pleasure in reading and discussing public questions. On December 25, 1878, he was united in marriage with Miss Mattie L. Gould, who after a happy sojourn, was called from this life December 10, 1910. He continued to live in the same locality, and on April 21, 1914, was united in marriage with Mrs. Lillian Merrett, the widow of a boyhood friend, and who survives. Throughout his long life in this section of the state, he made many friends, being deeply interested in the welfare of others. To help those in sickness or disappointment was his joy, and no favor was too much for him to bestow. His generosity and brotherly nature commended him as one to be loved and trusted. His fraternal nature was richly cultivated through many years in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows whose precepts he endeavored to translate into deeds. It was in the rearing of a large family that he devoted his energies in such a manner as to insure their highest welfare. The satisfaction of being in their respective homes from time to time could not be measured. Up until the end of the year, he had been blessed with a fair measure of health. Since then he had been a great sufferer who was tenderly cared for in the hospital in Sacramento, where the release came peacefully at a ripe old age. Many friends lent sympathy and fellowship for the bereaved widow and following children:  Ivan of Lotus, El Dorado County; Chester A. of Roseville; Justin O. of Auburn; Albert S. of Giant, Contra Costa County; Minnie Watson of Roseville; Maud Brazil and Carr Gaunter of Auburn; Kate Richeson of Giant; Charlotte Nehrbass of Westwood; Jessie Hines of San Diego; 22 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. The funeral services were held from the chapel of Broyer & Magner on Sunday afternoon. Rev. Thomas H. Mee, pastor of the First Methodist Church officiated, and the choir of the same church furnished the music. Interment was in the family plot in the Odd Fellows Cemetery where a large congregation of relatives and friends assembled with floral offerings to express their love of one well known. The pall bearers were C. F. Lewis, J. E. Beckwith, J. H. Herring, E. A. Ridley, John Schellhous, and J. W. Pruett.

Roseville Register, Thursday, 12-22-1910

Marie L. Gould was born in Leonidas Township, St. Joseph County, Michigan, April 2, 1862. She came with her father, Joseph G. Gould to Roseville in April 1873. She was married to C. A. Hines on Christmas day in 1880 and ha lived in this vicinity ever since. Besides her husband, she leaves to mourn her loss ten children:  Mrs. A. W. Walton of Antelope and Mrs. W. C. Murray of Hobart Mills being the married daughters; John, Ivan, Carrie, Chester, Justin, Kate Albert, Lottie, and Josie; a brother, C. E. Gould; and half brother, A. E. Farnham; and half sister, Martha Chase; besides seven grandchildren. She was only 48 years, 8 months, and 12 days old at the time of her death. There are two half brothers and a half sister in Michigan. She was a true wife, a good mother, and a kind neighbor, and leaves a large number of friends to mourn her loss. The body was shipped up from Sacramento last Saturday, and the funeral services were held at the M. E. church in Roseville at 1 PM, Rev. Hodgkinson, a Lutheran minister from Sacramento, officiating. The M. E. choir sang several appropriate hymns, and a large concourse followed the remains to the IOOF Cemetery where the interment took place.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 9-28-1927
Mrs. Sadie Hitesman Called by Death Here at the Age of 38 Years

Mrs. Sadie Hitesman of B Street, Roseville, passed away at the Sutter Hospital in Sacramento on Saturday, September 24, 1927, at the age of thirty-eight years. Besides her husband, she leaves to mourn her death five sons by a former marriage. They all reside in Roseville and are:  Verne, Kenneth, Benjamin, Fred, and Irvin Burt. A sister, Mrs. J. W. Evans of Roseville also survives the deceased. The remains were taken to Salt Lake City, her native city, on Monday night and were accompanied by Mr. Hitesman, her five sons, and her sister, Mrs. Evans.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Friday, 5-2-1930
Hezekiah Hocker, 74, to be Buried Saturday

Funeral services will be held from the Broyer & Magner Chapel at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning for Hezekiah Hocker, 74, who died yesterday morning at the home of his son, A. T. Hocker, after a long illness. Mr. Hocker had lived in Roseville 23 years. He was a native of Missouri. He was the father of Alfred T., Ira A., Harry T. and Otis L. Hocker, and Mrs. Josephine Thomas, all of Roseville, and Mrs. Frank Hanisch of San Francisco.

Placer Herald (Auburn), 2-26-1898

Last Tuesday night, Mrs. A. Hoffman died at her home in Auburn after an illness of two weeks. Although she had been ill a long time, her death was unexpected and was a great shock to her relatives and many friends. The deceased was born in Aurora, New York, in 1863 and came to this state at an early age. In 1883 she was united in marriage to Andrew Hoffman. She was a kind-hearted Christian woman, an affectionate wife, and a loving mother. Her demise is not only an irreparable loss to a once happy home, but legions of friends will sincerely mourn the death of a woman whose many noble traits of character endeared her to all who knew her. Mrs. Hoffman leaves a husband and one child, a boy about ten years of age; father, mother, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kelley; five brothers, John, Joe, Tom, George, and Arthur; and one sister, Mrs. John Meyer, all of whom live in and around Auburn. The services were held from her late residence Thursday afternoon, Rev. J. T. Shurtleff officiating. Interment was in the Odd Fellows Cemetery, and despite the inclement weather, many carriages followed the remains to their last resting place. The bereaved relatives have the sympathy of the entire community.

Lincoln News-Messenger, 4-10-1914

Monday morning Mrs. Emma R. Hogue, a pioneer resident of Placer County, died at her home in Auburn at the venerable age of 94 years. Mrs. Hogue lived for a great many years at Newcastle where, in the early days of the Central Pacific Railroad, her husband was in the employ of that company. At that time that part of the road beyond Newcastle, which is now a high embankment, was a long trestle, and it was then the delight of the youngsters in those days to have "old man Hogue", as he was even then called, take them by the hand and pilot them over that walk. He and his wife were well known and liked all through that section of Placer County. After the death of Mr. Hogue, his widow removed to Auburn where she has since resided. Mrs. Hogue was a splendid woman of the old California type, a home-builder and a home-lover. Everybody respected her and everybody who knew her loved her, for she was kindly and sympathetic and generous, always looking upon the best side of everything and always seeing the best side in everybody. She leaves a son, Ridgeway Hogue.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Friday, 9-6-1929
Sheriff’s Aid Ends Life in Despondency

Fred Hohman, property custodian at the Placer County courthouse and for several years a deputy sheriff, committed suicide Wednesday morning by shooting himself in the head with a high-powered rifle. Hohman’s body was found at 10:20 by Coroner C. B. Hislop and Sheriff Elmer Gum, who were called after a shot was heard in a cabin in the rear of Hohman’s home. Hohman has been absent on leave from his duties at the courthouse for several weeks because of illness, and friends say he has been despondent for some time. He is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Ida Bradbury of Auburn, Mrs. Geral Stout of Roseville, and Mrs. Stapleford of Seattle, Washington.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Friday, 9-13-1929
Funeral Held Friday for Deputy Sheriff

Funeral services were held at Auburn Friday for Fred Hohman, former deputy sheriff and courthouse custodian, found dead at his home Wednesday from the effects of a gunshot wound. The Red Men conducted the funeral, after which the remains were taken to Sacramento for cremation. A coroner’s jury summoned by C. B. Hislop brought in a verdict that Hohman came to his death “from a gunshot wound.” Mrs. Gerald Stout of Roseville is sister of the dead man.

Roseville Register, Thursday, 1-11-1917
Widow Follows Husband to Grave

AUBURN - Within a week after her husband passed away, Mrs. Amelia A. Hohmann of this city followed him to the grave. The husband died New Year’s Day, and his wife passed away here Sunday. She was 61 years of age at the time of her death. Three children survive her. Mrs. Hohmann was critically ill at the time her husband passed away and could not be told of his death at that time. She will be buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery beside her husband.

Roseville Register, Thursday, 4-4-1918
Death Calls Officer Hoke

Lou Hoke, Constable for the past four years, was stricken with a serious illness Friday and died at a Sacramento hospital at 4 o’clock Sunday morning. The death of this popular officer brought sadness to many hearts as he was well liked by all who knew him. The body lay in state at his late home Monday and Tuesday where it was viewed by many friends. It was shipped to Chico Tuesday noon for burial in the cemetery where his father and mother are buried. He leaves to mourn his sudden death a beloved wife, Mary Hoke, and three brothers, and hosts of friends who had learned to love him for his kindly disposition and his ever readiness to do a kindness to anyone. Lou Hoke, at the time of his death, had reached the age of 58 and during his lifetime had had a varied career, being a rancher, sheep drover, and cattleman. Four years ago he was elected to the office of Constable, which office he filled up to his death. He had made a record as an officer of which he was extremely proud and one which was a credit to him in every respect. Those of us who knew him best loved him best. Always with a smile, even for his bitterest enemies. He went about his work and play with that cheerfulness whichever brings to those who came in contact with him a desire to do as much for humanity as did Mr. Hoke. In his passing, the community loses a splendid officer and the wife a loving and devoted husband. Frontiersman as he was, he who had spent a great part of his life in the hills, he died as he had lived - brave, unafraid, and with a thought only for the welfare of those whom he leaves behind. He will be missed not only from the fireside of his home but from the society of men and women, for his ready wit and kindly disposition always made him a welcome participant in any gathering.

Placer Weekly Argus (Auburn), Saturday, 11-14-1874

Boy Drowned - A little boy about nine years of age was drowned in the North Fork of the American River just above the junction on Monday last. His father, John Holden, was working near Lyons Bridge and sent the boy across the river to the house on some errand. Returning, he fell into water, and he was soon after seen struggling in the water. Mr. Holden plunged into the water, but being unable to swim, he could do nothing to save him. The boy got hold of the father’s leg at one time but in their mutual struggles, he was shaken loose and lost. The body was recovered about five o’clock in the evening, the accident having taken place just before noon. The remains were brought to town and buried in Odd Fellows Cemetery on Wednesday at 2 PM. Funeral services were performed in the Methodist Church.

Placer Weekly Argus, Auburn, Saturday, 2-23-1878

At Lincoln, February 5, 1878, Mrs. Mary Holley, aged 70 years and 10 months. Mrs. Holley was born in Missouri, crossed the plains and came to California with her family in 1850. She was an energetic, industrious, honest, kind-hearted woman, possessing great powers of endurance and of suffering. For many years past, she has been a great sufferer, slowly approaching the end of life as the weight of years and infirmities of age increased. Her kind attentions and tender services in the hours of affliction will long be remembered. The day in which she accomplished the journey of life had its clouds and storms; her pathway had its dark and difficult places, but her faith in God, and her hope for the future strengthened her courage, comforted her heart, and ennobled her character. She was highly esteemed by all who knew her. The funeral services were held at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. W. B. Robinson.

Lincoln News-Messenger, 12-26-1913
Harry Hollister Is Dead

Harry M. Hollister, familiar figure for the past decades in Auburn and Truckee, died in that city last Saturday night from heart trouble and dropsy. Hollister, who was well known in many of the older towns of California, was born in New York 81 years ago and came to California when both he and the country was young. He resided in Butte County for several years, then going to Truckee where as clerk in Moody’s Hotel he became known to nearly every old-time railroad man of “the hill.” He came to Auburn in 1884 and was clerk for W. B. Freeman in the hotel that bears his name. Later he managed a hotel in Placerville, afterwards returning to Auburn where he opened a saloon which he conducted until about five years ago when old age compelled his retirement from business. He is survived by a brother in New Jersey and a nephew, Seth W. Cushman of San Francisco. The deceased was well known by many Lincolnites, especially our older residents.

Roseville Register, Thursday, 5-16-1918

Mr. Leander Holmes was born in Iowa, March 19, 1872, and passed from this life at San Francisco, May 12, 1918, being 46 years, 10 months and 23 days old. While yet in his infancy, he moved with his parents into Minnesota where he grew to young manhood. At the death of his father about ten years ago, he visited his old home, making more real the precious recollections of the home surroundings. Being the oldest in a family of five brothers and two sisters, he assumed much responsibility, thus fitting himself for the heavier tasks of life. For the most of his mature years, he had followed railroad work, first in Denver and Salt Like where he was employed as foreman. In 1913 he came with his family to Roseville where his previous experience prepared him for a responsible position, being at the time of his death foreman of the Southern Pacific [line missing] his abilities were recognized by his superiors while he was universally loved and esteemed by those under his direction. He was one of the few men of whom it may be well said, he had no enemies. His constant aim was to please. So thoroughly had he cultivated this enviable trait that it had become second nature. To lighten another’s burden was to him a joy and delight. For everyone he had a cheerful smile and an encouraging word. What is said of his business life was also true of his home life which he cherished as few men. Its sacred associations were to him the one thing worth living for. He was a member of the Free and Accepted Masons and the order of Railroad Employees. A highly respected citizen, a home lover, and a patriot has been called from time to eternity. Besides a grief-stricken wife and daughter, he leaves the following brothers and sisters: Frank of Nevada, Helmic of Minnesota, Charles of Nevada, Fred of Minnesota, Mrs. Alma Kirkland of Nevada and Mrs. Anna Trummold of Minnesota, and with these a widening circle of friends join in paying their highest esteem to a brother beloved.

Lincoln News-Messenger, 12-5-1913
Another Good Man Dies

After many months of suffering from an incurable stomach trouble, Niel Holmes died at his home in Lincoln last Friday. Deceased was a native of Denmark and 75 years of age. He left home when a young man and came to America, settling for a time in Chicago where he was married to Jorgine Hanson. They lived a few years in Illinois and Iowa, and in 1871 came to California, locating on a farm near here where he lived until the death of Mrs. Holmes which occurred about two years ago. The loss of his loving companion was a severe shock to him, and he never became quite reconciled as he was left alone in his declining years with no one to administer to his comfort – he longed for his wife’s counsel and loving sympathy. Two years ago he moved to Lincoln. Mr. Holmes was a man of the strictest integrity, fair and just in all his dealings and commanded the respect of his fellowmen. He leaves a sister, Mrs. Marie Laumann of Fresno, a brother Matt Holmes of Lincoln, several nieces and nephews. The funeral was held last Sunday under the auspices of the Odd Fellows. Rev. John Brereton officiated. Hymns were rendered by a choir composed of Mrs. Sparks, Mrs. Musser, Mrs. Stoops, and Mrs. Hogle. The remains were laid to rest in the Odd Fellows Cemetery.

Lincoln News-Messenger, 2-27-1914
Two Men Shot and Killed

Sam Renaldi, Marshal of Rocklin, and U. S. Holmes, the saloon man, were engaged in a pistol duel Wednesday night in front of a livery stable. Both died in Sacramento from their wounds Thursday night. Holmes was the first to die. He was hit four times, two of the wounds being probably fatal. He was operated on at the Sisters’ Hospital but passed away late in the afternoon despite repeated attempts to save him. He had been taken to Sacramento by automobile by his mother, a Mrs. Watts, as soon as she was notified, but the wounds he had received were too severe. Renaldi was hit only once. The bullet entered his right side, flattened and then pursued a varied course through his intestines. The intestines were punctured fifteen times by fragments of the bullet. He died at 11 o’clock Thursday. His remains were shipped to Rocklin for interment. He has a mother and sister residing at Rocklin. He was 37 years of age and a native of California. Thomas Armston is serving as marshal in Renaldi’s place. The pistol duel occurred following Holmes’ refusal to surrender to the peace official. The saloon man had gone about town threatening to shoot persons with his revolver and had appeared repeatedly at the home of Ella Huvey, a woman who worked in his restaurant here which he ran in connection with his saloon, and made threats against her. Holmes appeared at the livery stable where a crowd was discussing his action, and when Renaldi called upon him to surrender he started to pull his gun. Renaldi beat him to it and fired five shots to Holmes’ two. The town of Rocklin is liable up to $5,000 under the Employers’ Liability Act for the killing of Town Marshal Samuel Renaldi in a revolver duel with U. S. Holmes here last week. As the town had not taken out insurance for its officials, any liability will have to be met from the taxes.

Roseville Press-Tribune, Tuesday, 7-11-1967
Loomis Youth Killed in Vietnam

A 19-year-old Loomis Marine has become that community’s first casualty in the Vietnam War. He is L-Cpl. Gary Holsclaw who died July 2 in action which wiped out his entire company. His battalion was guarding a strip under construction by the Seabees south of the DMZ and extending from the ocean west of Con Thien. Construction was completed the end of June. Tragic action which claimed the lives of Cpl. Holsclaw and other members of his group took place while members were on a sweep and clear mission around the strip. The small group was attacked by a large force of North Vietnamese Army. The 19-year-old Marine, a resident of Loomis for the past 17 years, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Holsclaw of Loomis. He joined the Marines in October of last year, earned expert rifle in boot camp and shortly thereafter was promoted meritoriously to PFC. He landed in Vietnam on Easter of this year as part of the Third Platoon of Bravo Company. The group was engaged in a five-day battle on 860. Platoons of Bravo Company triggered action of 881s and 881n when patrols stumbled on 16 North Vietnamese Army supply caves with extensive tunnel systems which led back to Laos and North. Members of the platoons were badly mauled before help arrived. Two weeks later members of Bravo Company pushed through the DMZ in Operation Hickory. The young Loomis resident was graduated in 1966 from Del Oro High School where he earned varsity letters in both football and track. He reportedly was a very high average student who seemed to generate enthusiasm into each project in which he took part. Other activities included member of Varsity Club, Spanish, and Pep clubs as well as a member of the Honor Roll in his senior year. Gary’s father is a colonel in the Air National Guard at Sacramento. Services are pending at Sands Foothill Chapel in Loomis.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Friday, 3-28-1930
Elizabeth Holt, 83, Hears Call; Rites Tomorrow

Death came Wednesday morning to Mrs. Elizabeth Holt, wife of John Holt of 118 Pleasant Street, after an illness of several months. Mrs. Holt was 83 and had been in failing health for nearly a year. Funeral services will be held from the Broyer & Magner Chapel at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, with the Rev. T. H. Mee of Sacramento delivering the address. Interment will be at Roseville Cemetery. Mrs. Holt was a native of the Isle of Jersey, one of the islands in the English Channel. Her parents were Thomas and Annie LeMaistre, native French people. She was married at London to James Blunkell, a jeweler who died a few months later. She came to Sacramento with her brother and on December 15, 1898, was married to John Holt who survives her.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 4-2-1930
Pioneers of City Pay Honor at Bier of Mrs. John Holt

Old-timers of Roseville acted as pallbearers at the funeral here Saturday of Mrs. Elizabeth Holt, wife of John Holt Sr., who died Wednesday at the family home on Pleasant Street. Mrs. Holt came to Roseville in 1898, and her husband has spent most of his life in Placer County, being a prominent figure in the development of Roseville. The funeral was large attended by old-timers of the county, and there was a profusion of flowers, tokens of the esteem that Mrs. Holt held in the hearts of all who knew her. Rev. T. H. Mee, former pastor of the Roseville M. E. Church, gave the funeral address. Vocal selections were rendered by Mrs. Iva Knapp. The funeral was held from the Broyer & Magner Chapel. Interment was at Roseville Cemetery. The pallbearers were A. B. McRae, William Haman, Henry Mullnix, John Stoffels, Ed Hammill, and J. E. Beckwith. Rev. Mee has paid the following tribute to Mrs. Holt:  Elizabeth LeMaistre Holt, a native of the Isle of Jersey, England, a daughter of Thomas and Anne Mary (Fillicul) LeMaistre, was born February 6, 1845. She was the fifth in a family of fifteen children, all of whom her sainted mother saw reared to manhood and womanhood, her translation taking place June 8, 1891, at the age of 71. Elizabeth received a liberal education, graduating from Grouville College, a popular institution of the Island. She continued to assist in the rearing of the large family until she came to the United States, remaining for a short time in Pennsylvania and later coming to California, joining her brother George LeMaistre in Sacramento. Here she was united in marriage with John Holt of Roseville December 15, 1896. For more than 33 years, this devoted couple had sojourned here where they enjoyed a large circle of friends. Her diligence to home duties and the cheer she lent neighbors and friends constituted the well earned esteem of all who knew her. Of a cultured, retiring personality, she was good company and during her more active years lent a helping hand to every good cause. Her early religious training in the Methodist Church created a deep sympathy for those in need and by precept and example she endeavored to let her light of faith and devotion shine far down life’s pathway. And during her long illness she found much consolation in reflection on the divine dealings, developing a more steadfast confidence with the passing days. On Wednesday morning, March 26, 1930, she welcomed the summons of the Maker, having passed the eighty-fifth milestone. While her passing severs the human relationships for a time, the benediction of a well-spent life offers much of consolation to her aged companion, one brother Winter LeMaistre of England, and friends; and glad welcome of the love one on the timeless shore, where two children awaited the coming of a mother beloved.

Roseville Press-Tribune, Monday, 8-22-1966

Earl T. Hooper, 67, a US Army veteran of World War I, died August 18 in the Veterans Administration Hospital at Martinez. A native of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, he was formerly owner and operator of the Loomis Motel. He also was a former rancher and had been employed at McClellan Air Force Base. Survivors include his wife, Freda K. Hooper of Loomis; a son, Graham E. Hooper, also of Loomis; a daughter, Winifred Limbaugh of Hayward; four grandchildren; and a sister, Catherine Forbes, Iowa. Private services were conducted Saturday at Sands’ Foothill Chapel, Loomis, with the Rev. John Corson officiating. Cremation was at Sierra View Crematory, Marysville.

Roseville Register, Thursday, 10-9-1919
Mrs. Isabelle Hooper Dies Suddenly at Home - President of Native Daughters Dies after Short Illness - Had been at Lodge Night Previous - Was Well and Favorably Known

Mrs. Isabelle Hooper, wife of J. H. Hooper and mother of one son, died suddenly Thursday after an illness of less than a day. Mrs. Hooper had attended a session of the lodge of the Native Daughters Wednesday evening (last week) and had been installed as President of the lodge for a second term. She seemed then to be in the best of health and in a happy mood. She passed away at 2:00 AM on Friday. The funeral services were held Saturday at 2:30 PM, and the beautiful ritualistic ceremony of La Rosa Parlor No. 191, Native Daughters of the Golden West, was held. The Auxiliary to the Order of Railway Conductors also held the very splendid ritualistic ceremony of that order, and Rev. W. W. Smith of the First Baptist Church officiated for the church in which she had given her faith to God and to which she had devoted much time and energy. The remains were taken to Grass Valley, her former home, where they were interred Sunday in the presence of relatives and friends. She leaves to mourn her death a devoted husband and a son, and a large circle of friends who had learned to love her for her beautiful character, her even-tempered manners, and kindly disposition.

Roseville Register, Friday, 12-12-1913
Two Men Killed in Saloon Brawl

William Till, formerly of Ophir, shot and killed William Dunn and John Hoos in the former’s saloon in Dutch Flat Friday night. Elmer Peters, formerly of Auburn, was wounded in the shoulder. It is due to the bravery of T. L. Bison, who disarmed Till, that he and others were not killed or seriously wounded. Sheriff McAulay and Deputy Sheriff Gum arrived promptly on the scene by automobile and thus stopped any possible attempt at lynching. It appears that Dunn had attempted to collect a debt from Till and that this angered Till to such an extent that he armed himself and went to the saloon and opened fire on the men there.

Placer Weekly Argus (Auburn), Saturday, 9-6-1873

Sudden Death - John A. Hoskin, who was acting as agent and telegraph operator for the railroad company at the Summit, was taken ill on Saturday and was sent to the Railroad Hospital at Sacramento where he died on Sunday morning, August 31st. The disease was thought to be cholera morbus, but it was proved by post mortem examination to have been disease of the bowels and bladder, and from tumors and an abscess.

Placer Herald, Auburn, Saturday, 7-11-1891
Three Dead Men – The Calls on the Coroner During the Past Week

     Coroner Bardwell was called to Colfax last Friday (the 3d) to hold an inquest on the body of a man found in a ravine by some boys, about a mile east of Colfax. The man had been dead a year or more and was beyond identification. A United States musket rested on one arm, with the barrel pointing toward the head. Part of the skull was torn away, and a portion of it found in a spruce tree just above the body. The jury concluded that death was accidental or suicidal and rendered their verdict according.

The Coroner was telegraphed for again last Sunday evening. This time a man had been run over by the cars near Towles. After summoning a jury and a great number of witnesses, the following facts were elicited: Charles Hosking, an employee of Towles, had been down to Dutch Flat on the Fourth and had boarded train No. 1 at the latter place for Emigrant Gap. He got off at Towles, was considerably under the influence of liquor, and when boarding the train again, would have been thrown between the cars but for the brakeman. He was heard no more of until he was run over by train No. 6 coming down on the curve just above Towles. As the train came round the curve, the fireman gave the alarm of “man on the track.” The engine was reversed, but the grade being steep and the distance short, the train was stopped when it was too late. It is not known whether the unfortunate jumped or fell from the train, or whether he was dead or unconscious when run over. The railroad officials were exonerated from all blame. Deceased was about twenty years of age, a native of Colorado, and has a father living at Grass Valley.

Joseph Moose, a Swiss, aged about 33 years, was run over by the cars and killed Monday afternoon at Rocklin. Deceased had been employed at Towles the past five years. In company with two Italian, he went to Sacramento on the 3rd of July. Returning on Monday, they got off at Rocklin when the train stopped and had a drink. The train was pulling out when they attempted to get on, Moose and one of his companions missing their footing and falling. The Italian rolled out of the way, but Moose was caught between the cars and run over. Deputy Coroner Fulton held the inquest, Coroner Bardwell being at Towles.

Placer Herald, Saturday, 5-25-1907

At his home in Bath, Placer County, Thomas Norwood Hosmer passed peacefully away at 3 AM May 11th. The day previous he was stricken with apoplexy, from which he did not rally but gradually lapsed into unconsciousness and remained in that condition until death released him. Mr. Hosmer was born in Camden, Maine, June 24th, 1823. He was the son of Charles Hosmer and Lydia Norwood Mansfield Hosmer. He was a lineal descendant of James Hosmer of Hawkburst County, Kent, England, who, with his family, left home April 8, 1635, and sailed for America in the good ship “Elizabeth.” James Hosmer became one of the pioneers of the old historic town of Concord, Massachusetts, where two of the Hosmer homes are still in existence. Nathanial Hosmer, grandfather of the present sketch, settled in Camden, Maine, in 1785. Camden history says:

“He selected as his claim a lot near the beautiful lake and grand old mountain, both of which have ever since borne his name.”

He there built a comfortable home to which he brought as a bride Mary Wheeler of Mason, New Hampshire, to share with him the vicissitudes of pioneer life. In his boyhood days, Thomas Norwood Hosmer felt a great inclination to follow the sea. Some of his ancestors were sea captains, and the waters of Penobscot Bay swept the shores of Camden, and all had a fascinating interest for the lad. He, however, received a good academic education in a neighboring town, and after several voyages along the coast and one or two of more importance, one being to the Island of Martinique, he came to the conclusion that a seaman’s life was not all that he expected, and he decided not to follow it as a profession. When the “gold fever” broke out, he, with his friend Stephen Osgood and a large company of other young men decided to go to California. They left Boston, Massachusetts, November 13th, 1849, on the “B. L. Allen.” Their sailing time to Rio Janeiro was forty-nine days. In the early part of February, they neared the latitude of Cape Horn. The captain decided to lay over for a day, and nine of the passengers, including T. N. Hosmer and Stephen Osgood, who has since written a most interesting account of the whole voyage, fitted themselves with everything needful, and started on a mountain expedition. At first, they followed an old river channel, after which they forced their way through an almost impenetrable thicket of chaparral or some similar growth. After ascending some distance, the scrub growth became shorter and then disappeared. After a sharp climb, they had a magnificent view of the adjacent country and the union of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. This was at an altitude of nearly 3,000 feet. Before leaving the ship, a history of the voyage up to date (Feb. 6th) and a list of the names of captain, passengers, and crew had been placed in a bottle, which was then sealed. This bottle was now placed securely in a pile of stones, then an American flag was hoisted, and as its starry folds unfurled, a shout arose that made the echoes ring. The party then took possession of the island in the name of the United States but never returned to claim the desolate place. The bottle has never been heard from and may still repose unmolested in its niche amongst the stones, as few parties ever explore the vicinity of Cape Horn. The exploring party reached the ship in safety. The following day a great storm of snow and sleet arose and for twelve days they were unable to clear the Horn. They arrived in sight of the “Golden Gate” April 25th, 1850, and entered San Francisco the following day. Mr. Hosmer and his party first commenced placer mining near Sonora, but for over fifty-seven years, he had been a resident of the Forest Hill Divide where he was partner with Jacob Weiker and Mr. Gilbert in the Lehigh. He married first Sarah Barrett of Camden, Maine. After her death he remained single for several years. In 1889 he was united in marriage to Mrs. Marian Hosmer of New York, who is left to mourn the loss of a most indulgent and generous husband. No kinder heart than his ever beat. He has left us to face the storms of life alone, but he has “crossed the Bar” and is safe in the Haven of Rest. He is face to face with the great mystery of life and death, to which, in his declining years, he has given so much thought. Since the sudden death of his cherished friend William H. Grenell, the days have been lonely to him – perhaps more lonely than we knew. He seemed more frail than usual, his step was slower, yet he read the papers and his scientific journals, and took his little walks up to the day of his final illness. He has lived a long and useful life, and the world in which he moved is better for his honorable example. Rev. E. Hadix conducted the funeral services at the family residence, Sunday, May 22nd at 2 o’clock PM. The musical selections, “Jesus Lover of My Soul” and the hymns were sweet and comforting.

Lincoln News-Messenger, 11-28-1913
A Noble Woman Gone

In last week’s News-Messenger, the brief announcement of the death of Mrs. Melinda Hotchkiss was made, and we now supplement that announcement with a sketch of her long and useful life and a brief and humble tribute to her memory. Mrs. Hotchkiss’ death was not unexpected. She had been ill for over a year, and her death was calm and peaceful. Apparently she entered into the Great Beyond without a shade of pain or regret – in an atmosphere of unsurpassed love, surrounded by her dear ones who had lavished every care upon her in an effort to secure her comfort. She joined the Choir Invisible, but the music of her earth life stays. The maiden name of the deceased was Melinda Rooks. She was a native of Java, NY, where she was born July 27, 1831. She was therefore aged 82 years, three months, and 26 days. In the year 1850 she was married to W. B. Hotchkiss, who died in Lincoln nineteen years ago. In 1857 Mr. and Mrs. Hotchkiss crossed the plains, their first point of destination being El Dorado County. In 1857 they came to Lincoln and for over half a century, Mrs. Hotchkiss has lived in Lincoln. In the death of this pioneer woman, this community has sustained the loss of one who was probably more closely identified with Lincoln’s early development and vicissitudes than any of the surviving few who made the history of this town and who have been an actual part of its existence. Under every imaginable circumstance, Mrs. Hotchkiss was the friend of humanity. No one was more willing to aid the sick and suffering, cheer the downcast and desponding, and sustain the weak. Her gentle ministrations in sickness and when the death angel hovered near and claimed its own are remembered in nearly every household in Lincoln. The family which she raised and ruled with a scepter of love has lost a counselor, guide, and mother; Christianity has lost a worthy and helpful exemplar; and society has lost a useful and exemplary member. But there is consolation in the reflection that the influence of her beneficent life will live on and be felt by those to whom she leaves the heritage of that beautiful, useful, and sweet womanly career that are the pride and glory of her sex. It is not possible in a newspaper article to do full justice to so notable a life. Mrs. Hotchkiss had all the qualities of the faithful wife, affectionate mother, firm friend, and unselfish member of society that inspire love, command veneration, and leaves with us a memory full of grace and worthy of emulation. Mrs. Hotchkiss is survived by the following children, besides many grandchildren:  Mrs. R. N. Fuller, Mrs. S. G. Lasswell, Mrs. Lloyd E. Brown of Lincoln; Mrs. Hattie Maltby of Santa Rosa; Charles Hotchkiss of San Bernardino; Fred Hotchkiss of Sacramento; and Mrs. Chapman of Santa Rosa and G. C. Hotchkiss of Lincoln. The funeral was held from the Congregational Church Sunday, under the auspices of the Rebekahs. Rev. John Brereton made impressive remarks and a choir sang softly. The remains were interred in the Odd Fellows Cemetery. There she was tenderly laid to rest in the embrace of our common mother earth, near her beloved home of over fifty years, and under a mound of floral offerings which, though profuse, were but a feeble expression of the sincere grief felt by those who loved her so well.

Placer Weekly Argus (Auburn), Saturday, 5-1-1875

Terrible Accident - On Thursday last about noon as the gravel train was backing down a few miles east of Clipper Gap as the train was on a curve, two cows were seen lying on the track, and before the train could be stopped, it ran into them which resulted in throwing the train off the track. Six of the cars were smashed to atoms, but no harm was done the engine. George Hoth, brakeman, and E. H. Sweeney, engineer, and A. S. Buck of Georgetown, a passenger, were on the rear end of the train when the collision occurred. Hoth and Buck were killed instantly, the latter being so mangled that his remains bore no semblance to a human body. Sweeney was thrown about forty years, striking on his head in a pile of rocks, and is fatally injured. Hoth’s remains were sent to Rocklin Thursday night where he will be buried on Saturday at 1 o’clock PM by the Masonic fraternity. Buck’s body is at the station in charge of the coroner. Sweeney is at Borland’s Hotel, receiving every attention that can be rendered, with physicians in constant attendance. He is also a member of Rocklin Lodge, F&AM.

Placer Weekly Argus (Auburn), Saturday, 4-5-1873

A Terrible Accident - On Tuesday night about ten o’clock, John Houston, who was running the engine at the St. Julian hoisting works a short distance from Newcastle, met with a terrible accident, resulting in his death. He was alone in the building at the time, and it is supposed that he had started to examine the gudgeons or some other part of the machinery when he was caught on the fly-wheel and carried around with such force that his body was drawn down through a hole in the floor, nine inches square, breaking an iron arm of the wheel 2x5 inches. The men in the mill a short distance from the scene of the accident, hearing the noise, went to the building and not seeing him, they stopped the engine and soon found what the trouble was. They were compelled to cut a hole in the floor to get the body out. Deceased was a native of Scotland, aged 36 years, and a very esteemable and steady man.

Roseville Press-Tribune, Wednesday, 1-23-1991
Dec. 29, 1914 – Jan. 21, 1991

Longtime railroad worker Van B. Howell died Monday at Roseville Hospital. He was 76. A native of Tecumseh, Okla., he had lived in Roseville for 41 years. He also had lived in Oakland for 15 years. He was a railroad electrician with the Southern Pacific Company for 30 years and retired in 1979. There will be a private family service, arrangements handled by Cochrane’s Chapel of the Roses. Burial will be in Roseville District Cemetery. Mr. Howell is survived by his wife, Lucille M. Howell of Roseville; a daughter, Vanita Riddle of Chula Vista; grandchildren, Tammy Alexander and Meladee Duran of Roseville and Serena Griffin of Jacksonville, FL; eight great-grandchildren; and a sister Betty Lou Penul of Seminole, OK. Memorial contributions may be made to the Arthritis Foundation or to the charity of choice and will be accepted at Cochrane’s Chapel of the Roses, 103 Lincoln St., Roseville, 95678.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 6-4-1930
Mining Man Dies

Death Friday claimed Still Huling, 79, a retired mining man from Nevada County, who had made his home at Auburn for several years. Surviving are his widow and a brother, Walter Huling of Grass Valley.

Roseville Register, Friday, 3-14-1919

Franklin L. Hull was born in Jacksonville, Oregon, in 1864, and passed from this life at Rocklin, California, March 9, 1919, being 55 years of age. When but a year old, he accompanied his parents to California, settling in Mendocino County where they remained some twelve years, when they went to Sacramento County where they lived eight years. There he grew to manhood and was united in marriage with Miss Lilley Hoxey. To them one daughter was born. Shortly after their marriage, they came to Placer County where he engaged in mining which was always his fascinating occupation. His work took him to various sections of the county which tended to increase his acquaintances. He had the faculty of making and retaining friends wherever he went. He was one in a family of seven children, three of whom had preceded him to the great beyond. He was energetic and often went beyond his strength. Until a year ago, his health was unimpaired. The past two months brought much suffering which he patiently endured, his desire ever being to help others rather than be of any care. He leaves to mourn his loss one brother, Amos Hull of Rocklin, and two sisters, Mrs. Emily Tretheway of Sacramento and Mrs. Alice Chisdale of Rocklin, besides a grief-stricken daughter, Mrs. Hattie Hunters of Antelope, and four grandchildren.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Friday, 11-22-1929
Altho Hult Ends Life After Losing his Job

Despondency over loss of his job, coupled with family difficulties, is believed to have caused Altho G. Hult, 35, to end his life in his room at the Vernon Hotel yesterday. Hult used the same gun that his brother, Alva, used to end his life a few months ago. He shot himself through the heart while apparently sitting on the bed. Hult had been employed by the Pacific Fruit Express here but was laid off a few days ago as work at the ice plant slackened. He is said to have indicated in conversation with friends that he might commit suicide. Alva Hult’s death is believed to have preyed on the brother. The two lived together with Alva’s family on Willow Street, when Mrs. Alva Hult quarreled with her husband over the brother, and with her children left. It was at this time, three months ago, that Alva Hult ended his life.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 11-27-1929
Altho Hult, Suicide, Buried Here Saturday

Funeral services were held here Saturday for Altho Hult, who committed suicide by shooting himself through the heart while despondent. The funeral was from the chapel of Broyer & Magner. Rev. M. E. Coen officiated. The body was placed in Odd Fellows Cemetery beside the body of a brother who took his life also, with the same revolver, about three months ago. Hult is survived by a brother, William, in Arizona. The deceased was a railroad employee and made his home at a local hotel.

Roseville Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 7-24-1929
Funeral Today Over Iver Hult Remains

Funeral services for the late Iver W. Hult will be held from the Broyer & Magner Chapel at 10:30 this morning under auspices of Alyn W. Butler firing squad composed of Legion members, and other veterans will officiate at the grave, and Star Scout Willard Geyer of Troop No. 1 will act as bugler. All World War veterans of Roseville are urged to attend the services. When Hult’s twin brother, Alho, returned to the family residence at 124 Willow Street last Thursday night, he found that Hult had committed suicide by shooting himself through the heart. The motive for his rash act was the fact that his wife had recently left him, taking their two children with her. Their family troubles seemed to be caused over differences concerning Hult’s brother who lived with them. Hult was employed by the Southern Pacific Company as a fireman. Iver W. Hult was a native of Soccorra, New Mexico, and was about 35 years of age. He saw service on the Mexican border prior to the World War, enlisting at Morenci, Arizona, at the age of 21 years, 9 months, on May 19, 1916, in the Hdqr. Co., 158th Infantry. He served in the World War in France, being musician in the 158th Infantry. He was discharged May 3, 1919. His wife Edna, son Sidney, aged 7, and daughter, Jewel, aged 3, survive him; also his brother Alho G. Hult of Roseville, and a brother in New Mexico. Mrs. Hult and children were located in Stockton Monday. They came to Roseville and made arrangements for the funeral. Mrs. Hult was grief-stricken over her husband’s death and deeply regrets that she left him when she did.

Roseville Press-Tribune, Tuesday, 8-23-1966

George William Huber, 50, of 1213 Crestmont, Roseville, a conductor for the Southern Pacific Railroad, died August 22 in Roseville. A native of Bisbe, Arizona, he had been a resident of California for 44 years and came to Roseville from Grass Valley 25 years ago. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, Local No. 340. Survivors include his wife, Esther J. Huber, Roseville; a son, George W. Bryant Huber, Grass Valley; a daughter, Georgene Huber, Roseville; a step-daughter, Christina E. Stewart, Roseville; his mother, Mrs. Martha Jean Landrum; and a brother, Frank B. Huber, both of Los Angeles; a sister, Virginia Leamons, Chula Vista; and his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rahtz, Roseville. There are five grandchildren. Funeral services will be Wednesday at 2 PM in the Lambert Funeral Home, 400 Douglas Blvd., Roseville, with Elder J. W. Scott of the Missionary Baptist Church officiating. Burial will be in Sierra Hills Memorial Park.

Roseville Register, Friday, 2-19-1915
Rocklin Pioneer Dies - William Huff Passes Away After Illness of Several Hours

Rocklin, Placer Co., February 17—Within several hours after being taken seriously ill, William Huff, aged and respected resident of Rocklin, died at his home at 10 o’clock today. He had resided here for a quarter of a century. The deceased had been in ill health for many years, but until today had been able to walk about. He was 81 years old and was the husband of Mary Huff and father of William Huff of Idaho and Mrs. D. O. McKillips of Oakland, all of whom survive him. William Huff was a member of the local lodge of Masons and of the Nevada City Lodge of Knights Templar. No arrangements have been made for the funeral.

Roseville Register, Friday, 3-28-1913

Mrs. J. R. Huffaker of Penryn died at that place last week and was buried in Wheatland on Friday where she has many relatives. Mr. Huffaker teaches school in Penryn and with two little daughters, mourns the loss of a beloved wife and mother. The services were held in Penryn on Thursday of this week.

Auburn Journal, Wednesday, 2-26-1975

Services for Ruth Carolyn Spier Huffman, an Auburn resident for 10 years, were conducted Saturday at the Chapel of the Hills. Mrs. Huffman, a native of Arkansas, died February 19 in a local hospital. She was 83. Survivors include her husband; Burrows Huffman; two sons, Chester Davidson of Florida and Elmer Davidson of Louisiana; a daughter, Opal Forbus of San Diego; a sister, Alice Wurn of Oklahoma; 20 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild. Interment was in the New Auburn District Cemetery.

Roseville Register, Friday, 1-2-1914
Shoots Man for Resisting Arrest - Escaped Prisoner Is Shot in Auburn When He will not Give Up

Edwin Hughes, alias D. E. Allison, who escaped from the San Francisco jail on Christmas Eve, was shot and killed Saturday afternoon near the Nevada Street depot in Auburn by Deputy Sheriff Fred H. Classen of San Francisco. The fatal bullet took effect in the neck, and Hughes expired instantly. The San Francisco officers had knowledge that Hughes was in love with a young woman living “near Auburn,” and after the prisoner’s escape they worked at once on the theory that he would go to Auburn. Officer Classen was sent here immediately and arrived before Hughes. A telegram has been received by Coroner Bisbee at Auburn, asking that the body of Edwin Hughes, alias D. E. Allison, who was shot and killed by Deputy Sheriff Classen of San Francisco while resisting arrest, be shipped to Spokane, Washington, for interment. The mother and brother of Hughes reside there. Relatives of Hughes have retained counsel at San Francisco to investigate his death. It has developed that John A. Hogan, his attorney, was in court at the hour Hughes was shot, expecting him to appear for sentence, and ignorant that he had escaped from the County Jail.

Roseville Press-Tribune, Thursday, 9-1-1983
Mabel L. Humbert, June 22, 1916 – Aug. 30, 1983

Services will be offered Friday at 2 PM at Lambert Funeral Home, 400 Douglas Blvd., in Roseville for Mabel L. Humbert, who died Tuesday in Roseville at the age of 67. Reverend Clarence Walth of the Sunrise Baptist Church in Fair Oaks will officiate. Interment will be at the Roseville District Cemetery. Mrs. Humbert was born and reared in Central City, Kentucky, before moving to Akron, Ohio. She lived in Tucson, Arizona and Salinas before moving to Roseville in 1979. Mrs. Humbert worked as a shipping clerk for Greers and Associates. She is survived by daughter and son-in-law, Mae and Harvey Owen of Orangevale; grandsons, Paul, Charles and Richard Owen of Orangevale; and several nieces and nephews. Remembrances may be made to the American Lung Association.

Roseville Register, Thursday, 1-10-1918

A little more than nine years ago in Oklahoma, a tiny babe came to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hunt. In tender love and watchful care the little life was guarded and nurtured in the gradual unfolding and development, and at the age of four years and five months Verdie Lee was brought by her parents to Roseville, and her bright face and happy smile have been an inspiration to all who knew her through these short years. Trained by Christian parents and being regular and faithful in attendance at the Sunday school and other means of grace, she possessed unusual devotion for her Savior, who in His life upon earth expressed His wonderful love for the little ones as he took them in his arms and blessed them and said, “Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Possessing extraordinary ability in memory work, she had stored many choice scriptural texts, and the Bible stories were her chief delight. For about four weeks, the little body has suffered pain which fond parents, by the aid of medical skill, have ministered in every possible way to alleviate. Through it all, the patient little sufferer was uncomplaining. Her short life, radiant with joy and sunshine, has accomplished the purpose of our Heavenly Father, and in His infinite wisdom he came to transfer the tiny sunbeam from earth to Heaven on the third day of this year. She will be missed at every turn in the home and church and school. May young and old profit by her joyous cheerful life, short though it was. She has left a deep impression not only upon her parents and brothers and sisters, whose grief is the greater, but also upon many relatives and a large circle of friends who join in loving sympathy and humble submission. The funeral service was held at two o’clock on Saturday, January 5, at the Methodist Chapel in Cherry Glen where a large audience gathered to express their sympathy for the bereaved family. The service was conducted by Rev. Thomas H. Mee and Rev. Simmons. Interment was in the Odd Fellows Cemetery.

Placer Weekly Argus (Auburn), Saturday, 2-5-1876
Death of Robert Hunter

Robert Hunter, who suffered amputation of the leg about a week ago, died on Wednesday night. Mr. Hunter injured his leg some years ago in a mining shaft, and the bone, becoming diseased, it was found impossible to save the limb. Had it been removed sooner, there might have been a chance for his recovery, but the reduced condition in which the operation left him precluded any hope of his recovery. The leg was taken off a short distance below the knee and at that point seemed to be sound. Inflammation, however, set in and although every effort was made to save him, the patient sunk under the attack. Mr. Hunter was a single man, and so far as we know had no relatives in this vicinity. He came of a prominent Kentucky family, but he had little or no communication with them and consequently died among comparative strangers. His funeral took place at three o’clock on Thursday afternoon under the auspices of the Red Men, of which Order he was a member.

Placer Tribune and Register, Wednesday, 12-4-1929
Emigrant Gap Woman Dies

The body of Mrs. Carrie E. Hyatt of Emigrant Gap, a pioneer resident and native of this county, was buried at Auburn Saturday. She died in the Sutter Hospital at Sacramento. She leaves a husband, a daughter, two sisters, three brothers, and one granddaughter.