News Items - 185?'s...

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In the news - statewide...

These are items taken from historical newspapers as identified and pertain to a variety of counties throughout California. Some items may also pertain to neighboring states and/or territories. These are transcriptions of the text as displayed in these newspapers and may contain typographical errors. So if in doubt, we suggest you try and view the newspapers for yourself and verify the data for accuracy.

The Placer Times, Saturday, March 9, 1850 (Sacramento)


  • At San Francisco, by Rev. Mr. Taylor, Henry C. Kettle to Catharine Ann McGee.


  • In this city, at his store in J Street, on Wednesday evening, 6th inst. of erysipelas, E. Meconnekin, Esq. in the 33d year of his age.

    Mr. M. was from Baltimore, Md. He has left an amiable wife and two children to lament the loss of a most devoted husband and kind and affectionate father. He came to this city early last spring, when indeed there were but two or three houses in it, now perhaps numbering some ten thousand inhabitants. He- was prosperous in business, and promised fair to become a wealthy man. While thousands fell victims to exposure, he was healthy. During the flood filled his house with the suffering and destitute, furnishing them with food, raiment and medicine, without charge. Perhaps no man has been more useful in this community than E. Meoonnekin. Men admired him for his independence, ladies for gallantry, and every child who knew him became at once attached to him for his kindness and fond disposition. His remains wero interred yesterday by the Masons and Odd Fellows, accompanied by the City Council.
The Sacramento Transcript, Vol 1, Number 1, 1 Apr 1850


  • In this city, March 23d, of chronic dysentery, Isaac S. Parker, from Lowell, Mass.
The Daily Alta California, Vol 1, Number 83, 5 Apr 1850


  • Suddenly, in Sacramento City, on the 24inst., Wm. Steven Watson, formerly of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. N.Y. Papers please copy.
  • In Sacramento City, 1st. mat., James H. Crocker, only child of Capt. Rowland R. Crocker, of New Bedford Ma., aged 43 years, a member of the Order of Royal Arch Masons. His remains wereinterred by the Order in Sacramento, with appropriate honors.
The Daily Alta California, Vol 1, Number 126, 25 May 1850 (San Francisco)


  • In Sacramento City, on the 18th inst., of chronic diarrhoea, Mr. Albertus Olmstead, formerly of Hartford, Conn., aged 38 years.
  • In this city, on the 21st inst., of typhoid fever, Mr. Louis Schleimann, formerly of Germany, late of New York city, aged 25 years.
  • At the mines, on the North Fork of the Yuba, of congestive fever, on the 9th inst., Henry Wyman of Boston, Mass.
The Sacramento Transcript, Wednesday, 10 Apr 1850


In one of our back numbers was noticed under its proper head, the death of our much esteemed fellow citizen, James H. Crocker, Esq. He was an only son of Capt. Rowland R. Crocker, of New Bedford, Mass. Capt Crocker is well known as having crossed the Atlantic more times than any other living shipmaster. The deceased was a Royal Arch Mason. He was modest, gentle, kind, and sympathising; without an enemy, and beloved by ail who knew him; he wasted under the fell disease, exhibiting an example of fortitude, resignation, and calmness, rarely equalled; leaving this world with a prayer upon his lips, that fully demonstrated the purity of a mind that knew no guile. His loss is deplored by his numerous friends here, who deeply sympathise with his relatives in their affliction. Mr. Crocker was 43 years old, and died of the summer complaint, after an illness ofabout six weeks.

He had occupied the position of bookkeeper in the store of Capt Rowland Gelston. All who know of the many instances of generosity, of the many evidences of a kind heart, which Capt. Gelston has shown, often towards entire strangers, can well conceive in what manner Mr. Crocker was treated during his last illness. Capt. Gelston's heart felt deeply for his suffering. No expense was spared, no effort was left unmade, to render him comfortable and to save him at last. His attending physicians were Drs. Chapman, Bridgeman, and Deal. But it was in vain. He died at 10 o'clock on the morning of the 1st inst. The many acts of kindness and attention on the part of Capt. Gelston, have but added another pahr to an already well filled volume of good and generous deeds.

Mr. Crocker was, according to his own request, buried under Masonic honors. The coffin was covered by an American flag, and a long procession, treading to the solemn music of the band, followed his remains to the grave. He was laid in the burying ground at the south of the city, near the banks of the Sacramento River.