Los Angeles County, California
This Site is part of
CAGenWeb Project
& The
USGenWeb® Project
My name is Martha
I am your host for 'all things Los Angeles''
I no longer live in Los Angeles, but have roots deep in her soil, having arrived at the Inglewood Bassinet in 1939.
While I am unable to do local 'on the ground research'
I am an excellant online researcher
might be able to help you locate that missing piece of your "Ancestral Pie"
Contact for Questions: Martha
Table of
Contents History ~ Biography ~ Maps ~ What's New ~
Family Search: Books & Films ~ Lookups ~ Queries
Vital Records ~ Military ~ Odds & Ends
Cemeteries ~ Funeral Homes and Mortuaries ~ Obituaries
"California Corners" ~
Resources with a 'California Flavor' [OffSite]

Vital Records ~ Military ~ Odds & Ends
Vital Records
Los Angeles County is huge and as it has grown over the years, so has the number of Resouces for Vital Records and their Availability.
While the challenge, for me, is to point out 'ways and means' to locate records, I can only rely on my diligence and creativity in finding them.
Note: At the end of the 'Vitals Section' are old files I have collected over the years:
Births, Marriages, Deaths, Old CA Wills, Naturalization Records
<<<What's New>>> 22 March 2025
Los Angeles
County, California, original birth (1849-1901) and death records (1874-1901)
Authors Los Angeles County (California). County Recorder (Added Corporate)
Old original birth records, 1849-1901 Film #2240960 Old original death
records, 1874-1894 Film #2240830 Old original death records, 1894-1900 --
NOTE: with burial permits. Film #2240880 Old original death records,
1898-1901 Film #2240881
Los Angeles County Burial Permits 1870-1892 [FS Book]
Here is a Sample Page
So... here we go: But first a 'Primer' on Time Frames for CA Vitals: FS Wiki
Birth Records:
California Births and Christenings, 1812-1988
California Birth Index, 1905-1995
Here is a Chart created from the FS Catalog: Los Angeles, CA Birth Records, Films
The Link at the top of each Column is for the Web Page with all the Films
There are more records for specific locations:
Long Beach ~ Los Angeles [City]
FS Films for Long Beach: 1904-1911 and 1912 - 1917, 1906 - 1926
Below are Links for Marriage Records
Marriage 1809-2011 United States Western States Marriage Index at FamilySearch, BYU Idaho,
1850-1945 California, Marriages, 1850-1945 at FamilySearch
1850-1952 California, County Marriages, 1850-1952 at FamilySearch
1960-1985 California, Marriage Index, 1960-1985 at FamilySearch
This Link contains a lot of Databases for Marriages [FS Catalog]
Be sure to check the California Digital Newspaper Collection for Marriages With the advent of Digital Newspapers for a wide variety of locations, we are fortunante to be able
to use them for research.
The California Digital Newspaper Collection is one such source, and it is free.
The collection includes early CA Newspapers and they are great for looking for that odd vital record:To Wit:
Marriage Records & Other Vitals Family Search Catalog~ California
Neighboring States
Arizona ~
Nevada ~
Oregon Also:
Oregon State
Hospital "Cremains" [Indigent and Cremains Burials]
Family Search ~ Michigan Marriages
This link is for folks born in California and who married in Michigan: 1868 - 1925
[Available Info: Full Name, Place of Marriage, Residence, Place of Birth, Age, Occupation, Officiant, Witnesses]
Sign into your FS Account, then use the above link.
Family Search, Catalog:
Los Angeles County, CA
Marriage Records: Film #844448
The First Set of Records are from
the Los Angeles County Court House and were
Copied in 1933 by Mrs Edward
Hayes Morse, Altadena, CA,
Chapter Chairman, Pasadena DAR
Item #2,
Book 1, Typed Lists followed by a Female Index:
Images 418-454 / 455-465
Item #2, Book 2, Typed Lists followed by a Female Index:
466-479 / 480-484
Item #2, Book 3, Typed Lists followed by a Female
IndexImages 485-495 / 496-497
Item #3 Court
and Church Records
Los Angeles County, Vol II
Preface can be found
hereSet 1, San Gabriel Mission Records to 1840
Typed Lists followed
by a Female Index:
Images 634-675 / 676-679
Set 2 "Plaza Church"
There is no index for the Plaza Church Lists
Images 680-927
Item 4
Female Index: Images 934-961
Note, Behind
Each Female name is a Single Surname, which is that of the Groom.
List of
Ministers, Pastors who performed the Marriages
Images 962-965
Table of
Contents / Preface: Image 967
Typed Lists: Images 968-1248
Death Records
Death Records, 1950-1978 Authors: Pierce Brothers Cunningham &
O'Connor Mortuary (Los Angeles, California) (Main Author) California.
Department of Public Health. Bureau of Vital Statistics and Data Processing
(Added Author) Cunningham & O'Connor Mortuary (Hollywood, California)
(Repository) Certificates of Death, 1950-1953 Film # 2047027, Item 2
There are a few DC's for December 1950: Imgs 1326 > 1345 Then: The rest of
Item 2: 1951: Imgs 1345 - 1480 1952: Imgs 1481 - 1641 1953: Imgs 1642 -
1770 Certificates of death, 1954-1966, Film #2047028 Certificates of
death, 1967-1975, Film #2047029 Certificates of death, 1976-1978, Film
#2047030, Item 1 The rest of the films are fairly easy to search, Each Year
Section is marked with the year written on a blank piece of paper or folder.
Files are Chronological
Two of the Films are in the CA Birth & Death
Records and searchable by Name: 2047029 & 2047030
County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994
'Browse' is also available for CA Counties and Cities
Links for Death
Records: California
California Deaths and Burials, 1776-2000 at FamilySearch
California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994 at FamilySearch
California, Death Index, 1905-1939 at FamilySearch
United States Social Security Death Index at FamilySearch
California Death Index, 1940-1997 at FamilySearch
California, Los Angeles County Coroner Reports
Be sure to check the CA Digital
Newspaper Collection for Death Notices and Obituaries My Heritage has Los Angeles Records: I have access to the Library
Lookups, Martha

There is a collection of
Transcribed Death Records on RootsWeb These Records are from LDS Films and
were a project begun many years ago by Volunteers, and as far as I can tell,
the project was never completed. The Deaths Transcribed are 'Pre 1905' for
various CA Counties. The Files are still on the RW Server and are Static, I
have no idea if the email addies on the pages are valid, but the links to the
various Files work, so Happy Hunting!
Here is the RW Link for
the whole Project
Here is the Link to the FS Catalog which has the Films. [Film 1293772]
There is more information available on the Death Registers
Notes for Los Angeles County: Completed Books: 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 Book 5 A >
M, section N > U was never finished. There are Indexes for Los
Angeles County Neighbors
Family Search Films
Death Certificates:
Long Beach ~Norwalk [Also Births] ~ Pasadena
Death Records and Registers [Los Angeles City]
There is a huge selection of Death Records in the FS Catalog
Please use this link for the listing
There are Death Records in the 'Historical Image Section' of Family Search
"Vital Records from my Files"
Births, Marriages, Deaths & Burials, Old CA Wills, Naturalization Index
Family Search: Vitals, and an assortment of Data: Historical Image Section
For Locations: Alhambra, Beverly Hills, Hollywood & North Hollywood, Long beach,
Los Angeles Proper, Newhall, Norwalk, Pasadena, San Gabriel, Temple City,
Torrance, West Hollywood

There are many other types of Documents that provide Vital data.
Church Records: Baptism and Confirmation [FS Church Records]
Pass Port Applications, Draft Registrations
Employment Records [Southern Pacific RR Employment Cards]
Social Security Applications and Voter Registrations
and... Newspapers [Obituaries and Announcements]
Chronicling America ~ Google News Archives
Century Past ~ Illinois Digital Collection
Historical Newspapers: Indexed by State [Some Free]
Meriam Library
There are a number of Cemetery Films from which Vital Information has been extracted:
Here is a list:
Film # 558288, Vol 2: 1882 - 1933 and 1934
Film # 558289, Vol 9: 1882 - 1943
Film # 558290, Vols 10 & 11: 1882 - 1946
Film # 558291, Vol 16: 1882 - 1959 / Vol 17: 1882 - 1962

Military Records
Roster, Society, Sons of the Revolution in the State of
California .. 1898-1912-1916-1920-1921-1922-1924 The Archive.org site has
volumes for the above years:
Please use this Link The Rosters give the home address of the Members.
From the FS Catalog: MIlitary Records
State Summary of War Casualties [CA], 1946 US Navy
[US Navy, Marines, Coast Guard]
Records contain: Name, Rank, Parents, Street Address
List below contains records for other States where I host Counties
Records for the States of & Film #s
California, 4218631 ~ Colorado, 4218641 ~ Michigan, 4218677
Minnesota, 4218681 ~ Missouri, 4218687 ~ Oregon, 4218720
Pennsylvania, 4218725 ~ Wisconsin, 4218725
For Access: Log into your FS Account, enter Film # in Fiche/Film Slot.
Explanation of the Records: Please Use This Link
If you wish to search the DAR, GAR & SAR Databases,
just google each one and you will find all sorts of great documented data.
Soldiers of the Great War:
California / Book with photos
Family Search has a couple of films of Veteran Grave Registrations to 1940
The work was done by the DAR in the 1940's
The pages are typed, single space, so there is a lot of information on each page
Here is the Explanation and Here is the List of Cemeteries
Film # 844432; There are two sections to the files:
A - J [Vol 1] and K - Z [Vol 2]
Image Ranges: Item 3: A - E: 180 - 465, F - J: 466 - 636
Image Ranges: Item 4: K - O: 642 - 820, P - S: 821 - 961, T - Z: 962 - 1060
For Access: Log into your FS Account, Search, Catalog, Enter Film Number in the Film/Fiche Slot
DD214: Military Separation Index: 1920 - 1960
United States National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1866-1938
WWI Honor Roll: Californians, 1914-1918
California, Geographical and Name Index of Californians who served in WWI, 1914-1918
Long Beach in the World War, 1921 [Gee, D N, Ed]
WWII Army Enlistment Records: National Archives Spreadsheet
United States, Enlisted and Officer Muster Rolls and Rosters: FS Wiki with Links to the Documents
Reports of Civil War [Union Army] Generals

Odds and Ends
>>>NEW<<< 22 March 2025
A Journal of
the company of Saints on the ship, "Lucas" :
which landed at San Pedro Bay, California on
October 13, 1857 Contains a list of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of
L.D.S., and a journal kept onboard the ship, "Lucas", which was chartered by the
church to carry the members from Australia to America. Film # 928396 Item 3
List of passengers who arrived at San Pedro, Los Angeles, California, 1920-1949,
in transit to their final destinations :
NARA, RG 85, A3385: Compiled by Claire
Prechtel-Kluskens Authors United States. Immigration and Naturalization
Service (Corporate) Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire (Added Author) There are 30
Films, some are dark and hard to read. Below is a chart for the films showing
Film Number |
Type of Document / Years |
2446586 |
Passenger lists, Aug. 1, 1934 - Mar. 2, 1935 |
2446556 |
Passenger lists, Aug. 2, 1931 - Mar. 23, 1932 |
2446560 |
Passenger lists, Aug. 27, 1937 - Feb. 17, 1938 |
2446561 |
Passenger lists, Feb. 17-July 6, 1938 |
2446551 |
Passenger lists, Feb. 1925 - Aug. 1928 [Manifests for 1928 are not in order] |
2446592 |
Passenger lists, Feb. 3-May 15, 1937 |
2446589 |
Passenger lists, Jan. 13-May 4, 1936 |
2446563 |
Passenger lists, Jan. 14-June 23, 1939 |
2446568 |
Passenger lists, Jan. 8-May 4, 1941 |
2446588 |
Passenger lists, July 18, 1935 - Jan. 15, 1936 |
2446562 |
Passenger lists, July 6, 1938 - Jan. 14, 1939 |
2446584 |
Passenger lists, June 16, 1933 - Mar. 7, 1934 |
2446564 |
Passenger lists, June 23-Nov. 12, 1939 |
2446554 |
Passenger lists, Mar. 17-Nov. 1, 1930 |
2446557 |
Passenger lists, Mar. 24-Nov. 22, 1932 |
2446587 |
Passenger lists, Mar. 2-July 18, 1935 |
2446553 |
Passenger lists, Mar. 7, 1929 - Mar. 16, 1930 |
2446585 |
Passenger lists, Mar. 7-Aug. 1, 1934 |
2446550 |
Passenger lists, Mar. 9, 1920 - Feb. 1925 |
2446559 |
Passenger lists, May 15-Aug. 27, 1937 |
2446552 |
Passenger lists, May 1928 - Mar. 7, 1929 [Manifests for 1928 are not in order] |
2446569 |
Passenger lists, May 4, 1941 - Sept. 26, 1947 |
2446566 |
Passenger lists, May 4-Sept. 21, 1940 |
2446590 |
Passenger lists, May 4-Sept. 29, 1936 |
2446555 |
Passenger lists, Nov. 1, 1930 - July 31, 1931 |
2446565 |
Passenger lists, Nov. 12, 1939 - Apr. 30, 1940 |
2446558 |
Passenger lists, Nov. 20, 1932 - June 16, 1933 |
2446567 |
Passenger lists, Sept. 21, 1940 - Jan. 4, 1941 |
2446570 |
Passenger lists, Sept. 26, 1947 - Jan. 22, 1949 |
2446591 |
Passenger lists, Sept. 29, 1936 - Jan. 30, 1937 |
Two Sets Records
on this Film: Items 30 and 31
Report of the Superintendant of Public
Instruction of the State of California ; lists of life diplomas &
educational diplomas : for the school years 1885-1886: compiled by the
Pomona Valley Genealogical Society Film # 1598436, Item 30: Imgs 1281 -
State of California, list of pardons from state prisons, January
1, 1885-January 4, 1887: compiled by the Pomona Valley Genealogical Society
[Pardon's and Commutations] Film # 1598436, Items 31 ~ Imgs 1310 - 1343
Pomona Valley Genealogical society, Published March 1995 Sample Files
Film # 1728851: Items 1 and 2
Note: The Image Files do not appear
to be an any sort of order.
Personal records from Atchison, Topeka and
Santa Fe Railway, Southern California area, Trainmen and Yardmen, 1894-1900
[Southern California] Authors Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad
(Corporate) Film # 1728851 ~ Item 1, Imgs 2 - 454 Sample File:
Film # 1728851 - Item 2, [Los Angeles Division] Imgs 460 - 766 [Typed
Records] Supposedly Destroyed in 1947
Sample File
History of La Brea Lodge No. 650, Free and Accepted Masons of California,
The TOC is Here
Read Online or
Download [Archive.org]
"Men of Achievement In The Great Souhwest"
A Story of Pioneer Struggles Early Days in Los Angeles and Southern
California Published By The Los Angeles Times, 1904 G W Burton The
Chart Below lists the Names and Page Numbers in this little Book
Read Online or Download [Google Drive]

The Physicians and Surgeons of the United States Edited
By: William B Atkinson, M D: Author of "Hints in the Obstertic Procedure,"
etc... Philadelphia: Charles Robson, 1878 There are three Indexes,
"Alpha", "Local" & "Analytical" The two most useful are Alpha and Local
The Book can be
read online or downloaded.
Woman's Who's Who of America A
Biographical Dictionary of Contemporary Women of the United States and Canada
1914-1915: John William Leonard, Editor-in-Chief New York: The American
Commonwealth Company There is no Alpha Index, instead the Authors saw fit to
make one that is titled: "Her Married Name". There is an Addenda -
Corrections set of pages. The Bios are listed Alphabetically. The Addenda
and 'Married Name'
The book can be
read online or downloaded
Men of America A Biographical Dictionary
of Contemporaries Edited By: John W Leonard L R Hamersly & Company One
West Thirty Fourth Street, New York city: 1908 There is no TOC or Index ~
Entries are Alphabetical
Read Online or Download
Men and Women of America A Biographical
Dictionary of Contemporaries L R Hamersly & Company One West Thirty Fourth
Street, New York city: 1910 Copyright 1909 By L R Hamersly & Company, New
York There is no TOC or Index ~ Entries are Alphabetical
Read Online or
Odds - Above Book Indexes and TOC's can be found using this link
The National Archives has a really nice set of
digitized records that can be viewed and downloaded.
Please use this link
Family Search has an index for California Divorces: 1966 - 1984
While it is only an index, some Researchers have added the information to their online family trees.
And there could be 'clues' to help you with further research.
Please use this link for the Database
Naturalization Records: California
Passenger & Crew Lists
Employment Records
Naturalization Records: Specific Locations for Records [Cities in Los Angeles County]
Graham ~ Glendale ~ Lancaster ~ Pico Rivera
Cole [Film also has Bible, Obits and other Vitals]
Lancaster Naturalization Records: 2 Films 005198095 - 1979 ~ 005198096 - 1980
This Film has Declarations of Intent, Naturalizations, Migration and Immigration Records
California Native American Resources: FS Catalog
FS Historical Images Section
Los Angeles County Land Records
Los Angeles County Directories:
14 for Los Angeles, 6 for Pasadena, 1 for San Fernando
Los Angeles County Homestead Records
BLM Records ~ California Land Commission
DAR: Miscellaneous Genealogical Records [Published, 1946]

"The Fine Print"
County Coordinator:
Martha A C Graham
State Coordinator: Bob Jenkins
Assistant State Coordinator: Karen De Groote
For information about adopting a California County, please contact Bob
Please see the requirements for adopting a California County
All materials, images and data contained herein may be used as a personal Genealogical or Historical resource, please give Credit where it is due, Thank You.
All data will stay with the CAGenWeb Project when and if the Coordinator resigns: Future contributions or donations will be returned to the Submitter upon request. Although believed to be correct as presented, any corrections, changes or additions or invalid links should be brought to the attention of the Webmaster.
Site Updated: 22 March 2025
Online Continuously since 1997
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