Lake County, California
1867 Pacific Coast Business Directory |
Pacific Coast Business Directory for 1867
Organized in 1861, Bounded north by Mendocino, northeast by Colusa and Yolo, south by Napa, and southwest and west by Sonoma and Mendocino. Area 972 square miles. County seat, Lakeport. Principal towns: Kelseytown, Lower Lake, and Upper Lake. Resources: agricultural and mineral, both of an extraordinary character. The geographical feature of the county is Clear Lake, a beautiful sheet of fresh water, about thirty miles in length, with an irregular outline, giving it a width of from two to twelve miles. This lake receives numerous small streams flowing from the surrounding mountains, and is the source of Cache creek, which carries its waters through the fertile plains of Yolo to the Sacramento river.
Officers: James B. Holloway, County Judge;
Sarshel Bynum, Clerk;
S. K. Welch, District Attorney;
Thomas B. Berger, Sheriff;
W. S. Cook, Treasurer;
H. H. Numally, Assessor;
George Tucker, Surveyor;
(vacant) Coroner;
(vacant), Public Administrator;
Mack Matthews, Superintendent Public Schools.
Bradford's Station - Guenoc
Bradford, E. C., hotel proprietor
Amesbery, William, lumber manufacturer
Armstrong, Oscar, Saloon
Berry, S. B., hotel proprietor
Davis, W. M., wheelwright
Derring, H. C., Blacksmith
Getz, Marena, general merchant and agent Wells, Fargo & Co.
Hamilton, J. M., justice of the peace and notary public
Harbins' Springs
Williams, Richard, proprietor Harbins'; Springs
Hot Sigler Springs
Boon, J. S., physician and hotel proprietor
Marrin, James, hotel proprietor
Redington Quicksilver Co., C. E. Livermore, Supt.
Schwatka, William F., postmaster and varieties
Wilson, William P., agent Wells, Fargo & Co.
Allison, T. (Kelsey Creek), nursery
Bole, E. B., (Kelsey Creek), nursery
Burnett, P. (Kelsey Creek), miller
Charmak, H., general merchandise
Dodson, W. B. H., hotel proprietor and physician
Jacobus, J. F., wheelwright
Nobles, S. R., blacksmith
Orington & Mendenhall, planing mill
Reeves & Nobles, saloon
Reeves, E., cattle dealer
Rice & Co., lumber manufacturer
Smith & Greene, saloon
Towle, T. F., general merchandise
Tucker & Miller, feed stable
White, Rev. Asa, clergyman
Young, L. & Co., lumber manufacturers
Young, M., butcher
Is pleasantly situated on the west bank of Clear Lake. The place is reached from San Francisco via Calistoga, thence by stage sixty-five miles, over which route a tri-weekly mail is carried. It is also connected by stage and mail with Cloverdale, in Sonoma County. The lands of the valley and surrounding hills contributory to Lakeport are well adapted to agriculture and grazing, furnishing a constant and increasing resource; but the distance from market and the absence of railroad communication, are great drawbacks to the producers. This is a pleasant resort for visitors seeking health and pleasure, boating, , fishing, and duck shooting on the lake, and quail and deer-shooting in the hills, offer tempting invitations to the sportsman. One newspaper, the Clear Lake Courier, is published weekly.
Farley, Mrs. S., dressmaker and milliner
Chapman, Mrs. S. B., hotel proprietress
Clear Lake Courier, J. H. F. Farley, publisher
Cohn, H., general merchandise
Compton, Rev. H. N., clergyman
Crawford, Woods, attorney at law
Downes, J. S., physician
Elgin, G. D., physician
Farley, J. H. F, publisher Clear lake Courier
Forbes, William, wagonmaker
Gulley, Rev. W. T., clergyman
Ingram, Rev. J. W. C., clergyman
Kennedy, Romulus, justice of the peace and contractor
Levy, A., general merchandise
Mathes & Eackles, saloon
McCarty, A. P., attorney at law
Moore, Gawn, boot and shoe maker
Moore, S. H., saloon
O'Shea, John, saddle and harness maker
Ogle, Rev. Barton, clergyman
Parrish, James, blacksmith
Peabody, H. A., insurance agent
Phillips, W. S., general merchandise
Winchester, L. D., postmaster, agent Wells Fargo & Co. and druggist
Lower Lake
25 miles SE of Lakeport, is the principal town in the county, and is situated on Cache Creek, one mile from Clear Lake, at the junction of numerous roads entering the valley. Is reached from San Francisco, one hundred and four miles distant, via the Napa Valley Railroad, and stage from Calistoga, forty miles, making the journey easily in a day. The surroundings are very pleasant, and the resources abundant. On the eastside of Clear Lake are mines of borax, quicksilver, sulphur and copper of great value, for which Lower Lake is the depot and center of trade. On newspaper, the Bulletin, is published weekly.
Adams, Thomas, physician
Baylis, A. W., physician, (Clear Lake)
Bulletin, L. P. Nichols, publisher
Butler, M., boot and shoe maker
Campbell, J. H. & Bro., livery stable and stage proprietor
Davy, W. M., flour mill and stage proprietor
Delmont, F., physician and druggist
Frazier, Thomas, restaurant
Getz, Joseph & Bro., general merchandise and agents Wells, Fargo & Co.
Goldsmith, W. C., saloon
Hughes, B., physician and surgeon
Jacobs, H. & Co., general merchandise
Larno, Jacob, blacksmith
Lawrence, B. H., hotel proprietor
Lawring, W. A., carpenter
Locke, Jonathan, saloon
Long, Miles M., saddle and harness maker
Look, Jonathan, saloon
Lul, H. H., butcher
Miles, James & Bro., saloon
Nichols, L. P., publisher Lower Lake Bulletin
Noel, A. E., attorney at law
Stanley, J. R., cattle dealer
Tremper, L. B., blacksmith
Willey, L., wagonmaker
Wilson, H. H., blacksmith
Winchester, H., postmaster
Manhattan,,address Knoxville
Knox & Osborn, quicksilver manufacturers
Armstrong, L., brickmaker
Bond, H., trader
Capps, John S., hotel proprietor and postmaster
Fox & Morrel, blacksmiths
Upper Clear Lake
Armintrout, H. wagonmaker
Bucknell, George, physician
Helm, Rev. S. W., clergyman
Levison, A., general merchandise
Rice, C. C., hotel proprietor
Sigler, Joseph, blacksmith
Schweigart, C., blacksmith
Taylor, Rev. D. T., clergyman
Thompson, D. V., notary public
Wallace, Rev. L., clergyman
Uncle Sam
Fowle, Thomas F., postmaster
Zem Zem
Moore, William, butcher
Owen & Sons, stock dealers
Owen, J. Carroll, hotel proprietor
Owen, Rev. Thomas H., clergyman (Baptist)
Owen, T. Jeff, postmaster
Talkington, J. F., saloon
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