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Formation and History of Glenn County
Glenn County was named for Dr Hugh Glenn, the largest landowner in the county. Glenn fought in the Mexican War and was at Chapultepec. He Graduated from Cooper Medical College and married the same year. He decided against medicine and came to California to make his fortune. He returned to St Louis with $5,000 which he put in a bank that failed the next day. Back he came to California and again mined enough gold to bring his wife and young son out to join him. Tlenn then turned from mining to raising wheat. In 1880 when wheat prices did not suit him, he chartered ships and took his wheat to Liverpool where he sold it for English gold. he ran for governor of California but was deveated. later he bacame a power in the State Board of Agriculture.
Glenn County was organized in 1891 from territory cut off from Colusa County. Willows which became the county seat, was established as a town in 1876 with a general merchandize store. Temporary offices for the County were in Odd Fellows Hall until the Courthouse and jail were built in 1894. Sources: Guide to County Archives, Coy Sacramento, River of Gold, Julian Dana History of Colusa and Glenn Counties, California Writers Biographical Sketches,
Los Angeles Historic Records Co. 1918
Counties and Courthouses of California: A Survey
The Historical Activities Committee
The National Society of Colonial Dames of America
Resident in the State of California:
Historical Activities Committee: Mrs Sherman Rogers, Hall, Jr, Mrs George Storm Hauck, Mrs Bullard Nugent,
Mrs Donald Rex Tallman, Mrs Slocum Wilson, Mrs Frederick Mewborn Fisk, Chairman 1964

Biographies & Books
History Of Colusa and Glenn Counties California
With Biographical Sketches Of The Leading Men and Women of the Counties
Who have been Identified with their Growth
Development from the Early Days to the Present
History By Charles Davis McCormish and Mrs. Rebecca T. Lambert
Illustrated & Complete In One Volume
Historic Record Company Los Angeles, California 1918
The Biographies from this book have been transcribed,
The Index is here.
The pages are here: 255-322, 322-404, 404-527, 527-657, 657-757, 757-805,
955-1074, 806-955 Additional Biographies can be found here.
Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography
by Wilson, James Grant, 1832-1914; Fiske, John, 1842-1901
Publication date 1900
Appleton Review ~
[All Volumes]
Over the Years I downloaded and indexed as many of the great old County Histories as I could find.
Here are indexes for many of the CA Histories
Check them out, there may be Glenn County Folk Listed!
Most, if not all of the Histories are on the Archive.org site or Google Books
Goin' West: 1830-1880
This is a set of booklets that have a lot of interesting
information. There are 12 Volumes, No indexes, but they are alphabetically set up.
They are all available in the Family Search Catalog
FS does not have Vols 2 & 3,
Use this link to view or download.

California Map Collections
Perry-Castaneda ~ Map Collection ~ Earthquake Fault Maps [CA]
American Georgaphical Society Library Digital Map Collection
Humboldt State University Map Collection
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps for California~ Railroad Maps, CA
And, of course, Google Earth
Southern California Base Map
CA Digital Map Collection ~ Dept of Forestry [USDA]
"MapGoose-CA" ~ USGS CA Maps

<<< "What's New">>>
[Native American: CA Agency Enrollment Records]
[Modesto Bee: Obituaries]
[Books: Bench and Bar Histories]
"Northern California Agency Enrollment Records, 1952"
United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs. Northern California Agency (Main Author)
Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Administration, 2003
(See Also) List of enrolled California Indians entitled to a per capita payment when present addresses are reported, 1933 / United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs. Sacramento Area Office
These are valuable records given the fact that they list locations of residence at a particular time along
with family members born after 1928.
Here are Images that will give explanations: Location of Records ~ Certification ~ Explanation of Columns ~ Sample Page
Following is a chart with Film #s and Image Ranges

Modesto Bee [Newspaper] Obituaries 1988
> 2006 "The Modesto Bee Obituaries, Modesto, Stanislaus Co., California"
Creator: Eisenga, Jean Palma y Mesa; The Modesto bee (Modesto, California)
Digital Images of Books and Films that are located in the FS Catalog The
Chart Below will be a guide to the Films and Books
Please use this Link for both the Films and the Books
Please use this Link for the Indexes split out from the Books Note: Even
though the Modesto Bee is in Stanislaus County, there are references to many
California Counties as well as other States, so... check the indexes for
names of interest and because the books are fully searchable pdf's,
locations may be found using the Search Function.
Image Ranges for both
Indexes and Files for the Films.

All of the Books
listed below can be found using this link.
"History of The Bench and Bar in California" By Oscat T Shuck, of the San
Francisco Bar San Francisco, Cal The Occident Printing House, 429
Montgomery St, San Francisco, 1887 [Note: TOC is the 'Index'] ^+^|||^+^
"History of The Bench and Bar in California" By Oscat T Shuck, of the San
Francisco Bar San Francisco, Cal The Occident Printing House, 429
Montgomery St, San Francisco, 1889 [Note: There are two Indexes and a TOC]
^+^|||^+^ "History of the Bench and Bar of California" Printing by
Commercial Printing House, Los Angeles Linotype composition by Miller &
Wagner, Los Angeles Engravings by Los Angeles Engraving Co., Los Angeles
Binding by Glass & Long, Los Angeles Author: Oscar T Shuck, 1901 [Note:
There is an Index and split out Chapters of these Individuals: Broderick,
Denver-Gilbert ~ Fair ~ Hawes ~ 'Sharon Cases'] ^+^|||^+^ "History
of the Bench and Bar of California" Edited By: J. C. Bates Bench and Bar
Publishing Co., San Francisco, 1912 [Note: There is no Index, Sections
are Alpha, There are Obituaries] ^+^|||^+^ "Bench and Bar of California:
1937-38" By: C W Taylor, Jr, Publisher 625 W Jackson Boulevard Chicago
No Obvious Date of Publishing [Note: There is an Index]

is a nice selection of "Who's Who" Books, These all have interesting bits of
information about a lot of Folks
"American Women : The official
who's who among the women of the nation" by Howes, Durward, 1899-
Publication date, 1937 - V2 There are two interesting Indexes: Geographical,
Occupational There is one page of Necrology [Names, no Dates, A - K] The
Biographies are Alpha and split into Sections.
The Indexes and Sections are Here
Read Online or
Download [Archive.org] ^+^|||^+^
All of the titles
listed below can be found using this link.
"Who's Who In California
A Biographical Directory: 1928-29" Being A History Of California As
Illustrated In The Lives Of The Builders And Defenders Of The State, And Of
The Men And Women Who Are Doing The Work And Molding The Thought Of The
Present Time.
Edited By Justice B. Detwiler And A Staff Of Selected
Sketches Arranged To Conform Generally To A Dignified Uniform
Style Suitable For Reference Use.
Who's Who Publishing Company [1929
Copyright] 315 Montgomery Street, San Francisco [Note: There is an Index]
"Who's Who In California" A Biographical Reference Work
Of Notable Living Men And Women Of California Vol. I: Two Years: 1942-1943
Edited By Russell Holmes Fletcher
Who's Who Publications Company
Los Angeles — California No Obvious date of Publication [Note: There are
Indexes] ^+^|||^+^
"Capitol's State Who's Who Combined
with Who's Who for the Western States: July, 1953 Issue" Compiled and
Published By Capitol Publishing Co. Editorial offices and Plant: 629 S W
16th Avenue Portland, Oregon: Copyright 1953 [Note: There are 3 Indexes,
CA & OR Geographical, Alpha Index] ^+^|||^+^
"Moore's Who Is Who In California" John M. Moore
— Publisher And Editor P. O. Box 2745, Terminal Annex, Los Angeles 54,
Copyright 1958, By John M. Moore Los Angeles, Calif., All
Rights Reserved [Note: There is no Index, Sections are Alpha] ^+^|||^+^
Who's Who In California: 1961 Seventeen Hundred Illustrated Biographies
Of Leading California Men And Women Of Achievement
Alice Catt
Armstrong / Editor And Publisher Gary Armstrong / Assistant to the Editor
Deluxe Third Edition Copyright. 1960 By Alice Catt Armstrong [Note:
There is an Index] ^+^|||^+^
"Who's Who in California"
Seventeenth Edition: 1988 Sarah Vitale, Editor Published by the Who's Who
Historical Society
Copyright © 1987 by the Who's Who Historical Society.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be produced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without prior
written permission from the publisher.
Library 01 Congress catalog Card
Number 56-1715 International Standard Book Number 0-9603166-6-3
International Standard Serial Number 0511-8948
Note: There is no Index,
Sections are Alpha ^+^|||^+^
of California" The story of the founders of the golden state as narrated
by themselves or gleaned from other sources By George Wharton James Author
of "Through Ramona's Country," "The Old Missions of california," "The Wonders
of the Colorado Desert," "In and Around the Grand Canyon," etc. Boston
Little, Brown, and Company: 1910 [Note: There is an Index, TOC, and List of
Illustrations] ^+^|||^+^
Mercantile Guide To Cities and Suburbs Of The United States of
America California and Northwest Edition: 1893 Volume 3 Issued Annually
Copyrighted and Compiled By A Marks Copyrighted at Washington D C, April
14th, 1890 San Francisco, Cal: Published by the Mercantile Guide Co 403
Sansome Street
This is a really interesting Booklet. It contains not
only the Names of People, but their Business Name, Occupation and local Address.
Here are Page Images for Glenn County: Willows,
P 1,
P 2

There is a great site that has all sorts of links to free Historical and Genealogical Data
"The Ancestor Hunt"
Digital Newspapers ~ Year Books & Alumni Books School Records ~ Obituaries ~ Coroner, Mortuary & Cemetery Records
BMD's ~ Birth & Marriage Records ~ Divorce & Death Records ~ Probate & Tax Records ~ Institutional & Military Records Naturalizations & Immigration ~ Criminal & Digital Archives ~ Directories ~ Photos & Voter Records
Scroll down, left side has the menu
Heritage Hub: California Digital Newspapers
Alta California 1850 - 1861 USA - CA - San Francisco
Californian, The (CA) 2002 - 2021 USA - CA - Bakersfield
Californian, The: Blogs (CA) 2011 - 2015 USA - CA - Bakersfield
Californian, The: Web Edition Articles (CA) 2008 - 2021 USA - CA - Bakersfield Web-Only Source
Business Press/California, The (Ontario, CA) 1996 - 2002 USA - CA - Riverside
California Courier 1987 - 2007 USA - CA - Glendale
California Courier, The (Glendale, CA) 2007 - 2021 USA - CA - Glendale
California Gazette 1851 - 1852 USA - CA - Benicia
California Journal und Sonntags-gast 1872 - 1877 USA - CA - San Francisco [German]
California Newswire (CA) 2009 - 2021 USA - CA
Californian 1846 USA - CA - Monterey
Californian, The (Temecula, CA) 2003 - 2013 USA - CA - Temecula
Center Square California, The (CA) 2021 - Current USA - CA Web-Only Source
Collegian, The: California State University-Fresno (CA) 2003 - 2020 USA - CA - Fresno
League of California Cities (CA) 2018 - Current USA - CA Web-Only Source
Weekly Alta California 1850 - 1854 USA - CA - San Francisco
Weekly California Express 1857 - 1859 USA - CA - Marysville
I am willing to do lookups in the above CA Newspapers
Include Name[s], Dates and Contact Martha