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School, 1922
This picture from the Martinez School had a handwritten listing of students, row-by-row. In some cases handwriting was difficult to decipher and there may be some errors. Row 1 (top): Carl Lyford, Norman Young, Nicholas Calicura, Burnal Van Dahlstrom, Louis Brockman, Aldo ______, John L. Crow, Leo Georgerino, Francis Milliff, Raymond McDonald, Manford Richardson, Melvin Hartz, Worrell Senger Row 2: Elizabeth Wilcox, Gladys Eastman, Louis Alexander, Victor Costanza, Dorothy Baraugner, Mercedes Thorton, Barbara Perham, Antonio Compagno, Walter Granlund, Johnnie Shaw Row 3; Constance DelaRosa, Josephine Smith, Gertrude Vickers, Adeline Crowly, Katherine Johnston, Rose Spaciona, ________, ________, ________, Everett Jensins, Robert Sorceli, Frederick Stoll, Gordon Johnston Row 4: Mary Andrilich, Hazel Bauman, Katherine DellaRosa, Estella Lincoln, Josephine ______, Pearl Lucido, Angelina Mendecie, Gemma Muzu, Hilda Carlson, Frederick King Row 5: Elsa Louise Arnold, Minerva ingram, Margaret Majors, Helen McCellan, Francis Foster, Madeline Coates, Marion Beard, Faye Lincoln, Clara ______, Violet Smith, Lena Sacchi, Thomas Fragger |