Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Surname Index - Y

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LAST         FIRST                       VOL-PAGE
Yager        Cornelious (Reverend)        21-259
Yager        Cornelius II                 66-156
Yager        George J.                    47-189
Yager        John Galimore                21-260
Yager        Nancy Alice Foster           19-338
Yanez        Francisco                    45-313
Yanez        Soledad Garcia               45-314
Yarbrough    Cora Nettie Hight            16-441
Yardley      John                         16-442
Yardley      John Osgood Jr.              16-443
Yates        Amador                       27-191
Yates        Amador Evelin                56-440
Yates        Charles Harmon               48-396
Yates        Edward                       48-397
Yates        Harriet Thompson Baldwin     26-263
Yates        John                         56-443
Yates        John James                   56-444
Yates        William                      21-249
Ybarra       Andres Dolores               66-447
Ybarra       Felipe De Jesus              66-449
Ybarra       Gil                          54-57
Ybarra       Jose Hilario                 66-450
Ybarra       Juan Antonio Francisco       66-446
Ybarra       Maria                        21-250
Yeadon       William "Billy"              67-337
Yeadon       Elizabeth                    67-336
Yeadon       Joshua                       67-335
Yeadon       Joshua Jr.                   67-338
Yeager       Mary Jane                    68-31
Yeary        Achilles C.                  34-370
Yeiser       Daniel                       59-126
Yeiser       Mary Elizabeth Cheatham      59-127
Yelkin       John Johnson III             55-73
Yemm         Hannah                       53-444
Yenn         John                         47-99
Yersin       Jules Samuel "Henri"         68-207/s
Yersin       Samuel                       68-208
Yetter       Calvin Shofner               47-100
Yocco        Edward C.                    16-444
Yocco        Gioachino                    16-445
Yocum        H. F.                        36-367
Yohnel       Constantine                  47-101
Yokum        Adam Joshua                  34-371
Yokum        Dennis                       47-102
Yokum        Henry Franklin               47-103
Yokum        John Foster                  16-446
Yokum        Martin                       61-50
Yorba        Antonio                      49-134
Yorba        Bernardo                     36-368
Yorba        Bernardo Antonio             26-266
Yorba        Bernardo Antonio             31-259
Yorba        Jose Antonio                 24-253
Yorba        Jose Antonio                 31-402/a
Yorba        Jose Antonio                 65-363
Yorba        Jose Antonio                 65-384
Yorba        Jose Antonio (Don)           48-398
Yorba        Jose Antonio Ind.            48-399
Yorba        Juan Bautista                33-328
Yorba        Maria Lenor                  29-383
Yorba        Maria Yosefa Grijalva        31-402/a
Yorba        Prudencio                    16-447
Yorba        Prudencio                    36-369
Yorba        Prudencio S.                 49-135
Yorba        Teodosio G.                  26-265
Yorba        Vicente                      26-264
Yorba        Vicente                      29-148
Yorba        Vicente                      36-370
Yorba        Vicente                      49-136
Yorba        Vicente                      49-137
Yorba        Vincente                     37-192
Yorba        Ysabel Maria                 67-146
York         John                         16-448
York         John                         16-449
York         Lucinda Hudson               16-450
York         Mary Elizabeth Gibson        55-433
York         Sarah Jane                   23-378
Yorke        Henry                        47-104
Yost         Fred                         22-362
Yost         Mary Jane Phillips (Mrs.)    34-372
Youd         Barbara Lichtenthaler        16-457
Youd         Charles                      16-451
Youd         Charles                      21-251
Youd         Elizabeth Prescott           16-453
Youd         Emma Colena                  16-452
Youd         Eunice Ellen Howell          16-454
Youd         Harriet A. Kibby             16-455
Youd         James Prescott               16-456
Young        Alexander                    47-105
Young        Alice Clews                  26-262
Young        Amanda                       53-48
Young        Charles Marsh                16-458
Young        Charles W.                   16-459
Young        David                        26-259
Young        David                        49-482
Young        Diana D. Petty               55-434
Young        Don Carlos Smith             19-317
Young        E. G.                        16-460
Young        Elmira Alice                 48-400
Young        Enos                         16-461
Young        Eugene Adam                  48-496
Young        Flora Lee                    48-401
Young        George Albert                19-318
Young        George Thomas                48-497
Young        George Washington            48-402
Young        Hannah Pollard               29-335
Young        Henery I.                    19-319
Young        Henry                        47-106
Young        Henry G.                     47-107
Young        Isaac                        66-76
Young        James                        55-435
Young        James A.                     23-210
Young        James Robert                 49-483
Young        Janet Jane                   48-498
Young        John                         65-191
Young        John C.                      38-428
Young        John C.                      57-2
Young        John Cottrell                47-108
Young        John Douglass                61-332
Young        John James                   48-403
Young        John Wesley                  16-462
Young        Leanders Anderson            66-77
Young        Margaret Lutitua Bevy        16-463
Young        Margaret Thompson            26-260
Young        Mary Elizabeth               48-404
Young        Mary Euphney                 19-320
Young        Mary Harretta                16-464
Young        Mary M. Alderson Mills       16-465
Young        Morgan Noah                  26-261
Young        Nahum Emory                  29-334
Young        Nancy Abbiegail              48-405
Young        Nancy Caroline               42-138
Young        Nathaniel                    32-74
Young        Robert David                 16-466
Young        Sallie                       16-467
Young        Samuel Davis                 19-321
Young        Samuel Dean                  47-109
Young        Sarah Catherine Coons        19-322
Young        Sarah Ellen Ore              16-468
Young        Sarah Ellen Ore              29-151
Young        Solomon                      47-110
Young        Thomas                       16-469
Young        Thomas                       47-111
Young        Thomas C.                    47-112
Young        Thomas Dodd                  48-499
Young        Thomas J.                    29-150
Young        Walter Albert                48-500
Young        William                      16-470
Young        William                      22-474
Young        William Franklin             48-406
Young        William John                 16-471
Young        William Malony               48-407
Younger      Catherine                    30-132
Younger      Charles B.                   16-472
Younglove    Dwight                       16-473
Yount        Eliza Frances                42-139
Yount        Elizabeth                    42-140
Yount        Elizabeth Ann                42-141
Yount        Eva McKinley                 43-285
Yount        George                       25-432
Yount        George C.                    16-474
Yount        Henry                        29-149
Yount        Henry                        37-193
Yount        Joseph                       25-400
Yount        Wm. Henry                    53-445
Yrigoyen     Sophia Briseno               19-393
Yuill        Mary Elizabeth Ragen         24-244
Yunker       John                         47-113

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