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LAST FIRST VOL-PAGE Wubbena Angellena W. 16-427 Wubbena Charles Mensen 16-428 Wubbena Christiana Nanele Fritz 16-429 Wubbena Gebjet Mensen 16-430 Wubbena Nicholas G. 16-431 Wubbena Rosie K. 16-432 Wubbena William Frederick 16-433 Wulbern Helena 26-247 Wulff Hans 34-369 Wulff Melvina 19-314 Wurster Fred W. 19-315 Wuthrich John Charles 21-248 Wyatt James Blackburn 24-71 Wyatt Mark L. 21-258 Wyatt Mary McKamey Thompson 24-72 Wyckoff Charles Alexander 16-434 Wykoff Charles Alexander 47-91 Wykoff Jonathan Larison 29-100 Wyley Charles Hazel 22-473 Wylie Catherine Coyle 16-435 Wylie Joseph Ridly 16-436 Wylie R. C. 22-34 Wyllie Alfred L. 16-437 Wyllie Leonard A. 53-443 Wyllie Michael Gallaway 16-438 Wyllie Oliver C. 16-439 Wyllie Ruth L. 52-266 Wyllie Ruth L. Potter 16-440 Wyllis Alexander (Capt.) 67-447 Wyman America Kelsey 64-282 Wyman Asa Nelson 47-92 Wyman Daniel 47-93 Wyman Emma Dawson 64-285 Wyman Frank (Charles Francis 21-226 Wyman Frederick Benjamin 64-286 Wyman George F. 64-283 Wyman George F. 64-284 Wyman George Francis Jr. 64-278 Wyman George Francis Sr. 64-277 Wyman Grove Cook 64-195 Wyman Harris Loring 47-94 Wyman Henry 47-95 Wyman James Guliman 47-96 Wyman William 47-97 Wyman William Albert 47-98 Wyman William Henry 64-287 Wynecoop George A. 36-366 Wynecoop Samuel Edison M. 44-197 Wynn Albert Maver 19-308/a Wynn Catherine Gaffney 19-308/a Wynne William A. 19-316 Wyruck Jacob "Homer" 66-412 Wyruck Carrie Ellery 66-413 Wyruck Francis Ellsworth 66-411 Wyruck Francis John 66-408 Wyruck John 66-410 Wyruck Nancy Jane Moore 66-409
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