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LAST FIRST VOL-PAGE Whale Charles F. 22-348 Whale Chas. F. 56-122 Whalen Eva Jones 16-113 Whalen John 46-347 Whalen Mathew 46-348 Whalen Timothy 47-39 Whaley Anna Jane 16-114 Whaley Franklin Spencer 16-115 Whaley Peter 58-319 Whaling James 46-349 Wharton Annie Jane Morton 16-116 Wharton Frances E. (Mrs.) 16-117 Wharton John 16-118 Wharton John 46-345 Wheadon George Theodore 16-120 Wheadon Isabell (Mrs.) 16-121 Wheadon Isabell Johnson 16-122 Whealon Michael 47-40 Whearty James M. 53-427 Whearty Mary J. 21-224 Wheat J. L. 63-400 Wheatley Edward Dunbar 38-415 Wheatley Elijah Dunbar 38-416 Wheatley William Light 38-417 Wheaton Walter William 46-346 Whedon Augustus 16-119 Wheeler (Mr.) 59-321 Wheeler Alonzo 46-350 Wheeler Amanda Nevens 16-123 Wheeler Artemus 16-124 Wheeler Edson Gardner 47-41 Wheeler Electa Ann 16-125 Wheeler Gilbert Lafayette 46-351 Wheeler Henrietta Jordan 59-320 Wheeler James 46-352 Wheeler Johnanna Dorsey 23-396 Wheeler Lewis P. 16-126 Wheeler Philip 16-127 Wheeler Simeon 36-355 Wheeler Stephen C. 16-128 Wheeler Stephen Clark 52-236 Wheeler Thomas D. 30-489 Wheeler William Francis 47-42 Wheelock Martha Amelia 64-82 Wheelock Richard Peter 64-87 Whelan Dennis 16-129 Whelan Dennis 46-353 Whelan Johanna Pennefeather 16-130 Whelan Julia 55-426 Whelan Malachi Joseph 16-131 Wheldon George 67-259 Wherity Anna 62-209 Wherity Elizabeth 62-206 Wherity Elizabeth Ann Kelly 62-205 Wherity Eugene 62-207 Wherity Henry 62-211 Wherity Ida 62-210 Wherity James 62-212 Wherity Mary 62-208 Wherity Nicolaus 62-213 Wherity Patrick 62-204 Wherity Peter 62-203 Whilhelm Theodore H. 29-118 Whipple Adaline Patience 16-132 Whipple Adaline Patience Allen 56-459 Whipple Almira Alice 19-288 Whipple Andrew J. 56-458 Whipple Andrew Jackson 16-133 Whipple Ann 29-102 Whipple Charles 29-103 Whipple Charles Burroughs 33-344 Whipple David 16-134 Whipple David 56-460 Whipple David Scott 16-135 Whipple David Scott 56-461 Whipple E. 16-136 Whipple E. 22-334 Whipple Emma 56-462 Whipple Emma L. 56-463 Whipple Harriet Adelaide Enos 16-137 Whipple Luella 29-101 Whipple Mary Alice (Taylor) 41-285 Whipple Samuel Junior 46-354 Whipple Thomas (Dr.) 4-420 Whipple Thomas F. 56-465 Whipple Thomas Franklin 16-138 Whisman Andrew 67-66 Whisman Hannah Maria King 67-65/s Whisman Henry 67-71 Whisman John 67-64 Whisman John 67-74 Whisman Lorenzo Leonadis 67-68 Whitacre Isaac W. 16-139 Whitacre Isaac Watson 16-139/a Whitacre Isaac Watson Jr. 68-61 Whitacre Martha Mattie 68-63 Whitacre Mary Etta 68-55 Whitaker Alfred Edward 46-355 Whitaker Ellen Longley 16-140 Whitaker J. P. 16-141 Whitaker W. S. 59-457 Whitby Frank Warren 61-330 Whitby Martha Lavina 26-242 Whitcomb Henry Hawley 29-117 White Abe C. 61-263 White Albert Franklin 65-147 White Alexander 46-356 White Alexander 47-43 White Alvey Peterson 46-357 White Anna Frances 57-174 White Annie 16-142 White Asa 29-114 White Asa Franklin 52-238 White Avery C. 21-446 White Benjamin W. 65-450 White Caleb E. 58-478 White Caroline ELizabeth Box 16-143 White Chapman Maupin 65-67 White Charles Thomas 66-114 White Charles Wesley 16-144 White Charles Wesley 52-239 White Edmund 46-358 White Edward 50-353 White Elizabeth Caroline (Box) 52-240 White Emmons 31-247 White Emmons Jr. 31-248 White Emons 46-359 White Fannie Ann Balson Paulson 27-399 White Frank 53-428 White Freeman 46-360 White G. W. 31-257 White George (Squirtza) 16-145 White George Jesse Francis 44-14 White Granville Clifford 46-361 White Hannah Savage 16-146 White Henry C. 16-147 White Henry C. 46-362 White Henry Lane 29-115 White Henry P. 50-354 White Henry Thomas 16-148 White Henry Thomas 62-439 White Henry W. 16-149 White Horace 46-363 White Hosea Bates 46-364 White Huffman M. 25-296 White Hugh 46-365 White James Harvey 32-273 White Jas. (Theresa 23-284 White Jasper M. 47-44 White Jerusha (Anthony) Brown 25-298 White Jesse Oliver 32-64 White John (Captain) 38-418 White John Baptiste 52-241 White John C. 22-350 White John C. 56-132 White John Cox 27-429 White John Cox 27-88 White John Henry 65-68 White John Oscar 16-150 White John P. 46-366 White John Peter 63-434 White Joseph E. 27-398 White Julia 53-40 White Katie 16-151 White Lillie V. 23-437 White Mae 57-322 White Martha Newton Darby 65-69/s White Mary Ellen Mahoney 59-370 White Mary F. Patterson 48-186 White Mary Jane 31-246 White Matthew William 47-45 White May Immogene Matthis 62-437 White Michael 26-244 White Patrick Henry 46-367 White Patrick Joseph 68-204/s White Peter Benjamin 63-433 White Peter E. 63-397 White Richard Potter 46-368 White Sophia Collingwood 16-152 White Spencer Wylie 59-369 White Suzanne 19-290 White Sylvanus 46-369 White Thomas 47-46 White Thomas 47-47 White Volney H. 46-370 White William 46-371 White William 46-372 White William 50-355 White William Henry 29-126 White William Orville 60-354 White William Pitt 46-373 White Wm. B. 22-339 Whitebred Peter John 46-374 Whited Charley 33-86 Whited D. H. 41-287 Whited D. H. (Mrs.) 41-288 Whited Dac 41-286 Whited Frank 41-289 Whited Joseph 33-87 Whited Josha 41-290 Whited Manuel 41-291 Whited Nette 41-292 Whited Sadie 41-293 Whited Thursda 41-294 Whitehead Elizabeth Jane 16-153 Whitehead Henry George 50-33 Whitehead Martha Sarah 16-154 Whitehead Mary Jane 19-289 Whitehead Peter 46-375 Whitehead William Edmond 50-34 Whitehead William Ellis 46-376 Whitehead William H. 57-362 Whitehouse Elizabeth 64-376 Whitelaw James George 46-377 Whiteman Mary Louisa 64-81 Whiteman Sarah Jane 16-155 Whiteside Abraham Rain 46-378 Whiteside Eleanor 23-296 Whiteside George Martin 16-156 Whiteside John Bolin 46-379 Whiteside Louisa 16-157 Whiteside Martha Elizabeth Gibbs 63-52 Whiteside Ninian Edward 19-291 Whiteside Orlo 16-158 Whiteside Uel Bowlin 46-380 Whitesides Elizabeth Kirkpatrick 60-445 Whitesides Mark 60-446 Whitesides Parley Pratt 60-450 Whiteworth Anna Hall 23-444 Whiteworth George H. 23-442 Whiteworth Henry 23-443 Whitford Daisy May 48-379 Whitford Daniel M. 48-380 Whiting Albert 46-381 Whiting Bertram Dyer 52-242 Whiting Eugene C. 61-219 Whiting Leonard 46-382 Whiting Mary 23-282 Whiting Rose (Mrs.) 53-429 Whitlock Charles Morris 52-243 Whitlock Harry C. 37-188 Whitlock Harry C. 48-382 Whitlock Louisa Dauner 58-265 Whitlock Wilson 58-266 Whitman Conrad 46-383 Whitman L. P. 22-353 Whitman L. P. 56-143 Whitmire Bonnie 16-159 Whitmore Daniel 16-160 Whitmore Daniel 23-203 Whitmore Flint Monroe 16-161 Whitmore Flint Monroe 48-381 Whitmore Laroy 47-48 Whitmore R. K. (Captain) 22-13 Whitney Addie 59-104 Whitney Albion Paris 68-198 Whitney Carrie 59-102 Whitney Charles 59-103 Whitney Charles Frederick 37-189 Whitney Charles Hezekiah 47-49 Whitney Francis L. 59-95 Whitney George (Mrs.) 59-93 Whitney George O. 59-100 Whitney J. Parker 59-94 Whitney Kate 59-101 Whitney Mary 16-162 Whitney Sarah 27-307 Whitney Sarah Maria 16-163 Whitney Walter 59-98 Whitney William Fletcher 16-164 Whitney William J. 59-96 Whitson Frank 48-383 Whitson Frank 63-416 Whitt John Gilbert 57-298 Whitt Nancy Angelin Demasters 57-302 Whitt Powhattan Wyckliffe 57-301 Whitten Carrie E. Dewitt 16-165 Whitten Carrie Louisa (Mrs.) 52-244 Whitthouse A. J. 48-384 Whittier Merrill 46-384 Whittlock William Laffiet 57-40 Whittman Conrad 16-166 Whitty Sarah E. Dunig 29-116 Whitworth Henry 16-167 Whyers Alida (Allison)(Mrs.) 52-245 Whyers Alida I. Allison (Mrs.) 24-342 Whyler Edward 61-413 Whyler Edward Henry 61-407 Whyler Elizabeth Jane 61-412 Whyler Frederick William 61-411 Whyler George Edward 61-410 Whyler John Charles 61-409 Whyler John George 61-471 Whyler Mary Ellen 61-470 Whyte Catherine Theresa 16-168 Whyte Elizabeth Ann 16-169 Whyte James Patrick 16-170 Whyte John 16-171 Whyte John Charles 16-172 Whyte Margaret White 16-173 Whyte Mary Magdalene 16-174 Wible Simon W. 57-26 Wichman Johann Joachim 47-50 Wick Charles F. 16-175 Wick Moses 16-176 Wick Moses 30-45 Wick Moses 46-386 Wick Roxey Ella 16-177 Wickenden Fred 23-208 Wickes James Edmund 24-222 Wickes Mary Louise 24-221 Wickham James 44-15 Wickham Nellie (Mrs.) 53-430 Wicklund Peter 54-330 Wickman Geo. D. 16-179 Wickman Joseph J. 46-385 Wickman Joseph John 16-180 Wickman Martha N. 16-181 Wickmann Anna M. 16-178 Widman Adolph 19-292 Widman John 19-293 Wiemeyer Mary Elizabeth 44-16 Wietfeldt Henry C. 33-88 Wigger Peter 46-387 Wiggers H. 22-337 Wiggin Mary Louisa 16-182 Wiggin Sarah Brown (Marston) 52-246 Wight Charles Nathan 24-73 Wight Elizabeth (Chamberlain) 62-360 Wight Florence 62-134 Wight George 65-70 Wight James Thomas 62-359 Wightman Henry 16-184 Wightman Joel D. 52-248 Wightman Julia Ball 16-183 Wigler John 47-51 Wilber John 24-20 Wilborn Thomas Madison 46-388 Wilbrich Fredrich 47-52 Wilbur Carrie Luanna 52-247 Wilbur Henry Clay 25-86 Wilbur Henry Clay 46-389 Wilbur Levi Slocum 46-390 Wilbur Martin German 46-391 Wilbur Roita Fairchild 16-185 Wilbur Willard J. 32-274 Wilbur Willis W. 32-275 Wilbur Wm. M. 57-428 Wilcox Abel 62-434 Wilcox Albert 16-186 Wilcox Albert Starr 46-392 Wilcox Alice Ann Baker Lander 24-148 Wilcox Charles Hart 46-393 Wilcox Frederick 46-394 Wilcox Grant B. 62-435 Wilcox Grant Butler 31-252 Wilcox Ida Irene 16-188 Wilcox James Calvin 16-189 Wilcox Jeremiah Eno 46-395 Wilcox Martin Arthur 34-360 Wilcox Mary Elizabeth 27-301 Wilcox Origen Abbey 25-297 Wilcox Sardis Denslow 16-187 Wilcox Sardis Denslow 16-190 Wilcox Silas 16-191 Wilcox Spencer Alfred Sr. 42-134 Wilcox Stephen Allen 21-225 Wilcox Stephen Allen 22-471 Wilcox WM. S. 34-361 Wilcoxen Stroud 50-356 Wilcoxon Caleb E. (Hon.) 38-419 Wilcoxon Strother E. 33-90 Wilcoxon Strother E. 61-331 Wild Andrew Joseph 16-192 Wild Barney 46-396 Wild Benjamin 16-193 Wild Ellen Graham 16-194 Wild Hanora Ann Tully 16-195 Wild Helen Henderson Bruce 16-196 Wild John 16-197 Wild John 16-198 Wilde Gussie Speckman 25-14 Wilder Asaph 16-199 Wilder Avlin Elizabeth Scott 29-305 Wilder Charles Francis (Frank 21-226 Wilder Delos Dwight 16-200 Wilder Elitha Cumi Donner 67-168 Wilder Lewis 29-304 Wilder Lilly Bell Kellogg 61-187 Wilder Mary 16-201 Wilder Miranda Flornia Shippy 16-202 Wildermuth John Andrew 41-295 Wildermuth Theo Susan 41-296 Wilderson Euias 46-398 Wildoxon Caleb E. 33-89 Wilds Claiborne W. 16-203 Wilds Ellen 29-105 Wilds John B. 16-204 Wilds Wm. J. 49-477 Wiles Joseph Bright 49-478 Wiley Charles H. 19-391 Wiley Elizabeth Cormen 19-392 Wiley John 36-356 Wiley Lucy Willits 16-205 Wiley Melzanna Mary Elizabeth 29-302 Wiley Millie Elizabeth Burns 55-427 Wiley Sarah Bohall 16-206 Wiley William 37-190 Wilger Fred 32-66 Wilhelm August H. 25-180 Wilhelm Mary A. 49-479 Wilhite William Lane 47-295 Wilhoit George E. 27-89 Wilhoit George Ewell 19-256 Wilhoit Henry 24-338 Wilhoit Jesse 24-340 Wilhoit Mildred A. Harder 24-339 Wilhoit Raley Early 56-478 Wilhoit Simeon J. 24-341 Wilholt Roley E. 22-361 Wilholt Roley E. 27-90 Wilke Adelaide Wilke (Adeline) 21-227 Wilke John Benjamin 46-397 Wilkerson Andrew Jackson 16-207 Wilkerson Elizabeth 52-250 Wilkerson Isom 46-399 Wilkerson Mary Elizabeth 62-115 Wilkerson William Stone 46-401 Wilkes Albert G. 54-463 Wilkes Albert Gallatin 54-463/a Wilkes Burwell 66-229 Wilkes Caroline Reed/Reid 66-220 Wilkes Elizabeth C. Gilliam 66-218 Wilkes Emma Dove 54-292/a Wilkes Emma Finley 66-222 Wilkes Jane Toomey 54-463/a Wilkes John Phelps 66-221 Wilkes Joseph Adcock 66-219 Wilkes Lucy Jane Adcock 54-463/a Wilkes Lucy Jane Adcock 66-214 Wilkes Margaret Ann Reed (Reid) 66-216 Wilkes Minerva Josephine 66-224 Wilkes Peter Singelton 66-213 Wilkes Robert Franklin 66-225 Wilkes Susan Sampson 66-226 Wilkes Thomas Edmund (Edwin) 66-217 Wilkes William Perry 66-215 Wilkin Benjamin Sydney 21-228 Wilkin Mae Bell 41-297 Wilkin Margaret (Daisy) Tarbell 38-420 Wilkin Stephen 38-421 Wilkins Adelaide M. 16-208 Wilkins Catherine Agnes 16-209 Wilkins Elijah 16-210 Wilkins Ida Estella (Stockwell) 24-151 Wilkins Sarah Wright 16-211 Wilkins William Wallace 16-212 Wilkinson John Madison 46-400 Wilkinson Martha J. (Coolige) 68-78 Wilkinson Martha Jane 19-418 Willard Charles 30-365 Willard Charles 46-402 Willard Charles 65-176/s Willard George Kittridge 33-91 Willard Laura M. 50-358 Willard Laura Mabel Stiles 27-83 Willard Phineas 46-403 Wille Franz 66-128 Willeford Susan 19-294 Willer Frances Decker 60-50 Willerich John Christopher 46-404 Willet Joseph 46-405 Willett Harry 16-213 Willett Jacklin 53-431 Willett Larry 34-362 Willett Paul 46-406 Willey Alpheus Chandler 47-53 Willey Amosa Parker 46-407 Willey Samuel Hopkins (Rev) 67-169/s Williams Aaron Geary 47-54 Williams Aaron Gerry 29-482 Williams Ai Edgar 49-122 Williams Albert C. 37-191 Williams Albert J. 59-465 Williams Alfred Bascom 16-214 Williams Almira T. 19-295 Williams Annie Laura 27-186 Williams Annie Sales 16-216 Williams Annie Wells (Dr.) 16-217 Williams Anthony Bowden 61-484 Williams Archibold 46-408 Williams Byron Everts 16-218 Williams Catherine 16-220 Williams Charles Francis 33-325 Williams Charles Francis 47-55 Williams Charles Gilbert 46-409 Williams Charles H. 57-205 Williams Clare Jane 60-279 Williams Colma B. (Miss) 58-369 Williams Daniel 16-221 Williams Daniel 46-410 Williams David 16-223 Williams David 16-224 Williams David 19-296 Williams David 46-411 Williams David 46-412 Williams David I. 47-56 Williams David Sampson 62-250 Williams Dax 30-102 Williams E. B. 59-481 Williams Edward B. Jr 57-121 Williams Edward B. Jr 59-479 Williams Edward Benton Sr. 57-119 Williams Edward F. 65-55 Williams Edward Henry 66-130 Williams Edwin A. 42-135 Williams Eldret M. 59-478 Williams Eldret Marcellus 57-122 Williams Elisha 41-298 Williams Elizabeth Ann 58-450 Williams Elizabeth Rogers 59-480 Williams Ellen 38-422 Williams Elnathan Gavett 53-41 Williams Emanuel 46-413 Williams Emma Frances Thompson 16-226 Williams Fannie Brewer 57-207 Williams Frances Dolores Leon 16-227 Williams Francis Marion 46-414 Williams Frank 16-228 Williams Frank George 16-229 Williams Fred Jesse 44-485 Williams Frederic 46-415 Williams Frederick 65-440 Williams G. 38-423 Williams George 16-230 Williams George 46-416 Williams George E. 46-417 Williams George Walter 16-231 Williams Giles Alexander 46-418 Williams Grace 48-385 Williams Harry Alston 19-297 Williams Henry 47-57 Williams Henry 47-58 Williams Horace 64-272 Williams Hugh 32-70 Williams Isaac 30-103 Williams Isaac 61-16 Williams Isaac R. 29-135 Williams J. H. 63-398 Williams James Allen 55-428 Williams James Henderson 41-299 Williams James Madison 16-232 Williams James Madison 46-419 Williams Jehiel 41-300 Williams John 46-420 Williams John Albert 46-421 Williams John C. (Mrs.) 23-276 Williams John Cameron 21-229 Williams John Periera 60-360 Williams John R. 42-136 Williams John Thomas 30-363 Williams Joseph 53-42 Williams Josephine I. Branch 26-2 Williams Judith (Gary) 53-432 Williams Julia A. 19-298 Williams Julia F. 57-254 Williams Julian Isaac 58-476 Williams Laura Alice Tuttle 27-187 Williams Leanor 24-202 Williams Lewis 23-311 Williams Lewis 46-422 Williams Lincoln P. 33-92 Williams Louisa 56-429 Williams Louisa Jane Boulware 16-233 Williams Lucinda Hudspiel 16-234 Williams Lucinda Isabella 57-209 Williams Mahala Dean 16-235 Williams Margetta Estella 57-208 Williams Mary 52-251 Williams Mary (Hay) 53-433 Williams Mary A. Anderson 16-236 Williams Mary Floyd (Dr.) 58-464 Williams Mary Starbuck Snyder 16-237 Williams Miles 27-430 Williams Nancy Margaret 16-238 Williams Nancy Margaret Bruce 29-481 Williams Nason C. 16-239 Williams Nathan 47-59 Williams Nicholas James 19-299 Williams Norman S. 46-423 Williams Oscar 64-275 Williams Owen E. 47-60 Williams Peter 47-61 Williams Philip 47-62 Williams Phineas 46-424 Williams Platt 46-425 Williams Rees 16-240 Williams Richard 16-241 Williams Richard David 47-63 Williams Robert Georgia 53-43 Williams Russell 46-426 Williams Samuel R. 16-242 Williams Sarah 16-243 Williams Sarah Frances Rucker 41-301 Williams Sarah M. 48-386 Williams Sarah W. (Mrs.) 31-254 Williams Septimus 22-356 Williams Septimus 56-82 Williams Stephen Reddon 21-230 Williams Theodore 21-231 Williams Thomas 32-72 Williams Thomas Henry 46-427 Williams Thomas Jefferson 29-306 Williams Tryphena Shirley 16-244 Williams Uri 16-245 Williams W. H. 63-243 Williams W. Wade 44-17 Williams William 46-428 Williams William 57-206 Williams William H. 31-253 Williams William Harris 46-429 Williams William Henry 56-438 Williams William Morgan 65-200/s Williams William W. 16-246 Williams William Washington 46-430 Williams Wm. R. 21-232 Williams Wm. Walter 52-252 Williamson Ella G. Green 50-357 Williamson Jane Hyslop 16-247 Williamson John 31-240 Williamson Josiah Caldwell 16-248 Williamson Josiah Caldwell 16-249 Williamson Lindley 46-431 Williamson Margaret 56-439 Williamson Mary Adeline Doyle 21-376 Williamson Mellen 46-432 Williamson Sarah M. 21-233 Williford Albert Anthony 41-302 Williford John Calvin 24-203 Williford Ruth America Glidewell 24-204 Willis Albert 52-253 Willis Emma Steele 16-250 Willis Francis Mario 16-251 Willis George 19-300 Willis Joseph 53-434 Willis Lonzo 16-252 Willis Mary Elizabeth 19-301 Williston John Edward 29-379 Williston John Edward 58-47 Williston John Edward (Mrs.)(Sarah 29-380 Willits Allen Allen 16-253 Willits Cyrus A. 16-254 Willits Emma 16-255 Willits Sarah Alice 16-254 Willits William M. 16-256 Willits Wm. Monroe 53-435 Willman Joseph 67-295 Willmann Lewis 47-64 Willmar Lewis 47-65 Willms John Henry 24-146 Willms John Henry 57-390 Willms John R. 24-147 Willms John Remmers 16-257 Willms John Remmers 63-161 Willoughby James Russell 24-70 Willrich Charles 47-66 Willrich Frederick 47-67 Willrich Theodore John 47-68 Willrich William 46-433 Wills Harriet Frances 16-258 Wills James Arthur 16-259 Wills John Randolph 46-434 Willson Alvin Grant 21-234 Willy Grace Ralph 16-260 Wilsea Daniel 46-435 Wilsey Caroline Avery Osborn 16-261 Wilshire George Washington 46-436 Wilshire Suzhannah Ann 26-252 Wilson Mary Ella "Nan" 65-170 Wilson A. C. J. 60-52 Wilson Ada Marion 65-168 Wilson Alexander 16-262 Wilson Alexander 16-269 Wilson Allen 16-263 Wilson Amand 32-62 Wilson Andrew Jackson 47-69 Wilson Bushrod W. 27-305 Wilson Catherine Bell 16-264 Wilson Charles 46-437 Wilson Charles 47-70 Wilson Charles Lincoln 47-71 Wilson Cynthia Sneed 16-265 Wilson Cyrus Pogue 31-258 Wilson Daniel Lee 16-266 Wilson David Lewis 46-438 Wilson Devoe 48-387 Wilson E. J. 36-358 Wilson Ebenezer D. 46-439 Wilson Edward Parkinson 46-440 Wilson Egbert L. 68-85 Wilson Elizabeth 19-302 Wilson Elizabeth F. 21-235 Wilson Elizabeth Kelly Bozzo 58-333 Wilson Elizabeth Sherman 16-267 Wilson Ellen Kincaid (Mrs.) 16-268 Wilson Emma Etta 65-171 Wilson Everett Welsey 16-270 Wilson Fannie Sneed 16-271 Wilson Frances E. Briston 16-272 Wilson Francis M. 46-441 Wilson Geo. C. 16-273 Wilson George 54-331 Wilson George Clinton 46-442 Wilson George W. 36-359 Wilson Georgia Alice Warren 65-283 Wilson Grant Ulysses 65-167 Wilson Hannah Johnson 64-328 Wilson Harry Westmoreland 46-443 Wilson Hattie M. Houston 54-283 Wilson Helen Frances 65-56 Wilson Henry Charles 46-444 Wilson Hiram 16-274 Wilson Horatio 46-445 Wilson Houston Lafayette 47-72 Wilson Ida Antinette 21-236 Wilson Isaac Newton 68-84 Wilson James Dixon 47-73 Wilson James St.Clair 16-275 Wilson James Walker 16-276 Wilson Jane Bellah 47-162 Wilson Jeptha 65-165 Wilson Joel Lewis 46-446 Wilson John 16-277 Wilson John 16-278 Wilson John 16-279 Wilson John 46-447 Wilson John 65-36 Wilson John Andrew 21-237 Wilson John Benjamin 29-137 Wilson John Benjamin 60-336 Wilson John M. 48-388 Wilson John Mackey 54-332 Wilson John Melven 46-448 Wilson John Melvin 46-449 Wilson John More/Moore (Corp) 65-37 Wilson John Russell 24-223 Wilson John W. 60-335 Wilson John Wilsy 29-138 Wilson Jonathan G. 19-303 Wilson Josefa Peralta 53-436 Wilson Joseph 16-280 Wilson Joseph 16-281 Wilson Josephine Trindad 16-282 Wilson Kittie Howland 25-87 Wilson Lazelles 16-283 Wilson Lemuel 16-284 Wilson Lewis Philip 55-429 Wilson Lilia Novella 23-459/s Wilson Louisa Piper 19-304 Wilson Lucinda 19-305 Wilson Lucius Stafford 16-285 Wilson Margaret Adeline 16-286 Wilson Margaret Ann Calder 60-51 Wilson Marion 44-18 Wilson Marion F. 16-287 Wilson Martha Ann 16-288 Wilson Martha Field 55-430 Wilson Martha Jane Berry 16-289 Wilson Martha M. Smith 16-290 Wilson Martha Soise 65-163 Wilson Mary Ann (Mrs.) 21-296 Wilson Mary C. Fisher 16-291 Wilson Mary Eliza 57-456 Wilson Mary Elizabeth 65-38 Wilson Mary Elizabeth Owens 47-296 Wilson Mary Frances 21-238 Wilson Mary Jane 23-283 Wilson Michael 54-333 Wilson Nancy 27-306 Wilson Park 46-450 Wilson Paulina Conkel 53-437 Wilson Paulina Prothero 54-334 Wilson Peter 16-292 Wilson Rebecca Ella Cook 65-39 Wilson Rhoda Van Leuven 16-293 Wilson Robert A. 65-169 Wilson Robert M. 54-335 Wilson Rueben Jasper 64-327 Wilson S. E. 36-360 Wilson Samuel Elder 48-389 Wilson Sarah Davis 16-295 Wilson Sarah Elizabeth Ivy 29-136 Wilson Sarah Elizabeth Ivy 60-336 Wilson Sina Burns 54-336 Wilson Sina Burns 54-336/a Wilson Susan Teresa Armstrong 66-80 Wilson Theresa (Miss) 57-334 Wilson Thomas A. 22-340 Wilson Thomas A. 55-440 Wilson Thomas Creaghead 46-451 Wilson W. S. 53-438 Wilson William 46-452 Wilson William 47-74 Wilson William Anderson 31-239 Wilson William Craig 31-249 Wilson William Gordon 25-88 Wilson William M. 30-357 Wilson William Robert 46-454 Wilson William Sheridan 16-296 Wilson William Simon Brice 36-361 Wilson William Simpson Brice 46-455 Wilson William Smith 16-294 Wilson William Thomas 26-241 Wilson William Thomas 65-40 Wilson Williams Luko 46-453 Wilson Zenobia P. Newbill (Mrs.) 34-359 Wilton George James 60-271 Wilton Lora Ellen Smith 60-272 Wimberly William A. 36-362 Wimmer Elizabeth Jane (Cloud) Baiz 68-365 Wimmer Nancy Mildred Tuley 61-52 Wimmer Peter L. 68-368 Wimmer William Dalton 61-51 Winans Levis Williams 21-239 Winans Mary Ellen Livingston 21-240 Winbigler David 60-441 Winchell Elisha Cotton 16-297 Winchell Herman Philo 49-480 Winchell L. A. 16-298 Winchell Laura Coralie Alsip 16-299 Winchell Ledyard Frink 16-300 Winchell Lilbourne Alsip 16-301 Winchester Charles Albert 46-456 Winchester Robert Fulton 16-302 Winchester Sarah Augusta 16-303 Winders George Washington 46-457 Winders T. (Mrs.) 36-363 Wineman Ester 62-252 Winemiller Isabel Jane 60-273 Winemiller John 66-163 Wing George Brenton 67-59 Wing James B. 67-61 Wing John 16-306 Wing John 16-306/a Wing Louisa M. Pelton 12-118/a Wing Louisa M. Pelton 16-306/a Wing Michael 58-142 Wingfield Lucy A. 59-499 Winkelman Ellen 16-304 Winkelman Jacob 16-305 Winkler Charles Augustus 38-424 Winkler James Jackson 33-93 Winn Adolphus G. (Mrs.)(Agnes 19-307 Winn Adolphus Gustavus 15-295 Winn Adolphus Gustavus 19-306 Winn Agnes Turner Hilske 16-307 Winn Albert Maver 19-308/a Winn Albert Mayer 19-308 Winn Catherine Gaffney 19-308/a Winn Thomas 46-458 Winne William H. 31-242 Winner Mary E. 53-44 Winship J. 63-395 Winslett John W. 58-302 Winslett John W. 58-351 Winslow Adelaide Kimball 58-109 Winslow George 29-121 Winslow George Jr. 29-119 Winslow Kate Adelaide 29-120 Winsor John 16-308 Winter Caroline Hofmann 16-309 Winter George G. 34-364 Winter Jno. D. 55-487 Winter John D. 22-360 Winter John D. 55-488 Winter John G. 41-303 Winter Louis 34-365 Winter Mary Kearse 58-469 Winter Rudolph 46-459 Winterhalte Dycann Majors 16-310 Winters John D. 16-311 Winters Joseph 68-264 Winters Mary Frances Wood 16-312 Winters Mary O. 22-33 Winterstein Martha Adaline 16-313 Wintringer Leander 65-139 Wire Benjamin 30-364 Wirth Marie Antoinette 49-481 Wirts Edwin Putnam 23-362 Wirts George Denna 23-361 Wirts James Ambrose 16-314 Wirts Mary Jane 16-315 Wirtz Elizabeth 8-489 Wise Alpheus Brown 26-253 Wise Bernhard 16-316 Wise Edward J. 46-460 Wise Marie Lavin 16-317 Wise Mary Emma Willard (Mrs.) 16-318 Wise Preston 16-319 Wise Rose 21-241 Wisecarver Ada Mary 23-441 Wiseman Emma A. Hillman (Mrs.) 34-366 Wiser William Bruner 46-461 Wishard Margaret Maher 16-320 Wisner T. C. 50-35 Wisner T. C. (Mrs.) 50-36 Wisner Thaddeus Sobiski 16-321 Wissman Serelda Lynn 67-67 Witherbee Ira Alsten 46-462 Witherell Hiram Austin 46-463 Withington George 48-390 Withington Lydia Davis 16-322 Withington Robert W. 54-1 Withington Sumner A. 16-323 Withrow Abel Alderson 16-324 Witt Henry B. 47-297 Witt Henry Shelton 52-254 Witt John 16-326 Witt John 52-257 Witt John Wesley 16-327 Witt John Wesley 38-425 Witt Klaus 47-298 Witt Napoleon Bonaparte 52-255 Witt Thos. Jefferson 52-256 Wittenbrock Laura W. 52-258 Witter Nancy A. (Mrs.) 38-426 Wittkopp Henry A. 16-328 Wittland Mary Seffert 16-329 Wittland William 16-330 Wittman George W. 16-332 Wittmann Antonia 16-331 Wixom Alexander 26-254 Wixom Ann Allen 26-255 Wixom David Hadlock 25-397 Wixom Elizabeth 26-256 Wixom Mary A. 25-398 Wixom Nathan 26-257 Wixom Willard Ammon 26-258
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