Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Surname Index - Va-Vl

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LAST         FIRST                       VOL-PAGE
Vaca         Juan Manuel (Senor)          64-270
Vahlberg     Wilhelmina (Trust)           65-351
Vahle        F. W.                        34-347
Vahle        Jacob T.                     34-348
Vail         Ellen                        48-349
Vail         Henry Eugene                 15-301
Vail         Henry Eugene                 46-228
Vail         Isaiah William               46-229
Vail         James Kelsey                 46-230
Valberde     Frances Valencia             57-296
Valberde     Lorenzo                      57-297
Valderama    Cornelio                     41-264
Valdes       Jose                         15-302
Valdez       Basilio                      24-19
Valencia     Eustaqueo                    26-240
Valencia     Francis Emma (Bargalis)      49-462
Valencia     Guadalupe                    21-197
Valencia     Isabela                      57-96
Valencia     Jose Maria                   58-155
Valencia     Jose Vicente                 15-303
Valencia     Juan Lopez                   48-350
Valencia     Manuel                       15-304
Valencia     Pascuala Farias              58-156
Valensin     Alice McCauley               38-404
Valenti      James Angela (Mrs.)          53-416
Valenzuela   Francisca Xaviera            38-405
Valenzuela   Jose Gaspar DeJesus          66-452
Valenzuela   Jose Manuel                  66-451
Valenzuela   Jose Maria                   57-92
Valenzuela   Manuel                       50-349
Valenzuela   Manuel                       52-209
Valenzuela   Manuel                       57-94
Valenzuela   Manuel Y.                    29-95
Valenzuela   Ramon                        66-453
Valenzuella  Maria de los Desempardos     15-337
Valla        Ferdninand                   57-275
Valla        Philomena Jourdan            57-274
Valle        Antonio                      30-314
Valle        Maria Magdalena de Jesus     30-343
Vallejo      Andronico                    30-337
Vallejo      Andronico Del Resugio        30-336
Vallejo      Antonio Juan Baptista        30-317
Vallejo      Armindina Soberanes          30-281
Vallejo      Benicia                      30-323
Vallejo      Benicia Ysabel               30-325
Vallejo      Eugene                       30-345
Vallejo      Guadalupe                    30-329
Vallejo      Guadalupe                    30-338
Vallejo      Ignacio Loyola               30-318
Vallejo      Ignacio Vicente              30-351
Vallejo      Ignacio Vicente Ferrer       67-19
Vallejo      Ignacio Vocente Ferrer       33-312
Vallejo      Jose de Jesus                30-348
Vallejo      Jose Emanuel Salvadore       30-319
Vallejo      Jose Ignacio                 30-349
Vallejo      Juan Antonio                 30-350
Vallejo      Juana Maria Gertrudis        30-341
Vallejo      Lilly Wiley                  30-354
Vallejo      Maria Antonia                30-339
Vallejo      Maria Antonia Lugo           30-210
Vallejo      Maria Crudenziana            30-344
Vallejo      Maria de Jesus               30-316
Vallejo      Maria de Jesus               30-347
Vallejo      Maria de la Luz Carrillo     30-157
Vallejo      Maria Encarnacion            30-346
Vallejo      Maria Francisca Benicia      30-158
Vallejo      Maria Josefa                 30-353
Vallejo      Mariano G.                   33-313
Vallejo      Mariano Guadalupe            30-342
Vallejo      Marta Ygnacia                30-327
Vallejo      Napoleon Primo               30-324
Vallejo      Platon M.G. (Dr.)            30-332
Vallejo      Plutarco                     30-331
Vallejo      Plutarco                     30-340
Vallejo      Plutarco II                  30-322
Vallejo      Salvadoe                     15-305
Vallejo      Soledad Sanchez Ortega       30-247
Vallejo      Uladislao                    30-321
Vallet       Christian                    15-306
Vallet       Christiana Magdalena         15-307
Vallet       Christopher                  15-308
Valpone      Louisa                       41-265
Van Drielen  William Smith                65-240
Van Gundy    Hiram                        65-156
Van Gundy    Hiram Grant                  65-155
Van Gundy    Martha Ellen (Stemmerman)    65-154
Van Meter    Virginia Louise Gallaway     67-193
Van Winkle   Frances Cooper Pulsifer      67-238
VanAlstine   Alonzo                       34-349
VanAlstine   Harry                        34-355
VanArsdale   A. B.                        22-398
VanArsdale   A. B.                        36-334
VanArsdale   E. G.                        22-394
VanArsdale   E. G.                        36-335
VanArsdell   Annie J. Hall                15-309
VanAusdell   Cornelius                    15-310
VanAusdell   Louisa Artemsia Daniels      15-311
VanBarren    John                         46-231
VanBenescho  J. W.                        56-135
VanBenschot  J. W.                        22-331
VanBever     Peter                        15-312
VanBibber    Harriett                     19-248
Vanbuskirk   Robert Henry                 46-232
Vance        Amalia M.                    21-198
Vance        Edwin Putnam                 61-103
Vance        George Main                  61-79
Vance        Inez Rena Case               29-99
Vance        James Monroe                 46-233
Vance        James Ramey                  29-96
Vance        John M.                      50-143
Vanciel      Alfred                       15-313
Vanciel      Belle Levina                 15-314
Vanciel      Charles (Vansiel)            31-237
Vanciel      Charles Frederick            15-315
Vanciel      Edward                       15-316
Vanciel      Elizabeth                    15-317
Vanciel      Fannie Julia                 15-318
Vanciel      Fieldon Gatewood             44-3
Vanciel      George Madison               15-319
Vanciel      Walter Daniel                15-320
Vanciel      William Martin               15-321
VanClief     George                       53-24
VanClief     Harriett Smalley             53-25
VanClief     Napoleon                     53-26
VanClief     Vinton                       53-27
Vandament    Eli P.                       58-379
Vandament    Jacob                        57-392
Vandel       Ernest Cecil                 48-351
Vandel       Ernest Cecil Celesta         29-98
Vandel       Pierre Clement (Vandelle)    29-97
Vandelle     Pierre Clement  (Vandel)     29-97
Vanderbilt   John                         22-327
Vanderbilt   John                         56-93
Vanderbilt   William                      15-322
Vanderford   Napoleon Boneparte           33-73
Vandergrift  John                         46-234
Vanderhoof   John Hay                     46-235
Vanderhoof   John M.                      56-499
Vanderleck   Henry                        29-94
Vanderleck   Henry                        38-406
Vanderlick   Henry                        44-293
VanDeventer  Eugene Maclove               26-236
VanDorn      Armanda Josephine Baker      24-145
VanDorn      Virgil                       46-236
Vanegas      Cosme                        67-134
VanFleet     Louisa                       53-417
VanFossen    David                        46-237
VanFossen    Levi                         46-238
VanFossen    Thomas Ezra                  46-239
VanGeem      John                         24-335
VanGeem      Richard                      24-336
VanGulpen    Carl                         26-238
VanGulpen    George Washington            26-237
VanGulpen    Matilda Korsinski            26-239
VanHopper    Ida                          55-420
VanHorn      Henry Clark                  46-240
VanHorn      Potter Hammond               46-241
VanHyning    Hiram A.                     64-160
VanKirk      William Henry                46-242
VanLandingh  Mary Gertrude                61-192
VanLandingh  William Henry                61-193
VanLeuven    Anson                        25-393
VanLeuven    Elizabeth Robinson           25-395
VanLeuven    Fredric Mathew               25-394
VanMater     Albert Lewis (VanMeter)      48-352
VanMatre     Morris                       15-323
VanMeter     Albert Lewis (VanMater)      48-352
VanMeter     Joseph G.                    46-243
Vann         Jacob                        65-140/s
Vann         Jesse Smith                  65-141/s
Vann         Logan Douglas                65-142
Vann         Martin Briggs                57-31
Vann         Mathew                       15-324
Vann         Mathew                       15-325
Vann         Mathew                       65-143
Vann         P. W.                        57-28
Vann         P.W.                         15-326
Vann         Pitt Woodard                 65-144
Vann         Taylor Shaw                  65-145
Vann         Thomas Smith                 15-327
Vann         Virginia Bucknell            57-30
Vann         William Henry                65-146
Vann         Wm. A. (Hon.)                32-59
Vanness      Henry Jefferson              46-244
Vanness      James                        46-245
VanOrden     Leandis                      46-247
Vanoten      Joseph                       46-246
VanPatton    Lulu (Rippy)                 49-463
VanPelt      Peter Howell                 46-249
VanPelt      Renier                       46-248
VanRiper     William                      46-254
VanSandt     A. A.                        15-328
VanSandt     Mary Ellen                   19-249
Vansiel      Charles (Vanciel)            31-237
VanSyckle    Henry                        33-74
VanSyckle    Henry Eugene                 33-75
VanSyckle    Henry Weaver                 64-123
VanTassel    Joseph                       41-266
VanTassel    Ozen E.                      41-267
VanTassell   Theodore                     15-329
VanTassell   Theodore S.                  21-199
VanValer     Margaret Isabelle            64-271
VanValkenbu  Anna                         52-208
VanValkenbu  Jane                         57-377
VanValkenbu  Manora                       53-28
VanValkinbu  Fredrica Whitney             59-99
VanVliet     Carrie                       21-200
VanWagner    W. R.                        15-406
VanWert      Ellen Tiffany                56-421
VanWert      Ellen Tiffany                56-422
VanWicklin   Catherine Frances Fagan      15-330
VanWicklin   James Cornelius              15-331
VanWicklin   Margaret Ralph               15-332
VanWicklin   Roger B.                     15-333
VanWinkle    Thomas Neylan                21-201
VanWoert     George                       46-255
VanWoert     John                         46-256
VanWoert     Richard                      46-257
VanWoert     William                      46-258
VanZandt     Mary Ann                     44-4
Varney       Joshua Atwood                46-259
Varnum       James Baxter                 46-260
Varnum       Solomon Dixon                64-13
Varozza      Marco                        68-182
Vasques      Andrew                       15-334
Vasquez      Jose                         15-335
Vasquez      Maxina                       41-268
Vasquez      Rosario Villanneva           15-336
Vassar       Albert B.                    68-270
Vassar       Edmond                       68-269
Vassar       George Benjamin              68-272
Vassar       Joseph                       68-271
Vassar       Mary B. (Powell)             68-268
Vassar       Michael                      68-142/s
Vassar       Michael                      68-267
Vassar       Ulysses Grant                68-273
Vaugh        George Wesly Jr.             15-338
Vaughan      Cornelius Lewis Neville      34-350
Vaughan      Flora Virginia               34-351
Vaughan      Francis Marion               46-261
Vaughan      James Henry Jr.              64-53
Vaughan      Mary                         24-69
Vaughan      Patrick                      29-90
Vaughan      Rufus                        29-333
Vaughan      Walter W.                    22-332
Vaughan      Walter W.                    56-22
Vaughn       Abigail Axtell               66-485
Vaughn       Abraham Caldwell             59-49
Vaughn       Abraham Caldwell             66-482
Vaughn       Eva Liza (Passage)           67-476
Vaughn       George Henry                 46-262
Vaughn       Harriet Suggett              59-50
Vaughn       James V.                     59-53
Vaughn       Jerome Albine                67-475
Vaughn       Jesse                        59-54
Vaughn       John Roundtree               15-339
Vaughn       Kathleen                     21-202
Vaughn       Melissa Ellen Stevens        59-46
Vaughn       William H.                   15-340
Vaughn       William H.                   59-52
Vaughn       William Henry                66-484
Vaugn        George Johnson               46-263
Veach        James Elliott                33-76
Veal         John Towns                   46-264
Veale        Richard Rains                15-341
Veazie       S. P.                        36-336
Vedder       Isadora Ellen Edwards        38-407
Vedder       Philmon H.                   38-408
Veeder       Frederick Van Patten         15-342
Veerkamp     Francis Joseph Arnold        65-230
Veerkamp     Francis Joseph Arnold        69-23
Veerkamp     Henry B.                     65-229
Veerkamp     Joseph W. Egbert             68-317
Veerkamp     Louis Barthold               69-24
Veerkamp     William Barthold             69-73
Vega         Antonia                      15-343
Vegas        Nicamon                      44-5
Vegely       Frank                        44-294
Vejar        Constancia                   49-132
Vejar        Jose                         49-133
Vejar        Ricardo                      52-210
Venable      George A.                    46-250
Venable      Hugh Chrisman                46-251
Venable      J. W. (Judge)                34-352
Venable      Laura Ada                    58-199
Venable      William B.                   58-198
Venard       Steve                        22-371
Venerable    Laura Ada                    26-429
Vera         Joseph Numa                  46-252
Verckler     Joseph J.                    46-265
Verdugo      Francisca Robles             36-337
Verdugo      Jose Maria (Don)             52-211
Verick       G. W.                        63-382
Vermette     Hercules                     33-77
Verney       H. S.                        61-224
Verney       Henry Stanley                27-82
Verney       Levi Brooks                  46-253
Vernon       Lizzie Bonifield (Mrs.)      15-344
Vestal       Dewitt C.                    15-345
Vestal       Thomas Hardin                15-346
Vestal       William Asa                  15-347
Vetterazzi   Justina M. DeMartini         53-418
Vettie       William                      46-266
Vettle       Adam                         67-33
Vettle       Susannah                     67-32
Vettle       William H.                   67-31
Vettle       William H.                   67-34
Vezey        Darius Daniel                66-429
Vicini       Charles P.                   47-187
Vicini       Charles Peter                15-348
Vicini       Giovanni B.                  15-349
Vickens      Sarah Ann                    62-479
Vicker       Mary                         50-350
Vickers      Alice Marr                   64-121
Vickers      Sylvester                    46-267
Vickery      Nancy Columbia               49-465
Vickrey      John                         49-464
Vierra       Joseph Frank                 25-85
Vieusseux    Gaspard                      15-350
Vieusseux    Mary Sayers Murchinson       15-351
Vigers       Camille                      19-250
Vignes       Ferdinand (Vital)            25-436
Vignolo      Angelo                       52-212
Vignolo      John J.                      47-9
Vignolo      John J.                      52-213
Vignolo      Rose Louis                   15-352
Vigus        John Kinkead                 46-268
Vilas        Marallus B.                  32-58
Villa        Antonio Maria                29-91
Villa        Bertha R. McClain            29-92
Villalba     Chrispine                    48-353
Villalba     Ramon                        48-354
Villalba     Raphael                      48-355
Villalon     Damian                       21-203
Villanazur   Juana Maria Martinez Y.      61-85
Villaner     Hilario                      44-6
Villinger    (Mr.)                        53-29
Villinger    Asa                          53-497
Villinger    Leon Jr.                     53-498
Villinger    Leon Jr.                     64-424
Villinger    Leon Sr.                     53-495
Vinal        John T.                      21-204
Vincent      Clarence                     59-428
Vincent      Elizabeth (Mrs.)             23-438
Vincent      Elizabeth Jane Vivian        15-353
Vincent      Francis Elisha               15-354
Vincent      George                       53-30
Vincent      George A.                    59-427
Vincent      M. (Sister) (Catherine       18-378
Vincent      Walter                       53-31
Vines        Mary                         42-126
Vines        William Bartlett             42-127
Vinet        Peter                        15-355
Vinet        Refugio                      15-356
Vintin       George Crook                 46-269
Vintin       Thomas Lewis                 46-270
Violett      James W.                     15-357
Violett      Malzena B.                   47-188
Virgil       Daniel Southered             46-271
Visher       Cornelia Adelia Brusie       52-214
Visher       John                         52-215
Visher       Lucy R. Garden               15-358
Visher       Putnam                       15-359
Vivian       John                         15-360
Vivian       John                         23-197
Vivian       John                         23-197/a
Vivian       Laura                        15-363
Vivian       Lily                         15-364
Vivian       Mary A. Harris               23-198
Vivian       Mary Ann Harris              15-361
Vivian       Mary Ann Harris              23-198/a
Vivian       Mary Matilda                 15-362
Vivian       Pauline Adell                15-365
Vivian       Stephen                      15-366
Vivian       Stephen                      23-436
Vivian       William Francis              27-183
Vivian       William Henry                15-367
Vizelich     N.                           22-326
Vizelich     Nicolos                      15-368
Vizelich     Penelope Harding             15-369
Vizzard      Albert L.                    19-251
Vizzard      Ellen Susan Sullivan         19-252
Vizzard      Joseph Henry                 19-253

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