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LAST FIRST VOL-PAGE Toal Louisa (Mrs.) 15-117 Tobener Charles 19-220 Tobias James 46-174 Tobiassen Annie Hughes. 15-118 Tobin Austin 46-175 Tobin Clara L. 52-199 Tobin Francis 15-120 Tobin Francis 46-176 Tobin James F. 36-324 Tobin Margaret Burke 15-119 Tobin W. J. 36-325 Todd Edwin P. 57-413 Todd Francis W. 22-323 Todd Francis W. 56-128 Todd Isadora Ricker (Mrs.) 57-411 Todd Marcus de Lafayette 57-412 Todd Mary Alice 57-185 Todd N. F. 36-326 Todd William Lewis 63-230 Todhunter Leavitt 15-121 Todhunter Leavitt H. 41-259 Todhunter William Bennett 62-81 Todhunter Wm. B. 32-55 Todman Harry S. 52-496 Todman John H. 52-497 Tofft William Mason 19-221 Tognazzini A. 59-445 Tognazzini Antonio 15-122 Tognazzini Delfina Righetti 15-123 Tognazzini Giacomo 15-124 Tognazzini Maddelena Righetti 15-125 Tognazzini Madeline Reghetti 59-444 Toland John A. 61-195 Toland John Alexander 15-126 Toland Robert 36-327 Toland William Henry 15-127 Tolbert Emma Brown 55-416 Tolbert Joseph Flint 52-193 Toleda Henesia Navarrette 26-423 Toler James Hoyt 29-64 Toler William Pickney 29-65 Tolles Robert 21-187 Tolson Wm. 41-260 Toman Laura J. Frakes 66-183 Tomasi Julia Cummmings McGovern 15-128 Tomasini Battista 15-129 Tomasini Louis 15-130 Tombs A. 15-131 Tombs S. B. 15-132 Tome Alice M. 15-140 Tomkin Alfred Forbes 15-133 Tomkin Alfred R. (Dr.) 15-134 Tomkin Martha F. Forbes 15-135 Tomkins Andrew Jackson 49-456 Tomlin Charles William 19-222 Tomlinson Mary Jane Giddings 69-35 Tompkins Nicholas "Nick" 67-97 Tompkins Artesemia Perry 15-136 Tompkins Charles E. 67-102 Tompkins Charles Edward 46-177 Tompkins Edwin 15-137 Tompkins Emma S. 15-138 Tompkins Emma Susan 19-223 Tompkins Frank 67-99 Tompkins Jane Rollins 26-428 Tompkins Nancy (Cagely) 67-98 Tompkins Nicholas Edward 67-101 Tompkins Perry Thomas 58-29 Tompkins Searles 64-430 Tompkins Thomas 15-139 Tompkins Thomas 26-427 Tompkins William E. 67-100 Toms Elaine 41-261 Tone John H. 22-317 Tone John H. 48-341 Tone John H. 55-450 Tone John Henry 15-141 Tone John Nicholas 15-142 Tone John Nicholas 19-224 Tone Mary Alicio Welsh 15-143 Toner Hannah T. 15-144 Toney Anna 52-498 Toney Mary N. Large 29-74 Tong Alice Carrie 33-53 Tong Alice Carrie 50-338 Tong Andrew Jackson 33-54 Tong Charles 33-55 Tong Charles 50-339 Tong Elizabeth 33-56 Tong Elizabeth 33-57 Tong Elizabeth 50-340 Tong Franklin Benjamin 33-58 Tong Fred Samuel 33-59 Tong Gilbert 33-60 Tong Gilbert Shores 15-146 Tong Gilbert Shores 33-61 Tong Gilbert Shores 50-341 Tong Hezekiah 33-62 Tong John Calvin 33-63 Tong John Hezekiah 33-64 Tong John Hezekiah 50-342 Tong John Hezekiah 50-343 Tong Judith 33-65 Tong Lena 33-66 Tong Mary Hicks 15-147 Tong Mary Lynn 33-67 Tong Mildred Margaret 33-68 Tong Mildred Margaret 50-344 Tong Richard 33-69 Tong Samuel 33-70 Tong Samuel 50-345 Tong Susan 33-71 Tonhey John 15-145 Toni Belle C. Thorpe 50-346 Tonkin Mary (Pearce) 53-412 Tonner Patrick Charles 52-200 Tonolla A. M. 15-148 Tons John Frederick 52-499 Tonzi Guisseppi 15-149 Tonzi Rosa 15-150 Tooley Katharine Maude M. 15-151 Toomes Sarah Emma 23-435 Toomey Jane 54-463/a Toon William O. 36-328 Toop Henry Clay 50-31 Toop James 50-32 Toothaker Edward Chamberlain 52-201 Toothaker Isabell O. Saling 52-202 Topham Edward 3-129 Topley James 36-329 Topley James 58-97 Topping Comfort Tyler 46-178 Topping Samuel Denton 46-179 Torpey William H. 21-188 Torrance Esther Ragsdale 58-187 Torres Celsa 57-246 Torres Delfina 57-245 Torres Plutarch L. 21-189 Torrey Abner Wood 15-152 Torrey Harriet Ford 15-153 Tothill William 46-180 Totman Alexander 15-154 Totman Alexander 30-310 Totman Alexander 46-181 Totman Charles Henry 15-155 Totman James A. 15-156 Totman James A. 30-309 Totman Katherine Brady 15-157 Totten Jane Magoffey 15-158 Totten Mary Ann 68-403 Tougate Thomas 46-182 Toughy Elladean Whealan 27-299 Touhey James 32-256 Toune Julia E. Waite 15-162 Toung Samuel 15-159 Tourny Helen Kress 15-160 Tourny Julius 15-161 Tourtellott Fannie Eliza Frances 24-280 Tourtellott Jessie Harrison 24-281 Tourtellott Nellie Gertrude 24-279 Tower Abbie F. 38-401 Tower Jacob S. 31-229 Towle George W. 63-378 Towle George Washington 67-200 Towle Helen May 57-278 Towle Susan Gibbs 67-201 Towle William James 46-183 Towne Charles Eugene Emery 61-350 Towne Edward 29-76 Towne Fannie Cofer 55-417 Towne Fanny Coffer 29-75 Towne Julia E. Waite 24-220 Towne Mary Susan 61-352 Towne Peter 15-163 Towne Robert William 61-353 Towne Susan D. Emery 64-274 Townsend (Mrs.) 23-269 Townsend Asa 46-186 Townsend Cornelius Clark 15-164 Townsend E. B. 15-165 Townsend Edwin Mortimer 46-184 Townsend Electa Belle 15-166 Townsend Helen Tilden 15-167 Townsend Joseph 46-185 Townsend Mary S. Bowderly 15-168 Toye Olive Eleanor Turner 60-19 Toye Olive Eleanor Turner 62-99 Traca Lydia (Mrs.) 15-169 Tracy Caroline 15-170 Tracy Ellen Alverson Baker 58-421 Tracy Ferdinand A. 58-422 Tracy Horace Franklin 36-330 Tracy Michael 46-187 Tracy Reason 46-188 Trafton Almira E (Bosley) 68-337s Trafton August (M.D.) 38-402 Traganza Thomas 52-500 Trahem G. W. 22-320 Trahern George Washington 56-475 Trainor Hugh C. 33-72 Trangove William Jr. 62-190 Trapp Frank M. 29-70 Trapp Frank M. 37-181 Trappiniers Henry 49-457 Trask Annie Irene 21-190 Trask John B. (Dr.) 19-226 Trask Prentice Mellen 15-171 Trask Susan M. Pierce 15-172 Trask Virgil 46-189 Trathen Emily Jane Wales 15-173 Trathen Richard 15-174 Traung Charles F. 15-175 Traung Louis 15-176 Travere James 52-203 Travers Thomas 46-190 Travers Thomas 46-191 Travis J. Coleman 36-331 Travis J. Coleman 44-447 Travis William 15-177 Trayner John H. 30-41 Treadway S. V. 22-311 Treat Amanda E. 15-178 Treat Emily 55-418 Treat Helen August (Bosqui) 59-498 Treat I. H. 34-338 Treat Ira Haskell 66-445 Treat Jonathan Franklin 49-458 Treavett John Wells 46-192 Trebilcox (Mrs.) 23-272 Tredway Mary A. 19-227 Tredway S. V. 55-486 Tredway William Henry 27-179 Treester Thomas 46-193 Trefry Ella Ruth 62-170 Trefry James Allen 62-171 Tregloan Lulu 21-191 Trego Angela 31-228 Treleaven Frederick Charles 15-179 Treleaven Isabella James 15-180 Treleaven Thomas 15-181 Treleaven William Thomas 15-182 Tremblay Hippilite Georgie 15-183 Tremble Phoebe Ann 15-184 Tremper L. B. 15-185 Trench John 46-194 Trengove Carolyn Bell 62-189 Trengove William James Sr. 62-187 Trenor Peter 46-195 Trescony Julius Albert 48-342 Tretheway John 53-491 Tretheway William Elmer 27-81 Treuschel Gotlieb August 27-181 Trevathan George Howsley 19-228 Trevethan William 32-257 Trevett John Wells 46-196 Trewren Grace Kneebone Luke 60-339 Tribble Geo. W. 15-186 Tribble George Washington 15-187 Tribble George Washington 38-403 Tribble Joseph Russell 46-197 Trickey James N. 37-182 Triebel Agusta 19-229 Trieber Lizzie 19-230 Triechelt Carl 46-198 Trimble Elnora Woodruff 66-426 Trimble Lucy 19-231 Trimingham Augusta Rathke 34-339 Trimingham Charles 34-340 Trimingham George 34-341 Trimingham Henry 34-342 Trimingham James 34-343 Trimingham Martha Anne 34-344 Triplett Joseph Luther 29-67 Triplett Joseph Luther 49-459 Triplett Josephine Peree 15-189 Triplett Susan K. Rice 52-495 Tripp Daniel D. 52-204 Tripp Rebecca (Davis) 65-464 Tripp Sarah Jane Keys 26-115 Tripp William 46-199 Tripp William O. 22-322 Tripp Wm. O. 56-120 Tripplett Annis (Miss) 15-188 Trittenbach Albert 52-205 Troconiz Julian 19-232 Troendle Julia Hennessey 15-190 Troendle Peter 15-191 Troendle Thomas Fredrick 15-192 Troll Antonio 34-345 Tromschlage Joseph 46-200 Troop Wm. H. 32-52 Trotter John 61-99 Trotter Mary Jane 61-100 Troughton Ella Ida 19-213 Troughton Frances Ann Baggott 15-193 Troughton James 15-194 Troughton James 27-74 Troughton James 46-201 Troughton John Clinton 27-76 Troughton Louise James Hoke 27-75 Trowminschl Jacob 46-202 Troxel Daniel Zachariah 61-418 Troxel Eliza T. 15-195 Troxel Elizabeth 61-145 Troxel Eva Ann Coon 15-196 Troxel Eve Ann Coon 61-150 Troxel John E. 61-146 Troxel Josiah 15-197 Troxel Josiah 46-203 Troxel Josiah 61-149 Troxel Julia Evangel Hopper 15-198 Troxel Kansas Buchanan 15-199 Troxel Kansas Buchanan 61-124 Troxel Mary Emmalyn 61-119 Troxel Thomas Jefferson 15-200 Troxel Thomas Jefferson 61-141 Troxel William Henry 61-143 Troy William H. 19-233 Trubody Josiah P. 15-201 Trubody Josiah S. 15-202 Trubody Mary Ann Lakin 15-203 Trubody William 15-204 True George Lewis 50-347 True Mary Ann Thomas 29-85 Trueb Barbara 19-234 Trueb Henry 15-205 Trueb Henry 19-235 Trueblood Ellison 65-329 Trueblood John Ellison 65-330 Truitt Daniel Tingle 48-343 Truitt Soloman Stanley 30-301 Trumbull Charles William 53-22 Trumbull William Washington 53-23 Truque Francois Casimere 49-460 Trussell Horatio Gates 15-206 Trussell Isaac 15-207 Trussell James 15-208 Trussell James Rupert 15-209 Trust Henry Andrew 65-341 Trust Jacob Herman 65-352 Tryon Charles W. 30-305 Tryon George C. 19-236 Tryon George C. 29-443
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