Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Surname Index - Tg-Tl

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LAST         FIRST                       VOL-PAGE
Thalls       Clara R. (Mrs.)              19-200
Thatcher     Amos                         14-491
Thatcher     Amos                         46-65
Thatcher     Clara Bird                   14-492
Thatcher     Cordelia E.                  14-493
Thatcher     Cynthia Ann                  14-494
Thatcher     David                        14-495
Thatcher     Ezekiel Thomas               32-49
Thatcher     Frank Marion                 30-42
Thatcher     George Douglas               61-385
Thatcher     Harvey S.                    14-496
Thatcher     Henry Harris                 14-497
Thatcher     Martha Maria                 14-498
Thatcher     Mary J.                      14-499
Thatcher     Nancy K. McCurdy             14-500
Thatcher     Rose Ann Bell Coombs         15-1
Thatcher     William Henry                46-66
Thatcher     Wm. Henry                    30-299
Thaten       Fredericka Ralfa             41-255
Thaten       Jacob Hans                   41-256
Thaten       Marguerita Fredericka        41-257
Thayer       Annasa                       19-201
Thayer       Daniel S.                    65-202
Thayer       Emilus                       46-93
Thayer       George Walter                65-66
Thayer       Oscar                        46-94
Theuerkauf   Catherine                    15-2
Theuerkauf   Catherine Weigh              15-3
Theuerkauf   Frederick                    15-4
Theuerkauf   George W.                    15-5
Thiebaut     Louis A.                     50-332
Thirston     Moses Cuttings               46-95
Thisby       George                       50-140
Thissell     Mary Esther                  27-180
Thoma        Fannie C.                    38-399
Thomann      John                         15-6
Thomas       Allen J.                     46-96
Thomas       Alonzo                       46-97
Thomas       Anna (Mrs.)                  53-21
Thomas       Bradley Adams                48-338
Thomas       Cary Miller                  32-260
Thomas       Catherine                    43-499
Thomas       Charles G. (Judge)           15-7
Thomas       Daniel D.                    61-434
Thomas       David Owen                   46-98
Thomas       Earl                         15-8
Thomas       Edward                       15-9
Thomas       Edward B.                    19-202
Thomas       Elijah Moss                  15-10
Thomas       Elisha                       32-259
Thomas       Elizabeth Johnson            21-173
Thomas       Elizabeth Johnson            22-463
Thomas       Elizie J.                    50-333
Thomas       Fanny Elizabeth Armstead     34-337
Thomas       Fred Stillman                15-11
Thomas       Frederick Cyrus              46-99
Thomas       George E.                    15-12
Thomas       George M.                    50-334
Thomas       George Washington            46-100
Thomas       Harmon                       46-101
Thomas       Harriet R.                   15-13
Thomas       Henry                        15-14
Thomas       Henry Reuben                 46-105
Thomas       Henry Stitson                46-102
Thomas       Herman                       46-103
Thomas       Herman Mead                  46-104
Thomas       Howell                       24-68
Thomas       James Elvin                  21-174
Thomas       Jarius Benjamin              46-106
Thomas       Jesse Harriman               15-15
Thomas       John                         46-107
Thomas       Laura Ellen                  50-141
Thomas       Levi                         46-108
Thomas       Lucius W.                    46-109
Thomas       Marie Francis                24-85
Thomas       Martha Elizabeth Cain        15-16
Thomas       Mary Caroline                48-339
Thomas       Mary Rouff                   21-175
Thomas       Massey                       15-17
Thomas       May Josephine                19-203
Thomas       Melzer                       15-18
Thomas       Mollie Elizabeth             21-176
Thomas       Richard Felix                46-110
Thomas       Richford A.                  15-19
Thomas       Robert Franklin              21-177
Thomas       Robert Monroe                15-20
Thomas       Sarah Eaton Harriman         15-21
Thomas       Stephen Henry                33-51
Thomas       Sylvester K.                 46-111
Thomas       William                      21-178
Thomas       William H.                   49-451
Thomas       William H. R.                46-112
Thomas       William Robert               46-128
Thomas       Wm. F.                       21-179
Thomas       Wm. Harvey                   32-261
Thomason     Margaret Jane (Mrs.)         15-22
Thomason     Nathaniel Hawkins            46-113
Thomasson    Anne                         61-326
Thomasson    George W.                    30-306
Thomasson    George Washington            19-204
Thomasson    Margaret                     19-205
Thomasson    Margaret Breese              15-23
Thomasson    Margaret Bruce               60-472
Thomasson    Margaret Rose                61-351
Thomasson    Martha Elinor Wright         24-448
Thomasson    Mary Ann                     61-348
Thomasson    Nathan                       15-24
Thomasson    Nathaniel H.                 15-25
Thomasson    Nathaniel Hawkins            61-128
Thomasson    Thomas                       61-349
Thomasson    William H.                   60-471
Thomasson    William Hardy                15-26
Thomasson    William Hardy                19-206
Thomasson    William James                24-449
Thomasson    William James Wright         24-450
Thoming      George                       19-208
Thompson     John "Snowshoe"              67-401
Thompson     (Mother)                     15-44
Thompson     A. B.                        59-474
Thompson     Abel Walker                  46-114
Thompson     Alexander                    36-321
Thompson     Alexander                    48-481
Thompson     Alexander Grant              30-303
Thompson     Alfred                       46-129
Thompson     Alvina Justice               26-228
Thompson     Amelia D.                    52-189
Thompson     Andrew Sheldon               24-142
Thompson     Anna Rachel                  24-139
Thompson     Benj. F.                     22-324
Thompson     Benjamin F.                  56-14
Thompson     Bertha E.                    21-180
Thompson     Bessie                       49-452
Thompson     Bessie (Miss)                15-27
Thompson     C. T.                        15-30
Thompson     Caroline D. Gregson          56-410
Thompson     Carroll                      46-115
Thompson     Chancey                      46-130
Thompson     Charles                      15-28
Thompson     Charles A.                   59-472
Thompson     Charles Augustus             15-29
Thompson     Clarinda Elizabeth Baker     24-143
Thompson     Craig Rickey                 67-107/s
Thompson     Daniel                       15-31
Thompson     David                        33-52
Thompson     David                        46-131
Thompson     Edward Dickenson             46-132
Thompson     Edward Dickenson             46-133
Thompson     Edward Rees                  27-79
Thompson     Elbridge Richard             26-227
Thompson     Eliz.A. (Brooks) Hyde        68-19/s
Thompson     Eliza Church                 15-32
Thompson     Elizabeth Ann                27-296
Thompson     Elizabeth Coon               61-133
Thompson     Emary                        46-134
Thompson     Emily Jane                   15-33
Thompson     Frances Caroline             23-185
Thompson     Frances Woods                23-186
Thompson     Francis Harrison             46-135
Thompson     Frank                        65-65/s
Thompson     Frederick Funk               46-136
Thompson     George                       46-137
Thompson     George                       61-113
Thompson     George Fayette               24-141
Thompson     George Francis               61-107
Thompson     George Franklin              19-207
Thompson     George Seymour               58-456
Thompson     George Washington            46-138
Thompson     Harriet Stockin              15-34
Thompson     Ira                          26-231
Thompson     Ira Stillman                 26-229
Thompson     Isaac                        15-35
Thompson     Isabel                       23-188
Thompson     Isabelle                     30-99
Thompson     Jackson                      46-116
Thompson     Jacob Deeds                  46-117
Thompson     James                        61-134
Thompson     James E.                     52-491
Thompson     James Henry                  15-36
Thompson     James M.                     15-37
Thompson     James Madison                46-139
Thompson     James Thomas                 46-118
Thompson     Jasper                       46-119
Thompson     Jerome William               46-120
Thompson     John                         36-322
Thompson     John                         46-121
Thompson     John                         46-122
Thompson     John                         46-140
Thompson     John                         67-105
Thompson     John A.                      15-38
Thompson     John Chatten                 15-39
Thompson     John Ezra                    34-331
Thompson     John Paine                   46-123
Thompson     John Wesley                  55-412
Thompson     Jonathan                     46-141
Thompson     Joseph Warren                26-226
Thompson     Joseph Warren                26-230
Thompson     Josephine                    15-40
Thompson     Julia Hibbard Green          29-444
Thompson     Louie                        15-41
Thompson     Louis Robbins                15-42
Thompson     Lucy May                     68-401
Thompson     Malinda Neville              66-75
Thompson     Maria                        42-125
Thompson     Mary (Mrs.)                  15-43
Thompson     Mary Amelia Crawford         67-125
Thompson     Mary Ann (Nelson)            67-106
Thompson     Mary Bucher (Mrs.)           34-332
Thompson     Mary Medley                  47-6
Thompson     Mary Medley Bowlin           53-409
Thompson     Mary Melissa                 24-63
Thompson     Milton                       52-190
Thompson     Nancy Caroline               29-53
Thompson     Orange Decatur Jr.           34-333
Thompson     Peter Henry                  48-340
Thompson     Pheobe C. Van Drielen        65-239
Thompson     R. S.                        23-385
Thompson     Rebecca Belle Kettleman      53-410
Thompson     Rebecca Hall                 26-232
Thompson     Rees Boen                    27-80
Thompson     Rees Bowen                   52-191
Thompson     Rhoda Gist                   15-45
Thompson     Richard                      15-46
Thompson     Richard                      15-47
Thompson     Robert                       15-49
Thompson     Robert (Mrs.)                15-50
Thompson     Robert Andrew                15-48
Thompson     Robert William               46-142
Thompson     Rosetta Sophia Jamison       23-189
Thompson     Royal                        52-192
Thompson     Rufus Sheldon                24-144
Thompson     S. A.                        15-51
Thompson     Sadie Anna (Burgess)         67-108
Thompson     Sara Jane Justice Cecil      26-225
Thompson     Sarah Adeline Graves         32-405
Thompson     Sarah Ann                    15-52
Thompson     Selena Elmira Dunlap         23-190
Thompson     Susan Jane Hickerson         15-53
Thompson     Theodore Cyrus               46-143
Thompson     Thomas                       46-124
Thompson     Thomas                       46-144
Thompson     Thomas Benton                15-54
Thompson     Thomas N.                    46-125
Thompson     Thomas Nelson                15-55
Thompson     Thomas Sidney                15-56
Thompson     Ulriah Milton                15-57
Thompson     Uriah W. Sr.                 15-58
Thompson     Vinsen                       46-126
Thompson     W. G.                        60-384
Thompson     Walter Graves                21-181
Thompson     William                      36-323
Thompson     William                      46-127
Thompson     William Andrew               34-334
Thompson     William B.                   29-55
Thompson     William Orator               24-140
Thompson     Wm. D.                       53-411
Thomson      Bertha Jarisch               49-453
Thomson      John W.                      49-454
Thomson      Minnie Cardley               15-59
Thomson      William                      25-292
Thomson      William                      46-145
Thoney       Margaret                     41-258
Thorn        Benjamin Kent                19-384
Thorn        Christina D.                 47-288
Thorn        Elizabeth Platt              30-304
Thorn        George Washington            47-289
Thorn        Hiram                        46-146
Thorn        Jacob                        46-147
Thorn        Joseph                       26-234
Thorn        Joseph Camp                  26-235
Thorn        Joseph Camp Jr.              26-31
Thorn        Mary C.                      19-209
Thorn        Sarah V.                     47-290
Thorn        Talmadge                     47-291
Thorn        William                      46-148
Thornbrough  Edward F.                    32-51
Thornbrough  Hannah R.                    15-61
Thornby      Thomas A.                    15-60
Thornton     Arthur                       19-210
Thornton     Calvin S.                    54-197
Thornton     Delia Palmer                 60-101
Thornton     Harriet Ellen                60-102
Thornton     Harry                        19-211
Thornton     Hattie E.                    54-198
Thornton     John                         46-149
Thornton     John M.                      52-492
Thornton     John Milan                   19-212
Thornton     Laura Petross                15-62
Thornton     Oscar                        54-199
Thornton     William                      55-413
Thoroughman  John                         46-150
Thoroughman  Sanford                      46-151
Thorp        Belle Caroline               15-63
Thorp        Edward                       15-64
Thorp        Edward                       52-194
Thorp        Eliza Ann                    15-65
Thorp        George J.                    15-66
Thorp        Jason Duncan                 15-67
Thorp        John B.                      15-68
Thorp        John O.                      46-152
Thorp        Knox Albert                  15-69
Thorp        Mary Ellen                   15-70
Thorp        William Michael              46-153
Thorp        Zenas Edward                 15-71
Thorpe       Edward                       49-121
Thorpe       George J.                    50-335
Thorpe       Horace Eidson                15-72
Thorpe       James Morton                 29-83
Thorpe       Jeanette                     43-500
Thorpe       Margaret O'Connor            29-84
Thorpe       Mary Jeanette Curtis         15-73
Thorpe       Moses                        15-74
Thorpe       Nicolas                      50-336
Thorpe       Zenaus B.                    50-337
Thorsing     Christian N.                 31-234
Thorson      Mary E. Pack                 15-75
Thorton      Calvin Sumner                60-100
Thrasher     David                        15-76
Thrasher     John Thomas                  46-154
Threlfall    Agnes Caroline               29-77
Threlfall    Albert                       29-78
Threlfall    G. H.                        15-77
Threlfall    Irene Jane Barber            15-78
Threlfall    John                         29-80
Threlfall    Josephine                    29-66
Threlfall    Julia Adeline                29-79
Threlfall    Laura Alice Barber           15-79
Threlfall    Mary A. Stubbs               28-478
Threlkeld    George Washington            65-407
Thresher     Albert Lincoln               15-80
Thresher     C. W.                        52-195
Thresher     Columbia Caldwell            15-81
Thresher     Columbus Warner              15-82
Thresher     George                       30-300
Thresher     M. S.                        22-314
Thresher     Minrod Sprague II            15-83
Thresher     Stephen Prescott             15-84
Thresher     Stephen Prescott             46-155
Thresher     William Rideout              15-85
Thrower      Bennett                      46-156
Thrower      Joseph Bennett               30-307
Thrower      William Edward               46-157
Throwson     Granville Cothern            46-158
Thrush       George                       15-86
Thuiston     Moses Cuttings               46-159
Thunen       Charles                      15-87
Thunen       Charles G.                   30-308
Thunen       Fred                         15-88
Thunen       Gerhard                      15-89
Thunen       Lizzie                       15-90
Thunen       William                      15-91
Thurber      Ellan Dunn (Mrs.)            34-335
Thurber      Ellen Dunn                   21-182
Thurber      Isaac Lane                   15-92
Thurber      Lucretia Knight              15-93
Thuresson    Ella Jane (Mrs.)             15-94
Thurman      Frank                        46-160
Thurman      John                         52-493
Thurmen      Wilhelm                      46-161
Thurmond     Amanda Eveline Carwin        29-58
Thurmond     Gideon Edwards               46-26
Thurmond     John Richard                 46-25
Thurner      Odben Miles                  46-162
Thurstin     H. H.                        15-95
Thurston     Adela                        19-214
Thurston     Adeline Lenore               21-183
Thurston     Eugene True                  54-200
Tibbets      David                        21-320
Tibbets      Lyman                        61-495
Tibbets      Lyman C.                     52-196
Tibbetts     A. J.                        22-325
Tibbetts     A. J.                        56-26
Tibbetts     Charles Branch               15-96
Tibbetts     Emma Lillian                 15-97
Tibbetts     George Rush                  24-451
Tibbetts     Hannah Elizabeth Kimball     19-215
Tibbey       Edney Stagg                  66-48
Tibbey       Sidney                       26-424
Tibbey       William Henry                66-47
Tibbitts     Emily Elizabeth Wilson       24-453
Tibbitts     Frank A.                     24-452
Tichner      Benjamin                     19-216
Tico         Edwardo N.                   34-336
Tico         Fernando                     67-144
Tie          Tin                          49-455
Tierney      Daniel                       47-154
Tierney      John Colter                  21-184
Tierney      Luke William                 19-217
Tierney      Mary Ann McGoldrick          21-185
Tietjen      Herman                       65-494
Tietjen      John                         15-98
Tietjen      Sopie Schaber                15-99
Tietjen      William John                 65-493/s
Tiffaney     Carrie Louise Easton         59-92
Tiffany      Arrah May                    50-142
Tiffany      William                      46-163
Tiffany      Wm. Zoble                    15-100
Tiffe        John R.                      31-232
Tilden       Charles Adna                 15-101
Tilden       Douglas                      15-102
Tilden       Douglas                      24-454
Tilden       Isabel Lukens                15-103
Tilden       Mary MacDonald               15-104
Tilden       Mary MacDonald               61-382
Tilden       Ridgley                      46-164
Tilden       Thomas Ware                  46-165
Tilden       William Penagrim             46-166
Tilden       William Peregrine Jr.        15-105
Tilden       William Peregrine.           15-106
Tilford      George Douglas               52-494
Tiling       Anne                         19-218
Tilley       John Lewis                   54-79
Tilley       John Lewis                   60-468
Tilley       Marie Jane Prewett           54-80
Tillotson    Harlan                       15-107
Tilton       Benjamin F.                  15-108
Tilton       Henrietta                    60-139
Tilton       John William                 21-383
Tilton       Pamelia                      52-198
Timmons      Anna L.                      21-186
Timmons      Asa                          46-167
Timmons      Phila Flint                  19-219
Timper       Ludy Christine Mueller       26-233
Tindall      Caswell Davis                63-441
Tinker       Anna May Brydle              55-414
Tinker       Chauncy                      55-415
Tinker       Henry Harrison               46-168
Tinkham      H.                           22-318
Tinkham      H.                           56-56
Tinkham      Henry                        52-197
Tinney       Frank                        15-109
Tinney       Henry                        68-181
Tinney       Mary Elizabeth.              15-110
Tinnin       A. C.                        61-259
Tinnin       Amos                         25-431
Tinnin       Mary Lavina                  61-260
Tinnin       Mary Letitia                 61-261
Tinnin       Tish (Letitia)               38-400
Tirney       William                      22-341
Tiscornia    Girolama                     30-302
Tisdale      James Bennett                32-54
Tisdell      Benjamin Franklin.           15-111
Titchenal    Martha Jane                  60-269
Titcomb      Henry Danforth               46-169
Tithington   Louise                       15-114
Titlow       Thomas Jefferson             65-297
Tittle       David Reese                  46-170
Titus        Arminda                      65-222
Titus        Benjamin                     65-217
Titus        Ellen Catherine Donovan      65-218
Titus        Florence                     65-220
Titus        George Henry                 46-171
Titus        James H.                     46-172
Titus        LaFayette                    15-115
Titus        Laura                        65-221
Titus        Lucy Ann Bowman              15-116
Titus        Mary                         65-219
Titzell      John                         46-173

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