Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Surname Index - Sm

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LAST         FIRST                       VOL-PAGE
Smail        George                       45-460
Small        Aaron Atkins                 45-157
Small        Emma Poppe (Mrs.)            14-59
Small        John                         14-60
Small        John N.                      22-279
Small        Joseph Boyd                  14-61
Smallfield   Catherine (Miss)             57-365
Smallfield   Catherine Oliva              14-62
Smallfield   Mary F.                      43-484
Smart        Leda Gano                    25-107
Smart        William S.                   65-489
Smeaton      Edward                       45-158
Smickle      Theresa Smith                63-120
Smiley       James                        14-63
Smiley       Sarah Agnes Rightmire        14-64
Smith        A. M.                        61-198
Smith        A. M. C. (Dr)                65-94
Smith        Achsah Albina Kitchen        24-133
Smith        Ada Van Hyning               36-292
Smith        Adrian T.                    19-11
Smith        Alice Daly                   47-330
Smith        Alice Lenora                 19-12
Smith        Alice Lenora                 19-334
Smith        Allen                        45-159
Smith        Almar Guy                    53-396
Smith        Almon H.                     68-376
Smith        Alonzo V.                    14-65
Smith        Alonzo Valencia              34-303
Smith        Amanthus Ellen               19-13
Smith        Amelia Soberanes             29-1
Smith        Amy Ella                     24-196
Smith        Andrew Jackson               49-424
Smith        Andrew M. C.                 14-66
Smith        Andrew Mortimer Clarence     23-170
Smith        Angelo Joseph                62-232
Smith        Ann                          14-67
Smith        Ann Brady                    21-124
Smith        Anna Augusta                 14-68
Smith        Anna Augusta                 27-71
Smith        Anna Tangier                 64-418
Smith        Annie Maria                  21-126
Smith        Antoinette Caleb (Mrs.)      48-255
Smith        Anvelina                     52-142
Smith        Augustus Sidney              38-373
Smith        Auriah Holmes                14-155
Smith        Benjamin Franklin            45-160
Smith        Bougaard Ida                 63-130
Smith        Bradley                      14-69
Smith        Bridget (Mrs.)               14-70
Smith        C. J.                        50-326
Smith        Caroline Ellen               14-71
Smith        Carrie Flint                 19-14
Smith        Catherine                    21-127
Smith        Catherine Loretto Fox        19-15
Smith        Catherine Lynch              62-235
Smith        Champion W.                  38-374
Smith        Charles                      45-344
Smith        Charles                      58-137
Smith        Charles Carl                 19-16
Smith        Charles E.                   14-72
Smith        Charles Edmond               61-215
Smith        Charles Edward               52-474
Smith        Charles Frederic             14-73
Smith        Charles Louis                45-461
Smith        Charles W.                   14-74
Smith        Charles Wesley               19-17
Smith        Charles Wesley               19-330
Smith        Charles Wesley               45-161
Smith        Chas. R.                     52-475
Smith        China (Dr.)                  26-195
Smith        Clara Elizabeth              64-33
Smith        Comadore Perry               14-132
Smith        Czarina Amelia Miller        25-82
Smith        Dan H.                       62-88
Smith        Daniel Wipley                45-462
Smith        David                        14-75
Smith        David F.                     56-497
Smith        Dora Thomas                  42-106
Smith        Dorinda Geneva Robison       19-18
Smith        Dorinda Geneva Robison       19-331
Smith        Edith Alvord Boarman         14-76
Smith        Edith W.                     52-143
Smith        Edmund                       45-345
Smith        Edward                       14-77
Smith        Edward                       61-238
Smith        Edward Duglos                61-197
Smith        Edward Hall                  36-293
Smith        Edward Hall                  36-293/a
Smith        Edwin A.                     14-78
Smith        Elam Brown                   14-79
Smith        Elbert Wm.                   36-294
Smith        Elias Chineth                45-463
Smith        Elizabeth                    22-18
Smith        Elizabeth                    59-25
Smith        Elizabeth Ann                14-80
Smith        Elizabeth Ann                63-124
Smith        Elizabeth Becker             38-375
Smith        Ella E.                      61-317
Smith        Ella L.                      14-81
Smith        Ella Webb                    22-32
Smith        Ellen Guidery                27-384
Smith        Emily                        34-304
Smith        Emily Esther Nelson          49-490
Smith        Emily Wright                 34-306
Smith        Emma A. Welch                53-397
Smith        Emma Denson                  14-82
Smith        Emma M. Johnson (Mrs.)       30-112
Smith        Emma Stewart                 49-433
Smith        Epophroditus                 63-127
Smith        Esther                       19-19
Smith        Esther Ross                  14-83
Smith        Esther Ross                  33-341
Smith        Eugene William               68-195/s
Smith        Evelyn Jeannette York        14-84
Smith        Florence                     29-441
Smith        Florence Emmily Warren       58-158
Smith        Frances                      57-483
Smith        Frances C. (Rouner)          14-85
Smith        Francis Edward               24-134
Smith        Francis Edwin                45-162
Smith        Francis Marion               14-86
Smith        Francis Oscar                24-135
Smith        Francis Oscar                45-163
Smith        Frank Marion                 45-164
Smith        Frank Milton                 62-169
Smith        Frank Thomas                 21-128
Smith        Fred                         64-434
Smith        Fred G.                      14-87
Smith        Fredric M.                   45-165
Smith        Freedom Dillingham           68-374
Smith        George                       14-88
Smith        George B.                    14-89
Smith        George E.                    45-166
Smith        George F.                    64-433
Smith        George L.                    14-90
Smith        George L.                    22-300
Smith        George L.                    56-71
Smith        George Locke                 61-318
Smith        George Mead                  62-168
Smith        George W.                    22-286
Smith        Gilman Kendall               14-91
Smith        Grace Breslin                63-119
Smith        Grace Sherwin                27-366
Smith        Halsey G.                    33-43
Smith        Hannah                       48-256
Smith        Hariot Ann Levina            14-92
Smith        Henrietta Magalena           14-93
Smith        Henry                        14-94
Smith        Henry                        34-307
Smith        Henry Davis                  45-167
Smith        Henry H.                     23-266
Smith        Henry Holman                 27-363
Smith        Henry Holman                 63-121
Smith        Hiram                        45-346
Smith        Hiram A.                     14-95
Smith        Hiram A.                     38-376
Smith        Horace                       45-168
Smith        Hugh Dunlap                  19-20
Smith        Ida                          34-310
Smith        Ide M.                       14-96
Smith        Ignatius Mattox              66-330
Smith        Ina Donna Coolbraith         38-55/a
Smith        Irene Boust                  64-373
Smith        Irene Boust (Mrs.)           14-97
Smith        Irwin Albert                 68-375
Smith        Isaac Newton                 24-275
Smith        Isaac Newton                 45-169
Smith        Isaac Patterson              45-170
Smith        Isaac W. (Dr.)               34-308
Smith        Isabella (Affleck)           52-144
Smith        J. Buck                      56-498
Smith        J. Milton                    14-102/a
Smith        Jacob                        14-98
Smith        Jacob                        30-36
Smith        Jacob                        45-347
Smith        James                        14-99
Smith        James                        45-348
Smith        James                        45-464
Smith        James                        46-34
Smith        James                        46-35
Smith        James                        62-280
Smith        James Alanson                32-40
Smith        James C.                     41-204
Smith        James Carter                 49-491
Smith        James Fay                    68-383
Smith        James H.                     29-27
Smith        James I.                     14-100
Smith        James Irvin                  61-319
Smith        James Kersen                 30-294
Smith        James Locket                 45-171
Smith        James Lockett                45-465
Smith        James M.                     14-101
Smith        James Milton                 14-102
Smith        James Monroe                 59-497
Smith        James Monroe                 61-320
Smith        James Morris                 45-349
Smith        James Perry                  45-466
Smith        Jane                         14-103
Smith        Jane                         34-309
Smith        Jane                         38-379
Smith        Jane Ellen Kent              62-281
Smith        Jane Kent                    14-104
Smith        Jasper Earl                  19-381
Smith        Jedediah S. (Capt.)          30-295
Smith        Joanna Mahoney               14-105
Smith        John                         14-106
Smith        John                         27-73
Smith        John                         30-113
Smith        John                         57-482
Smith        John Barnett                 45-467
Smith        John C.                      34-311
Smith        John Henry                   14-107
Smith        John Jacob                   14-108
Smith        John James                   36-295
Smith        John James                   45-172
Smith        John Louis                   38-377
Smith        John McKinstry               45-173
Smith        John Michael                 62-234
Smith        John Milton                  61-461
Smith        John Osburn                  45-350
Smith        John Park Hamilton           42-107
Smith        John Parson                  45-468
Smith        John Paton                   14-109
Smith        John Peter                   14-110
Smith        John Pincock                 33-44
Smith        John Richardson              33-342
Smith        John T.                      14-111
Smith        John Thomas                  53-398
Smith        Joseph                       14-112
Smith        Joseph                       61-21
Smith        Joseph Horton                24-56
Smith        Joseph L.                    14-113
Smith        Josephine Dona (Ina          38-55
Smith        Josephine St.Sure            60-116
Smith        Josie St.Sure                14-114
Smith        Julia                        34-312
Smith        Julianna Leichner            24-276
Smith        Katherine Hanford            29-440
Smith        Katherine Lewis              49-425
Smith        Le Roy Clay                  53-53
Smith        Lena Agnes                   14-115
Smith        Lenora                       63-128
Smith        Leonard                      63-383
Smith        Leonard Purley               45-174
Smith        Levi                         14-116
Smith        Levi                         45-175
Smith        Lewis P.                     41-205
Smith        Llewellyn                    45-469
Smith        Lois R.                      23-310
Smith        Louis Grant                  59-371
Smith        Louisa Bodamer               14-117
Smith        Louise Nickell               29-22
Smith        Lucinda                      14-118
Smith        Luke E.                      28-486
Smith        Luke E.                      41-206
Smith        Luke E.                      44-284
Smith        Lydia                        61-327
Smith        Lyman Forbes                 45-470
Smith        Margaret Gossage             19-21
Smith        Margaret Melissa Rector      14-119
Smith        Maria Hanson (Mrs.)          32-41
Smith        Marian Justin                25-325
Smith        Marie Louise                 49-426
Smith        Martha Ann                   36-293/a
Smith        Martha Ann (Grover)          36-296/a
Smith        Martha Ellen Sackett         22-486
Smith        Martha Grupe                 14-120
Smith        Martina                      33-309
Smith        Mary                         14-121
Smith        Mary                         22-459
Smith        Mary                         34-305
Smith        Mary A. Baker                28-491
Smith        Mary Agnes Crowley           48-258
Smith        Mary Alice Baker             60-402
Smith        Mary Annie                   21-129
Smith        Mary Caroline Tucker         14-122
Smith        Mary Elizabeth Uttin         19-22
Smith        Mary J.                      53-399
Smith        Mary Jane                    27-295
Smith        Mary Johannah                14-123
Smith        Mary Louise                  61-316
Smith        Mateo                        58-138
Smith        Mathew                       14-124
Smith        Mathias Frederick            64-432
Smith        Matilda Augusta              42-108
Smith        Matilda Moore                14-125
Smith        Matthew H.                   58-337
Smith        Mattie Grupe                 49-72
Smith        Michael                      46-36
Smith        Michael                      58-300
Smith        Michael Davis                45-351
Smith        Millard Collins              45-352
Smith        Milton Cushin                45-353
Smith        Minerva Cummings             14-126
Smith        Minnie G.                    53-400
Smith        Nancy Frances                61-321
Smith        Nancy J.                     14-127
Smith        Nancy J.                     19-23
Smith        Nancy J.                     19-336
Smith        Nannie Sherwin               27-367
Smith        Napoleon Bonaparte           14-128
Smith        Nellie Alice                 58-71
Smith        Nettie M.                    19-24
Smith        Nettie Thompson (Mrs.)       14-129
Smith        Nettie Thompson (Mrs.)       34-313
Smith        Newton                       14-130
Smith        Norman                       19-383
Smith        Norman                       30-131
Smith        Oliver                       34-314
Smith        Orren E.                     68-194/s
Smith        Oscar E.                     19-25
Smith        Oscar E.                     19-337
Smith        Pardon Bowen Jr.             52-145
Smith        Parnell (Hall)               26-93
Smith        Patrick Rufus                63-126
Smith        Paul                         14-131
Smith        Peter                        14-133
Smith        Peter                        27-72
Smith        Peter Mathias                14-134
Smith        Petherel                     63-118
Smith        Philip Nathaniel             62-233
Smith        Robert                       14-135
Smith        Robert O.                    14-136
Smith        Robert P.                    63-123
Smith        Rodney (Gen.)                63-437
Smith        Rodney (Lt.)                 64-55
Smith        Rose Ringer                  49-427
Smith        Rosetta Jane                 63-125
Smith        Roswell C.                   26-207
Smith        Russell B.                   22-297
Smith        Russell B.                   56-140
Smith        Ruth Bosney                  14-137
Smith        Sam                          63-384
Smith        Samuel                       14-138
Smith        Samuel Alexander             19-26
Smith        Samuel Alexander             19-335
Smith        Sara M. (Mrs.)               38-380
Smith        Sarah                        55-406
Smith        Sarah Augusta Thompson       61-463
Smith        Sarah Caroline               14-139
Smith        Sarah Jane Braden            14-140
Smith        Sarah Jane Connors Burr      62-231
Smith        Sarah Ruth Morse             24-136
Smith        Sarah Snyzer Ward            14-151
Smith        Sarah W.                     60-411
Smith        Sierra Nevada Ogan           58-117
Smith        Sophia Augusta               14-141
Smith        Sophia M. Whitlock           58-86
Smith        Stark Blount                 14-142
Smith        Stephen T.                   14-143
Smith        Stephen Thomas               61-322
Smith        Susan Smith                  64-351
Smith        Susie Boyed                  57-468
Smith        Thinnie Caswell              41-207
Smith        Thomas E.                    21-130
Smith        Thomas Edward                21-125
Smith        Thomas F.                    14-144
Smith        Thomas Gilliand              45-176
Smith        Thomas H.                    58-85
Smith        Thomas N.                    14-145
Smith        Thomas Richardson            33-343
Smith        Thomas Watson                53-401
Smith        Timothy                      45-354
Smith        Vienna Fain (Mecca)          34-315
Smith        Vincent                      49-428
Smith        W. A. C.                     14-146
Smith        W. D.                        36-297
Smith        Warren Oliver                29-362
Smith        Wesley J.                    27-167
Smith        Wesley James                 58-157
Smith        Wilburn                      14-147
Smith        William Allen                14-150
Smith        William Allen                68-382
Smith        William Anderson             14-149
Smith        William Anderson             22-460
Smith        William Anson                27-294
Smith        William Baum                 45-355
Smith        William C.                   14-152
Smith        William C.                   14-153
Smith        William C.                   22-3
Smith        William D.                   45-177
Smith        William H.                   33-45
Smith        William H. H.                45-178
Smith        William Henery               48-257
Smith        William Jones                45-356
Smith        William Lonon                52-146
Smith        William Ross                 14-154
Smith        William S.                   60-380
Smith        William Weeden               36-298
Smith        William Wiggin               24-55
Smith        Wilson J.                    14-148
Smith        Wilson Randall               64-352
Smith        Wm. H.                       22-292
Smith        Wm. H.                       56-96
Smith        Wm. P.                       32-39
Smith        Zirah Homes Wilson           61-368
Smithers     Daniel                       45-472
Smithson     Jane Cadd                    25-391
Smithwick    Edward                       36-299
Smittle      John W.                      14-156
Smock        Henry                        45-357
Smucker      W. H.                        22-308
Smucker      W. H.                        56-34
Smyth        James                        22-301
Smyth        James                        56-72
Smyth        James H.                     19-27
Smyth        Jane Shattuck Tindell        48-259
Smyth        Jane Tindell                 63-178
Smyth        Lydia Ann                    60-46
Smyth        Michael                      58-300
Smyth        Thomas Morrison              45-471
Smythe       Elizabeth Reynolds           22-461
Smythe       Marthias                     22-462
Smythe       Mary Margaret (Daisy)        14-157

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