Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Surname Index - Sg-Sl

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LAST         FIRST                       VOL-PAGE
Shackelford  Henry Bloom                  45-427
Shadden      Eliza Jane (Wallan)          66-309
Shadden      Martha Eliza Sumner          66-308
Shadden      Thomas Jeffer.               66-307
Shaeffer     Frederick August             45-113
Shafer       Adam                         52-131
Shafer       Anna                         52-132
Shafer       George H.                    23-499
Shafer       James Nelson                 13-438
Shafer       Margaret Malvina             13-439
Shafer       William                      23-500
Shafer       William                      45-308
Shaff        Fannie E. Moore              13-440
Shaffer      Eva J. Harwood Johnston      49-130
Shaffer      Frank R.                     13-441
Shaffer      Peter James                  49-131
Shaffer      Uriah                        28-489
Shaffer      Uriah                        37-172
Shaffer      Uriah L.                     44-444
Shaffer      Wm. C.                       38-367
Shafter      James McMillan (Hon.)        13-442
Shallenberg  Franklin Grant               50-322
Shanahan     Chester                      31-198
Shanahan     David                        31-195
Shanahan     Eugene                       31-196
Shanahan     Ross                         31-197
Shand        John Edward                  24-325
Shand        Wm. G.                       24-323
Shane        Peter Emerson                13-443
Shannon      Jefferson M.                 13-444
Shannon      John                         13-445
Shannon      John                         34-299
Shannon      John                         45-114
Shannon      Margaret J. McLaughlin       34-300
Shannon      Mikeal                       50-321
Shannon      Nathan                       36-288
Shannon      Nathan                       45-115
Shannon      Richard Franklin             45-428
Shannon      Thomas                        8-478
Shannon      William Joseph               18-483
Shannway     Alvin Fisher                 45-429
Shapirer     Fannie                       18-484
Sharanbroch  Henrietta Yates              27-165
Sharboro     Bartolmeo                    18-485
Sharkey      Bridget                      54-272
Sharkey      Elizabeth Agnes              54-273
Sharkey      John W.                      18-486
Sharkey      William                      45-116
Sharp        Arzella                      54-274
Sharp        Emma                         50-323
Sharp        Fannie L.                    49-419
Sharp        Harriet Hill                 13-446
Sharp        Isaac                        45-117
Sharp        James Meikle                 57-77
Sharp        James Porter                 13-447
Sharp        Lurana Walker                13-448
Sharp        Mary Frances                 53-387
Sharp        Peter G.                     22-285
Sharp        Susanna Rebecca Plank        57-78
Sharp        William Fuller               13-449
Sharpe       Daisy Adelaide               18-487
Sharps       Jonathan H.                  44-445
Sharrer      George Washington            45-430
Sharrock     Amy Catherine                52-133
Sharrock     Everard Jr.                  52-134
Sharrock     George Alvey                 52-135
Shattuck     Albert Henry                 45-431
Shattuck     D. O.                        13-450
Shattuck     Edward                       45-432
Shattuck     Henry C.                     22-303
Shattuck     Henry C.                     56-78
Shattuck     John Lewis                   45-118
Shattuck     Timothy Frank                45-119
Shaug        Henry Leedom                 22-484
Shaug        Ramona Engracia Lopez de     22-485
Shaug        Ramona Lopez                 48-293
Shaughnessy  Catherine Marie              53-485
Shaughnessy  James                        53-486
Shaul        B. F.                        13-451
Shaver       Harriet Jane Gray Bass       13-452
Shaver       Isaac                        13-453
Shaw         Ambrozine Hack               37-173
Shaw         Charles                      58-420
Shaw         Charles Henry                66-443
Shaw         Clarence Wilbur              13-454
Shaw         Dorcas Vina Hooper           66-442
Shaw         Elias                        13-455
Shaw         Elizabeth Woods              13-456
Shaw         Floyd Putnam                 23-366
Shaw         Frances Paralle              56-392
Shaw         George C.                    38-368
Shaw         George Crawford              56-393
Shaw         George Washington            45-120
Shaw         Harriet Fidella              56-394
Shaw         Ida Estelle Porter           59-196
Shaw         Isabella Armitage            13-457
Shaw         Isaiah                       13-458
Shaw         John Cowden                  45-121
Shaw         John Louis                   56-395
Shaw         Joseph Armitage              13-460
Shaw         Missouri Jane                56-396
Shaw         Patrick Levi                 56-397
Shaw         Robert (Rufus)               53-388
Shaw         Samuel B.                    45-433
Shaw         Seth Louis                   13-461
Shaw         Street                       45-122
Shaw         Susan Estelle                56-398
Shaw         William Pomeroy              66-441
Shaw         Woolsey                      29-28
Shay         Ansel                        45-434
Shay         Eliza Jane                   26-219
Shay         Walter A.                    26-218
Shaylor      Annie Augusta                18-488
Shea         Margaret Collins             59-383
Sheahan      Bridget Gallagher            66-298
Sheahan      John                         66-297
Sheahan      John Edward Sr.              66-301
Sheahan      Maurice J.                   66-300
Sheahan      Sarah Rachael O'Hore         66-302
Sheakley     Alexander                    13-462
Sheakley     Alexander                    48-291
Shealor      Annie Gubbins Weller         13-463
Shealor      Frank                        27-160
Shealor      Frederick                    49-109
Shealor      James Elisha                 49-110
Shealor      John                         27-159
Shealor      Lydia Williams               27-163
Shealor      Mary                         57-52
Shealor      Sam                          49-111
Shealor      Samuel Grant                 27-161
Shealor      Silas                        27-162
Shear        George                       45-123
Shearer      Abraham                      45-435
Shearer      Caroline Goldensmith         64-72
Shearer      George Whitefield            45-436
Shearer      John Wesley                  45-437
Shearer      Joseph E.                    18-489
Shearer      Joseph Emerson               45-124
Shearer      Morgan                       45-438
Shearon      Rose                         26-421
Sheats       Arthur K.                    18-490
Sheble       Mary A. Quinlan              13-464
Shedd        Alice Jane                   13-465
Shedd        Alvin                        13-466
Shedd        Alvin                        52-136
Shedd        George Henry                 52-137
Shedd        Glendower Haskell            13-467
Shedd        John Haskell                 52-138
Sheehan      Ann                          57-355
Sheehan      Dennis                       13-468
Sheehan      Ellen (Miss)                 13-469
Sheehan      Mary K.                      53-389
Sheehy       Maria (Mrs.)                 22-31
Sheerin      James P.                     21-115
Shekels      Noah                         45-125
Shelby       Francis Dora Hornback        13-470
Shelby       Nancy Ellen (Davidson)       53-390
Sheldon      Carrie Lucille               22-456
Sheldon      Carrie Luella                21-116
Sheldon      David Nelson                 21-117
Sheldon      David Nelson                 22-457
Sheldon      Jared (Joaquin) Dixon        67-166
Sheldon      Nellie Newby Bradley         60-263
Sheldon      William Gothier              22-458
Shell        Charlotte Gerard             13-459
Shell        Charlotte Giard              52-139
Shell        Charlotte Girard             64-85
Shell        Daniel                       13-471
Shell        Daniel                       52-140
Shelley      Bella (Mrs.)                 53-391
Shellhammer  Usual                        32-43
Shelloe      Daniel A.                    31-208
Shellooe     Daniel                       31-203
Shelly       Harriett S.                  21-118
Shelton      Alexander                    30-95
Shelton      Charles                      41-194
Shelton      Elizabeth Margaret           42-103
Shelton      Greenlee                     45-126
Shelton      Harriett Louise              30-96
Shelton      James Alexander              31-206
Shelton      Laura                        41-195
Shelton      Morton                       41-196
Shelton      Polk                         41-197
Shelton      Thomas                       41-198
Shelton      W. E.                        36-289
Shelton      William                      41-199
Shepard      Alma (Olds)                  67-371
Shepard      Cornelia Caroline            43-481
Shepard      Isaac Godfrey                67-370
Shepard      Michael                      13-472
Shephard     Charles H.                   52-469
Shephard     James Albert (Major)         52-470
Shepherd     David                        13-473
Shepherd     H. B. (Dr.)                  13-474
Shepherd     Harriet Louise               13-475
Shepherd     James A.                     22-283
Shepherd     James Alfred                 21-119
Shepherd     Jane Paul                    13-476
Shepherd     John California              13-478
Shepherd     John Mowat                   13-477
Shepherd     Mary A. Banister             29-438
Shepherd     Orlando Edmunson             13-479
Shepherd     Thomas Ferguson              66-329
Shepley      Richard                      45-337
Shepley      Robert                       67-366
Sheppard     Dixie Caroline               13-480
Sheppard     Dixie Caroline               29-387
Sheppard     Dixie Caroline Fryer         21-293
Sheppard     Rachel Albrecht              13-481
Sheppard     Summerfield Asbury           60-294
Sheppard     Summerfield Asbury           63-257
Sheppard     Summerfield D.               60-293
Sherburn     David                        13-482
Sherer       Daniel                       45-439
Sherer       John Dillon                  31-226
Sherer       Joseph Prosper               32-38
Sherer       Wm.                          32-37
Sherfey      Andrew                       33-35
Sherfey      Sam P.                       65-16
Sherfey      Samuel P.                    33-36
Sheridan     Bernard                      49-420
Sheridan     Isabelle (Mrs.)              21-294
Sheridan     Patrick                      45-440
Sheriff      Harriet Matilda Ann          13-483
Sherley      Adam                         45-338
Sherman      Allen                        45-127
Sherman      Charles                      45-441
Sherman      Elisabeth Mitchell           67-299
Sherman      Francis Harvey               67-302
Sherman      George                       67-83/s
Sherman      Hannah                       63-262
Sherman      Hannah Markham               28-479
Sherman      Jane Eliza                   54-275
Sherman      John T.                      18-491
Sherman      Joseph LeRoy Mack Donald     53-494
Sherman      Leonard                      18-492
Sherman      Leonard                      28-471
Sherman      Mary Caroline Haley          18-493
Sherman      Richard                      67-298
Sherman      Richard Hayes McDonald       13-484
Sherman      Roxebana Loving Walker       13-485
Sherman      Roxlana Lavine Walker        18-494
Sherman      Wiiliam Beecher (DDS)        67-301
Sherman      William                      67-300
Shermentine  Ada Agnes                    57-431
Shermentine  Arrena Annie                 57-434
Shermentine  Catherine Stattler           57-430
Shermentine  Emma Francis                 57-432
Shermentine  Ione                         57-433
Shermentine  John Franklin                57-439
Shermentine  John S.                      57-429
Shermentine  Mary Elizabeth               57-441
Shermentine  Silvester James              57-442
Shermentine  William Henry                57-435
Sherwin      H. C.                        63-385
Sherwin      J. L. C.                     13-486
Sherwin      James Leander Cathcart       27-365
Sherwin      Katherine                    27-368
Sherwin      Nancy                        13-487
Sherwin      Nancy Colvin                 27-364
Sherwood     David Henry                  38-369
Sherwood     Elizabeth Catherine          38-370
Sherwood     Mary Ann Cyrus               61-447
Sherwood     Seth Pease                   61-446
Sherwood     William Henry                45-339
Shevlin      Martha Harrington            13-488
Shewsbury    Samuel                       44-446
Shields      Addie Elizabeth              34-301
Shields      Jeremiah                     54-276
Shields      Lucy Jane Eddy               13-489
Shields      Sam                          26-28
Shiman       John Ludwig                  33-37
Shimer       Amanda                       29-30
Shimer       Arthur                       29-33
Shimer       Austin                       29-36
Shimer       Frank                        29-31
Shimer       George                       29-34
Shimer       James                        29-35
Shimer       Mary                         29-32
Shine        Andy                         13-490
Shine        Clement Jackson              13-493
Shine        Herman D.                    13-494
Shine        Mary Corrigan                13-491
Shinn        Heman D.                     52-471
Shinn        James (Mrs.)                 43-482
Shinn        John R.                      52-472
Shinn        Mary J.                      18-495
Shinn        Patrick                      13-492
Shinn        Serene                       21-120
Shipley      Helen Virginia Arrington     13-495
Shipley      Israel Turner                45-128
Shipley      R.                           56-496
Shipley      R. J.                        50-325
Shipley      Wm. C. (M.D.)                50-324
Shipman      Fannie May                   66-46
Shipman      J. C.                        13-496
Shipp        (George) Webster (Mrs.)      48-294
Shippee      L. U.                        13-497
Shippee      Wanton Allen (Hon.)          30-35
Shirland     Charles R.                   53-487
Shirley      Albert Guy                   68-188
Shirley      Leonora E. (Gift)            68-187
Shirley      Paul                         68-186
Shirley      Silas Gale                   45-442
Shirt        Rufus                        45-129
Shiveley     Lizzie Ann Elam              13-498
Shobe        Arthur Eugene                64-342
Shobe        Charles B.                   64-341
Shobe        George W.                    64-337
Shobe        James                        64-344
Shobe        Mary Jane Duncan             64-338
Shobe        William                      64-343
Shoecraft    Belle Dora Dorsey            23-398
Shoemake     William                      13-499
Short        Eleanor Elizabeth            23-168
Short        Ella Elizabeth Hooper        13-500
Short        Frances Houghton             47-278
Short        J. O. B.                     14-1
Short        James M.                     60-48
Short        Joseph                       14-2
Short        Margaret Singley             60-49
Short        Marshall                     64-436
Short        Mary                         33-38
Short        Mary                         41-200
Shortell     Mary                         53-392
Shortridge   George Robertson             58-185
Shottiplace  Job                          45-130
Showers      Ann                          68-14
Showers      Jacob Oscar                  68-13
Showers      Minnie Barton (Mrs.)         14-3
Showers      Silas                        14-4
Shrewsberry  Samuel                       60-489
Shrontz      Silas Barrett                45-340
Shryrock     Christian Dan                45-443
Shuffleton   John Henry                   45-445
Shuler       Asa                          47-126
Shults       David Crider                 24-274
Shults       David Crider                 45-131
Shults       John Jefferson               61-180
Shults       William Allen                61-179
Shumake      Silas                        49-421
Shupback     Frederick                    45-325
Shurtleff    Alice Nichols                14-5
Shurtleff    Benjamin (Dr.)               14-6
Shurtleff    Charles Allerton             18-496
Shurtleff    Elizabeth Cushing            47-279
Shurtleff    George A.                    22-293
Shurtleff    George C.                    14-7
Shurtleff    Harrison Jerome              48-295
Shurtleff    Nathaniel Benjamin           48-296
Shurttleff   George Agustus (M.D.)        56-466
Shuster      Mary                         24-447
Shyrock      Jacob Valentine              45-444
Sibeck       Charles                      52-473
Sibley       Frederick William            45-446
Sibley       Stephensen John              45-332
Sibole       Joseph Wesley                47-184
Sibrian      Lolita Amador                27-208
Sicotte      Minnie Florence Gourley      30-97
Sidelinger   Julia Ann Cook               61-398
Sidelinger   Manuel Franklin              61-399
Sidgreaves   William                      14-8
Sidwell      J. M.                        58-73
Sieber       Christopher                  33-39
Sieber       G.                           36-290
Siedell      Dorah Barter                 64-266
Siegel       Alfred Edward                41-201
Siegler      John F.                      43-480
Siegman      Elizabeth H. (Sweet)         65-301
Siemsen      H. G. F.                     14-9
Siesenop     August                       14-10
Siesnop      Mary E.                      14-11
Sifford      Cora Bonestal                34-250/a
Sifford      Cora Bonestel                24-250
Sifford      Frank J.                     34-250/a
Sifford      Frank J.                     66-181
Sifford      Louis M.                     66-359
Siggins      Isaac                        45-132
Sigler       George                       45-133
Signor       Isaac                        14-12
Signor       Isaac                        24-194
Signor       Isaac                        45-134
Signor       Mary A. (Maguigan)           24-195
Signor       Mary A. Maguigan             14-13
Signor       Mary Gazell (Hicks)(Mrs.)    24-193
Sikes        Jonathan                     31-215
Silberhorn   Catherine Hart               14-14
Silberhorn   John Theodore                14-15
Silkwood     Samuel Simpson               14-16
Silsby       Edward Delevan               45-333
Silsby       William Henry                45-135
Silva        Adeline Filipini Yolo        14-17
Silva        Anna H. Bauerle              26-200
Silva        Antonio F.                   14-18
Silva        Charles H.                   26-199
Silva        Frank J.                     26-201
Silva        Jose Antonio                 46-31
Silva        Joseph                       49-422
Silva        Marguerita                   55-404
Silva        Thomas                       14-19
Silvas       Jose Maria                   48-297
Silver       Joseph                       56-399
Silver       Rosa Joseph                  56-400
Silver       Thomas H.                    21-373
Silver       Thomas H.                    56-401
Silverstein  Isaac                        46-32
Silverstine  Isaac                        45-136
Silvey       Caroline Owena Cook          45-309
Silvey       Caroline Owena Cook          57-84
Silvey       Joseph                       45-334
Silvia       Amelia Maldonado             14-20
Silvia       Leoanor                      21-121
Silvia       Manuel                       14-21
Simas        John                         42-104
Simas        Mary Elizabeth               14-22
Simmons      Charles                      29-299
Simmons      David                        49-488
Simmons      Edwin P. (Captain)           14-23
Simmons      Francis Conley               45-448
Simmons      James                        28-488
Simmons      James                        41-202
Simmons      James                        44-282
Simmons      James Harvey                 45-137
Simmons      Johnny                       25-275
Simmons      Joseph J.                    22-281
Simmons      Martha Jamison               49-489
Simmons      Rachel                       68-60
Simmons      William Montgomery           62-236
Simmons      Wm.                          18-497
Simms        Bertha Jane                  27-60
Simms        Harry Lee                    27-61
Simon        Elise                        41-203
Simon        Hessel                       45-447
Simon        Jacob                        53-488
Simon        Lewis                        46-33
Simon        Lewis Aaron                  38-371
Simon        Maggie                       18-498
Simon        Malvina                      22-373
Simon        Malvina                      24-249
Simon        Michael                      68-250
Simon        Sarah                        14-24
Simons       Amos                         14-25
Simons       Fannie Prior                 14-26
Simons       Fannie Prior                 24-54
Simons       John Amos                    14-27
Simons       John Amos                    24-53
Simpson      William "Billy"              58-195
Simpson      Alexander Gibb               14-28
Simpson      Alexander Gibb               14-29
Simpson      Alexander Gibb               45-138
Simpson      Alice Belle (Day)            25-326
Simpson      Andrew                       31-199
Simpson      Andrew Jackson               18-499
Simpson      Andrew W.                    14-30
Simpson      Andrew W.                    18-500
Simpson      Andrew W.                    27-62
Simpson      Charles                      45-449
Simpson      Charles S.                   14-31
Simpson      Elizabeth Rubel (Mrs.)       47-8
Simpson      Ellen Boyle                  14-32
Simpson      Florence A. Whipple North    56-464
Simpson      Florence Adaline Whipple     14-33
Simpson      George Albert                29-439
Simpson      George C.                    14-34
Simpson      George Henry                 19-1
Simpson      Henry                        54-324
Simpson      James M.                     19-2
Simpson      John (Hon.)                  31-201
Simpson      Lewis Walker                 19-3
Simpson      Margaret Elizabeth           19-4
Simpson      Margretta McConaghy          14-35
Simpson      Mary Eliza                   47-280
Simpson      Noah                         33-40
Simpson      Robert Clark                 45-450
Simpson      Roxana                       59-397
Simpson      Thomas                       45-335
Simpson      William                      45-451
Simpson      Ziba Eugene                  33-41
Sims         Alexander Jr.                48-299
Sims         Alexander Jr.                61-56
Sims         Grace Gertrude               61-58
Sims         Hy                           43-483
Sims         I. W.                        63-333
Sims         Jane Biggs                   48-300
Sims         Jane Biggs                   59-22
Sinclair     Andrew Jackson               53-393
Sinclair     James                        42-105
Sinclair     James                        62-260
Sinclair     Sarah Shortridge Call        58-184
Sinclair     W. C.                        14-36
Sinclair     W. F.                        14-37
Sinden       Seth                         45-452
Singer       Richard Coulter              45-336
Singer       Richard Coulter              45-453
Singleton    Betty Hindle                 26-197
Singleton    Elizabeth Hindle             26-197/a
Singleton    John Martin                  14-38
Singleton    Lydia Brooks                 60-349
Singleton    Robert                       26-196
Singleton    Robert                       26-196/a
Singleton    William H.                   26-23
Sinnott      Anna                         19-5
Sinnott      Ella Twohig                  14-39
Sinnott      John                         14-40
Sinoba       Senova Jose Francisco        67-20
Sinz         Mary Pfeiffer                14-41
Sipp         Augusta (Mrs.)               14-42
Sipperly     Frederick William            45-139
Sisk         Richard                      66-152
Sissel       John Baker                   65-92
Sisson       Justin Hinckley              65-93
Sisterna     Felipe (Phillip)             29-23
Sittel       Marie T. (Schneider)         64-7
Sitton       Brice Martin Sr.             55-405
Sivalls      B.                           63-386
Sivley       Garland Hill                 45-454
Sivley       Joseph                       45-141
Sixbey       John                         45-142
Skaggs       James                        45-143
Skaggs       James                        45-455
Skahaen      Catherine Quirk              24-418
Skahaen      Patrick                      24-417
Skellen      Mary Ida                     34-302
Skelly       Augustine                    19-6
Skidmore     E. N.                        50-135
Skidmore     George E.                    44-283
Skidmore     Marian Lucinda (Minnie)      62-93
Skidmore     Thomas H.                    62-94
Skidmore     William Wallace              45-341
Skilen       S. L.                        36-291
Skinkle      Henrietta Hobbs              19-7
Skinner      Amelia D. Cazeres            21-122
Skinner      Augusta                      63-67
Skinner      David E.                     14-43
Skinner      Frank T.                     14-44
Skinner      Guilford Lafayette           45-456
Skinner      James                        68-108
Skinner      Julia (Mrs.)                 14-45
Skinner      Mary Anastatia               19-8
Skinner      William Frank                21-123
Skov         Edna Nilsen                  14-46
Skov         Hans Christain               14-47
Slater       Daniel Chapman               14-48
Slater       Eldorado T.                  60-394
Slater       Elisha Wells                 45-144
Slater       Elizabeth Carroll            19-9
Slater       James                        45-342
Slater       Jeanette Adele Janes         14-49
Slater       Nicholas Weaver              45-145
Slater       Patrick                      19-10
Slattery     Joseph M.                    14-50
Slaughter    Martha Jane                  68-400
Sleeman      Mary Ann                     23-169
Sleeper      Charles                      47-281
Sleeper      D. O.                        14-51
Sleeper      David Orville                66-148
Sleeper      David Orwell (Dick)          58-392
Sleeper      George                       47-282
Sleeper      Jereome McLaughlin           66-149
Sleeper      Jerome                       14-52
Sleeper      Mary                         47-283
Sleeper      Morean                       14-53
Sleeper      William Osgood               47-286
Sletten      Hanse                        52-141
Sligar       Elizabeth Jane Osborn        24-330
Sligar       James Emberson               53-394
Sligar       Lorenzo                      24-329
Sligar       Noah J.                      33-42
Sligar       Thomas Jefferson             24-332
Sliger       Emberson                     45-146
Sliger       Francis Marion               45-147
Sliger       John Wesley                  45-148
Sliger       Joseph                       45-149
Sliger       Joseph H.                    45-457
Sliger       Noah Jefferson               45-458
Sliger       Thomas Jefferson             45-150
Sliger       Thomas Richard               45-151
Sliger       Thomas Richard               45-459
Sliger       William Manset               45-343
Slinkley     Joseph Johnson               49-423
Slipner      Stacy Ann Perry              14-56
Slissman     Adam                         45-152
Slissman     John                         14-57
Slissman     John Michael                 45-153
Slissman     Margaret Lewis               14-58
Sloan        Fathy                        33-160
Sloan        John M.                      66-288
Sloan        Robert L.                    33-308
Slober       Louis                        45-154
Slocum       A. A.                        14-54
Slocum       Charles Cornelius            45-155
Slocum       John Alworth                 45-156
Sloper       Sarah                        53-395
Sloss        Joseph                       14-55
Slover       Elizabeth Jane               25-278
Slover       Frances Isadora              25-281
Slover       James                        24-328
Slover       James A. Jr.                 25-282
Slover       James Anderson               25-276
Slover       Mary Ellen                   25-280
Slover       Russel Holman                25-279
Slover       Thos. J. C.                  25-277
Sly          Oliver Wheeler               64-435

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