Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Surname Index - Sd-Sf

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LAST         FIRST                       VOL-PAGE
Seabert      George                       45-329
Seabury      Samuel Forrest               45-423
Seagers      Henry                        18-479
Seamands     John                         22-299
Seamands     John                         56-69
Searles      Dennis II                    60-262
Searles      Mary Ann Covington           60-251
Searles      Niles                        22-369
Searls       Helen                        18-477
Sears        Alexander                    26-30
Sears        Annie                        56-380
Sears        Bertha                       23-265
Sears        Camellia Lenora              56-391
Sears        Dave                         56-381
Sears        Ella                         23-267
Sears        Hattie                       56-382
Sears        James J.                     55-402
Sears        James L.                     56-383
Sears        Jennie                       56-384
Sears        Julia                        56-385
Sears        Mary                         56-386
Sears        Peter Anderson               56-387
Sears        Rosa                         56-388
Sears        Susie                        56-389
Sears        Wilhilmena Bertha            13-408
Sears        William Alexander            56-390
Seat         Jessie O. Stockton (Mrs.)    57-227
Seat         Jessie Olive Stockton        27-291
Seavey       Charles Edward               45-424
Seavey       Fred H.                      19-416
Seaward      John                         31-205
Seawell      John H.                      13-409
Sebelin      Salome                       18-478
Seblin       Salome Stahl                 25-9
Sebrean      John                         13-410
Sebrean      Martha M. Simmons            13-411
Secor        Luther                       66-1
Sedge        Mary M.                      50-320
Sedgwick     Charles                      22-290
Sedgwick     Charles                      26-411
Sedgwick     Charles                      57-371
Sedgwick     Frank H.                     57-372
Sedgwick     Thomas                       13-412
Sedgwick     Thomas Sr.                   22-304
Sedgwick     Thos. Sr.                    56-79
See          Joseph                       58-232
Seebel       John                         49-417
Seeley       C. B.                        13-413
Seely        David                        26-208
Seely        George B.                    48-253
Seely        Mary Pettit                  26-209
Seely        Neahmiah                     45-107
Seeman       Marianne (Granchat)          53-384
Seevy        Daniel Augustus              45-108
Segale       Frank                        49-418
Seguine      Martha Garretson             48-254
Sehorn       Lizzie McMillan              13-414
Seibert      Clara Lenora Searle          25-327
Seibert      Jacob                        24-324
Seibert      Louis C.                     13-415
Seiler       Joachim Frederic             24-463
Seiler       Louise Marie                 24-415
Seiler       Paul                         24-461
Seiler       Pauline Kalish               24-462
Seipel       Catherine Muller             67-210
Seipel       Conrad                       67-209
Seisler      Jacob                        45-425
Selby        Hiram                        55-122
Selby        John S.                      13-416
Selby        Joshua                       55-123
Selby        Joshua                       62-294
Selby        Mary                         55-124
Selby        Rachel                       55-125
Selby        Sarah                        55-126
Selby        Young                        55-127
Selig        Esther Levy                  13-418
Seligman     Evelyn Linn Fulton           18-480
Selkirk      David                        13-420
Selkirk      Pauline (Mrs.)               13-419
Selkuk       David                        23-165
Sell         Jesse                        29-293
Sellers      Ella Graves                  13-421
Sellers      George                       45-306
Sellick      Catherine Luvisa             13-422
Sellick      Joseph                       30-277
Sellick      Mary                         30-278
Selling      Jeanette                     41-192
Sellman      Lafayette                    18-481
Sellman      Lafayette                    22-280
Sellman      Lafayette                    27-425
Sellman      Lafayette                    49-114
Sellman      Lafayette                    52-129
Semons       Aaron                        45-109
Semple       Robert Baylor (Dr)           67-237/a
Semple       Stella Phelps                13-423
Sena         Anson                        45-383
Senano       Leandro                      56-450
Senderman    Aaron                        59-201
Senderman    Bernard                      59-202
Senderman    Pauline Cerf                 59-200
Sensibuagh   Robert                       65-368
Senter       Enoch                        45-330
Senter       Enoch Jones                  13-424
Senter       Hattie                       13-425
Senter       Lucinda Holland              13-426
Senter       Riley                        13-427
Senter       Willis Riley                 13-428
Sentous      Louis                        53-385
Sepulueda    John Felix                   59-211
Sepulueda    Maria De Los Angeles         59-212
Sepulveda    Concepcion Dominguez         55-403
Sepulveda    Elizabeth Carmen             25-208
Sepulveda    Francisco                    25-207
Sepulveda    Inez                         41-193
Sepulveda    Jose (Don)                   60-443
Sepulveda    Jose Del Carmen              25-209
Sepulveda    Vincenta                     60-444
Sequeira     Frances                      26-420
Sequeira     Jose Soares                  26-419
Sequin       Susannah Walker              45-307
Serna        Edward J.                    18-482
Serpa        Juan Manoel                  46-30
Serrano      Domingo (Rev. Father)        53-20
Serrano      Joaquin                      36-286
Serrano      Jose                         60-463
Serrano      Maria Ascencion              66-454
Serval       Hiram Stoyles                45-110
Service      John                         13-429
Service      John                         19-380
Service      John                         23-166
Service      John                         25-497
Service      John Jr.                     61-499
Service      Julia Irene Hall Warner      25-495
Service      Julia Irene Hall Warner      61-500
Serviss      Gordon                       38-365
Serviss      Thomas Wilson (M.D.)         38-366
Session      Morris Barnes                45-140
Sessions     Melissa Dickinson            13-430
Sessions     Moses Chandler               36-287
Sessions     Moses Chandler Jr.           45-111
Settle       Campbell                     13-431
Settle       Josephine Sackett (Mrs.)     34-298
Severance    Charles C. P.                13-432
Severance    Frances                      54-189
Severy       Daniel                       22-294
Severy       Daniel                       56-106
Sevey        Gilman                       45-331
Sevey        Gilman                       66-147
Sevey        James William IV             66-146/s
Sevey        Mary Jane Stevenson          13-433
Sevey        Plummer Alonzo               66-145
Sevils       John                         45-426
Seward       Anson J.                     60-465
Seward       Anson Jediah                 63-442
Seward       Mary Elizabeth Tolman        60-466
Seward       Morgan                       53-386
Sewell       Amos Fuller                  24-426
Sewell       Eiza Rich                    57-68
Sewell       George G.                    57-67
Sewell       Newton                       24-425
Sewell       Partie                       57-111
Sexton       Caroline (Miss)              22-365
Sexton       Charles                      52-468
Sexton       Daniel                       21-114
Sexton       Jane                         52-130
Sexton       Kathryn Crowell              13-434
Sexton       Patrick                      13-435
Sexton       Warren                       61-225
Sexton       Warren T. (Judge)            31-214
Sexton       Warren Thompson              45-112
Seyers       Joseph                       13-436
Seymour      Bela Newton                  61-378
Seymour      Florence Harter              13-437

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