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LAST FIRST VOL-PAGE Rubel Christopher 36-271 Rubel George C. 36-272 Rubel Louisa M. 19-177 Rubell Claudius Frazier 27-284 Rubell Emma Jane Gruver 27-285 Rubert Charles C. 19-178 Rubidoux Adelida 33-292 Rubidoux Flavia del Castillo 33-294 Rubidoux Frank 33-295 Rubidoux Guadalupe Garcoa 33-296 Rubidoux Joe 33-297 Rubidoux Lena Silvas 33-298 Rubidoux Louis 33-299 Rubidoux Luis 33-300 Rubidoux Luisa Diamantina Alvarada 33-301 Rubidoux Mary Bedford 33-302 Rubidoux Peter 33-303 Rubidoux Selso 33-304 Rubio Francisca 25-190 Rubottom William W. 59-421 Rucker Benjamin 44-430 Rucker George F. 61-312 Rucker George Hugh 45-59 Rucker Joseph 13-222 Rucker William Bryant 13-223 Rucker Z. T. 61-310 Rudd Orlando Francisco 44-431 Ruddick Julia M. 21-90 Ruder Cecilia Coney 13-224 Rudorff William Gustaf 60-68 Rueger Justin 45-84 Rufe Bertha 53-376 Ruff Caspar 54-454 Ruff Will Carl 30-34 Ruff Will Carl 54-455 Ruffino Geromina 41-185 Ruffino Mary Bacigalupi 13-225 Ruffino Serafino 13-226 Ruffley Elizabeth 13-227 Ruffner Clara 57-326 Ruffner William Edward 27-59 Ruggles Charles Augustus 25-435 Ruggles Charles Augustus 34-281 Ruggles Charles Lincoln 25-434 Ruggles Charles Lincoln 34-282 Ruggles Elijah Starr 44-271 Rugh Aubrey Hooper 13-228 Rugh Edgar Bird 30-260 Rugh Saul 30-261 Rugh Saul 44-432 Ruhl Frederick August 19-176 Ruiz Antonio Andronico 48-248 Ruiz Cayetano 52-118 Ruiz Delfina 55-399 Ruiz Frances Ybana 21-91 Ruiz Frutoso Maria 64-151 Ruiz Gabriel 57-235 Ruiz Jesus 13-229 Ruiz Jose 57-237 Ruiz Louis F. 13-230 Ruiz Maria Dolores 61-83 Ruiz Maria Natividad 64-152 Ruiz Miguel Feliz 13-231 Ruiz Refaela Cota 59-446 Ruiz Rita Vidal (Mrs.) 13-232 Ruiz Ulpiano T. 21-92 Rule Cassie Dean 19-179 Rule Samuel T. 61-313 Rulofson Mary Jane Morgan 13-233 Rumley David Hewston 44-433 Rumrill Arolina Almira Kemp 13-234 Rumrill Loreman Luman 13-235 Rundell William 44-434 Runels Vitalis S. 28-422 Runge Claus 67-296 Runyon C. R. 23-393 Runyon Marie Antonette 13-236 Ruoff Charles 54-188 Ruoff George 28-423 Ruoff Martha Jane Upton 28-425 Rupley John Wesley 67-392 Rupley John Wesley 69-21/s Rupley Joseph 69-22/s Rupley Margaret 50-313 Rupley Margaret Deveney 52-119 Rusche Melissa Belle Burrell 66-471 Rush Jonas 13-237 Rush Jonas 22-1 Rush Mary 58-349 Rushing Emma Jane Jolly 13-238 Russ Gustav Adolf 21-93 Russ Joseph 13-239 Russ Zipporan Patrick 13-240 Russell Albert Eli 24-130 Russell Allen Jerome 24-131 Russell Benjamin 44-435 Russell Carrie Bartlett 59-389 Russell Catherine 42-98 Russell Catherine Baker 24-132 Russell Charles A. 19-180 Russell Delia 13-241 Russell Edmund 19-378 Russell Elia K. 26-190 Russell Elias Shugart 69-36 Russell Elizabeth 62-219 Russell Elizabeth Elmy 19-181 Russell Ellen Brooks 66-342 Russell Ellen McDevid 68-385 Russell Estella May Wisner 13-242 Russell Estella May Wisner 50-25 Russell Francis E. 30-262 Russell Frank L. 65-321 Russell Frederick James 59-385 Russell George W. 65-322 Russell George Young 19-182 Russell Harry 19-183 Russell Henry 42-99 Russell Henry Warren 13-243 Russell Henry Warren 50-314 Russell James 44-436 Russell James Sanderson 66-341 Russell Joel 59-390 Russell John 42-100 Russell Lelia Smalley 59-386 Russell Lewis Avery 13-244 Russell Lydia Abbott (Miss) 55-121 Russell Mary Caroline 56-363 Russell Maud F. 59-388 Russell Nellie Morrell 59-384 Russell Samuel Price 33-23 Russell Stephen Dennis 25-171 Russell Susan Herman 13-245 Russell Thomas Bartlett 59-387 Russell William 32-246 Russell William Henry 19-184 Russell William Henry 68-384 Russell William M. 44-272 Russell William Mortimer 19-185 Russell Zenas Emerson 61-433 Rust Carl F. 36-273 Rust Charles O. 28-443 Rust Charles O. 36-274 Rust Edgar C. 48-244 Rust Edwin C. 48-245 Rust Richard (Colonel) 48-247 Rust Richard C. 48-246 Rust Richard Church 13-246 Rust Richard Church 50-26 Rust Richard Church 57-49 Ruth Silas 63-301 Rutherford Abraham Lincoln 56-364 Rutherford Amanda M. 19-186 Rutherford Anzonetta Caroline 56-365 Rutherford David Harrison 56-366 Rutherford Elmore H. 61-222 Rutherford George 44-437 Rutherford George 45-85 Rutherford J. E. 61-201 Rutherford Jacob 56-367 Rutherford Jacob Edward 56-368 Rutherford James 44-438 Rutherford Jannette 13-247 Rutherford John T. 34-283 Rutherford John T. 44-273 Rutherford Joseph 13-248 Rutherford Joseph 44-439 Rutherford Mary Rebecca 56-369 Rutherford Melissa Adeline 56-370 Rutherford Nellie Sanborn 13-249 Rutherford Samuel Theodore 57-270 Rutherford Sarah Ellen 56-371 Rutherford Sarah M. (Mrs.) 36-275 Rutherford Sarah Marie Kane 27-287 Rutherford William T. 27-286 Rutherford William Thomas 56-372 Rutledge Andrew T. 13-250 Rutledge Lydia Thompson 13-251 Rutledge Mary Attilla 13-252 Rutledge Robert 10-16 Rutledge Robert 13-253 Ruuge Claus 31-180 Ryan Agnes 21-94 Ryan Edward 13-254 Ryan Ellen Elisabeth 64-258 Ryan Francis 45-60 Ryan James 45-61 Ryan James Henry 19-415 Ryan James Talbot 13-255 Ryan Johanna 57-323 Ryan John 45-305 Ryan John 58-381 Ryan Joseph Robert 13-256 Ryan Katherine B. 52-463 Ryan Margaret Hannigan 13-257 Ryan Margaret Murphy 13-258 Ryan Mary 52-464 Ryan Mary Agnes (Sister) 23-263 Ryan Mary Buckley 13-259 Ryan Nora Connolly 13-260 Ryan Roger 44-440 Ryan Sarah Emily 13-261 Ryan Thomas Renaldo 13-262 Ryan William 44-441 Ryan Wm. D. 13-263 Ryant Isaac Whitamore 44-442 Ryason Marvin John 52-120 Rydbery Joseph Alef 13-264 Rydbery Margaret Anne 13-265 Ryder Charles Henry 13-266 Ryder Joseph Absalem 44-274 Ryder William 62-74 Ryno Wm. Harrison 49-408 Rynyon Marie Antoinette 41-186 Rystrom Charles Frederick 13-267
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