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LAST FIRST VOL-PAGE Quant Elizabeth Fletcher 63-108 Quant Fred 63-107 Quant Nettie 63-109 Quaresma Manuel Lewis 65-231/s Queen Matthew 44-232 Quental Francis 43-473 Quick Annie 60-337 Quick Sarah E. (Mrs.) 33-499 Quigg Michael 53-361 Quiggle Mary Agnes Brewster 19-116 Quigley Abbie Ann Maplesden 12-391 Quigley Ann 12-392 Quigley R. V. S. 12-393 Quimby Christopher Spry 44-233 Quimby John Marshall 44-234 Quimly Rebecca Francis Taylor 24-126 Quin William 44-235 Quinby Sarah Folger 21-52 Quinlan Batholomew 12-394 Quinlan Caroline Rogers 12-396 Quinlan Elizabeth Maloney 12-395 Quinlan James H. 12-397 Quinlan Thomas 12-398 Quinliven Dennis 48-215 Quinn Anne O'Reilly 19-117 Quinn Harry 52-80 Quinn Harry 60-72 Quinn Isaac 32-10 Quinn James 38-351 Quinn Katherine Elizabeth 21-53 Quinn Marry 64-232 Quinn Mary Gill 19-118 Quinn Michael Fay 28-420 Quinn Michael Fay 36-244 Quinn Michel 24-312 Quinn Peter 44-236 Quinn William 13-271 Quinn William 19-119 Quint Cora B. 63-222 Quint Elizabeth Arrington 12-399 Quintana Estevan 12-400 Quintero Louisa Puig 12-401 Quirk Katherine 52-81 Quirolo Angela Fontana Rosa 12-403 Quirolo Angelo 12-402 Quirolo Daniel Louis 12-404 Quirolo John James 12-405 Quirolo Roberta Martha Briggs 12-406 Quirolo Victor Charles 12-407
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