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LAST FIRST VOL-PAGE Puckett Prentice Sargent 44-187 Puckhaver John 12-374 Puckhaver Mary 12-375 Puckhaver Mata Klinck 12-376 Puckhaver Tillie 12-377 Puffer Wilson Henry 12-378 Pugh Aaron 38-350 Pugh James Purvey 64-5 Pugh Samuel H. 64-6 Pukersgill Hannah 12-379 Pullan Hannibal 12-380 Pulley Maria 28-406 Pulliam Mark Robertson Cockrell 44-188 Pulliam Walter 44-189 Pulliam William M. 44-190 Pulse William David 27-350 Pura Geremiah 27-55 Purcell Thomas 49-183 Purdy Alice Nancy Burns 27-329 Purdy Edwin 19-114 Purdy Henry Decautlin 44-191 Purdy Joseph 25-170 Purdy Rose Avila 19-115 Purdy Samuel 51-443 Purdy Thomas 53-360 Purkiss Simeon Edward 44-231 Purrington Joseph 12-381 Pursell James 51-444 Purton Francis Marion 12-382 Purves Joseph Morris 51-445 Purvine Thomas Byron 21-315 Purvis R. B. 12-383 Putman John Edward 65-244/s Putnam Charles 23-497 Putnam Edwin A. 12-384 Putnam Elizabeth Whitney 52-448 Putnam Frank 25-274 Putnam Grace Amee Brackett 21-51 Putnam Jos. 55-496 Putnam Joseph 22-245 Putnam Mary Walsh 61-104 Putnam Matilda Kliss 12-385 Putnam Royal Porter 25-272 Putnam Samuel Osgood 52-449 Putnam Will 25-273 Putney Henry Sartwell 12-386 Putney Henry Sartwell 24-48 Puyoou Augusta Marie Schunhoff 25-75 Pyle Darius Mack 44-467 Pyle Edward G. 12-387 Pyle Edward Gant 60-317 Pyle Grant S. 51-446 Pyle Grant Simpson 12-388 Pyle John 51-450 Pyle Margaret Hannah 12-389 Pyle Mary Mack 44-468 Pyle Mary Rea 44-469 Pyle Susan Jane 12-390 Pyle Thomas 44-192 Pyle Thomas 51-449 Pyle William 44-470 Pyrer Catherine 49-380 Pyster John 57-258
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