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LAST FIRST VOL-PAGE Podesto John 53-353 Poe Adam 53-354 Poe Annie L. (Mallay) 51-427 Poe James 48-209 Poe John 12-275 Poggi George P. 60-90 Poggi Isaac M. 60-310 Pogue J. W. C. 48-210 Poindexter James Robert 44-149 Poindexter Lawrence 12-276 Poirier Andrew F. 28-355 Poirier Eugenie Elenore 28-354 Poirier Jean Baptiste 28-358 Poirier Jean Baptiste Jr. 28-356 Poirier Jullien 28-357 Polastri Emma Josie 21-46 Polhemus C. B. 36-243 Polhemus Cornelius Balfour 12-277 Polhemus Cornelius Balfour 38-346 Polhemus Edwin Ruthven 12-278 Polhemus Edwin Ruthven 38-347 Polhemus George B. 12-279 Polhemus Henry D. 12-280 Polhemus Henry Dean 37-157 Polk Charles E. 21-316 Polk Evangeline Hawkins 55-71 Polk Lucretia 12-281 Polk Thomas 12-282 Polkinghorn Alfred 12-283 Pollard John T. 12-284 Pollard John Thomson 66-55 Pollard Lucien 12-285 Pollard Lucien W. 12-286 Pollard Margaretta Brinkerhoff 12-287 Pollock John 44-150 Polloy Elizabeth Lonesa Metcalf 12-288 Polsley Harry 68-301 Polsley John Scott Barnes 68-300 Polsley Kate 68-303 Polsley Margaret (Beavers) 68-305 Pomber Louis 33-498 Pomeroy Hiram 12-289 Pomeroy Viola A. 52-447 Ponce Dionisia 51-428 Ponce J. P. 12-290 Ponce Leon 28-419 Pond Adaline Minerva 54-48 Pond Ananaias Rogers 54-49 Pond Charles Lewis 44-151 Pond Emma 54-264 Pond George Washington 44-152 Pond Jared 54-265 Pond Lavina 54-266 Pond Mary 54-267 Pond Milo 54-270 Pond Milo B. (Dr.) 12-291 Pond Nellie 54-268 Pond Orpha 54-269 Pool D. M. 22-252 Pool D. M. 56-15 Pool Martha Ann 12-292 Poole Anna Cecelia Slack (Mrs.) 28-411 Poole Charles A. 27-279 Poole Edward 26-397 Poole Frank D. 12-293 Poole Isabelle Grace Nish 26-393 Poole Katherine Nicholas 12-294 Poole M. G. 63-375 Poole William Henry 26-396 Poole Wm. Mollison 49-376 Poor Flourny Gustin 12-295 Poor John 67-393 Poor Mary 53-355 Pope B. F. 22-406 Pope Benjamin Franklin 12-296 Pope Benjamin S. 51-429 Pope Benjamin S. 51-430 Pope James Henry 12-297 Pope James Henry 51-431 Pope Jane Sholmate 12-298 Pope John Henry 12-299 Pope John J. 12-300 Pope Jonathan H. 12-301 Pope Julia Thomson 12-302 Pope Laura Etta 25-4 Pope Laura Etta Wallace 12-303 Pope Laura Light 12-304 Pope Leroy 12-305 Pope Mary Emma 12-306 Pope Mary Emma 21-370 Pope Mathies 12-307 Pope Morning West 12-308 Pope Robert 12-309 Pope Rudolphus 65-136/s Pope Ruthie Ann Polfor 12-310 Pope Sarah Eddleman 12-312 Pope Thomas J. 12-311 Pope Thomas J. 51-432 Popert James 32-234 Poppe Catherine Bohr 12-313 Poppe Charles 22-275 Poppe Ernst 44-153 Poppe Fannie Cooper 12-314 Poppe Henry 44-154 Poppett Edward 26-394 Popst Charles 63-197 Porten Hughes Owen 44-155 Porteous Angelina Edwards 12-315 Porteous Annie 51-433 Porteous James 53-356 Porteous Sarah (Woodcock) 51-434 Porteous Wm. W. 53-357 Porter A. D. 41-156 Porter Addie Elizabeth Shields 19-417 Porter Ambrose 48-211 Porter Ambrose Jacoby 48-212 Porter Benjamin F. 12-317 Porter Benjamin Franklin 12-318 Porter Burton B. (Capt.) 27-274 Porter Charles 53-358 Porter Charles W 68-80/s Porter Florence Lander 12-319 Porter Florence Lander (Mrs.) 23-154 Porter Frances Abish 21-47 Porter Gustav 59-199 Porter Howard Blueford 23-228 Porter Isabelle Wagstaff 12-320 Porter Jackson C. 33-10 Porter James J. 59-195 Porter Jane Stewart 12-321 Porter Julia Adams 12-316 Porter Lavinia Honneyman 59-194 Porter Mary E. Clark 68-81 Porter Mary Helen 12-322 Porter Maryetta 58-62 Porter May Emma Smith 64-74 Porter Nathaniel 58-61 Porter Phear Elizabeth Parker 23-229 Porter Robert 59-198 Porter Sarah Emma Burges 12-323 Porter Stephen V. 12-324 Porter Stephen V. 23-155 Porter Thomas Robert 13-103 Porter William Madison 68-3 Porterfield Harvey 12-325 Portersfiel Mary Alexander 12-326 Portz Andrew 44-156 Posey Lewis 44-157 Post Amy Kister 60-107 Post Amy Kister 62-68 Post C. A. 21-494 Post George Washington 12-327 Post Isaiah Bushnell 60-108 Post Rose Lanig 41-157 Post William H. 22-246 Poteet J. P. 67-346 Potter Adelbert Eugene 32-3 Potter Caroline Letitea 63-63 Potter Charles A. 12-328 Potter E. W. 63-279 Potter Eleanor S. 12-329 Potter Evie Martha Thompson 48-213 Potter Francis E. 12-330 Potter John 63-61 Potter Joseph Christopher 44-158 Potter Joseph F. 44-159 Potter Logan F. 51-435 Potter Lucy (Mrs.) 49-377 Potter Lyme M. 44-160 Potter Mary Cynthia Freeman 51-436 Potter Mary D. Colvin 63-62 Potts Ernest 30-485 Potts James David 65-42 Potts James Whaley 23-496 Potwin Clara Germain 58-455 Poulet Feliz P. 12-331 Poulsen Agnes Josephine Blabon 57-178 Poulson Oliver Perry 12-332 Poumarat Victor 44-161 Poundstone Lawrence Ryder 53-359 Powell Abraham 58-43 Powell Abraham 60-342 Powell Amanda A. Kerrick (Mrs.) 12-333 Powell Clarinda Belle 21-341 Powell David 12-334 Powell David (M.D.) 31-167 Powell David Crocket 58-263 Powell Howell 44-162 Powell Jacob 44-163 Powell James Nathaniel 44-164 Powell Jeremiah 32-230 Powell John Jones 44-165 Powell Margaret Greely 12-335 Powell Mary 12-336 Powell Mary 57-252 Powell Reese 44-166 Powell Richard 38-348 Powell Richard Pine 44-167 Powell Robert 12-337 Powell Robert 19-108 Powell Thomas Enslow 44-168 Powell William Gaskill 44-169 Powell Wm. 31-166 Powell Wm. 38-349 Power Harold T. 51-437 Power Harold Thomas 19-109 Power Mary E. 12-338 Power Mary E. Wright (Mrs.) 54-446 Powers Aaron Hubbard 60-143 Powers Artilla Ellen 26-400 Powers C. H. 63-373 Powers Caroline Elizabeth 51-438 Powers Colby 44-170 Powers Cyrus H. 51-439 Powers Ellen Minerva 12-339 Powers George Washington 26-21 Powers Jesse 68-381 Powers John Washington 26-401 Powers Lillie May Brooks 27-358 Powers Martha Ann 26-22 Powers Oliver Pollard 44-171 Powers Oliver Pollard 44-172 Powers Oliver Pollard 44-228 Powers Thomas Townsend 12-340 Pownall Joseph (Dr.) 25-271 Pownall Joseph Benjamin 25-270 Prado Louise 21-48 Prager Isaac 12-341 Pramberg Carl John 24-47 Pratchner Mary Emma Wells 28-418 Prather Cornelius 66-116 Prather Diana E. Ingram 60-17/a Prather Diana Elizabeth Ingram 12-342 Prather Diane Elizabeth Ingram 60-17 Prather Earl 12-343 Prather James J. 30-255 Prather Phillip 32-226 Prather Sarah Dinwiddle 32-227 Prather William 12-344 Prather William 60-18 Prather William 60-18/a Prather William Freeman 12-345 Prather William Jeter 21-342 Prather William Peter (Dr.) 41-158 Prator Alfred Ashford 28-401 Prator Dora Sarah Davis 28-400 Pratt Charles Parker 44-229 Pratt Emma V. (Koster) Hamilton 65-57 Pratt Enoch Henry 44-173 Pratt Frederick H. 12-346 Pratt George I. 12-347 Pratt James L. 44-174 Pratt Jos. 55-474 Pratt Joseph 22-243 Pratt Joseph William 44-175 Pratt Juvell Florence Huffaker 51-440 Pratt Mary 51-441 Pratt Olive Isabelle Hunt 57-42 Pratt Orville C. (Hon.) 12-348 Pratt Richard Fort 44-176 Pratt Sarah (Hart)(Mrs.) 54-447 Pratt Willard 44-177 Pratt Willard (Dr.) 54-448 Pratt William Henry 65-58 Pratt Williard 12-349 Preddey Margaret Mahler 19-110 Prehn Frederick 12-350 Prehn Frederick 48-214 Prell Eliza A. Bowers 23-150 Prell Eliza Ann Bowers 50-125 Prell John G. 23-148 Prell John Gottlob 50-126 Prell John Stillman 23-149 Prell John Stillman 50-127 Prendergast John Edwin 59-372 Prentice Mary Elizabeth (Webb) 67-415 Prentis Dexter Belknap 44-178 Prescott Henrietta Chatfield 12-351 Prescott Marquese Gonzales 55-385 Prescott Sumner Davis 44-230 Presley Alvin More 12-352 Presley Dunlap 12-353 Presley Elijah 12-354 Presley Elizabeth Wheat 12-355 Presley James Maidson 12-356 Presley Sarah Melissa Crawford 12-357 Pressey Benjamin Louis 57-101 Pressey Benjamin Louis 60-257 Preston E. M. (Hon.) 22-370 Preston Everett Ambrose 59-423 Preston Henry 44-179 Preston James Madison 44-180 Preston John Running 44-181 Preston Leander A. 59-422 Preve Maria Elena Escobar 67-24 Preve Maria Lina Escobar 22-497 Prewett James Sr. 54-73 Prewett Samuel 19-111 Price Ernestina Cecelia 24-50 Price Eva Lucy 19-112 Price Evelyn 47-149 Price Henry Carr 44-182 Price Isaac 12-358 Price J. D. 28-417 Price John 12-359 Price John Ashlock 33-11 Price John Ashlock 65-180 Price John Peter 44-183 Price Mary 55-113 Price May Suender 12-360 Price N. J. 12-367 Price Rebecca 12-361 Price Samuel 44-184 Price Thomas 52-79 Price William S. 12-362 Prideaux Henry 12-363 Prideaux William 12-364 Prido Indian 49-378 Priest Frances Lauder 12-365 Priest Joshua 12-366 Prime Jennie Viola 21-49 Prince Bartholoman R. 29-290 Prince Sebastian Romacci 29-291 Prindle Annie Marie (Newhall) 51-442 Prindle Charles Thomas 44-185 Pringle Henry Reuben 29-328 Pringle Katherine Elizabeth 29-329 Prior Frank A. 54-449 Pritchard H. 49-65 Pritchard Levi 21-256 Pritchett Frances Mary Flansburgh 23-320 Pritchett Mary Alice 12-368 Proctor Francis Marlou 12-369 Proctor George William 59-458 Proctor Lucinda T. Norris 59-459 Proil Mary Jane Peard 27-330 Proll Bertha Schmidt 19-113 Proll Henry 21-50 Prongue Joseph 12-370 Propeck William 44-186 Proper Helen A. 53-484 Prosser Mary Rees 12-372 Prothero Albert 58-75 Prothero Edward 26-398 Prothero Edward 49-379 Prothero Esther Lewis 54-320 Prothero Samuel 54-321 Prothero William 54-322 Prouty Anson V. 47-180 Prouty Byron Grant 47-181 Prouty Christopher Columbus 47-150 Prouty William Henry 12-371 Prouty William Henry 47-182 Provines Mary Louise 53-52 Prowse Annie E. 12-373 Prucell Catherine 61-307 Pryor John Frank 24-49 Pryor Paul (Pablo) 37-158
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