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LAST FIRST VOL-PAGE Osborn Alfred Hilton 28-341 Osborn Alice Ellis (Mrs.) 21-19 Osborn Ashbel Post 27-140 Osborn David 44-40 Osborn David Andy 11-478 Osborn Douglass 44-41 Osborn Edward Benjamin 21-20 Osborn Edward Benjamin 24-121 Osborn George 11-479 Osborn Henry Augustus 21-21 Osborn John Benton 24-122 Osborn Jonathan James 44-42 Osborn Lewis 11-480 Osborn Mary Hannah Markham 28-340 Osborn Minerva Jane Baker 24-124 Osborn Minta Florence 11-481 Osborn Nancy M. 11-482 Osborn Pheobe Williams Hull 64-230 Osborn Sullivan 11-483 Osborn William Henry 24-123 Osborne Emma Rebecca 38-333 Osborne James B. 43-353 Osborne Julia K. 28-342 Osborne Wm. David 53-331 Osburn Nellie Malissa Mathewson 25-2 Oser Care W. 11-484 Oser Henry Alois 21-22 Oser Marge (Mrs.) 53-332 Osgood Clarence M. 62-69 Osgood Elice Kellum 11-485 Osgood Frederick Smith 11-486 Osgood Gardner 43-354 Osgood Howard Lincoln 11-487 Osgood Ida Jane (Mrs.) 55-22 Osgood James C. 30-27 Osgood Lois Frances 11-488 Osgood Louise Murdock 60-284 Osgood Rufus Warren 11-489 O'Shey John 44-39 Osmer Margaret Stewart 64-331 Osselin Pierra Eugene 44-43 Ossionash Rizzo 11-490 Ostelle James Harriet D. 23-147 Ostello Jacob Henry 11-491 Ostello Jennie Harriet Davis 11-492 Ostelto Jacob Henry 23-146 Ostrander Jasper A. (M.D.) 36-225 Ostrander John 38-334 Ostrander Mary Frances 38-335 Ostrom Daniel Augustus 57-281 Ostrom Mamie Hammon 48-178 Ostrom Sarah Jane 61-95 Ostrom Thomas Jefferson 48-179 Ostroski Samuel 44-44 Osuna Edward Del Carmen 23-145 Otis James 18-453 O'Toole Thomas 50-123 Ott Martin 53-333 Otten Frances Mockbee 11-493 Otterson James Harvey 64-91 Ottman Frederick Jacob 11-494 Otto Ellen Garner 11-495 Otto George Frederick 31-498 Otto George Fredrick 65-342 Otto George Herman 65-348 Otto Minnie Elizabeth 65-347 Otto Sophia Trust (Mrs.) 31-499 Otto Sophie (Trust) 65-343 Oughton William Edward 69-38 Ousterman Jeanette McDougald Lynch 66-140 Overheiser Wm. L. 22-237 Overhiser William L. 11-496 Overholtzer Margaret A. 21-23 Overmier Evelyn 51-86 Overmier Solomon 51-87 Overton A. L. 36-226 Overton Agrippa 11-497 Overton Agripper Lawrence 43-355 Overton Edward 64-444 Overton Harris Clark 43-356 Overton Harris Leroy 11-498 Overton Maggie Jane Campbell 18-454 Ovieda Emitrio (Luterio) 57-238 Owen Alonzo W. 66-374 Owen Charles W. 11-499 Owen Easton Smith 44-45 Owen J. W. 63-366 Owen James C. 11-500 Owen Laura 55-373 Owen William 55-374 Owens Benjamin 44-46 Owens Benjamin Walter 58-250 Owens David 55-68 Owens Elizabeth Allen 12-2 Owens James 44-47 Owens John Polk 18-455 Owens Laura Reid 55-69 Owens Mary Ann 60-73 Owens Michael 49-371 Owens Richard (Richard Lemon 33-269 Owings Richard Lemon (Richard 33-269 Owsley Henry 12-3 Oxendine Alice Emma (Parker) 53-334 Oxendine Charles Pickett 68-398 Oxendine Melvina Christine 68-404 Oxendine Merideth 62-474 Oyharzabal Domingo 37-144 Oyharzabal Domingo 44-332 Oyster Margaret Ellen Burres 37-145
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