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LAST FIRST VOL-PAGE Oakes Emma Petermann 60-2 Oakley Aaron Doty 68-88 Oakley Amasa Wilder 31-496 Oakley Francis D. 28-343 Oatman Harriet Christmas Rhoades 11-439 Obarheimer Charles 44-23 O'Beirne Agnes 64-248 O'Beirne John 64-259 Ober Charles Thomas 21-10 Ober Emma Jane Raymong (Mrs.) 11-440 Obernesser Ellen Frances 21-11 Obert Olga Reichling 11-441 O'Brien Catherine Agnes 18-420 O'Brien Cornelius 21-12 O'Brien Dennis 54-181 O'Brien Edmund 26-391 O'Brien Elizabeth E. Bowen 18-421 O'Brien Frances Agnes 62-54 O'Brien Hannah Elizabeth 18-422 O'Brien James 11-410 O'Brien James 43-338 O'Brien James Kirby 11-411 O'Brien Johanna 18-423 O'Brien John H. 22-241 O'Brien John H. 56-110 O'Brien Joseph H. 18-424 O'Brien Josephine Marie 18-425 O'Brien Julia Regan 18-426 O'Brien Michael 11-412 O'Brien Patrick 29-326 O'Brien Patrick 67-456 O'Brien Patrick Jr. 29-325 O'Brien Priscilla 18-427 O'Brien Sarah 18-428 O'Brien Thomas 18-429 O'Brien William A. 11-413 O'Brien William J. 37-140 O'Brien William Joseph 18-430 O'Brine John 44-24 O'Brines George P. 43-339 O'Bryant Hiram Duncan 67-50/s O'Bryant Humphrey Posey 67-49 O'Bryant Isac 67-48 O'Bryant James Augustus 67-51 O'Bryant Jefferson Davis 67-52 O'Cahalan Dennis 18-431 Ochs Eva Elizabeth Kraft 67-439 Ochs Jost Henri 31-497 Ochs Jost Henry (Henri) 67-440 O'Connell Anthony Fred 11-415 O'Connell Anthony Frederick 11-414 O'Connell Catherine A. 18-432 O'Connell John 44-25 O'Connell Margaret Leahy Ring 66-234 O'Connell Margret (Miss) 11-416 O'Connell Martin Cornelius 18-433 O'Connell Mary Murphy 11-417 O'Connell Maurice 11-418 O'Connell William 43-340 O'Conner Daniel 44-26 O'Conner Emma Olive Harris 11-419 O'Conner Michael 11-420 O'Conner Timothy B. 18-434 O'Connor Ann (Anna) Maria McManus 26-389 O'Connor Anna 57-288 O'Connor Daniel 43-341 O'Connor F. R. William B. (Rev.) 18-436 O'Connor John 11-421 O'Connor Mary Ellen (Mrs.) 50-498 O'Connor Mary Ellen Morehead 51-402 O'Connor Sara (Mrs.) 11-423 O'Connor Sarah Jane 11-422 O'Connor Timothy Buckley 26-390 O'Connor Timothy J. 18-435 O'Connor William Bernard 51-403 O'Day Hanorah L. 18-437 O'Day John 18-438 O'Day Margaret J. 18-439 O'Dea Mary Ann Doran 18-440 Odell Anna Laurie 11-442 Odell Benjamin Franklin 59-181 Odell Cornelius Manderville 11-443 Odell Franklin Benjamin 59-183 Odell George Frances 59-185 Odell James Munro 59-184 Odell Mary Eliza Draper 59-182 Odell Mary P. 52-436 Odell Nathan 43-342 Odell Rose Berry 11-444 Odell William Harney 59-186 Oden William Thomas 18-441 Odgers Henry 27-327 Odgers Henry 55-364 Odgers Sarah Ann (Mrs.) 21-340 Odgers Sarah Ann Peard 27-328 Odgers Sora Ann Peard 19-84 O'Donnell Ann O'Donnell 66-102 O'Donnell Annie E. (Miss) 58-99 O'Donnell Catherin 62-490 O'Donnell James C. 11-424 O'Donnell Jos. 56-88 O'Donnell Joseph 22-238 O'Donnell Joseph E. 11-425 O'Donnell Roger 6-"102,10 O'Donnell Roger 66-103 O'Donnell William T. 58-98 O'Doul August 18-442 O'Doul Marie 29-454 Oeste Jacob Wm. 32-223 Oeste John Henry 11-446 Oeste William 32-224 Oettl Franz 67-260 O'Farrell Jasper 67-161/s O'Ferrel Richard Hennencamp 43-343 O'Ffarel Charles 11-426 O'Ffarel John 11-429 O'Ffarell Esther Onyett 11-427 O'Ffarell Jim 11-428 O'Flaherty Mary Agnes 26-165
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