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LAST FIRST VOL-PAGE Nice Cornelia Horton 57-276 Nichol Kelso J. 11-340 Nicholl Charles 54-438 Nicholl Charles Frances 11-342 Nicholl James Milton 11-343 Nicholl James Milton 54-439 Nicholl John 11-344 Nicholl John 43-273 Nicholl John 44-321 Nicholl John 52-74 Nicholl John 54-440 Nicholl John 63-422 Nicholl John Gault 11-345 Nicholl John Gault 54-441 Nicholl Samuel 54-442 Nicholls H. B. 23-258 Nicholls Thomas 53-314 Nicholls Thomas 57-477 Nichols A. L. 22-390 Nichols Amanda Melvina (Dawson) 68-347s Nichols Benjamin T. 11-346 Nichols Catherine Elizabeth Swan 11-347 Nichols Charles 18-409 Nichols Charles G. P. 18-410 Nichols Elijah 43-274 Nichols Elisha 43-313 Nichols Eliza Jane (Goss) Romberg 68-343s Nichols Elizabeth 57-354 Nichols Emma M. 69-58 Nichols J. D. 11-348 Nichols James E. 11-349 Nichols James Jackson 68-352s Nichols James Stuart 11-350 Nichols John Calvin 43-314 Nichols John Morgan 11-351 Nichols Justus Willis 11-352 Nichols Kelsy Grant 30-244 Nichols Lizzie (Mrs.) 11-353 Nichols Martha Virginia 11-354 Nichols Mary 38-331 Nichols Mary L. Smith 11-341 Nichols Melvin M. 68-350s Nichols Moses Sumner 43-315 Nichols Rebecca Anna 11-355 Nichols Robert 38-332 Nichols Samuel 43-316 Nichols Walter R. 18-411 Nichols Wesley H. 68-351s Nichols Wiett 68-354 Nichols William Henry 68-353 Nicholson George 11-356 Nicholson J. (Mrs) 64-70/a Nicholson J. (Mrs.) 41-109 Nicholson James R. 41-110 Nicholson Marshall 41-111 Nicholson Nancy Howard 11-357 Nickel Edith Mariah Ramey 47-259 Nickel James 47-260 Nickel James 62-337 Nickel John Ramey 27-53 Nickel John Ramey 27-54 Nickel John Ramey 47-261 Nickel John Ramey 62-339 Nickel Laurien 47-262 Nickel Laurien 62-340 Nickel Rachel Ellen Record 47-272 Nickell Elmer Ellsworth 28-329 Nickell Emma Ella 28-330 Nickell George Washington 25-427 Nickell George William 28-326 Nickell James J. 32-500 Nickell Lew Wallas 28-328 Nickell Lillie May 28-327 Nickell Louise M. Sigwalt 28-325 Nickels George 43-312 Nickerson Adam Ensign 26-163 Nickerson Adelbert Ensign 26-161 Nickerson Elizabeth Taylor 26-162 Nickley Benjamin 49-368 Nicol George W. (Hon.) 11-339 Nideffer Eva Ricker 57-408 Nidever John Marian 47-497 Nidever Mary Caroline 28-334 Niece Serena McClain 60-123 Niederaur Jacob 57-25 Nielsen Henrick 11-359 Nielsen L. N. 11-360 Niemeyer H. C. 36-214 Niemeyer W. H. 36-215 Niesen William P. 11-361 Niggle George 47-498 Nightingale Sarah Martha Page Davis 11-362 Nile Maggie E. 21-3 Niles Addie Maria 62-272 Niles Ebenezer Chandler 26-384 Niles Robert 21-4 Nimmo Benjamin Franklin 60-470 Ninnis Christine Strombeck 53-315 Nisbet Gordon H. 11-363 Nisbet Helen Miller 11-364 Nisbet James G. 11-365 Nisbet John 11-366 Nisbet John 43-317 Nisbet John Goldie 11-367 Nisbet Marion Wilson 11-368 Nisbet Robert W. 11-369 Nisbet Thomas 11-370 Nisbet William 43-318 Nisbet William G. 11-371 Nish Frederick 18-412 Nish Isabella Henderson 26-385 Nish Robert Glen 26-386 Nisley Charles Morrison 53-316 Nisley Edward 53-317 Nisley Frank Harmon 53-318 Nisley Lura Isabelle 53-319 Nisley Margaret Emery 53-320 Nisley Mary Elizabeth 53-321 Nisley Peter Whitmore 49-369 Nisley Peter Witmer 53-322 Nissen Asmus 43-275 Nisson Asmetha 11-372 Niverth Rachel 18-413 Nix Andrew Jackson 43-319 Nix Caleb Marion 43-320 Nix Frederick Henry 43-321 Nix John 43-322 Nixon Charlotte Ann 60-295
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