Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Surname Index - Na-Nf

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LAST         FIRST                       VOL-PAGE
Naegle       John Conrad                  26-164
Nagel        John                         22-236
Nagel        John                         55-466
Nagele       William Free                 28-324
Nagle        Ceil T. (Ansbro)             52-71
Nagle        Dora E.                      11-277
Nagle        Elisa                        53-313
Nagle        Patrick                      43-286
Nagle        Peter Buck Jr.               52-435
Nahl         Charles Christian            67-160
Nall         Ira Elmo                     67-245
Nall         Mathew                       32-499
Nallis       D.                           63-364
Nance        John Smith                   43-287
Nance        Otway                        43-257
Nance        T. C.                        61-303
Nance        Thomas Clayton               18-398
Nance        William                      43-258
Nandell      Susana Sanchez (Mrs.)        11-278
Nandino      Espiriton                    49-363
Nane         John Clemson                 43-288
Nantz        Benjamin Franklin            43-259
Napier       Nancy Anna                   11-279
Napoleon     George Nicol                 25-269
Nardi        Christina Leyva              11-280
Narvaez      Frances Sepulveda            26-388
Narvaez      Louis                        26-387
Narvaez      Maria De los Angeles         11-281
Narvais      Blas                         42-80
Nash         Adele Clare                  33-467
Nash         Alice Evelyn                 33-468
Nash         Caleb                        11-282
Nash         Caleb                        33-469
Nash         Delia May                    33-470
Nash         Elizabeth Butler             11-283
Nash         Elizabeth Lyon Butler        23-139
Nash         Frank                        33-471
Nash         Georgianna                   65-32
Nash         Grace E. (Mrs.)              54-316
Nash         Helen Eugenie                33-472
Nash         Henry William                11-284
Nash         Isaiah Bates                 33-473
Nash         James                        43-289
Nash         James C.                     11-285
Nash         Joanna Thomas                25-62
Nash         Johanna                      55-361
Nash         John D.                      11-286
Nash         John Frank                   54-317
Nash         John P.                      55-362
Nash         John Peckham                 11-287
Nash         John Peckham                 25-63
Nash         John W.                      66-180
Nash         Joshua                       33-474
Nash         Laura                        33-475
Nash         Mary Jane Ready MacLean      28-331
Nash         Mary Ready MacLean           62-475
Nash         Patrick Joseph               43-290
Nash         Peter                        43-291
Nason        Ivory Frederick              11-288
Nason        Ivory Fredrick               61-1
Nason        Nancy Black Elliot           34-102/a
Nason        Nancy Elliott                11-289
Naswell      William F.                   43-292
Natchke      Mary Ann                     51-80
Nathan       Elias                        43-293
Nations      George Washington            43-294
Nations      Thomas Jefferson             43-295
Nattrass     Cuthbert                     11-290
Nattrass     Jane                         11-291
Nattrass     Thomas Cuthbert              11-292
Nau          Jean Etienne                 66-43
Nauert       Fredrick Anton               65-387
Navaro       Jose Antonio                 66-456
Navaro       Jose Clemente                66-457
Navarrette   Jose Antonio                 28-323
Navarro      Fleicitas L. Perez y          7-119/s
Navarro      Peter                        11-293
Navarro      Rafael                       53-15
Navas        Gabriel                      43-465
Navas        Jose A.                      49-364
Neal         Charles H.                   49-365
Neal         Duncan                       43-260
Neal         Joshua                       42-81
Neal         Samuel                       64-42
Neal         William W.                   64-41
Neale        William Robert               43-261
Neally       Gilbert Lafayette            43-262
Neary        Annie J.                     19-410
Neary        Mary Ann Blanchard           66-434
Neary        Mary Elizabeth               19-409
Neathery     Theophilus Richard           66-79
Nebelung     Max                          28-332
Nebelung     Max                          36-212
Nedderman    Henry                        11-295
Nedderman    Mary Jane Muir               11-296
Needham      Charles E.                   23-140
Needham      James Carson                 11-297
Needham      James Carson                 23-141
Needs        Philip                       50-402
Neel         Barnet                       11-358
Neel         Elizabeth (Mrs.)             36-213
Neely        Maria Frances Hodges         11-298
Neely        Walter                       43-466
Neer         Mary Bozeman Hurt             8-229
Neff         John D.                      11-299
Negus        Anna Marie                   18-399
Neighbours   Allan W.                     34-246
Neighbours   Susan (Mrs.)                 34-247
Neigswenter  Marie J. (Mrs.)              11-300
Neil         Hiram Warne                  55-363
Neil         John                         11-301
Neil         William Richard              57-225
Neilan       Mary                         11-302
Neill        John                         11-303
Neill        Robert                       43-296
Neilon       John                         64-446
Neilson      John                         43-297
Nelson       Alfred David                 43-263
Nelson       Angeline Paulson             11-304
Nelson       Arden                        54-469
Nelson       C. C.                        21-487
Nelson       Camillus                     30-469
Nelson       Charles Andrew               43-298
Nelson       Charles Leonard              11-305
Nelson       Christian                    11-306
Nelson       Christian                    21-490
Nelson       Christian                    50-403
Nelson       Christian (Capt)             65-267
Nelson       Claiborne                    43-264
Nelson       Eli E.                       22-235
Nelson       Ensor Johnathan              18-402
Nelson       Eva Anna                     25-267
Nelson       Finis Ewing                  25-268
Nelson       Florinda A. Locke            11-307
Nelson       Geo. Donnell                 25-265
Nelson       George Henry                 54-179
Nelson       H.                           63-365
Nelson       Henry                        19-375
Nelson       Henry C.                     31-492
Nelson       Henry C.                     41-106
Nelson       Hubbard William Clabourn     63-224
Nelson       James                        24-187
Nelson       Jennetta Lillian             68-92
Nelson       Jessimima Sims               54-180
Nelson       Joel Moore                   43-266
Nelson       John                         11-308
Nelson       John                         43-265
Nelson       John                         43-299
Nelson       John Charles                 43-467
Nelson       John David                   43-300
Nelson       John Milton                  25-264
Nelson       Kate                         18-403
Nelson       Mary Alice                   11-309
Nelson       Mary Alice                   18-404
Nelson       Mary Ann (Porteous)          51-82
Nelson       Mary Louise                  25-266
Nelson       Otillia Brown                11-310
Nelson       Thomas                       30-470
Nelson       William                      11-311
Nelson       William                      52-73
Nentzel      Charles Michael              64-445
Nesbit       Jackson                      43-267
Nesbit       John                         43-301
Nesbit       Maggie Laughlin              11-312
Nesbit       William                      43-268
Nesbit       William Nevels               11-313
Nesbit       William Nevils               23-354
Nesbit       William Nevils               43-302
Nesbitt      Thomas                       11-314
Netherton    Edward Wallace               11-315
Netherton    Edward Wallace               44-320
Netherton    Frathias Jefferson           11-316
Netherton    John Smith                   11-317
Netherton    Matilda Ann Estes            11-318
Netherton    William Price                11-319
Nett         Ellen Baldwin                11-320
Nettleton    William Andrew               43-303
Neuamacher   (Miss)                       33-263
Neumann      Catherine Bretz              49-366
Neumann      Catherine Yakabenia Bretz    11-321
Neumann      Frederick                    49-367
Neumann      Frederick William            11-322
Neumann      Hattie M.                    20-499
Neumann      William Frederick            11-323
Neumiller    Christian                    18-405
Neumiller    Christian                    27-419
Neunaber     Henry                        24-322
Neuschwande  Julian                       65-52
Nevasco      John Baptiste                43-304
Neville      John Henry                   18-406
Neville      Sophie Elizabeth             18-407
Newbauer     Jesse                        11-324
Newbill      Mary Sears                   33-476
Newbill      Samuel David                 33-477
Newby        Benjamin Franklin            11-325
Newby        H. H. (Mrs.)                 11-326
Newcomb      Augustus Eldrid              43-305
Newcomb      Charles Albert               43-269
Newcomb      George Henry                 11-327
Newcomb      Mary Francis Crum            25-164
Newcome      Charles T.                   38-330
Newcomer     Stewart                      11-328
Newell       Frederick Russell            43-306
Newell       Jeremiah Gage                68-37
Newell       John Patrick                 43-307
Newell       John Thomas                  68-41
Newell       Joseph                       43-270
Newell       Mary Loretta                 68-40
Newell       Samuel                       11-329
Newell       William David                68-39
Newhall      Sylvester                    11-331
Newhouse     Alphonse                     11-330
Newhouse     Alphonse                     47-495
Newhouse     Clara                        41-107
Newhouse     Julia                        41-108
Newhouse     Samuel L.                    43-308
Newhouse     Samuel Leland                43-309
Newkirk      Susan Ellen "Nellie"         66-266
Newkirk      Elias                        43-271
Newkirk      Elias Wesley                 11-333
Newkirk      Mattie S. Wood               66-268
Newkirk      Reuben Bennett               11-334
Newkirk      Richardd Simons              66-267
Newland      A. M.                        64-119
Newland      Alfred Morrow                31-151
Newland      Benjamin Franklin            43-310
Newland      Lizzie Read (Mrs.)           11-335
Newman       Adelia                       29-427
Newman       Fanny S.                     20-500
Newman       George Howard                18-408
Newman       J. F.                        36-216
Newman       Jacob                        47-496
Newman       James                        29-428
Newman       John Francis                 43-311
Newman       Joseph Young                 11-336
Newman       Josephine                    11-337
Newman       Manley                       43-272
Newman       Phillip A.                   28-333
Newman       Rube                         21-1
Newman       Sarah Elizabeth              11-338
Newmann      Louise Christine             26-160
Newmark      Augusta Lacie                50-497
Newport      Emma G. Burrell              66-470
Newsome      W. G. (Bill)                 58-147
Newton       Ada Belle Goodwin (Mrs.)     31-152
Newton       Benny F.                     54-262
Newton       Charles L.                   21-282
Newton       Charles L.                   53-478
Newton       Charlotte Hudson (Mrs.)      31-155
Newton       Griffith                     67-352/s
Newton       Jabez                        53-479
Newton       Jesse                        33-478
Newton       John                         31-157
Newton       John                         31-158
Newton       Lydia Meredith (Mrs.)        31-156
Newton       Sarah Elizabeth Hunting      33-479
Newton       William Anderson             31-153
Newton       Willis                       31-154
Ney          Margaret C.                  21-2
Neylan       Lucretia Hames               11-409

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