Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Surname Index - McS-McZ

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LAST         FIRST                       VOL-PAGE
McRae        Alexander A.                 32-216
McRae        ELizabeth                    10-203
McRae        John                         10-204
McRae        Roderick                     32-215
McRay        Ira                          22-229
McRay        Ira                          56-137
McRose       Laughlin                     43-104
McShane      Amelia Soto                  61-59
McShane      Edward                       61-60
McShane      Thomas Edward                61-63
McSheffrey   John                         43-105
McSorley     Clarence                     52-433
McSorley     H. J.                        10-205
McSorley     John James                   10-206
McSorley     Mary Frances                 52-434
McSorley     Mary Frances (Calgan)        51-79
McSorley     Richard V.                   10-207
McStay       Mary                         20-497
McSweeney    Daniel (Sweeney)             63-479
McSweeney    Mary                         49-361
McTarnahan   Carroll                      10-208
McTarnahan   John Cowan                   58-465
McTernan     Thomas                       18-395
McTernan     Thomas (Mrs.)                18-396
McTiernan    James Joseph                 20-498
McTigue      John                         43-106
McVay        Benjamin                     68-126/s
McVay        Hutson Patrick               27-51
McVay        Joseph                       31-487
McVay        Wilson Toliver               43-107
McVey        James Oliver                 43-215
McVey        Margaret                     29-471
McVicker     Marilda Troxel               61-115
McVickers    Martha Joses                 53-312
McWain       George Markland              43-108
McWherter    Elizabeth                    47-494
McWhinney    Isaac Newton                 43-109
McWilley     James                        43-110
McWilliams   James Francis                18-397

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