Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Surname Index - McG-McL

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LAST         FIRST                       VOL-PAGE
McGaffee     Emma Alice                   47-487
McGaffey     Elizabeth Love               10-90
McGaffey     Elizabeth Love               57-315
McGahey      James Slade                  25-306
McGahey      Julia Ann Loop               25-307
McGahey      Minnie                       49-350
McGan        James                        43-75
McGann       James                        33-450
McGarr       Annie                        30-82
McGarvey     Robert (Hon.)                47-488
McGarvey     Robert (Hon.)                63-175
McGaugh      Elizabeth Ann                33-451
McGaugh      Emma Ann Scot (Mrs.)         33-452
McGaugh      Emma Levina                  33-453
McGaugh      Harriet A. Goodwin           31-139
McGaugh      James Parker                 33-454
McGaugh      Jessie Price                 33-455
McGaugh      Lydia Pierce (Mrs.)          33-456
McGaugh      Matthew Jackson              31-140
McGaugh      Nancy Ellen                  33-457
McGaugh      Phillip Grundy               33-458
McGaugh      Sarah Jane Edwards (Mrs.)    31-141
McGaugh      Wesley Preston               33-459
McGaugh      William Green                33-460
McGee        Alney Taylor                 27-138
McGee        Henry J.                     55-359
McGee        Hugh Patrick                 65-499
McGee        John F.                      42-76
McGee        John H.                      10-91
McGee        Martha Jane                  42-77
McGee        Mary Ann O'Connell           10-92
McGee        Sarah Isabell (King)         65-498
McGee        Thomas                       10-93
McGee        Thomas                       42-495
McGee        Thomas Jr.                   10-94
McGee        William B.                   65-497
McGhan       Medora                       60-391
McGhee       Calwell                      49-50
McGhee       Colwell                      10-95
McGhee       Mary Sproules                10-96
McGhee       Sarah Calwell                49-51
McGhee       Wm. Stewart                  51-77
McGill       John                         36-499
McGill       Robert Leslie                10-97
McGill       Walter Scott (Dr.)           54-261
McGillivray  William                      10-98
McGilvray    Duncan                       43-76
McGimsey     Jeremiah A.                  52-65
McGimsey     John Cox                     52-66
McGinerty    Annie S.                     10-99
McGinerty    Frank J.                     10-100
McGinley     Charles                      20-476
McGinn       John                         32-217
McGinnes     Sarah Elizabeth              10-101
McGinnes     William Tinsley              10-102
McGinnis     William W.                   43-77
McGinty      Archibald John               10-103
McGinty      Jennie Hortense Dolloff      10-104
McGirk       Ellen Shobe                  64-340
McGlancy     Patrick                      43-78
McGlashan    John                         61-299
McGlasson    Arabela                      55-360
McGlew       Helen Garrett                18-376
McGlinchey   Mary Catherine Kern          66-280
McGlinn      Mary T.                      18-377
McGlothin    Julietta W. Ingersol         23-131
McGlothin    Thomas                       23-130
McGonegal    Michael                      43-248
McGovern     Bridget Leonard              10-105
McGovern     Catherine (Sister M.         18-378
McGovern     James                        10-106
McGovern     Philip                       65-43
McGovern     Robert Owen                  34-239
McGovern     Stephen                      10-107
McGovern     Stephen                      22-376
McGowan      Henry Harrington Sr.         18-379
McGowan      Jessie Ryason                51-386
McGowan      John                         49-351
McGowan      John V.                      22-230
McGowan      John V.                      56-147
McGowan      Lena Blum                    10-108
McGowan      Matthew Jarvis               51-387
McGram       Agnes                        10-110
McGranaham   Henry Cushing                43-198
McGranaham   James                        43-80
McGranahan   Amanda Jane                  10-109
McGranahan   George Brown                 43-79
McGrann      Elizabeth Martha Johnson     10-111
McGrann      James                        10-112
McGrann      John William                 10-114
McGrath      Ann                          47-489
McGrath      Belle E.                     51-388
McGrath      Bridget                      25-426
McGrath      Catherine Theresa            20-477
McGrath      Daniel                       26-150
McGrath      Dennis                       33-461
McGrath      Henry                        26-149
McGrath      John                         43-199
McGrath      Margaret (Miss)              58-431
McGrath      Margaret McGrath             33-462
McGrath      Patrick                      26-151
McGrath      Thomas                       43-249
McGrath      William Henry                27-137
McGraw       Eliza Kenney/Kinney          68-254
McGraw       John                         10-113
McGraw       John                         68-254
McGraw       Margaret                     10-115
McGreer      Ella/Ellen J. (Murphy)       65-316
McGreer      John                         65-313/s
McGreer      Susan (Roberts)              65-314
McGreer      Thomas Henry                 65-315
McGreevy     William                      10-116
McGregor     Elizabeth                    28-306
McGregor     Peter                        31-148
McGrew       James C.                     51-389
McGrew       Sophia Gale                  51-390
McGriff      Douglas A.                   31-146
McGriff      Wm.                          31-147
McGrue       Maggie Brown                 38-329
McGrue       Maggie L. Brown              24-186
McGuinty     Andrew A.                    49-352
McGuire      Ann Maria                    10-117
McGuire      Goling Young                 10-118
McGuire      Henry                        61-251
McGuire      Irwin Nolan                  52-429
McGuire      Mary Ellen Wilhoit           24-304
McGuire      Mary Mollie                  10-119
McGuire      Morty L.                     18-380
McGuire      Nathaniel                    24-305
McGuire      Oscar Alonzo                 23-136
McGuire      Patrick                      43-81
McGuire      Samuel                       10-120
McGuire      Sarah Esther Condit          52-430
McGuire      Thomas                       10-121
McGuire      Thomas Henry                 61-252
McGuirk      Charles Francis              51-391
McGuirk      James                        42-78
McGuirk      Mary Casey                   10-122
McGuirk      Mary Jane Masterson          51-392
McGurk       Edward                       43-200
McHenry      Catherine Coyle              10-123
McHenry      James M.                     31-142
McHenry      Oramil                       10-124
McHenry      Oramil                       23-137
McHenry      Patrick                      65-428
McHenry      Robert                       10-125
McHenry      Robert                       23-138
McHirron     Henry Clay                   61-300
McHugh       Charles                      29-261
McHugh       Ellen Jane Corral            29-260
McHugh       John                         43-463
McIlvain     Sadie L.                     50-288
McIntire     Charles                      10-126
McIntire     J. J.                        10-127
McIntire     Jeremiah George              42-496
McIntosh     Alexander                    47-319
McIntosh     Charles                      62-296
McIntosh     Edward Phelps                10-128
McIntosh     Edwin J.                     51-393
McIntosh     Frederick                    36-198
McIntosh     Gertrude A. Gerhardt         27-272
McIntosh     Jacob                        10-129
McIntosh     James Thomas                 42-497
McIntosh     John William                 43-201
McIntosh     L.                           63-361
McIntosh     Lewis Harrison               36-199
McIntosh     Manual Edward                62-295
McIntosh     Perry Hollister              42-498
McIntosh     Rebecca                      10-130
McIntosh     William                      43-82
McIntyre     Alzada E. Cannon             10-131
McIntyre     Angus A.                     52-67/a
McIntyre     Angus A.                     66-292
McIntyre     Catherine                    50-493
McIntyre     Duncan                       10-132
McIntyre     Elizabeth Skinner            10-133
McIntyre     Ellen                        10-134
McIntyre     Ellen Longmire               54-315
McIntyre     Fernando                     10-135
McIntyre     Flora Leaman (Mrs.)          52-67
McIntyre     Flora Lillie Leaman          52-67/a
McIntyre     John                         43-83
McIntyre     Minnie Harlow                49-52
McIntyre     Patrick                      43-84
McIntyre     Sarah Frances                49-53
McIntyre     William                      10-136
McIntyre     William                      42-499
McIntyre     William                      49-54
McIsaacs     Neil                         10-137
McIvor       Laura E. (Marshall)          53-308
McKamy       John M. Sr.                  54-480
McKay        Mary Ann Woodsum             26-152
McKay        Robert Conaughy              68-177
McKay        Thomas                       36-200
McKay        William Henry                26-153
McKay        William Henry                43-85
McKean       George Franklin              10-138
McKean       Mary Henrietta               20-479
McKean       Robert Orsen                 49-55
McKeany      Mary                         18-381
McKeany      Patrick                      18-382
McKeany      Peter                        18-383
McKee        Alexander                    57-478
McKee        Annie                        50-399
McKee        Colin                        43-250
McKee        Emily Jane                   50-400
McKee        Felix Grundy                 43-86
McKee        J. O.                        10-139
McKee        James Harsher (M.D.)         52-68
McKee        Jane Steele                  57-475
McKee        John Blaine                  27-50
McKee        Louis Merchant               43-202
McKee        Lydia                        41-105
McKee        Margaret Elisabeth           52-69
McKee        Margaret Matilda             50-401
McKee        Penna                        42-79
McKee        Robert B.                    43-87
McKee        William F.                   28-304
McKellip     William Edward               42-500
McKellos     J. K.                        36-201
McKelvey     George                       23-489
McKelvey     Hugh Webster                 23-490
McKelvey     John                         23-491
McKelvey     John Karnehan (Rev.)         50-494
McKendry     A. (1st Lieutenant)          63-402
McKenna      Elizabeth Mary Campton       66-90
McKenna      Hugh                         10-140
McKenna      Lesley                       43-203
McKenna      Mary Ellen                   52-431
McKenna      Patrick                      43-204
McKenna      William J.                   66-312
McKenney     Ebben                        43-88
McKenzie     Allan                        47-490
McKenzie     Benjamin Franklin            43-205
McKenzie     Elizabeth Sarah              51-78
McKenzie     George                       47-491
McKenzie     George (Mrs.)                47-492
McKenzie     Hannah Elizabeth (Mrs.)      10-141
McKenzie     James                        43-206
McKenzie     James                        43-89
McKenzie     John Robert                  10-142
McKenzie     Mary Ann                     47-493
McKenzie     Melvina I.                   33-463
McKenzie     Rod                          50-289
McKenzie     Thomas C.                    49-108
McKeon       Ellen Walsh                  18-384
McKeon       Harriet                      20-480
McKeon       Lenore                       20-481
McKeon       William                      18-385
McKeown      Nellie Norton                10-143
McKerras     John Thomas                  43-207
McKim        Olive Lucinda Trowbridge     60-25
McKim        William L. (McKimm)          62-113.1
McKimmon     Cecila Ann                   10-144
McKimmon     Robert James                 10-145
McKindley    Josiah                       18-386
McKinley     Charles Dixon                43-251
McKinley     Ella                         43-252
McKinley     George E.                    10-147
McKinley     George Edward                43-253
McKinley     Sidney H.                    43-254
McKinney     Abraham                      10-146
McKinney     Elizabeth Anna (Mrs.)        18-387
McKinney     George Riley                 43-208
McKinney     James                        18-388
McKinney     Thomas Jefferson             27-136
McKinsey     Atawa Stveshly (Mrs.)        10-148
McKinstry    Henry H.                     36-202
McKinstry    James Clarence               18-389
McKinty      Mary Louise (Seeman)         53-309
McKinzie     Alexander                    10-149
McKissick    Daniel                       10-150
McKissick    Hannah Jane                  10-151
McKissick    Jacob                        10-152
McKissick    John Best                    10-153
McKissick    Luvisa Catherine             10-154
McKissick    Martha Melissa               10-155
McKissick    Mary Jane                    50-290
McKisson     George Albert                49-353
McKisson     Henry Jefferson              65-190
McKisson     Hope Honora                  65-188
McKisson     Jeremian                     65-187
McKisson     Marshall Perry               65-189
McKnight     Sarah Jane                   20-482
McKoy        Betsy Newhall                64-245
McKoy        Hubbard W.                   64-246
McKune       J. H. (Hon.)                 31-149
McLain       James                        67-426
McLaine      Laughlin                     10-156
McLaine      Laughton                     52-70
McLane       John B.                      31-145
McLane       Wm.                          31-144
McLaren      Edgar                        18-390
McLaren      Linie Asher                  20-483
McLaughlin   Henry                        49-354
McLaughlin   James                        43-209
McLaughlin   John F.                      20-484
McLaughlin   Margaret H.                  20-485
McLaughlin   Moses Alfred                 43-90
McLaughlin   Nancy Ann                    27-273
McLaughlin   Wm.                          31-491
McLaughlin   Wm.                          49-355
McLean       Archibald                    49-495
McLean       Bertha F. Piatt              20-486
McLean       Charles                      43-210
McLean       Crecencia                    48-494
McLean       Ellen Gray Jeter             28-294
McLean       Frances Elizabeth            10-157
McLean       Jennie Reed                  34-240
McLean       John Tinsley II (M.D.)       36-203
McLean       Mary Anne Mannix             34-241
McLean       Mary Ellen                   28-297
McLean       Olive Plaskett               24-314
McLean       Robert                       34-242
McLean       Robert Armistead             28-303
McLean       Samuel M.                    22-232
McLean       Samuel M.                    56-37
McLean       Samuel M. (M.D.)             10-158
McLean       Samuel Meriweather           28-313
McLean       Thirza Jane                  10-159
McLean       William                      34-243
McLeinan     William Porter               43-91
McLellan     Delia (Mrs.)                 10-160
McLellan     Fred Robert                  10-161
McLellan     Sarah                        51-394
McLellan     Sarah Freeman Bent           20-487
McLellan     Silas                        20-488
McLennan     Charles Wallace              30-25
McLennan     Charles Wallace              54-436
McLennan     Daniel R.                    10-162
McLennan     Henry K.                     36-204
McLennan     Henry Kenneth                54-437
McLeod       James Monroe                 10-163
McLeod       John C.                      29-372
McLeod       John C.                      58-45
McLeod       Lou Ann Maria Barber         10-164
McLeod       Margaret Eliza Gordon        10-165
McLeod       Mary Farrier                 29-373
McLoughlin   Mark                         57-162

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