Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Surname Index - Lg-Ll

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LAST         FIRST                       VOL-PAGE
Libbey       Charles E.                   47-438
Libby        Henry Ely                    18-253
Libby        William H.                   20-356
Libby        William Hodsdon              42-195
Lichan       Mary (Smith)                 53-257
Lichtenberg  George Miller                42-280
Lichtenthal  Mary                          9-348
Lichtenthal  Mary Ann                     23-111
Lichtenthal  Valentine                     9-349
Liddle       Robert                       42-281
Lider        Mary Jane Hambliton           9-351
Lieb         Josie Sabria Hoag            64-235
Liebert      Julius Manuel                18-254
Liebman      Sally                        20-357
Lieninger    America Ray                   9-449
Lievre       Ella                         18-255
Light        Adam Thomas (?)              66-166/s
Light        Alice Caraway                 2-461
Light        Amos C.                      66-164/s
Light        Eleazer                      66-165/s
Light        Elisha                        9-352
Light        Enoch                        42-196
Light        Ephraim                      66-168/s
Light        Eugene Sue                   66-170/s
Light        Howard                       42-282
Light        James                        42-197
Light        James                        65-296
Light        James Monroe                 65-268/s
Light        Louisa Alice                  9-353
Light        Marcus Stein                 66-167/s
Light        Peter                        42-283
Light        Peter                        42-332
Light        Theodore Adam                66-169/s
Lightburn    Mary Barbara                  9-354
Lightner     Abia Taylor (Capt.) Sr.      58-425
Lightner     Fred                         67-276
Lightner     Harry Isaac                  58-166
Liles        Hugh                         42-284
Lilibridge   Josephine Scott              54-310
Liljedahl    Sarah Kerr (Mrs.)            50-260
Lillard      Granville Hurley             57-251
Lillard      Theodosia Ernest             58-499
Lillard      William Thomas               52-405
Lilley       Eliza Jane                    9-355
Lilley       John                          9-356
Lillick      Henry                         9-357
Lillie       Augustus S.                  18-256
Lillie       George Henry                 53-258
Lillie       William                      42-285
Limon        Gertrudis Sanchez Y          64-150
Limperich    Josephine St.Julian           9-358
Linares      Pilar                        53-259
Linbarger    Lewis                        61-292
Lincoln      Augustus L.                  30-208
Lincoln      Charles H.                   30-209
Lincoln      Emily Celia                  18-257
Lincoln      Henry Harmon                 45-315
Lincoln      Sarah Bandy                  45-316
Lincoln      Susan Elanor Haslam          51-339
Lincoln      William Carl                 45-317
Lind         George Edgar                  9-359
Linden       John B.                      42-286
Linden       Mary Ann                     24-398
Linderman    George W.                    32-475
Lindley      Isabel Arrington              9-360
Lindley      Lizzie Mendenhall             9-361
Lindley      Thomas Morton                31-121
Lindsay      Emily Norman                  9-362
Lindsay      Richard Scruggs               9-363
Lindsay      Thomas Lumbard               19-371
Lindsey      Frank Randolph               66-393
Lindsey      George T.                    31-105
Lindsey      John David                   66-395
Lindsey      Judie Jennette               66-394
Lindsey      Levi                         66-396
Lindsey      Lucy Ann McMickin            66-391
Lindsey      Mary Kisiah                  66-392
Lindsey      Robert                       42-287
Lindsey      Roxie Ann Varena             66-397
Lindsey      Thomas Lumbard               31-106
Linebarger   Alice                        58-193
Linebarger   William (Bill)               60-238
Linebaugh    Alice Gertrude Cheatham      64-125
Linebaugh    David Riley                  63-209
Linebaugh    David Riley                  64-65
Lineberger   John                         54-166
Lineberger   Lucy Aynesworth              54-167
Lineham      Catherine                     9-364
Lines        Laura Elemelia               24-246
Ling         Katherine                    53-260
Link         Charles                      42-288
Linn         Charles Henry                37-134
Linn         Frederick William            37-135
Linn         George                        9-365
Linn         Hattie Lee                   59-170
Linn         Jacob                        37-136
Linn         Pauline Margaret             37-137
Linscott     Emma Scott                   34-222
Linscott     James Austin                 34-223
Linscott     John William                 34-224
Linscott     Thomas                       42-289
Linskey      Hannah                       51-340
Linsley      Geo. W.                      36-169
Linthicum    J. F.                        32-186
Lipp         Alice Josephine              62-316
Lippert      George Henry                 42-290
Lipscomb     Mary Arabelle                30-91/a
Lipscombe    John                          2-463
Lisdalde     Marie Encarnacion Perez      60-155
Lisdalde     Pedro Antonio                60-154
Lisk         Reuben                       42-291
Lisle        John Quincy                  23-113
Lissano      Manuel                       43-441
Lissner      Marcus                       56-289
Litch        Anton                        42-292
Litch        Antone                       29-480
Litchfield   Ansel                         9-498
Litchfield   Harriet McMillan Trask       19-225
Lithgow      John Sr.                     66-171
Litinia      Equiltlleit                  43-442
Litt         John                         42-51
Litt         William                      42-52
Littick      John                         42-293
Little       Angie                        28-238
Little       Arabella                     28-236
Little       Arminda                      28-231
Little       Bernadotte                    9-366
Little       Charles Richard              24-116
Little       Charlotte Chase              52-406
Little       Christopher John George      62-462
Little       David S.                     28-234
Little       Helen                        28-232
Little       Laura F. (Hopkins)           26-82
Little       Lucy Catherine               28-237
Little       M. J.                         9-367
Little       Mary                         28-235
Little       Milton                       28-229
Little       Milton T.                    28-233
Little       Sarah P. Watkins             64-240
Little       Stephen Gifford              32-183
Little       Walter C.                    28-230
Little       William Coffin               64-239
Little       William Frances Scott        26-128
Little       William Hooper               64-244
Littlebrant  Hartman                      18-258
Littlebrant  William Thomas (General)     27-413
Littlefield  Joseph Henry                 26-130
Littlefield  Joseph Smith                 26-129
Littlefield  Lannihot                     49-322
Littlefield  Nancy Southwood              27-132
Littlefield  Newlin                       42-199
Littlefield  Olive                        47-442
Littlefield  Sarah Catherine Davidson     26-16
Littlefield  Sheldon                      27-133
Littlefield  Sheldon                      40-486
Littlejohn   Andrew (Andy)                47-439
Littlejohn   Charles                      50-261
Littlejohn   James                        31-123
Littlejohn   James                        50-262
Littlejohn   James B. Jr.                 47-441
Littlejohn   James Sr.                    47-440
Littlejohn   John David                    9-368
Littlejohn   William                      47-443
Littlejohn   Wm.                          43-443
Littlepage   Etta                          2-465
Littlepage   William Wallace               2-466
Lively       Hester Cabell                 9-369
Lively       Ida A.                        9-370
Lively       James Henry                   9-371
Lively       Joseph Henry                  9-372
Lively       Joseph Henry                 51-341
Lively       Mary Bufourt                  9-373
Lively       Rebecca                       9-374
Lively       Sarah Alice                   9-375
Livermore    Carlota                      31-108
Livermore    Charles                      31-112
Livermore    Daniel                       31-114
Livermore    Isabella                     31-113
Livermore    Josefa                       31-116
Livermore    Katie                        31-110
Livermore    Maria Antonia                31-109
Livermore    Maria Milagros               31-115
Livermore    Robert                       31-120
Livermore    Roberto Jr.                  31-118
Livermore    Teresa                       31-117
Livermore    Victoria                     31-111
Liversage    Wm.                          49-105
Livezy       John                         42-294
Livingston   Albert                       53-261
Livingston   Horatio William              42-295
Livingston   Louis (Lobenstein)           24-298
Livingston   Margaret Madora Graham        9-376
Livingston   May (Mrs.)                   18-259
Livingston   Nancy Odell                  20-358
Livingston   Robert G.                    60-296
Livingston   Samuel                       20-359
Llewellyn    Esther Jones                 50-477
Llewellyn    Henderson W. (Luelling)      25-203
Llewellyn    William                      50-479
Lloyd        Dometila A.                  43-444
Lloyd        Domitila "Tillie" (Araya)    68-358s
Lloyd        Elizabeth Watts              20-360
Lloyd        Gaston B.                    64-454
Lloyd        Louis                        53-262
Lloyd        Mary Etta                    36-487
Lloyd        Robert                       52-407

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