Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Surname Index - La-Lf

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LAST         FIRST                       VOL-PAGE
La Selve     James LaBech                 63-473/a
La Selve     Mary Frances Forney          63-473/a
Labadie      Benjamin Franklin            24-177
Labadie      Henrietta                    24-176
LaBat        Louisa Romero                 9-136
Labbe        Jeanne Clothilde             20-335
LaBeau       Mary Jane Hammerton          50-114
Labell       Herman                       42-228
LaBelle      Florence B.                  51-330
Lacaille     Louis                        53-248
LaCasse      Edward                       51-331
Lacassie     Mary                         18-203
Lacky        Hamilton                     42-247
Lacoff       John                         42-229
LaCosta      Peter                        49-311
Lacosti      J. (Mr.)                     42-48
LaCroix      Joseph                       49-309
Lacroix      Paschal B.                   32-468
Ladd         Abigail (Bourland)           67-307
Ladd         Edna Arvilla                 21-276
Ladd         George Edwin                 53-470
Ladd         George S.                    22-201
Ladd         George Samuel                18-204
Ladd         George Samuel                27-39
Ladd         Harvey C.                    21-277
Ladd         Ira B. (Dr.)                 27-410
Ladd         Ira B. (M.D.)                18-205
Ladd         Ira W.                       18-206
Ladd         Ira W.                       22-208
Ladd         Joanna Feagins Brewster       9-137
Ladd         John Seneca                   9-138
Ladd         Joseph Marshall              53-471
Ladd         Mary Alice                    9-139
Ladd         Pamelia Estabrooks            9-140
Ladd         Seneca Sr.                    9-142
Ladd         Walter Eugene                53-472
Laddish      Margaret M.                  34-214
Ladner       Edwin                         9-141
Ladouceur    Hermine Carmin               59-23
LaDow        Stephen Warren               57-497
LaDue        Cary                         31-477
Laederich    Charlotte Louise             24-80
Laederich    Emelia                       24-81
Laederich    Jean Jacque                  24-82
Laederich    Jean Jacques                 64-494
Laederich    Louise Weiss                 64-495
Laederich    Victor                       24-79
Laepge       Catherine Walsh               2-456
Lafayette    Stephen                      42-230
Lafee        Jacob                        68-378
Lafferty     Mary Ann                     52-399
Laffranchin  Elizabeth McElroy             9-143
Laflin       Matilda (Degan)               9-144
LaFontaine   Emma Caroline (M.D.)         18-207
LaFranche    Simone                       42-231
LaFranchi    Govonie                      49-310
Lagamarsino  Carmelita Bacigalupe          9-145
Laggas       John Daniel                   9-146
Lagomaisino  Pelegro                      29-280
Lagomarsino  August                       43-445
Lagomarsino  Joseph                       35-481
Lagomarsino  Mary (Fontana Rosa)           9-147
Lagonmarsin  Thomas                       29-281
Lahusen      Adele Charlotte              20-336
Laidet       Aime                         53-249
Laird        Frances Electa               57-280
Laird        John                         42-232
Laird        John W. P. (Judge)           57-19
LaKamp       John Henry Conrad             9-148
Lake         Albert                        9-149
Lake         Lillie                        7-243/a
Lake         William McCord               42-233
Lakin        Delia Fairchild               2-487
Lalande      Peter (Piere Lelande)        56-282
Lallass      Elizabeth                     9-151
Lally        Mary Bockmann Curley         66-199
Laltuari     John                         53-250
Lamb         Aaron                        51-332
Lamb         Anson                        28-227
Lamb         Anson                        35-482
Lamb         Charles (Hon.)               18-208
Lamb         Elizabeth Holt                2-453
Lamb         Elizabeth O'Neill            34-215
Lamb         Frank                        32-477
Lamb         Hannah D. French Patrick     66-344
Lamb         James                        36-486
Lamb         James                        42-234
Lamb         John B.                      38-281
Lamb         Mortimer Dyer                42-235
Lamb         Rachael (Brookbank)          68-90
Lamb         Timothy G.                    9-152
Lamb         Warren                       18-209
Lamb         William                      35-483
Lamb         William                      42-236
Lambdin      George                       57-318
Lambdin      Ida                          57-320
Lambert      Gilman                       18-210
Lambert      Martha Cordelia              53-251
Lambert      Mary                         51-333
Lambert      Sarah                        50-115
Lamberton    (Mr.)                        27-326
Lamberton    John                         27-325
Lamberton    John                         55-315
Lamblin      Josephine                    57-317
Lamdin       Joseph F.                     9-153
Lamerton     Edith                        49-485
Lammers      Diederich                    18-211
Lammers      Martin                       53-474
LaMotte      Catherine Clayton            33-412
LaMotte      Harry Didier                 33-414
Lamp         Ellen Agusta Brown           59-37
Lamp         Philip                       59-36
Lampe        Catherine                    18-212
Lamping      Julia T.                      2-455
Lampson      David                        49-312
Lampson      David                        55-316
Lampson      Robert E. Lee                55-317
Lampton      Eugene T.                    31-471
Lancaster    Valentine Rich               42-237
Land         Joseph Major                 53-252
Land         Peter                        51-62
Land         William                      57-484
Land         Wm.                          31-475
Landal       Mary Lee                     59-169
Lander       Aga D.                       34-216
Landers      Carrie M.                    50-253
Landgrebe    Emma                         20-337
Landis       Julia Townsend Finn           9-154
Landis       Julia Townsend Finn           9-155
Landon       Sarah Cottle                  9-156
Landrum      Mary Ann Deliliah            52-400
Lane         Asa W.                        9-157
Lane         Ben                          18-213
Lane         Charles                      23-252
Lane         George William               18-214
Lane         Harriet N. Trower             9-158
Lane         James                        29-283
Lane         Jasper                       55-318
Lane         Jeanne                       29-284
Lane         Jennie                       29-282
Lane         John                         20-338
Lane         Kate Cummins (Mrs.)          30-203
Lane         Maria Johnson                 2-488
Lane         Mary Ford                    55-319
Lane         Robert F.                     9-159
Lane         Rufus B.                     22-203
Lane         Rufus B.                     55-498
Lane         Sarah A.                     48-467
Lane         Virginia                     18-215
Lane         W. R.                        36-165
Lane         William                       9-160
Lanegan      William                      42-238
LanFranco    Alfred                       40-485
Lang         Isaac Lewis                  42-239
Langan       Lydia Brickell               59-395
Langcor      Henry                        42-240
Langdon      Benjamin Ira                 24-397
Langdon      Elizabeth M. Neathery         9-161
Langdon      John Porter                  66-81
Langdon      Joseph Avery                 68-1/s
Langdon      Levi                         22-202
Langdon      Levi                         55-489
Langdon      Samuel Walter Ross            9-162
Lange        Carl A.                      34-217
Lange        Henrick (Henry Long)         63-488
Langenberge  August                       53-11
Langford     Amelia Ann Jolly              9-397
Langford     B. F.                        22-205
Langford     B. F.                        56-13
Langford     B. F. (Hon)                   9-163
Langford     Catherine Malinda Cain        9-164
Langford     Martha Jane (Nichols)        68-349s
Langford     Robert J.                     9-165
Langford     Stephen Henderson            29-248
Langford     Stephen Henderson.           18-216
Langhorst    Flora Blass                  57-353
Langley      Jeanette (Mrs.)              28-240
Langridge    Mary Ann                     18-217
Langstadter  Daniel                       20-339
Langworthy   Henry                         9-168
Langworthy   Margaret Gregg                9-169
Langworthy   William Ralph                 9-170
LaNiece      James                        26-372
LaNiece      Mary Ann Clews               26-122
Lannan       Michael                      42-241
Lantz        Charles Monroe               28-241
Lantz        George Washington             9-166
Lantz        John                         28-242
Lantz        John                         42-242
Lantz        John                         54-422
Lantz        Margaret Angeline             9-167
Laogier      Basilio                      21-278
LaPachet     Camille                      20-340
LaPerle      Rosa                         28-248
Lapeyre      Francis                      42-324
LaPoint      Jennie Cochran (Mrs.)         9-171
Laprise      Constance Reichert (Mrs.)    18-218
Larabee      J. R.                        36-167
Lardner      Jennie Mitchell              18-219
Larimer      John Wood                    23-253
Larios       Manuel                       47-426
Larios       Sarah Helen                  18-220
Larkin       Catherine A. Leonard          9-172
Larkin       Edward Mallett               24-402
Larkin       Frank                        24-403
Larkin       Frank Henry                  24-404
Larkin       George Frederick             24-399
Larkin       George Maxwell               42-243
Larkin       James                        42-159
Larkin       John N.                      62-452
Larkin       Katherine Soffia             24-401
Larkin       Nettie Mary                  24-400
Larkin       Peter                        24-178
Larkin       Phillip Sheridan             24-405
Larkin       Walter                       42-325
Larkin       William H.                   62-453
Larose       Samuel Shearer               42-160
LaRosen      Soren                        42-244
Laroussini   Jean                          9-173
Larrabee     E. F.                        36-166
Larroche     Bridget Kinniff              18-221
Larroche     Francois                     18-222
Larsen       Peter                        42-326
Larson       Eric                          9-174
Larson       Mary Ellen                   63-69
Lartique     Vital                         9-175
Larty        Emma (Mrs.)                   9-176
LaRue        Hugh McElroy (Hon.)          31-126
LaRue        Samuel Jr.                   30-73
LaRue        Seneca                       48-490
Larvis       Edward                       42-275
Lasar        Edmond                       18-223
Lasater      Isabell Grummet               9-177
Lasater      Jasper                       42-161
Lasater      Lawrence                      9-178
Lascoux      Pierre                       42-245
LaSelve      Mary Francis Wilkes          63-473
Laskey       Henry                        42-246
Lassen       Peter                        67-155
Lassley      Ira                          42-162
Lataillade   Caesar E.                     2-489
Lataillade   Cerareo Eugenio              55-320
Late         Dollie Marian (Haley)        51-334
Latham       Jane Avery                   55-321
Latherow     Ann McAlec                   18-224
Latherow     Annie                        51-335
Lathro       Ashel Albert                  9-179
Lathrop      Henry Baker                  42-163
Lathrop      Henry Baker                  42-248
Lathrop      Mary Augusta Meacham          9-180
Latimer      Catherine Ann                53-253
Latimer      Lorenzo Palmer               20-341
Lato         George Franklin              49-313
Latour       George                       65-445
Latour       Henry Francis                65-444
Latour       Henry Francis                65-446
Latour       Mary Annette (Bludworth)     65-447
Latreille    Mary Louise (Mrs.)            9-181
Lattin       Josiah                       42-165
Laubersheim  Anton                        18-225
Laudenbach   Barbara Becker                9-182
Laudenbach   Eda                           9-183
Laudenbach   Fred                          9-184
Laudenbach   Henry                         9-185
Laudenbach   Henry Wendell                 9-186
Laudenbach   Robert                        9-187
Lauener      Peter                        31-470
Lauenstein   Robert A.                    50-254
Lauer        Emanuel                      32-187
Lauer        Emily Leah                   18-226
Lauer        Mary                          9-188
Lauer        Mary Mockbee                  9-189
Lauff        Charles A.                    2-460
Lauff        Chas. A.                     20-342
Lauff        Maria Briones Sebrean         9-190
Laufman      Cyrus                         9-191
Laufman      Florence                      9-192
Laufman      Jacob                         2-490
Laufman      Jacob Breckenridge            9-193
Laufman      Jacob Breckinridge           28-243
Laufman      Juan                          2-491
Laufman      Juan Fernandes                9-194
Laufman      Laura Jane Price              9-195
Laufman      Robert Lee                    9-196
Laufman      Susan                         9-197
Laugenour    John D.                      31-472
Laugenour    Thomas Franklin              30-454
Laughlin     Jannie                       23-347
Laughlin     John                         18-227
Laughlin     John                         42-249
Laughlin     Margaret                     23-348
Laughlin     William                      18-228
Laughton     Elizabeth Hayden              9-198
Laumeister   Gustav                       32-469
Laumeister   Lewis                        27-411
Laurance     John                         26-124
Laurent      Jean                          9-200
Lauritzen    Christian                    21-310
Lauritzen    Clara                        21-311
Laursen      Mary Cecelia                 20-343
Lautand      Joseph William               42-166
Lauterio     Edward J.                     9-201
Lauterio     Marie O'Hair                  9-202
Lavagnino    Stephano                     29-425
Laverner     Thomas Moore                 50-255
Lavers       David                        54-248
Lavers       David                        63-182
Lavers       Thomas Reed                  29-357
Laverty      John                          9-203
Laverty      John                         33-413
LaVery       Anna (Anita) Elizabeth       59-122
Lavy         Anna Mary Ebert               9-204
Lawerance    Adam (Lawerence)             34-218
Lawerance    Edna Amanda                  32-471
Lawerence    Adam (Lawerance)             34-218
Lawler       Catherine                     9-205
Lawless      Elizabeth                     9-206
Lawley       John                          9-207
Lawley       Lewis Marion                 42-168
Lawn         Jasper Henry                 28-244
Lawrence     Albert C.                     9-208
Lawrence     Bianca (Miss)                54-161
Lawrence     Charles E.                   58-51
Lawrence     Charles H.                    9-209
Lawrence     E.                           22-206
Lawrence     Edmond                       47-144
Lawrence     Edward Altin                 26-370
Lawrence     Eliza Permilia Moon           9-210
Lawrence     Emma Jane                     9-211
Lawrence     George Agustus               50-256
Lawrence     George W.                     9-199
Lawrence     Jacob                        42-169
Lawrence     John Sinclair                26-369
Lawrence     Josiah Washington            21-312
Lawrence     Mary Dutra                   34-219
Lawrence     Mary Dutra King              63-140
Lawrence     Richard H.                    9-212
Laws         Robert Claspil                2-442
Lawson       Andrew Gustavus              42-327
Lawson       Charles                      20-344
Lawson       Emma Jane Wright Murray      61-62
Lawson       Eugenia Josephine            20-345
Lawson       Genoa Elizabeth              56-283
Lawson       Harriet Abram Norman          9-213
Lawson       Ismon                        42-250
Lawson       James                        56-284
Lawson       John D.                      56-285
Lawson       Martha Jane Brown             2-492
Lawson       Powell Samuel                32-185
Lawson       Robert                       56-286
Lawson       Wade Hampton                  9-214
Lawson       Wase Hampton                  2-493
Lawson       William                      56-287
Lawton       Henry Vincent                69-57
Lawton       Jane Miner                   69-56
Lawton       Job George                   69-55
Lawton       John                         51-336
Lawver       Samuel                       42-167
Lawyer       Jay Edward                   68-369
Laxton       Lucy                         30-75
Laxton       Lucy Ann                      9-215
Laxton       William Walker                9-216
Layman       Mary F.                      41-341/a
Layson       Alfred Ewin                  42-170
Layton       James Crozier                 9-217
Layton       Mary Edith                    9-218
Lazamo       Alexander                    51-337
Lazarus      Leopold                       9-219
Lazear       Michael Crow                 32-472
Lea          Esther                       48-491
Lea          Marian                       48-492
Lea          Miriam P.                    20-346
Leach        Andrew Martin                42-251
Leach        Bruce A.                     24-45
Leach        Bruce Anson                  54-249
Leach        Charles I.                   21-279
Leach        Fred                         49-486
Leach        John Adams                   42-252
Leach        Josephine Elizabeth          58-219
Leach        Lewis (Dr.)                   9-220
Leach        Lewis (Dr.)                  47-427
Leach        Martha Ellen                  2-462
Leachman     Austin Taylor                42-49
Leachman     Jennie                       42-50
Leadbetter   (Mr.)                         9-221
Leader       Harriett E. Russell          18-229
League       James N.                      9-222
Leahy        Catherine Cherry              9-223
Leahy        Daniel                       66-233
Leahy        Sarah J.                     18-230
Leahy        Thomas Joseph                18-231
Leak         L. W.                        18-232
Leake        Sarah Ann                     9-224
Leaky        Mary Lee Early               58-471
Leal         Anna Angelica                25-150
Leal         Antone G.                    52-45
Leal         Antone Pareda                25-151
Leaman       Elvira                       52-48
Leaman       Elvira Kimball               52-48/a
Leaman       Flora Lillie                 52-67/a
Leaman       Henry B.                     52-47
Leaman       Henry S.                     52-46
Leaman       Henry S.                     52-46/a
Leaman       Henry Smith                  42-253
Learned      Ada Susanna                   9-225
Learned      Daniel Adams                  9-227
Learned      Daniel L.                    22-200
Learned      Ella Hannah                   9-228
Learned      Ella M. (Miss)                9-229
Learned      Horace Greeley                9-230
Learned      James M.                      9-231
Learned      Willard Sibley                9-233
Learned      William                       9-232
Leary        Charles Fay James            42-254
Leary        Dennis                       52-50
Leary        Dennis                       58-388
Leary        Dennis                       58-389
Leary        Eleanor E. (Miss)            52-49
Leary        Eleanor E. (Miss)            58-386
Leary        Hanoria Leary                58-149
Leary        Henoria                      52-51
Leary        James P.                      9-234
Leary        John A.                      58-125
Leary        John Andrew                  52-52
Leary        Mary Ann Sullivan             9-235
Leary        Patrick J.                   52-53
Leary        Patrick J.                   58-387
Leathers     John A.                      30-458
Leavitt      Benjamin Hanson               9-236
Leavitt      Granville Irving             42-171
Leavitt      Sarah                        32-473
LeBlanc      Augustine Valentine          42-255
LeBouille    Frank                        42-256
Lechler      William W.                   54-250
LeClair      Mary Alice Andrews           29-38
LeClert      Sebastian T.                  9-237
Ledbetter    Berry                        42-172
Lederer      Frederick                    18-233
Ledford      Charles                      55-322
LeDoux       Frank                        52-401
Leduc        Henrietta Christina          64-52
Leduc        Joseph Barnaby               64-51
Ledwith      John James                   18-234
Lee          Abner Grisham                 9-238
Lee          Alfred                       63-353
Lee          Alma (Al)                     2-476
Lee          Catherine A.                 18-235
Lee          Clemento Frederick            9-239
Lee          Edward Perrine               42-173
Lee          Elisha Mancell                9-226
Lee          Eliza May                    33-223
Lee          Ella                         18-236
Lee          Ephriam Wilson                9-240
Lee          Frank                        50-257
Lee          George                       64-233
Lee          George Chisholm               9-241
Lee          George W.                     9-242
Lee          Harriet                      66-320
Lee          Harriet Maria                62-393
Lee          Homer Willard                33-224
Lee          Isabelle B.                   9-243
Lee          Isaphena America              9-244
Lee          James                        60-451
Lee          James (Mrs.)                 60-452
Lee          James Gilbert                 9-245
Lee          James Telford                 9-246
Lee          John Holden                  42-257
Lee          Joseph                       42-258
Lee          Levi W.                       9-247
Lee          Levi Woodberry                9-248
Lee          Mahalah Elvira Ann            9-249
Lee          Mark                         47-428
Lee          Mary Adelaide                62-396
Lee          Mary Ann                     63-35
Lee          Milroy Griffith               9-250
Lee          Minerva Arthur Bliss         59-168
Lee          Orlando Henry                62-397
Lee          Perry E.                     32-474
Lee          Robert                       42-174
Lee          Sarah                         9-251
Lee          Theodore                      9-252
Lee          Theodore                     22-195
Lee          Theodore                     56-146
Lee          Thomas C.                    61-196
Lee          Walter Campbell               9-253
Lee          Wesley                       23-349
Lee          Wesley                       36-168
Lee          Wesley                       42-259
Lee          Willard Malcomb              42-175
Lee          William Arthur               59-171
Lee          William Arthur               62-394
Lee          William Frederick             6-246
Lee          William Guilford              9-254
Lee          William Noble                59-167
Lee          William Noble                62-398
Leedom       Andrew                        9-255
Leedom       Andrew                       25-377
Leeds        Cynthis Mockbee               9-256
Leeper       Frank Robert                 30-218
Leeper       Julia                        33-225
Leeper       Mary E.                       9-257
Leeper       Robert                        9-258
Leeper       Robert                       21-479
Leeper       Robert                       29-424
Leeper       Robert B.                    33-229
Leese        Composa                      30-213
Leese        David                        30-214
Leese        Jacob Primer                 30-212
Leese        Jacobo                       30-216
Leese        Manuel                       30-217
Leese        Maria Paula Rosalia          30-320
Leese        Rosalie                      30-211
Leese        Rosana                       30-215
Leetzow      Gottfried                    54-162
Lefebvre     Isabelle Light               50-258
LeFevre      William                       9-259
Leffingwell  Jane Scott Brookshire        26-126
Leffingwell  Jane Scott Brookshire        34-220
Leffingwell  Mary K.                      20-347
Leffler      Ernest W.                    18-237
Leffler      Ernest William                9-260
Leger        George W.                    53-254
Legg         Thomas                       38-283
Legget       Hortio Nelson                42-260
Leggett      Charles Henry                42-176
Leggett      Thomas                        9-261
Leggett      Thomas A.                    21-480
Leggett      Thomas A.                    21-482
Leggett      Thomas A.                    42-177
Leggett      Thomas H.                    21-481
Legler       C.                           63-354
LeGrand      Alexander J.                  2-494
LeGrand      Charles                       2-495
Lehn         Albert                       49-42
Leibhouser   Antone                       42-178
Leibrandt    Esther Ann                   27-43
Leichter     Carl Ferdinand               62-264
Leichter     Johann Adam Andreas          66-49
Leightner    Fred                         42-198
Leighton     A. S.                        63-352
Leighton     Charles Edwin                42-179
Leighton     James P.                      2-457
Leighton     Robert (Rev)                  9-262
Leighton     William                      42-261
Leihy        Jessie Sheats                 2-454
Leihy        Lucy A. Campton              66-89
Leimbach     Albert E.                    53-51
Leininger    America Ray (Mrs.)           30-20
Leininger    John                         42-180
Leininger    John Jr.                     42-262
Leininger    Joseph                       42-181
Leisner      Mathilda                     64-360
Leitch       A.                           22-197
Leitch       Archibald                     9-263
Leitch       Arthur Lee                    9-264
Leitch       Edward Minor                 35-484
Leith        Alzina                        9-267
Leith        Sophia Hammond                9-265
Leith        William                       9-266
Leith        William Jr.                   9-268
Leitzinger   Melchior                     42-328
Leland       Hannah                       68-252
Leland       Henry Gaskin                 42-263
Lelande      Peter (Piere Lalande)        56-282
Lema         John C.                       9-269
Lema         Lucy J. (Mrs.)                9-270
Leman        Charles Edward               31-119
Lemas        Wm.                          48-493
Lemieux      Edgar                        20-348
Lemis        Anna Fluery Doyle            21-366
Lemis        John Francis                 21-365
Lemley       John Davis                   42-264
Lemm         Carl                         42-265
Lemm         Charles                       9-271
Lemm         Christian                    42-182
Lemm         Christian                    42-329
Lemmer       Conrad                       64-17
Lemmer       John C.                      64-19
Lemmon       Andrew Jackson               30-222
Lemmon       Emily Jackson                 2-496
Lemmon       Emily Jackson                 9-272
Lemmon       Emily Jackson                25-376
LeMoin       Fred B.                      47-145
Lemon        Edith Aurora                 62-376
Lemon        George                       22-198
Lemon        John B. (Hon.)               58-74
Lemon        Mary J.                      56-288
Lemon        Samuel                       42-330
Lemue        Nettie Louisa                 9-273
Lendrum      James                         9-274
Lendrum      James Edward                  9-275
Lenhart      Ellen Regina                 18-238
Lenhart      James Madison                18-239
Lenhart      Nano Maria Barry             18-240
Lenior       Charles                      42-266
Lennart      George                       42-267
Lennon       William Patrick              42-268
Lenoir       Marie                        20-349
Lent         George H.                    18-241
Lenzen       Michael                       9-276
Leon         Jose E.                      49-320
Leonard      Agnes                         9-277
Leonard      Allen                        18-242
Leonard      Belle Florence Morton        18-243
Leonard      Catherine Walsh               9-278
Leonard      David Benjamin               42-183
Leonard      Elizabeth                     9-279
Leonard      Elizabeth M.                 20-350
Leonard      Emma                          9-280
Leonard      George L.                    53-255
Leonard      James                         9-281
Leonard      James E.                      9-282
Leonard      James P.                      9-283
Leonard      John Bernard                  9-284
Leonard      John Henry                    9-285
Leonard      John P.                      38-284
Leonard      John Pearce                  42-184
Leonard      Mary                         49-321
Leonard      Mary Ann                     18-244
Leonard      Mary McCauley                 9-286
Leonard      Patrick                       9-290
Leonard      Peter                        51-338
Leonard      Sarah                        11-406/a
Leonard      Sarah (Brown)                65-238
Leonard      Thomas                        9-287
Leonard      Thomas                       65-237
Leonard      Thomas J.                     9-288
Leonard      Thomas W.                     9-289
Leonard      William                      42-185
Leonard      Wm.                          38-285
Leonardi     Dussolina Scolari             9-291
Leone        Julia                        20-351
Leonhardt    Paul                          9-292
Leoni        Antone                       24-485
Leoni        Catherine                     9-293
Leoni        Josephine                    54-163
Leoni        Pauline Sophie (Mrs.)        24-484
Leonis       Miguel                       52-402
Leoto        Emma                         47-430
Leoto        Leon                         47-431
Leoto        Marceline                    47-432
Leoto        Nellie Rose                  47-433
LePaivre     William                      42-186
Lepley       Annie                        57-388
Lepley       Harrison                     42-269
Lepley       Mary Jane                     2-497
LeRossignal  Oliver George                42-270
Lertora      John                          9-294
Lertora      John Lee                      9-295
Lertora      Madaline Rosasco (Mrs.)       9-297
Lertora      Peter                         9-296
Lertora      Peter                        28-247
Lertora      Rosa K. (Mrs.)               43-439
Lertora      Rose Bacigalupe Periano       9-298
Leslie       Hecktor                      42-187
Lessley      John W.                       9-299
Lester       Cleora Adelaide              22-16
Lester       Eli Steele                   42-271
Lester       Nathan                        9-300
Lester       Texana                       47-5
Lester       William J.                    9-301
Lestrange    John Joseph                  33-415
Letcher      Kathrina Snider (Mrs.)       54-423
Letcher      Kathrina Snider Stokes       30-19
Levaggi      John                         58-66
Levazzo      Annie Louise                 49-43
Levazzo      Bartolomeo                   49-44
Levee        Cora E.                      48-468
Levee        Jeremiah                     48-164
Levengood    Mary Lamb Hamner              2-486
Leventon     John L                       68-62
Leventon     Kate Brown                   43-440
Leventon     R. F.                        52-403
Leveroney    John Baptist                  9-302
Leveroney    John Baptist                 18-245
Levin        David                         9-303
Levin        Joel                          9-304
Levin        Mary Elizabeth Swall          9-305
Levin        Minnie Levy                   9-306
Levingston   Harry                        18-246
Levins       Bassel Wells                 42-272
Levinson     Joseph                       20-352
Levis        Mahlon                       66-193
Levy         Aaron                         9-307
Levy         Albert                        9-308
Levy         Annie                        20-353
Levy         Esther Robeck                 9-309
Levy         Henry                        63-9
Levy         Jesse Meyer Sr.              38-286
Levy         Louis                        18-247
Levy         Mark David                    9-310
Levy         Morris                        9-311
Levy         Solomon                       9-312
Lewald       Rose                         18-248
Lewelling    Eli                          55-108
Lewelling    Elvy Elliott                  9-313
Lewelling    Harvy                        55-109
Lewelling    John                          9-314
Lewelling    Sarah                        55-110
Lewellyn     John                         50-478
Lewin        Minnie                       18-249
Lewin        Peter                        18-250
Lewis        Alice Barnes                 54-309
Lewis        Alice Barnes                 61-55
Lewis        Anita Chard                   9-315
Lewis        Antone M.                     9-316
Lewis        Benjamin Hodge               50-476
Lewis        Bert Sr.                     27-412
Lewis        Caroline Lofland             62-289
Lewis        Catherine Wardlow             9-317
Lewis        Chancey                      26-125
Lewis        Charles                      42-273
Lewis        Charles                      42-274
Lewis        Charles Francisco             9-318
Lewis        Crawford Laffayette           9-319
Lewis        Daniel                       26-123
Lewis        Daniel J.                    52-404
Lewis        Daniel James                 59-163
Lewis        David                        42-188
Lewis        David Cruickshank            27-42
Lewis        David Eason                  61-248
Lewis        Dennis Joseph                 9-320
Lewis        Dennis Joseph                23-109
Lewis        Edward                       42-331
Lewis        Edward Jefferson              9-321
Lewis        Elizabeth                     2-459
Lewis        Elizabeth Barnes             18-251
Lewis        Ella Ricker                  57-410
Lewis        Ellen                        30-219
Lewis        Emeret W. Frink              47-434
Lewis        Frank Marion                  9-322
Lewis        Furney                       42-276
Lewis        George                        9-323
Lewis        George A.                    49-314
Lewis        George Morrell               42-277
Lewis        Hattie E. (Miss)             47-435
Lewis        Henrietta                     9-324
Lewis        Henry                        45-295
Lewis        Henry                        60-455
Lewis        Hettie                       20-355
Lewis        Isabel Montgomery            20-354
Lewis        Jacob Warren                  9-326
Lewis        Jacob Warren                 23-56
Lewis        Jacob Warren Jr.              9-325
Lewis        James                        42-189
Lewis        James Frazier                 9-327
Lewis        Jane Adeline                  9-328
Lewis        Jane Fulkerson (Mrs. John    47-436
Lewis        Jasper M.                    49-315
Lewis        Jeremiah                     42-278
Lewis        Jesse                         9-329
Lewis        Jessie Stewart               53-475
Lewis        John                          9-330
Lewis        John                         42-190
Lewis        John (Captain)                9-331
Lewis        John Alexander                2-498
Lewis        John Duncan                   9-332
Lewis        John I. (Capt)               62-288
Lewis        John Isaac                   42-191
Lewis        Joseph E. N.                 42-192
Lewis        Katherine Lubbert            55-323
Lewis        Knox                         62-477
Lewis        Lenna A.                     23-107
Lewis        Lewis                        24-180
Lewis        Lindsay                       9-333
Lewis        Lydia Theresa (Raggio)       53-256
Lewis        Margaret M.                  49-316
Lewis        Martha Ellen Coon            34-221
Lewis        Martha Ellen Coon            61-168
Lewis        Martha Ellen Coon            64-237
Lewis        Martha Washington            63-76
Lewis        Mary                         26-371
Lewis        Mary Allen Knox (Mrs.)       62-477
Lewis        Mary Ann                     49-317
Lewis        Mary Ann Kearney              9-334
Lewis        Mary Bridget Gleeson          9-335
Lewis        Mary Ellen                    9-336
Lewis        Mary Robinson                 2-464
Lewis        Mary Soares                   9-337
Lewis        Mary W.                      18-252
Lewis        Maurice Fitzgerald            9-338
Lewis        Maurice Fitzgerald           23-110
Lewis        Melissa Octavia (Thomas)     48-469
Lewis        Moses Allen                  59-164
Lewis        Moses Allen                  69-28/s
Lewis        Nancy Ann                    49-318
Lewis        Nancy Turner                  9-339
Lewis        Olive Caroline                9-340
Lewis        Rachel Fitzwater              9-341
Lewis        Rebecca Hahn                 45-296
Lewis        Richard (Dick)               54-164
Lewis        Richard Arthur                9-342
Lewis        Richard Arthur               23-108
Lewis        Richard Marion               48-470
Lewis        Richard Robert               24-179
Lewis        Robert William               55-324
Lewis        S. W.                        58-303
Lewis        Samuel                        9-343
Lewis        Samuel                       42-193
Lewis        Sarah                        22-29
Lewis        Sarah Elizabeth               9-344
Lewis        Sherman Gage                 47-437
Lewis        Solomon                      31-107
Lewis        Susan Alma Thompson          26-127
Lewis        Thomas (Tom)                 54-165
Lewis        Thomas David                  9-345
Lewis        W. O.                        22-207
Lewis        W. O.                        56-51
Lewis        Wesley                       42-194
Lewis        William Leachman             62-34
Lewis        William Lincoln               9-346
Lewis        William Lincoln              23-106
Lewis        William Perry                42-279
Lewis        Wm.                          30-74
Lewis        Wm. James                    49-319
Lewton       Lewis (Judge)                 9-347
Leyden       Peter                        50-259
Leyvas       Maria Antonia Tumamait       50-116

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