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LAST FIRST VOL-PAGE Imlay Ann 31-92 Inch Helena 18-119 Inch Helena Wildman McGee 8-248 Inch Mary 18-120 Inch Richard 8-249 Inch Shelley 38-273 Indian ~ 49-409 Indian Dick ~ 49-230 Ingalis Solon Eaton 39-454 Ingalls Eleaser Stillman 8-250 Ingerman Albert 8-252 Ingermann Anais 20-283 Ingham Albina V. "Bine" 68-242 Ingham George Henry 68-241 Ingleson Charles 8-253 Inglis Addie Louise 50-245 Inglis John 22-176 Ingram Mary Ellen "Ella" 66-97 Ingram Daniel Cass 66-96 Ingram Daniel Holder 8-254 Ingram Daniel Holder 66-100 Ingram J. C. W. 8-255 Ingram Nancy Elizabeth Burgess 8-256 Ingram Sarah Ann Roulston 64-46 Ingram Silas Darius 64-45 Ingrim Lynn Foster 50-246 Ingrim Wm. Samuel 53-229 Ink Theron H. 8-257 Ink Theron H. 52-38 Inks Benjamin Franklin 53-230 Inks James Benton 8-258 Inks James Benton 65-226 Inks Nancy (Learned) 65-227 Inks Nancy Jenette Learned 8-259 Inlay Elizabeth 31-93 Inman Emma Alice DeShields 34-497 Inman Joseph 33-218 Inman Ora Zemira Kenney 8-260 Inskip Philip Seward (Professor) 50-113 Inwall Benjamin Joseph 18-121 Inwall Margaret Clark 18-122 Inwall Nellie 18-123 Ireland Annie Rutledge 8-261 Ireland Elias 22-175 Ireland Elias 56-76 Ireland William 8-262 Irish Charles Freeman 8-263 Irish Frank Herbert 8-264 Irish Irene May Hotchkiss 8-265 Irvin Joseph 8-266 Irvine Charles A. 34-195 Irvine George David 58-429 Irvine Helen Crittenden Loveland 18-124 Irvine James 28-204 Irvine Mary Irene 8-269 Irvine Mary Irene (Hill) 53-231 Irvine William Henry 8-270 Irving Elizabeth 28-205 Irving Eugenie Ismert 20-284 Irving Sarah Washington (Miss) 51-297 Irwin Charles F. 8-267 Irwin Fred 8-268 Irwin William Harmon 39-455 Isaacs Joshua Davis 8-271 Isaacs Marcus 2-401 Isabell Martha Bell Osborn 8-272 Isbel Levy 52-386 Isbel Martha 52-387 Isbell Henry Watson 61-293 Isbell Mary Hanke 58-286 Isenberg Andrew Jackson 39-456 Isenberg Sinew 39-457 Ish Angeline Rae 62-110 Ish Ann (King) 65-298 Ish Arthur Baldridge 61-294 Ish Arthur Baldridge 62-102 Ish Carroll Whitfield 62-113 Ish Fanny Lee 62-101 Ish Frank Morrow 62-104 Ish Jacob Edmund 62-108 Ish James Thomas 62-107 Ish John William 62-103 Ish Mary Caroline 62-106 Ish Milton Carroll 62-105 Ish Minerva Elizabeth 62-112 Ish Salena Catherine 62-111 Ish Sarah Martha 62-109 Ish William King 65-299/s Islip Charles Huxford 8-273 Islip Ellen Elisabeth (Miss) 8-274 Islip Joseph Petty 8-275 Islip Mary Jane Wrisley 8-276 Ismert A. J. 23-250 Isoad A. 35-467 Isom Laura Alice Freeman 25-140 Israel William Harrison 39-458 Itt Henry 15-298 Iversen Mads 66-135 Iversen Mike 66-136 Iversen Niels 66-138 Iversen Soren 66-137 Ives Jemima C. Lane 8-277 Ives Thomas 39-459 Ivett John L. 19-366 Ivosevick Nicolas 39-460
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