Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Surname Index - Hs-Hz

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LAST         FIRST                       VOL-PAGE
Hubbard      Aristarchus F.               54-69
Hubbard      Bernard Selah                39-391
Hubbard      Dwight                       39-392
Hubbard      Emmeline                     51-295
Hubbard      Henry Cutler                 22-477
Hubbard      Mary Elizabeth               28-194
Hubbart      Richard                      39-393
Hubbell      Eliza Howard                  8-162
Hubbell      George Rucian                26-91
Hubbell      Mary Elizabeth Inwall        18-102
Hubbell      O.                            8-163
Hubbell      Orton                        26-90
Hubbell      Thomas Jefferson              8-164
Hubbs        Charles H.                   58-48
Hubbs        Eliza E. Ferrell             25-245
Hubbs        Eva                          25-256
Hubbs        Frank B.                     25-251
Hubbs        James R.                     25-244
Hubbs        James R. Jr.                 25-257
Hubbs        Margaret                     25-252
Hubbs        Mary Dunn Hudson             25-246
Hubbs        Paul K.  (Hon.)              48-162
Hubbs        Paul K. (Hon.)               58-49
Hubbs        Pernecea                     25-254
Hubbs        Sarah                        25-255
Hubbs        Wm. Harvey                   25-253
Huberty      A. J.                        51-296
Huberty      John                         43-432
Hubner       Kate F.                      18-103
Hubsch       Bertha May                   18-104
Huck         Louise Hanke                 58-285
Huddleson    F. M.                        19-365
Huddleson    James C.                     19-364
Huddleson    James W.                     21-474
Huddlestone  Charlotte                     1-474
Hudepohl     Herman R.                    20-264
Hudkins      John                          8-165
Hudleson     James W.                      8-166
Hudner       Mary Elizabeth               20-265
Hudner       Mary Isabel Breen            20-266
Hudson       David                         8-167
Hudson       Eliza Ellen                  25-248
Hudson       Emma V. Lewis                 1-460
Hudson       Eunice Ensley                58-414
Hudson       John McCleneghan             27-253
Hudson       John Sumpter                 27-254
Hudson       Lavina Ellen                  1-467
Hudson       Marine Elder                  8-168
Hudson       Marticia Jane Stewart        27-255
Hudson       Martin S.                    28-162
Hudson       Nancy                        25-249
Hudson       Reuben                       25-247
Hudson       Rufus Josiah                  1-461
Hudson       Sarah                        25-250
Hudson       William Dwight               39-394
Hudson       William Lafayette            39-395
Hudspeth     William David                 8-169
Huenecke     Adelheide Vortmann           41-269
Huenecke     Herman Henry (Hunecke)       40-267
Huenecke     Laura Wilhemina              40-268
Huester      Emily                        69-70
Huester      Gustave A.                   69-72
Huester      Gustave                      69-69
Huester      Sophia                       69-71
Huey         Rose Lauretta Kelly           8-170
Huey         William Elbridge             51-50
Huff         Abraham                       8-171
Huff         Andrew Jackson               39-396
Huff         Emily Gard                    8-172
Huff         Francis Henry                39-397
Huff         Frank L.                      8-173
Huff         Henry                         8-174
Huff         James A.                      8-175
Huff         William                      39-398
Huffaker     William Jackson              39-399
Huffman      J. D. (Mrs)                  29-356
Huffman      James Doctor                 29-355
Huffman      Mary Adeline                 62-5
Hufford      George William                8-176
Hufford      Nancy Jane                    8-177
Hufford      Nancy Jane                   58-396
Hufford      Soloman                      39-400
Huggan       Caroline Mary Hayes          53-223
Huggins      Frederick                    39-401
Hugh         Dennis                       23-97
Hughes       Abijah                       63-450
Hughes       Annie A.                      1-478
Hughes       Annie A.                      8-179
Hughes       Atlantic Ocean (McGee)       65-500
Hughes       California Rose Hale         66-13
Hughes       Carrie Martin                54-243
Hughes       Charles                      63-449
Hughes       Charles Henry                63-210
Hughes       Daniel                       66-18
Hughes       David                        39-402
Hughes       David R. Sr.                 54-244
Hughes       Edward Payson                59-361
Hughes       Elfreida                     49-289
Hughes       Elizabeth (Gerrish)          54-31
Hughes       Elizabeth Crittendear        59-362
Hughes       Elizabeth Crittenden          8-180
Hughes       Elizabeth F. McGee           66-19
Hughes       Elizabeth Jane Ellis          8-178
Hughes       Elizabeth Watkins            54-245
Hughes       Ellen B.                     18-105
Hughes       Esther Elizabeth             60-287
Hughes       Fanny McKamey                55-37
Hughes       Frances Sonora Grover        66-12
Hughes       Francis M.                   66-20
Hughes       George W.                    66-21
Hughes       George Washington            66-9
Hughes       Gertrude                     24-373
Hughes       Hiram                         8-181
Hughes       Hiram                        65-161/s
Hughes       Hugh R.                      49-290
Hughes       Hugh Richard                 54-246
Hughes       Isabell A. Feagins            8-182
Hughes       James Corbly                 66-10
Hughes       James Henry                  39-403
Hughes       James Lucillus               66-8
Hughes       Jane Washburn                66-7
Hughes       Joel S.                      53-224
Hughes       John Corbly                  66-6/s
Hughes       John Jones                   52-381
Hughes       Julian Calkins               51-51
Hughes       Lucinda Ann                  66-11
Hughes       Margaret Murray               8-183
Hughes       Mark                         52-382
Hughes       Mark Edward                  66-291
Hughes       Martha                       65-15
Hughes       Martha Elizabeth Thomas      66-25
Hughes       Mary Hannah Twohig            8-184
Hughes       Mary Jane Neil Pemberton     66-24
Hughes       Maryetta Barnett             57-91
Hughes       Melinda C.                   52-383
Hughes       Norris Edwin                 32-450
Hughes       Patrick                       8-185
Hughes       Richard Thomas               66-14
Hughes       Rowland                      66-15
Hughes       Sarah Catherine Higgins      66-23
Hughes       Sarah Ellen Wilson            8-186
Hughes       Sonora Bethena Brown         66-17
Hughes       Susan                        52-384
Hughes       Susan Catherine Van Nader    66-22
Hughes       T. F.                        32-451
Hughes       Thomas                       39-404
Hughes       Thomas                       39-405
Hughes       Thomas                       64-61
Hughes       Thomas Frederick             32-452
Hughes       William                      39-406
Hughes       William                      66-16
Hughes       William A.                   24-372
Hughes       William Alexander            57-90
Hughes       William McKensey             39-407
Hughes       William Miller               59-39
Hughson      Hiram                        21-471
Hughson      Hiram Mark                   61-497
Huhs         Anna Evers                   18-106
Hulbert      Alfred Newton                18-107
Hulbert      Edgar Eugene                 18-108
Hulburt      Anna E.                      38-269
Hulen        Daniel Henry                 39-408
Hulen        Louise Gertrude Masterson    64-490
Hulett       Samuel Jefferson             39-409
Hull         Cyrus Betts Sr. (Rev)        65-437/a
Hull         Eunice Alfredda Osborn        8-187
Hull         Israel                       39-410
Hull         Levi                         39-411
Hull         Mary                          8-188
Hull         Theodore B.                  31-442
Hull         William C.                   28-197
Hulme        Minnie Gertrude              58-28
Hulsart      Helen                        63-494
Hulse        Albert                        8-189
Hulse        Albert                        8-190
Hulse        Augusta Brown                 8-191
Hulsman      John Fritz                    1-462
Hume         John William                  8-192
Hume         William Harrison             39-412
Hummel       Nellie Pope (Mrs.)            8-194
Hummel       Thomas William                8-193
Humphrey     Anthony Byrd                 18-109
Humphrey     David                         8-195
Humphrey     Frank Ellis                   1-480
Humphrey     George Wilson                 1-481
Humphrey     Omar James                    8-196
Humphreys    David                        23-484
Humphreys    John W.                      60-147
Humphreys    Martha Flyn                   1-500
Humphreys    Martha Flyn                   8-197
Humphreys    Mary Jane O'Hore             66-305
Hundley      Patrick Ogilby               38-270
Hunecke      Adelheide Vortmann           41-269
Hunecke      Herman Henry (Huenecke)      40-267
Hunewill     Napoleon Bonaparte           66-119
Hungerford   Elizabeth Cordelia           58-23
Hungerford   Henry Height                 58-24
Hungerford   Mary Elizabeth Ramey         33-215
Hungerford   Mary Ellen                   58-22
Hungerford   Michael Correll              58-20
Hungerford   Thomas Luther                58-21
Hunn         George                       39-413
Hunsaker     Adolf W.                     18-110
Hunsaker     Adolf W.                     20-267
Hunsaker     Allen                        25-259
Hunsaker     Enoch                        25-258
Hunsaker     Jeptha                       25-260
Hunsinger    Augustus Cassius              8-198
Hunsinger    Fannie Woodward               8-199
Hunt         Albert Benjamin              23-85
Hunt         Alice Warner                 20-268
Hunt         Almira Lynch                 18-111
Hunt         Ambrose                      33-216
Hunt         Byron E.                      8-200
Hunt         Celia Monts (Mounce)         26-493
Hunt         Charles Jefferson            26-492
Hunt         Chauncey J.                  17-357
Hunt         Daniel                       54-155
Hunt         Daniel G.                    30-435
Hunt         Daniel O.                     8-201
Hunt         Ella Mason                   20-269
Hunt         Elvira                       17-357
Hunt         George Pierce                20-270
Hunt         George Walter                20-271
Hunt         J. A.                        63-311
Hunt         Jefferson                    57-41
Hunt         John Baker                   39-414
Hunt         John Lewis                   62-372
Hunt         Lottie Elizabeth              8-202
Hunt         Lucius                       18-112
Hunt         Mary Eva                     20-272
Hunt         R. M. (Dr.)                  35-466
Hunt         Robert Menzo (Dr.)           52-37
Hunt         Rockwell D.                  47-391
Hunt         Sophia Wood                  33-217
Hunt         Sophronia Leora (Toller)     51-52
Hunt         Susan Louise Hubbell         26-92
Hunt         Thomas                       18-113
Hunt         Thomas Benton                39-415
Hunt         Thomas Edward                28-203
Hunt         William Dean                 62-369
Hunt         William Hartwell             20-273
Hunt         William Runkle               39-416
Hunt         Wm. Gaston                   31-445
Huntemann    Diedrich                     43-433
Hunter       Alexander                    39-417
Hunter       Alpheus                      20-275
Hunter       Anthony                       8-203
Hunter       Barbare                      63-11
Hunter       Carrie Williams               8-204
Hunter       Charles Benjamin             64-491
Hunter       Charlotte Lathrope            8-205
Hunter       David D. (Dr.)               32-154
Hunter       Eliza Ann                    66-72
Hunter       Eliza Jane Magill             8-206
Hunter       George W.                    66-69
Hunter       Henry Alexander              60-4
Hunter       J. L.                        63-312
Hunter       James                         8-207
Hunter       James                        39-418
Hunter       James G.                     60-3
Hunter       James H.                     53-225
Hunter       Jane Elizabeth Tompkins      26-352
Hunter       Jennie Mateer                 8-208
Hunter       Jno.                         50-244
Hunter       John Joseph                   8-209
Hunter       Josiah                       22-155
Hunter       Lucy S. Wright                8-210
Hunter       Lydia Almira Ortley          67-93
Hunter       Melissa                      66-70
Hunter       Pascal M.                    66-71
Hunter       Rozier Morgan                39-419
Hunter       Samuel                       39-420
Hunter       Tilda                        49-291
Hunter       Walker Sandera               66-68
Hunter       William                      39-421
Hunting      Charles Jr.                   8-212
Hunting      Charles Sr.                   8-211
Hunting      Chester Baxter               33-404
Hunting      Eliza Jane Dearing (Mrs.)    33-405
Hunting      John Samuel                  33-406
Hunting      Samuel L.                    33-407
Huntington   Henry                        39-423
Huntington   Lucia Percinda               26-356
Huntington   Mary Henrietta Hurst          8-213
Huntley      Annie Granlees                8-214
Huntley      Edward Everett               27-321
Huntley      Edwin Everett                27-200
Huntley      Edwin Everett                60-103
Huntley      Edwin Everett                65-276
Huntley      Edythe Ethel                 27-322
Huntley      Jessie Horace                27-323
Huntley      John Holmes                  66-249
Huntley      Joseph                        8-215
Huntley      L. L.                        22-151
Huntley      L. L.                        55-451
Huntley      Lyman                        54-156
Huntley      Lyman Lysander               27-201
Huntley      Lyman Lysander               27-319
Huntley      Robert Pardee                27-324
Huntoon      Almira (Miss)                54-157
Huntoon      John Thomas Sr.              19-402
Hupe         E.                            8-216
Hupp         John                          1-490
Hupp         John                          8-217
Hupp         John                         25-136
Hupp         John                         39-424
Hupp         John                         62-87
Hupp         Rosanna (Mrs.)               30-191
Hupp         Rose Anna Wooliver            8-218
Hupp         Uriah Woods                  39-425
Hupp         Wm. Irving                   36-146
Hurbert      William                      39-426
Hurd         Charles E.                   18-114
Hurd         Charles Edwin                 1-477
Hurd         Emma California Kerr          1-476
Hurd         Golden Jonathan              64-218
Hurey        George W.                    22-159
Hurlburt     Amey Brown                    8-219
Hurlburt     Charles Eugene                8-220
Hurlburt     John                         39-427
Hurlburt     Mary Ann (Mrs.)               8-223
Hurlburt     Thomas Baker                 25-55
Hurlbut      Emma L.                       8-221
Hurlbut      Harriet C.                    8-222
Hurlbut      Perrin Delos                 20-274
Hurleman     J. H.                         8-224
Hurles       Harriet                       8-225
Hurles       Smith H.                      8-226
Hurles       Smith Hetherington           39-428
Hurley       Catherine (Mrs.)             54-468
Hurley       John                         31-85
Hurley       Patrick                      39-429
Hurney       Mary Winnifred Ryan           8-227
Hurst        Annie Dwyer                   8-228
Hurst        Henry                        39-430
Hurtado      Mary Kitto                   60-386
Huse         Horace                       23-325
Huse         William                      39-431
Hussey       James Henry                  62-481
Hussey       Mary                         20-276
Hussey       Stephen                      39-432
Hussey       W. H.                        63-309
Hussman      Sophie                       53-8
Hust         Barbara                       8-230
Husted       Henry P.                     32-162
Huston       Margaret L.                  48-463
Huston       Samuel                       39-433
Huston       Walter S.                    50-467
Huston       William Lee                  48-462
Hutchenson   Grace G. (Kelton)            57-465
Hutchings    Hiram S.                     18-115
Hutchings    Mary Ann Shay                26-353
Hutchings    Thomas Benton                26-354
Hutchins     Ann Nevin                     8-231
Hutchins     Edwin P.                     39-434
Hutchins     Gavin Walker                 31-441
Hutchins     Gavin Walker                 39-435
Hutchins     Jessie Walker                 8-232
Hutchins     John                          8-233
Hutchins     John                         18-116
Hutchins     John S.                      31-446
Hutchins     John Sullivan                39-436
Hutchins     John W.                       8-234
Hutchins     Josiah William               39-437
Hutchins     Lyman Elias                  31-431
Hutchins     Phineas R.                    8-235
Hutchins     Phineas Reed                 39-438
Hutchins     Thomas B.                    31-81
Hutchins     Thomas Boyd                  39-422
Hutchins     Thomas Boyd                  39-439
Hutchinson   Alvinsa                      39-440
Hutchinson   Bickford P.                  39-441
Hutchinson   Catherine (Cade)             67-365
Hutchinson   Earnestine Wilcane            8-236
Hutchinson   Edward Church                20-277
Hutchinson   Edward Randolph              29-201
Hutchinson   Edward Rudolph                8-237
Hutchinson   Edward Rudolph               53-226
Hutchinson   Frank                         1-463
Hutchinson   Lewis                        31-72
Hutchinson   Perkins L.                    1-464
Hutchinson   Robert                       53-227
Hutchinson   Samuel                       61-423
Hutchinson   William                       8-240
Hutchinson   Wm. Charles                  53-228
Hutchison    Grace Gertrude Kelton        28-181
Hutchison    Jacob A.                      8-238
Hutchison    Robert Lee                   28-195
Hutchison    Susan Aultfodder (Mrs.)       8-239
Hutchison    Thomas Jefferson             28-196
Hutchison    William Ashley               31-444
Hutson       David W.                      8-241
Hutton       Amanda Jane                  43-113
Hutton       Ann E                        68-144
Hutton       Ann Eliza                    62-267
Hutton       Henry                        68-143/s
Hutton       Hyram                        68-148
Hutton       Jacob                        68-146
Hutton       John                         62-265
Hutton       Julia Abigail                62-266
Hutton       Laura                        68-147
Hutton       Warren                       68-145
Hutz         Leonard                      34-193
Hutz         Mary Bullier (Mrs.)          34-194
Hyams        Dolly                        49-292
Hyams        Dolly R.                      8-251
Hyams        George                       27-130
Hyde         Catherine                    62-221
Hyde         Henry Chester                18-117
Hyde         John                         39-442
Hyde         John Maurice                 20-278
Hyde         John Russell                 62-224
Hyde         Margaret                     62-222
Hyde         Martin                       62-218
Hyde         Mary Olive                    8-242
Hyde         Mary Olive                   18-118
Hyde         Mary R.                      20-279
Hyde         Maurice John                  8-243
Hyde         Nell                         62-223
Hyde         William David                62-220
Hyde         William Henry Harrison       39-443
Hyer         Helena Streshly              20-280
Hyer         Susan Fisher                  8-244
Hyland       Augustine Patrick            39-444
Hyland       Lawrence Clement             39-445
Hyland       Thomas Peter                 39-446
Hylton       Thomas Alexander             66-188
Hyman        Belle Stamper                 8-245
Hyman        Charlotte                    20-281
Hyman        Isaac                         8-246
Hyman        Jacob                         8-247
Hyman        Morris                       39-447
Hyman        Moses                        40-269
Hyman        Walter Anchel                20-282
Hymes        Virginia                     50-468
Hyning       Mary Ann Curtis              64-159
Hysell       Willima Loren                58-240

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