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LAST FIRST VOL-PAGE Hoad John Henry 8-20 Hoad Mary Mallory 8-21 Hoag Amanda Josephine 8-22 Hoag Charles 52-375 Hoag George 32-427 Hoagland Rachel 8-23 Hoard Luther 39-312 Hoare Elizabeth 18-83 Hoare Hannah Brickell 59-396 Hoare Joseph Henry 18-84 Hoare Peter Henry 59-394 Hoare Robert E. 18-85 Hoax Mary Viola Gray 8-24 Hobart Allen P. 36-144 Hobart Anna Marie Cunningham 8-25 Hobart Charles V. 36-145 Hobart Elizabeth Hutchinson 59-464 Hobart Jessie Polkey (Mrs.) 8-26 Hobart John Randolph 8-27 Hobart Joseph 57-255 Hobart Kate Phena Smith 8-28 Hobart Randall 8-29 Hobart Randall 39-316 Hobart William White 8-30 Hobart William White 61-474 Hobbins Thomas 39-313 Hobbs Ann Elizabeth 57-66 Hobbs Elizabeth Morgan 62-50 Hobbs Elvira 51-45 Hobbs Hans Patten 39-314 Hobbs Isaac 60-486 Hobbs Mary Ann 53-468 Hobein Charlotte 25-58 Hobert Charles Vandoozen 39-315 Hobson Abram Lincoln 60-231 Hobson Bertha Amanda Phillips 8-31 Hobson Brittanna Camp Litch 29-478 Hobson C. Cyrus 60-232 Hobson David 8-32 Hobson Elizabeth R. 20-257 Hobson Iven Benbolt 8-33 Hobson Peter John 60-233 Hobson Thaddeus 8-34 Hobson William A. 60-234 Hobson William Dewey 60-235 Hoc Alfred Edward 39-317 Hochholzer Elizabeth Helen 18-86 Hockett John B. 50-464 Hockett Margaret McGee (Mrs.) 50-465 Hocking T. C. (Hon.) 35-465 Hodapp Antone 39-318 Hodbourg Auguste 8-35 Hodecken Josephine 38-267 Hodes Elizabeth 49-281 Hodes Fred 60-87 Hodge Elizabeth Mary 1-487 Hodge John F. 64-20 Hodgeboom Joseph 31-436 Hodges Albert Eugene 58-459 Hodges Benjamin 57-248 Hodges Daniel 52-376 Hodges David 57-247 Hodges Eliza Drew 8-36 Hodges George Z. 8-37 Hodges J. S. 52-377 Hodges John Rudolph 49-282 Hodges Samuel 57-249 Hodgkins Henry 22-162 Hodgson Gertrude O. 47-307 Hodgson Mary A. (Mrs.) 32-148 Hodkin George Henry 64-155 Hodkin Mary Ann Sands 64-156 Hodnetts John 39-319 Hoeminghaus Gertrude 8-39 Hoeninghaus Albert J. 8-38 Hoerl Frantz 54-144 Hoerl Franz 55-300 Hoerl Joseph F. 55-301 Hoerl Katherine 54-145 Hoerl Nellie L. 52-378 Hoerler Mary Ellen Estella Wilson 8-40 Hoeschner Johanna Henretta 65-183 Hoesken George 53-220 Hoey Catherine 18-87 Hoey John L. 65-186 Hoffman Abrom Allen 51-46 Hoffman Amelia (Homeier) 67-265 Hoffman Annie Lowery 61-164 Hoffman Frank 8-41 Hoffman Jennie (Goodwin) 51-292 Hoffman John Adam 67-264 Hoffman John F. 34-178 Hoffman Katherine 51-47 Hoffman Minnie 68-262 Hoffman Rose Ann 65-13 Hofius Edward 39-320 Hofmeister George 67-331 Hogan Ann (Keefe) Powers 65-381 Hogan Charles 67-233/s Hogan Clara Allen 67-234 Hogan J. M. 22-154 Hogan Jemima Gallahan 67-236 Hogan John 66-350 Hogan John Edwin 65-382 Hogan John Thomas 66-351 Hogan Martin 8-42 Hogan Michael 65-380 Hogan Minnie (Gardner) 65-361 Hogan Philip Beringer 65-236 Hogan Phillip B. 67-235 Hogarth Henry 8-43 Hogarth Henry 8-44 Hogarth Henry 43-431 Hogarth Jane Almire (Mrs.) 57-316 Hogarth Rose Ann (Mrs.) 8-45 Hogate America Collinwood 53-218 Hogate Samuel Carter 8-46 Hogate Samuel Carter 49-283 Hogeboom Frank 8-47 Hogle Henry Hollenback 39-321 Hogrefe Anna J. (Mrs.) 18-88 Hogue Flora Ellen Nichols 8-48 Hohmann Michael Orlando 8-50 Hohmann Michael Orlando 23-249 Hoisholt Catherina Greiersen 8-51 Hoiz Chris 27-342 Hoke Frederick 34-179 Hoke Harmon August 62-242 Hoke William T. 34-180 Hokson Almond 61-435 Holbrook Charles Henry 39-322 Holbrook Fanny Marie 25-129 Holbrook Sarah Ellen 8-52 Holcomb George Vernon 39-323 Holcomb John Flavel 48-461 Holcomb Minnie 21-274 Holcomb Minnie J. (Mrs.) 8-53 Holcomb William Francis 39-324 Holdaway Elizabeth Ann 25-443 Holden Catherine E. 18-89 Holden Erastus Saurin 8-54 Holden Isaac Dana 8-55 Holden William 39-325 Holder Alfred 49-30 Holder Cassie Andrews 49-284 Holder Henry Clay 39-326 Holder Kezia 49-31 Holder Sarah Ann 49-32 Holdridge William 39-327 Holdsworth George 8-56 Holgate Schofield (Professor) 34-181 Holl James Hartwell 8-70 Holland Augustus 39-328 Holland Franklin W. 8-57 Holland John 39-329 Holland John Perry 39-330 Holland Judson Arthur (Dr.) 50-466 Holland Richard 34-182 Holland Richard Watson 26-349 Holland Simeon 8-58 Holland Theresa A. 49-285 Holland William Riley 39-331 Holland Wm. August 49-286 Hollenback Mary Elise Fitzroy 8-59 Hollenbeak Barbra 8-62 Hollenbeak James W. 8-63 Hollenbeak William Henery 8-66 Hollenbeck Amelia E. Taggart (Mrs.) 8-60 Hollenbeck B. W. 8-61 Hollenbeck Cornelia Jane Olmsted 59-130 Hollenbeck Henry Miles 59-129 Hollenbeck John 8-65 Hollenbeck John Sr. 1-484 Hollenbeck John Sr. 8-64 Holler Mary Ellen 1-455 Holleway John James 39-332 Holley James 8-67 Holley John 8-68 Holley Wm. T. 8-69 Holliday Beverly Richford 29-233 Holliday Emma Christian (Mrs.) 55-35 Holliday George Edwin 54-238 Holliday Hiram 55-36 Holliday Isaac 39-333 Holliday Jane Ann Hardy 54-239 Holliday Mary Jane 54-240 Holliday Trotter 39-334 Holliday William Beverly 8-71 Holliday William Beverly 29-234 Holling Augusta Dillwig 8-72 Holling Charles Frederick 8-73 Hollingshea Abigail Jones Bennett 8-74 Hollingshea Aner Matthew 8-75 Hollingshea George M. 30-432 Hollingshea Joseph Easton 8-76 Hollingswor Geo. W. 31-425 Hollingswor John 31-426 Hollingswor John 32-156 Hollinsead James 65-123 Hollinsead Jeremiah VanDerveer 65-124 Hollinsead Joseph Banvard 65-125 Hollinsead William 65-126 Hollis William Herbert 18-90 Hollister Anna Owen 55-302 Hollister Annie James 50-107 Hollister Ellen Mossman 60-54 Hollister Harold A. 50-108 Hollister Henry M. 39-335 Hollister John H. 60-53 Hollister Joseph Hubbard 50-110 Hollister W. N. (Colonel) 60-55 Hollister William Welles 50-112 Hollister William Welles Jr. 50-111 Hollister William Wells (Colonel) 28-202 Holloway Huston 39-337 Holloway James B. (Judge) 34-183 Holloway John 28-163 Holloway John (Captain) 63-101 Holloway John James 28-190 Holloway Mary McGaugh (Mrs.) 34-184 Holloway Thomas Jefferson 39-338 Holly James 39-341 Holm Anna Christian 18-91 Holm Hans Peter 50-389 Holman H. C. 8-77 Holman James H. 8-78 Holman Julia A. 8-79 Holmann Amelia Amanda Shepherd 8-49 Holme Henry Preston 39-336 Holmes (Mr.) 33-209 Holmes (Mrs.) 33-210 Holmes Aaron 8-80 Holmes Abigail Hammond 8-81 Holmes Adah Bragg 34-185 Holmes Albert Osbun (Dr.) Jr. 23-346 Holmes David 33-211 Holmes Edward 64-212 Holmes Edward Cavazar 23-345 Holmes Elizabeth Gleason 64-222 Holmes John 39-339 Holmes John Bur 18-92 Holmes Louise 33-212 Holmes Margaret Jane 1-494 Holmes Mary Annie 64-221 Holmes Minnie Nesbit 8-82 Holmes Naomi Bland 27-357 Holmes Nathaniel Banks 1-495 Holmes Nellie 33-213 Holmes Samuel Oliver 33-214 Holmes Sarah 18-93 Holmes Sarah A. Osgood 18-94 Holmes Sophie Christine Snow 23-95 Holmes Thomas 27-356 Holmes Wardman 27-355 Holmes William Clark 39-342 Holt Agnes Villa 59-316 Holt Charles Henry 27-34 Holt George 63-313 Holt James Richard 31-91 Holt Nancy Jennie Jordan 59-314 Holt Thomas 59-315 Holtby Robert M. 58-83 Holte Ole Jansen 39-340 Holthouse Eberhardt Henry 8-83 Holthouse Elizabeth Madden Ratliff 8-84 Holton Albert Buel 48-156 Holton Albert Webster 48-157 Holton Ellen Seguine 48-158 Holtz John Jacob 8-85 Holtz Meline 51-48 Holtz Peter 8-86 Holz Chris 28-187 Holzhauser Frederick 64-410 Homeier Katherine Oettl 67-261 Homeier Louis 67-263 Homeier Maxmillian 67-262 Honan William Patrick 20-258 Hondach Goey 53-219 Honsohn Christian 39-343 Hood Charles Henry 55-303 Hood Edward Elbridge 8-87 Hood Grace Bishop 1-473 Hood Jeanett Stokes 55-304 Hood John A. 8-89 Hood John Henry 39-310 Hood John Henry 39-311 Hood Smith 39-344 Hood William 39-345 Hood Wm. Haskett 8-88 Hook Ada 54-146 Hook Amanda 54-147 Hook Anna Conklin Greenfield 8-91 Hook Elijah 54-148 Hook Emma 54-149 Hook Henry 54-150 Hook James 54-151 Hook James Simeon 58-213 Hook John 54-152 Hook Mary 54-153 Hook Thomas H. 22-148 Hook Thomas Kent 8-90 Hook Thomas Kent 28-193 Hook Thos. K. 56-108 Hook Vincent 54-154 Hook Vincent 58-214 Hook William 39-346 Hook William 58-215 Hookell George 39-185 Hooker Belle (Stevens) 52-162 Hooker Jennie May 18-95 Hooker John Daggett 52-379 Hooker Katherine Putnam 52-380 Hoolay Patrick 39-347 Hoole Edward 34-186 Hoole Edward 39-348 Hooper Dabney M. 39-349 Hooper Elizabeth Cochran 8-92 Hooper Esther Gates 23-92 Hooper Esther Gates Whitney 8-93 Hooper Esther Ruth 8-94 Hooper Frank Whitney 8-96 Hooper Franklin M. 8-95 Hooper Franklin M. 23-91 Hooper Franklin Whitney 23-89 Hooper Henry Otis 8-97 Hooper Robert Culver 8-98 Hooper Robert Culver 23-90 Hooper Susanna Easley 57-416 Hooper Thomas T. 58-298 Hooper Venable Clayton Wales 21-472 Hooper Wannie Spencer 8-99 Hooper William 39-350 Hooper William Bailey 39-351 Hoops Geo. H. 38-268 Hoops Louis Wilhelm 39-352 Hoose Calvin 39-353 Hoosier John L. 39-354 Hoover Daniel Wayne 51-49/a Hoover George 8-100 Hoover George 61-439 Hoover James W. 24-432 Hoover Mary (Potter) 51-49 Hoover Mary Ellen Potter 51-49/a Hoover Mollie E. Peacock 59-363 Hoover Rebecca 7-247/a Hopkins Alfred 32-428 Hopkins Andrew 31-434 Hopkins Artemisa G. 57-192 Hopkins Charles E. 27-128 Hopkins Clara Agnes 32-429 Hopkins Daniel 39-355 Hopkins Edward 31-435 Hopkins Isaiah 39-357 Hopkins John 39-358 Hopkins John Franklin 32-430 Hopkins Joseph Allen 32-431 Hopkins Laura Teresa Kelly 26-120 Hopkins Sterling 64-489 Hopkins Thomas B. 1-456 Hopkins William 32-432 Hopkins William Alexander 32-433 Hoppe Jacob D. 1-458 Hoppe Monroe Charles 1-457 Hopper Ari 57-415 Hopper Calvin 63-261 Hopper David Crockett 33-400 Hopper Elizabeth Sigler 29-353 Hopper George Wesley 33-401 Hopper Jasper 29-232 Hopper Jasper 33-402 Hopper Kate 57-98 Hopper Maryetta Hall 27-35 Hopper Samuel 29-351 Hopper Samuel 29-352 Hopper Susan Isabel 29-229 Hopper Thomas 1-466 Hopper Zachariah 33-403 Hoppers Benjamin 39-359 Hoppin Charles Rossiter 31-451 Hopps Charles 48-159 Hopps Charles E. Jr. 32-436 Hopps Charles Edwin 48-160 Hopps Charles Jr. 32-435 Hopps Clara Louise 32-434 Hopps Emma 32-437 Hopps Eva 32-438 Hopps Frank 32-439 Hopps George 32-440 Hopps Janet 32-441 Hopps Josephine 32-442 Hopps Lizzie Janet 32-443 Hopps Mary Ellen 32-444 Hopps Mary Ellen 48-161 Hopps Mary Jane Ethel Hinton 30-192 Hopps Nellie 32-445 Hopps William 32-446 Hopps William Henry 32-447 Horan Anna (Miss) 57-498 Horan John Luke 18-96 Horan Michael Albert 39-360 Horgan Alice 20-259 Horn Caroline Mary 8-101 Horn Frank Joseph 8-102 Horn Henry F. 65-311 Horn Henry F. 65-312 Horn Henry Franklin 8-103 Horn Isiah 60-177 Horn James 8-104 Horn John 39-361 Horn Minnie Louise 60-236 Hornback Abraham 39-362 Hornback Annie M. Wallis 8-105 Hornback Charles Wm. 8-106 Hornback James H. 39-363 Hornberger Jennie Permollet 8-107 Hornbrook Mary Ann Onyett 8-108 Horne Albert 59-242 Horne Lucretia Clay Jordan 59-241 Horner Albert 30-198 Horner Alfred 31-68 Horner Alfred William 31-58 Horner Alice Virginia 31-55 Horner Ann 31-50 Horner Benjamin Stacy 31-53 Horner Charles Frederic 31-45 Horner Dellivan Erasmus 31-59 Horner Edward Thomas 31-57 Horner Edward Woodward 31-56 Horner Elizabeth Ann 32-448 Horner Emmeline 31-65 Horner Fanetta 31-67 Horner George Henry 31-46 Horner Jacob 31-41 Horner Jay M. 31-51 Horner John Mears (Hon.) 30-106 Horner Joseph John 31-49 Horner Joseph Mayhew 31-54 Horner Josephine 31-40 Horner Julia Brown 31-52 Horner Lillie Ann 31-39 Horner Mariana 31-43 Horner Mary 31-61 Horner Raymond 31-62 Horner Redbon C. 31-66 Horner Robert 30-105 Horner Roulif Johnson 31-70 Horner Sarah 31-47 Horner Sarah E. Thompson 8-109 Horner Sarah Elizabeth 31-42 Horner Sarah Johnson 31-94 Horner Stacy 31-64 Horner Stacy Lincoln 31-60 Horner William 31-63 Horner William Yates 31-48 Horner William Yates Jr. 31-44 Horner Zilpha 31-69 Horrisberge Salome 51-293 Horsley Charles Chester 63-152 Horsley John 8-110 Horsley Joseph Richard 63-151 Horton Algernon 39-364 Horton Annie Irene Tangemann 66-422 Horton Eliza 57-395 Horton John Q. 60-9 Horton John Quincy 66-418 Horton Marshall 34-187 Horton Mary Helen Leffingwell 34-188 Horton Parthena Cox 34-189 Horton Robert Edward 66-421 Horton Wade H. 34-190 Horton William H. 66-419 Horton William Jasper 8-111 Horton William Starks 39-365 Hortop Henry 8-113 Hosely Russell Danforth 39-366 Hosking Amanda 40-262 Hosking Ben W. Reed 40-263 Hosking John Henry 40-264 Hosking Joseph L. 40-265 Hosking Thomas 29-226 Hosmer Albert Walter 8-112 Hosmer Frances Weston Dinsmore 45-288 Hosmer Frank W. 23-416 Hosmer Thomas 45-289 Hosselskus Edwin Douglas 55-305 Hostetler Amelia 8-114 Hostetler Samuel Newton 8-115 Hostetter Catherine E. 1-498 Hostetter Catherine E. 8-123 Hostetter George K. 8-116 Hotaling Charles Thomas Ellison 39-367 Hotchkiss Annie Mariah Blowers 8-117 Hotchkiss Burr Mallory 8-118 Hotchkiss Elizabeth Henry 8-119 Hotchkiss Eunice Kincaid 8-120 Hotchkiss Lemuel Lane 8-121 Hothersall Amey Elizabeth 59-65 Hothersall Elijah 1-479 Hothersall Elijah 8-122 Hothersall Elijah 59-61 Hothersall Elizabeth Holt 59-62 Hothersall George James 59-67 Hothersall Margret 59-66 Hottel E. W. 8-124 Houchin William 39-368 Hough Noah 19-397 Houghtaling William S. 20-260 Houghton Alonzo Oliver 47-242 Houghton Annie Kitchen 43-114 Houghton Frances 30-431 Houghton Francis 47-389 Houghton Frederick Kirby 43-112 Houghton James S. 8-125 Houghton Lettice G. Hargarves 47-243 Houghton Mary A. 47-244 Houghton Nancy E. 47-245 Houghton Robert H. 23-93 Houghton William Lake 47-246 Houghton William Lake 47-247 Houk John K. 58-321 Hoult David James 8-126 Hoult John Cunningham 8-127 Hoult Joseph Francis 8-128 Hoult Mary E. 8-131 Hoult Thomas B. 8-129 Hoult Thomas Lindsay 8-130 Hoult William John 8-132 Houriet Bertha Gebhardt 27-258 Hous Henry 39-370 House Devost (Cap.) 39-369 House John Cornett 39-371 House Marry(ie) Ellen Parlow 67-315 House William B. 67-314 Houseman Abby 63-98 Houseman Anna 63-95 Houseman Dora Ellen 27-390 Houseman Frank Starkey 63-97 Houseman Harvey Parker 63-99 Houseman James Starkey 63-93 Houseman Margaret Gerven 63-94 Houseman Thomas H. 63-96 Houser Alice Grey 27-371 Houser Daniel 8-133 Housh Emma Hopper 29-354 Housken Frank Oliver 18-97 Housken George 67-243 Houston Elizabeth Mars 8-134 Houston Erastus 8-135 Houston Erastus 8-136 Houston Erastus 49-287 Houston Gertrude M. 8-137 Houston J. H. 8-138 Houston Joseph W. 54-241 Houston Mary Elizabeth 20-261 Houston Mary Elizabeth Marr 1-499 Houston Mary Elizabeth Marr 8-139 Houston Noah Beals 1-496 Houston Oscar Justine 53-221 Houston Robert Gibson 45-290 Houston Sarah Jones 54-242 Houston Susan Esther Robinson 45-291 Houx Martha Jane Veatch 8-140 Houx William Duncan 8-141 Hovious Amanda Nichols 8-142 Hovious James Henry 8-143 Howard Amelia Stoddard 47-308 Howard Amos 39-372 Howard Antoinette Warrin 18-98 Howard B. Chandler (Mrs.) 50-242 Howard Bela Frank 18-99 Howard Charles 8-144 Howard Cornelius 49-33 Howard Daniel 8-145 Howard Edmond Charles 32-144 Howard Edmund Charles 42-36 Howard Elisha 39-373 Howard Elizabeth Jane 55-306 Howard Emsley Jackson 31-430 Howard Frank A. 8-146 Howard Henry 49-288 Howard James 39-374 Howard James L. 31-429 Howard Julia Ann Haynes 18-100 Howard Louisa A. (Mrs.) 20-262 Howard Martha A. Sliger (Mrs.) 8-147 Howard Mary E. 31-71 Howard Mary Elizabeth 53-222 Howard Milo Charles 49-34 Howard Nathaniel Sampson 47-309 Howard Susan Ringer 49-35 Howard Thomas 39-375 Howard Truman Clark 39-376 Howard Volney Erskine 68-160 Howard William 39-377 Howard Willis L. 39-379 Howard Wm. 39-378 Howe Annie Matilda Dibble 59-367 Howe Archilaus 39-380 Howe Clementine Seely 25-101 Howe Frank Edwin 1-482 Howe Frank Edwin 8-148 Howe Frank Edwin 59-368 Howe James 25-103 Howe James S. 25-94 Howe Nancy 47-390 Howe Uriah R. 39-381 Howell Anna Smith Johnson 8-149 Howell B. F. 21-477 Howell C. 8-150 Howell Davis Price 8-151 Howell Edith M. 58-230 Howell Edwin F. 39-382 Howell Elijah Preston 67-56 Howell Etta May Matteson 66-430 Howell Eunice Ellen 20-263 Howell Frank 8-152 Howell Frank 21-476 Howell Frederick 24-89 Howell Harriett 8-153 Howell Isaac E. 8-154 Howell Isaic 57-282 Howell James M. 30-436 Howell James Milton 54-410 Howell John 8-155 Howell John William 8-156 Howell Margaret Evans 24-90 Howell Martha Ann 25-132 Howell Mary Ann Hampton 45-10 Howell Mathias David 39-383 Howell Newton Farrow 8-157 Howell Polly Minerva 25-133 Howell Stephen Taylor 45-11 Howell W. L. 22-168 Howell W. L. 56-16 Howell William 39-384 Howell William Franklin 32-147 Howes Anna Rebecca 18-101 Howes W. L. 19-362 Howeth Lewis Washington (Luke) 25-243 Howeth Tennie A. Fuqua 55-307 Howland Benjamin Franklin 39-385 Howland Clara Shaw 66-444 Howland Eli 1-459 Howland John Fitch 8-158 Howland Jotham 8-159 Howland Lerosco W. 8-160 Howland Robert 25-54 Howland Seth 39-386 Howlett Daniel Hatcher 31-439 Howser Andrew J. 39-387 Howser George 39-388 Howsley George 32-159 Howsley George 39-389 Howsley Ruth White 32-160 Hoyl Jonas M. 32-449 Hoyle Jonas Marion 39-390 Hoyt Thomas 8-161 Hoyt William Wallace 50-243 Hrebelianovich Eleanor Calhoun 51-294
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