Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Surname Index - Gs-Gz

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LAST         FIRST                       VOL-PAGE
Gualco       Paul Michael (Rev. Fr.)      40-239
Guard        Millison Asy                  7-152
Guard        Wm. A.                        7-153
Guays        Benjamin                     39-92
Guber        Charles                      39-93
Guenther     Mary Sneider (Mrs.)          18-10
Guernsey     Amasa Allen                   7-154
Guerra       Paopto                       49-268
Guerraz      John D.                      67-467
Guiberson    Ellen Green                  59-449
Guiberson    Idell                        57-172
Guiberson    John Warner                  57-166
Guiberson    S. A.                        59-450
Guiberson    Samuel Allen                 57-168
Guiberson    Simon Pete                   57-170
Guiberson    William G.                   57-167
Guidery      Anna Conlin                  27-377
Guidery      Cornelius                    27-379
Guidery      John                         27-378
Guidery      Timothy                      27-376
Guiffra      John                         51-228
Guiliani     Ottilio                      51-229
Guill        Elijah N.                    30-426
Guill        John H.                      38-256
Guill        John Hudson Sr.              30-11
Guilliani    Severino                     58-375
Guin         Enos Miles                   66-375
Guinn        J. M.                        53-5
Guinn        William Joseph                7-155
Guisto       John Alexander               19-400
Guldager     Caroline Zimmerman           59-41
Guldager     Hans Hansen                  59-42
Gulick       Julia Isabel Hammerton       50-104
Gullaver     William Henry                39-94
Gulley       Bryant                       26-80
Gulnac       William                      65-253
Gum          Harding T.                   36-121
Gumbert      August                       58-59
Gumbert      Mary Caroline                58-60
Gummoe       Elizabeth                     7-156
Gummow       Charles                      39-95
Gump         Henry Franklin               39-96
Gump         Lafayette                    18-11
Gunby        Joseph Henry                 61-268
Gundlach     William                      39-97
Gundlack     Jacob                        53-200
Gunlach      Max Jr.                      55-283
Gunn         Chester                      66-334
Gunn         Douglas (Louls)              66-333
Gunn         Eliz. LeBreton Stickney      66-332
Gunn         Lewis Carstairs (Dr.)        66-331
Gunn         Sarah M. Utt                 66-335
Gunn         William W.                   55-97
Gunnell      John Chrisite                39-98
Gunning      Samuel O.                    30-425
Gunter       Adeline M.                   33-182
Gunter       Alfred M.                    33-183
Gunter       Alonzo T.                    33-184
Gunter       Caroline                     33-185
Gunter       Effuma                       33-186
Gunter       Elizabeth                    33-187
Gunter       Franklin S.                  33-188
Gunter       Hansel N.                    33-189
Gunter       Jacob A. C.                  33-190
Gunter       Mary J.                      33-192
Gunter       Minerva                      33-191
Gunter       Nelson                       33-193
Gunter       Perry D.                     33-194
Gunther      Gustave Charles               7-157
Gunther      Gustave Charles              66-107
Gupton       James Alfred                 39-99
Gurnette     Mary Eliza                   29-350
Gurney       Benjamin Barnsbus            62-261
Gurrey       Caroline L. (Haskins)        68-70
Gurvalt      Joseph                       63-196
Guscetti     Florinda                     68-28/s
Guscetti     Josephine                     7-158
Guth         Charles Henry                47-125
Guth         Charles Henry                64-167
Guth         Mary Klotz                   64-168
Guthrie      Francis Asbury               39-100
Guthrie      James Isaac                  55-284
Guthrie      Johanna Bradley               7-159
Guthrie      John (Guthry)                67-450
Guthrie      Julia (Miss)                 54-138
Guthrie      Mary Harris                  55-285
Guthrie      Robert Milton                55-286
Guthrie      Sarah Jane Box               27-127
Guthrie      Thomas W.                    32-138
Gutierrez    Luis J.                      35-457
Gutierrez    Maria Petronia               40-240
Guttentag    Louis                        39-101
Guttierrez   Consuella                    56-256
Guttierrez   Frances                      56-257
Guy          Henry                        53-201
Guynn        Jessie Howard                 7-160
Guynn        Pleasant Marion               7-161
Guyre        Beers                        31-409
Guysi        Jacob                        31-400
Gwin         Alexander                    39-102
Gwin         Cyril                        38-257
Gwin         George Washington            39-103
Gwin         Hachalich Perdy              39-104
Gwin         John                         38-258
Gwinn        Horatio Jones                39-105
Gwinn        Olney                        40-241
Gwynn        Andrew Bailey                39-106
Gwynn        Pleasant Marion              39-107
Gyer         Jacob                         7-162

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