Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Surname Index - Gm-Gr

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LAST         FIRST                       VOL-PAGE
Gnecco       Louise Charlotte             53-190
Gnekow       William Henry                57-382
Goar         James Christian              22-476
Goar         James Christian              39-2
Goar         Richmond B.                  38-234
Goar         Solomon                      38-235
Goar         Thomas A.                    38-236
Gobar        Emilie Lena Ellen            64-481
Gobbi        Daniel                       63-173
Gober        William Roland               21-269/a
Gober        William Rowland              39-3
Gobin        Edward T.                     6-445
Gobin        Louis D.                      6-446
Godard       Charles W.                   31-424
Godbold      Charles H.                   47-356
Goddard      George H.                    29-199
Goddard      John                         39-4
Godfrey      Alice Irene                  26-343
Godfrey      Charles                      28-153
Godfrey      Edward                       55-277
Godfrey      George Berger                17-473
Godfrey      Ida Mary                     24-208
Godfrey      James Pitt                    6-447
Godfrey      Johanna Sisk                 17-474
Godfrey      Lucia Huntington              1-381
Godfrey      Lucia Huntington             25-364
Godfrey      Margaret M.                  25-311
Godfrey      Mary Ann                     25-312
Godfrey      Melissa Daniel Olds          55-278
Godfrey      William Mullock              26-344
Godow        Eugene                       24-344
Goedecke     Minnie                       20-195
Goen         Noah Hale                    68-266/s
Goerecke     Alma Olmstead                 6-448
Goetjen      Adolph William               17-475
Goetjen      Henry                        39-5
Goetjen      Herman                       58-427
Goetz        Anna M.                      17-476
Goetz        Balthasar                    17-477
Goewey       Charles H.                   17-478
Goff         Ann Agusta Benton            66-60
Goff         Charles Fremont              66-61
Goff         Elender Jane Edington        66-59
Goff         Harry Clay                   66-62
Goff         Lillie May                   66-63
Goff         Stephen                      66-58
Goggins      Emma                         62-98
Gohl         Martha La Bohn               47-368
Going        Mary Ann Muldoon              6-449
Goings       Arthur Ward                  28-151
Goings       Benjamin Lewis               28-150
Goings       Eldora                       28-159
Goins        Sarah Catherine              58-241
Gold         George                       39-6
Gold         Mary (Mrs.)                  49-262
Golden-Smit  Sarah Ann Shaw               64-78
Golden-Smit  Thomas                       64-77
Goldensmith  Arabella Louise              64-75
Goldensmith  Sarah Ann (Annie)            64-71
Golding      Thomas                       20-196
Goldner      H.                           50-43
Goldner      Hattie                        6-450
Goldner      Herman                        6-451
Goldsmith    John                         39-7
Goldsmith    John M.                      20-198
Goldsmith    Samuel                       39-8
Goldsmith    William C.                    6-452
Goldstein    Abraham                      20-197
Goldstein    Abraham                      39-9
Goldstein    Nathan                       39-10
Goldston     James G.                     39-11
Goldsworthy  Catherine Bennallack         64-421
Goldsworthy  Jennie (Mrs.)                 6-453
Goldthwait   Margaret Elizabeth           24-168
Golf         Cynthia Allen Smith           6-454
Golle        F.                           27-341
Golle        F.                           28-155
Goltzene     Nora E.                      20-199
Gonsaza      Dora                          6-455
Gonter       Harvey Edgar                 32-404
Gonzales     Francisco                    40-233
Gonzales     Henry                         6-456
Gonzales     John Frances                  6-457
Gonzales     Marie Aquirre                27-126
Gonzales     Mary Pillar Martinez          6-458
Gonzales     Rose A.                      17-479
Gooch        Nancy                        67-317
Goodale      Devereaux                    67-225
Goodale      John Clark                   48-149
Goodale      Joseph F.                    48-150
Goodchild    John Thomas                  55-279
Goode        James Madison                36-479
Goode        John Valentine               38-237
Goodell      George                       51-222
Goodell      Theresa (Wesson)             49-263
Goodenough   Susan A. Kirk                67-470
Goodfellow   Ann Amanda Baskin             1-409
Goodfellow   George E.                     1-410
Goodfellow   Milton J.                     1-406
Goodhart     Augustus                     22-135
Goodhart     Augustus                     55-460
Goodin       Sarah M. (Miss)              57-470
Goodman      Flora                        49-23
Goodman      Frederick Augustus           49-24
Goodman      George E.                     6-461
Goodman      James Micky                  29-258
Goodman      Jennie                       20-200
Goodman      John Finly                   49-25
Goodman      Julius Victor                39-12
Goodman      Leon F.                      20-201
Goodman      Rose (Rosa)                  49-26
Goodman      William Hargrave             49-27
Goodman      William Phillip              49-28
Goodnight    Estella T.                   26-76
Goodnoe      Andrew Jackson                6-459
Goodnoe      Lusetta Jones                 6-460
Goodnow      John P.                      32-403
Goodrich     Benjamin                     39-13
Goodrich     Charles Egerton              39-14
Goodrich     Hiram                         6-462
Goodrich     Levi                          6-463
Goodrich     Samuel                       39-15
Goodrich     William B.                   38-238
Goodspeed    Riland C.                    38-239
Goodspeed    Riland Charles               36-119
Goodwin      Albert Story                 33-391
Goodwin      Almon                        28-161
Goodwin      Almon Jr.                    36-480
Goodwin      Benjamin Frank               17-480
Goodwin      Charles                       6-464
Goodwin      David Boone                  33-179
Goodwin      David Boone                  33-180
Goodwin      Edwin                        33-392
Goodwin      Emerette                     33-393
Goodwin      Henry King                   29-368
Goodwin      Isaac                        33-181
Goodwin      Isaac Jr.                    33-394
Goodwin      James Franklin               37-494
Goodwin      John Arnold                  23-479
Goodwin      Lewis                        33-395
Goodwin      Louvina Grizzle (Mrs.)       57-224
Goodwin      Lucinda                      33-396
Goodwin      Luvina Grizzle (Mrs.)        34-143
Goodwin      Mabel Amanda                 17-481
Goodwin      Major Andrew                 39-16
Goodwin      Nancy Ellen                  33-397
Goodwin      Ranson Thomas                39-17
Goodwin      Rhoda Elizabeth              34-144
Goodwin      Sallie Anne Willson          34-145
Goodwin      Sarah Belle McGaugh (Mrs.    37-495
Goodwin      Soloman                      38-241
Goodwin      Uri                          39-18
Gooke        Benedick                      6-465
Gookin       James Brown Thornton         39-19
Gookin       Rose Emerald                 67-305/s
Gorby        Orrin                        39-20
Gorby        Thomas Owen                  39-21
Gordan       Nancy Jane Whisman           67-73
Gorden       Annie Van                     6-466
Gorden       George Van                    6-467
Gordillo     Manuel Joseph                39-22
Gordon       Aaron                        53-191
Gordon       Abbie Hinckley               58-145
Gordon       Abby Caroline Hinckley        6-468
Gordon       Alice Elizabeth Linn         17-483
Gordon       Catherine R.                  6-469
Gordon       Charles Henry                63-438
Gordon       Charles Henry                64-56
Gordon       Charles William              17-482
Gordon       David Everett                17-484
Gordon       Edsile E.                    30-428
Gordon       Elizabeth Hannah Frisbie      6-470
Gordon       Elmer E.                     53-192
Gordon       Eva Fairchild                 1-382
Gordon       Eva Fairchild                 6-471
Gordon       George Andrew                 6-472
Gordon       Henrietta Wehl               20-204
Gordon       Katherine                    17-485
Gordon       M. W.                        50-44
Gordon       Marion W.                     6-473
Gordon       Marion William Jr.            6-474
Gordon       Melvin Barnes                31-408
Gordon       Thomas                       17-486
Gordon       Upton                         6-475
Gore         John Christopher             64-3
Gorham       Charles Joseph               39-23
Gorham       Solyman P.                   22-129
Gorham       Solymon P.                   56-100
Gorman       Margaret Lynch                6-476
Gorman       Martin                       29-273
Gorman       Maude Hayes                  52-24
Gormley      Margaret A.                  20-203
Gorton       Ellen Elloise Roberts         6-477
Gorton       Gilman                        6-480
Gorton       John                          6-478
Gorton       Susan T.                      6-479
Gose         James Christopher            50-212
Goskin       Rose Emerald                 50-211
Gosling      C.                            6-481
Goss         Charles Franklin             68-346
Goss         George Andrew                68-344
Goss         Levi                         68-340s
Goss         Mary (Nulty)                 68-341s
Goss         Samuel                       68-342
Gotjen       Herman                       39-24
Gotschall    John                         39-25
Gott         Mary Elizabeth Taylor         1-392
Gottheimer   Johannah                     17-487
Gottschalk   Charles Victor               43-420
Gottschall   John                         61-125
Gottshalk    G. V.                        19-357
Gottwalls    Conrad                       31-416
Goucher      George Gelette                6-485
Gould        Charlotte                    61-246
Gould        Elmore Hart                  39-26
Gould        Harriet Eliza                 1-383
Gould        Harriet Eliza (Mrs.)         25-366
Gould        Ida Rosabel Davis            26-13
Gould        J. B.                        50-47
Gould        James F.                      6-483
Gould        Nevada (Anderson)            68-35
Gould        Wm.                          43-421
Goulding     George                       63-303
Gouley       Adam Fulton                  49-264
Goulson      John                          6-484
Goumaz       Anna Marie                   65-9
Gourley      E. G.                        55-280
Gourley      Jean                         55-281
Gourley      Sarah Elizabeth              29-198
Gouthier     Frank                        39-27
Gove         Amos W.                      22-131
Gowell       Mary Ellen Hothersall        59-64
Gowen        John Drew                    38-240
Gowen        Samuel                       39-28
Gowen        William Henry                39-29
Goyan        Annie                        37-496
Goyan        Frank                        37-497
Graber       Charles Bruner               39-30
Grace        James Thomas                 39-31
Graciano     Joe Inocento                 60-314
Gradwohl     Candelaria (Mrs.)             6-486
Grady        Andrew                       39-32
Grady        Katie Elizabeth Leonard       6-487
Graebe       Ernest W.                    51-223
Graeter      Elizabeth Jane Asbil         51-224
Graeter      Europe                       51-226
Graether     Amalia                       63-105
Graf         George                        6-488
Graf         Julia Smith Thompson         47-228
Grafe        Joseph                       39-33
Graham       Alice Eva                    53-193
Graham       Angus                        65-476
Graham       Angus                        65-479
Graham       Augusta Russ                  6-489
Graham       Aylett M.                    38-242
Graham       Donald                       65-474
Graham       Elijah                       39-34
Graham       Eugene Douglas               17-488
Graham       Finice Ming                  39-35
Graham       Flora (Sinclair)             65-480
Graham       Frances Tyler                17-489
Graham       Francis                      24-36
Graham       Frank                         6-490
Graham       Franklin Warren              68-293
Graham       Freeborn Garrison            68-294
Graham       George                        6-491
Graham       Green Berry                  39-36
Graham       Issaac Newton                 6-492
Graham       James                         6-493
Graham       James Samuel                  6-494
Graham       John George                   6-495
Graham       John M.                       6-496
Graham       John R.                      43-422
Graham       John Richard                 68-232
Graham       John Richard                 68-234
Graham       John Roberts                  6-497
Graham       John Russell                 47-369
Graham       Joseph E.                     6-498
Graham       L. Maria Turrill             24-37
Graham       Laura Belle (Dolly)           6-499
Graham       Mary (Urrie)                 65-475
Graham       Mary Jane                     6-500
Graham       Nettie Maria (Edwards)       68-290
Graham       Newton                        7-1
Graham       Robert L.                    17-490
Graham       Sarah Jane Roy                7-2
Graham       Sarah Linzy                   7-3
Graham       Sarah Margaret                7-4
Graham       Sohronia O.(Richardson)      68-292
Graham       Sophronia Orcelia            68-292
Graham       Stonewall Jackson             7-5
Graham       Thomas C.                    50-213
Graham       W.                           22-134
Graham       W.                           55-446
Graham       William                       7-6
Graham       William Hendrick             39-37
Graham       William Hendrick             68-291
Graham       William John (Bill)          64-69
Grahame      James Duncan                 22-499
Grainger     Alfred Payne                  7-7
Grainger     Rebeca Hovious                7-8
Grambart     John E.                      53-194
Grambert     John H.                       7-9
Gramps       John                         39-38
Grana        Antonio                       7-10
Grandos      Juana (Heyana)               53-195
Graner       Katherine Morrison           61-288
Grangeen     Edward P.                     7-11
Granger      Isabelle Wilson               7-12
Granger      Lewis C.                     38-243
Granger      Lewis Cass                    7-13
Granger      William Henry                 7-14
Granlees     Robert                       38-244
Grant        Elizabeth                     1-414
Grant        Emah C. Banister             29-416
Grant        Everett                      20-205
Grant        Francis                      39-39
Grant        John                         39-40
Grant        John                         64-406
Grant        Margaret Gould               68-332s
Grant        Robert Henry                 39-41
Grant        Sarah                         7-15
Grant        Theodore Franklin             7-16
Grant        Theodore Franklin Sr.         7-17
Grass        Isaac                        39-42
Grattan      Christopher                  22-128
Grattan      Christopher (M.D.)           52-25
Grattan      John                         27-500
Grattan      John                         52-26
Grattan      Morris Henry                  7-18
Grattan      Morris Henry                 17-491
Grattan      Morris Henry                 52-27
Grattan      William Henry                40-235
Gratto       Martha Asenath               65-10
Gratton      John                         21-440
Gratton      John                         22-136
Grave        Julia N. Anthes               7-19
Graves       Aaron Freelan                39-43
Graves       Candace                      51-198
Graves       Candace Nelson                7-20
Graves       Fountain Columbus            32-413
Graves       Frances Agnes                17-494
Graves       Franklin Ward                61-400
Graves       Fremont Ashurst              63-231
Graves       George                       58-239
Graves       Henry S.                     31-417
Graves       J. A.                        55-5
Graves       Jacob                         7-21
Graves       James                        17-495
Graves       James Madison                61-289
Graves       James Walter                 17-492
Graves       John C.                      21-270
Graves       Kate Toney                    7-24
Graves       Lillian H.                   17-493
Graves       Lovina Cyrus                 61-450
Graves       Mary Lawrence (Mrs.)         34-146
Graves       Rose Ann                      7-22
Graves       Roswell (Rev)                65-76
Graves       Sylvester                     7-23
Graves       Thomas                       32-406
Graves       Webb Christian               32-407
Graving      Anna Marguretta              47-371
Gravors      James Maidson                 7-25
Gray         Addie Amelia Hanscom         36-116
Gray         Amanda Channing               7-26
Gray         Benjamin                     39-44
Gray         Charles Henry                39-45
Gray         Cynthia Hammond               1-403
Gray         David Crockett               39-46
Gray         David Lassen                 39-47
Gray         Edward (M.D.)                35-455
Gray         Frank T.                      7-27
Gray         Fred H.                      54-393
Gray         Fred Howard                   7-28
Gray         George                        1-402
Gray         George                       22-138
Gray         George                       38-245
Gray         George                       47-355
Gray         George Franklin              61-121
Gray         George Washington            61-159
Gray         George Washington            61-469
Gray         Harriett Weaver              61-186
Gray         Hiram Stewart                39-48
Gray         James C.                     35-456
Gray         James C.                     61-468
Gray         James Chadwick                7-29
Gray         James Chadwick               32-408
Gray         James Chadwick               39-49
Gray         John C.                       7-30
Gray         John Carleton                39-50
Gray         John Carleton (Judge)        31-407
Gray         John William                 61-123
Gray         Joseph                        7-31
Gray         Joseph Henry                 50-214
Gray         Julia Porter                  7-32
Gray         Lucy Uthera Maxey            26-77
Gray         Malon                        39-51
Gray         Malon                        61-183
Gray         Manuel                       17-496
Gray         Margaret Jane                17-497
Gray         Marie Melvina Sehan           7-33
Gray         Mary Helen                    7-34
Gray         Mary Jane                    17-498
Gray         Mary Jane Kendrick            7-35
Gray         Mary Wells                   63-254
Gray         Philippa Ann                  7-36
Gray         Reuben                       39-52
Gray         Robert Washington            61-158
Gray         Samuel                       39-53
Gray         Samuel                       61-140
Gray         W. J.                         7-37
Gray         William Henry                61-161
Gray         William James                25-421
Gray         William Rutherford            7-38
Gray         Wm.                          17-499
Gray         Young                        67-289/a
Graybill     Charlotte Johanna            24-77
Grazer       Anna Margererite             24-240
Greely       Charles Willard              38-246
Greely       Charles Willard              39-54
Greely       Fred                          1-385
Greely       Fred H.                      31-410
Greely       Justus                        1-386
Greely       Justus                       31-421
Greely       Letter Bost                   1-387
Greely       Margaret Rideout              1-388
Green        Abbie Ann                     7-39
Green        Alfonso                      17-500
Green        Alfonso                      53-196
Green        Alfred F.                    60-137
Green        Amanda Jane                   7-40
Green        Benjamin                      7-41
Green        Charles                       7-42
Green        Clarence Seymour              7-43
Green        Eliza Jane                   53-197
Green        Elizabeth Hamlin Fox         29-420
Green        Ely Lewis                    24-241
Green        Fannie Gilbert               18-3
Green        Frank                        39-55
Green        Frank Bacon                  29-417
Green        Franklin Theodore (Phd.      61-473
Green        J. B.                         7-44
Green        James                        38-247
Green        James W.                     47-121
Green        Jasper W.                     7-45
Green        John Duncan                  47-122
Green        John Wheeler                  1-396
Green        John Wheeler                  7-46
Green        John Willis                  62-52
Green        Josia Samuel                 29-419
Green        Josiah Mortimer              29-418
Green        Julius C.                    60-138
Green        Lillie Evans                 24-364
Green        Lydia Hitchock               47-123
Green        Margaret Herndon             66-37
Green        Martha Evaline Baker         24-109
Green        Mary Jane                    47-229
Green        Orson V.                     64-407
Green        Orson Valentine               7-47
Green        Peter B.                     50-215
Green        Phebe Maria LeVerne           7-48
Green        Robert Franklin              18-4
Green        Robert Sherrard               7-49
Green        Sarah Elizabeth Lewis         1-397
Green        Sarah Elizabeth Lewis         7-50
Green        Theodore                      7-51
Green        Theodore                     61-472
Green        Thomas John                  39-56
Green        Will Semple                  25-126
Green        Will Semple                  31-399
Green        William                      20-206
Green        William                      39-57
Green        Wm. O.                        7-52
Greenawalt   David                        20-207
Greene       Benjamin James               24-242
Greene       Caroline Beale               61-404
Greene       Charles Edwin                 7-54
Greene       George B.                     1-412
Greene       Josiah Buckman               61-403
Greene       Lester Downing               61-405
Greene       Mary Ellen                   57-169
Greene       Mary Nicholson McDonnell     61-402
Greene       Sarah Brown McCullough       24-243
Greene       Victoria Virginia            58-163
Greene       Virginia Woody               48-394
Greene       W. W.                         7-55
Greenfield   John                         39-58
Greenfield   Thomas                        7-56
Greenhalgh   Ada Imogene                   7-57
Greenhalgh   Henrietta Isabel              7-58
Greenhalgh   Ida Bell                      7-59
Greenhalgh   Isabel Crighton               7-60
Greenhalgh   Thos. B.                      7-61
Greenhalph   Thomas Bley                  50-13
Greenhood    Frances                      43-423
Greeninger   Adolph                        7-141
Greenlaw     Alonzo Starrat                7-62
Greenlaw     Isaac Case                   60-321
Greenlaw     Ursula Eliza                 60-300
Greenleaf    Edward F.                    36-481
Greenleaf    Fannie Moore                 36-482
Greenleaf    Fannie W. Moore              28-160
Greenleaf    Robert L.                    28-158
Greenleaf    Robert L.                    38-248
Greenleaf    William Sanford              39-59
Greentree    Louis Levi                   39-60
Greenwald    Albert                       20-208
Greenwalt    David                         7-53
Greenwell    Anna Cummings                51-256
Greenwell    Arthur C.                    51-257
Greenwell    Benjamin                     38-249
Greenwell    Dinah                        43-424
Greenwell    Hardin                       61-290
Greenwell    W. E. (Captain)              51-258
Greenwood    Britton Bailey               65-288/s
Greenwood    Caleb                        65-289/s
Greenwood    Charles                      39-61
Greenwood    Hiram A.                     30-421
Greenwood    Martha A.                    32-409
Greer        Eliza Jane Epperson          29-479
Greer        John                          7-63
Greer        John                         22-142
Greer        John                         55-484
Gregg        Amanda M.                    40-236
Gregg        Delilah Christine            52-28
Gregg        Maria Jane                    7-64
Gregory      Alfred Henry                 39-62
Gregory      Carrie Elizabeth             30-65
Gregory      Ella Tithian                  7-65
Gregory      George Wm.                   31-418
Gregory      Henry                        30-66
Gregory      Henry C.                     28-149
Gregory      I.                           58-140
Gregory      I. (Mrs.)                    58-141
Gregory      I. B.                         7-66
Gregory      Ingerfield Burrill           55-15
Gregory      James Monroe                 55-16
Gregory      Jess F.                       7-67
Gregory      John                         64-409
Gregory      Lucinda Louise Tubbs         55-17
Gregory      Mansfield Ford                1-389
Gregory      Mansfield Ford               51-225
Gregory      Martha C.                    36-117
Gregory      Martha Elizabeth             10-273/a
Gregory      Martha Jane McMurrey          7-68
Gregory      Mary E. Scott                28-492
Gregory      Nathan Hall                   7-69
Gregory      Stockton M.                  43-425
Gregory      Stockton M.                  50-216
Gregory      Thomas M.                    31-414
Gregory      U. S.                         7-70
Gregory      U. S.                         7-71
Gregory      Ulyssis S.                   50-458
Gregory      William                      39-63
Gregory      William A.                   47-139
Gregory      William Abner                 7-72
Gregory      Wm. H.                       31-413
Gregson      Ann E.                       56-248
Gregson      Eliza Marshall               56-249
Gregson      Elizabeth Marshall           56-249/a
Gregson      Henry M.                     56-250
Gregson      James                        56-251
Gregson      James                        56-251/a
Gregson      John N.                      56-252
Gregson      Luke Bowles                  56-253
Gregson      Mary Ellen                   56-254
Gregson      William F.                   56-255
Greiersen    Anna Jensen                   7-73
Greiersen    Francisca                     7-74
Greiersen    George                        7-75
Greiner      Frederick W. Jr.              7-76
Greiner      Frederick W. Sr.              7-77
Greiner      Harry G.                     36-118
Greiner      Henry                        39-64
Greiner      Jacob                        32-410
Greinger     Lewis Benjamin               39-65
Grekzson     John Wynkoop                 38-228
Grenia       Martha E. Laird              20-209
Gres         Henry Johnson                39-66
Greve        Amelia (Manley)              53-199
Greve        Anelia Manley                 7-78
Greve        Frederick                    47-372
Greve        John Frederick Wilhelm       47-372/a
Greve        Mary Eliza                   47-373
Greve        Sophia Eberhart              20-210
Grevie       Peter                        31-406
Grey         Elizabeth                    58-69
Grey         Elizabeth Herley              7-79
Grias        Adam                         38-250
Gribner      John                          7-81
Gribner      Philippina (Mrs.)             7-80
Grider       Amanda Jane Campbell          7-82
Grider       John Carson                   7-83
Grider       John Wesley                   7-84
Grider       Nancy Elizabeth Hutchison    31-394
Grider       Permelia LaVesta Butts        7-85
Grider       Tobias S.                    65-121/s
Gridley      Charles Edward               39-67
Gridley      Clarence D.                  30-10
Gridley      George W.                     7-86
Gridley      George Washington            39-68
Gridley      Helen Orcutt                  7-87
Gridley      Reuel Coet                   23-82
Gridley      Reuel Colt                    7-88
Gridley      Susana Snidor (Mrs.)         23-83
Gries        Adam                          7-89
Gries        Elizabeth                     7-90
Gries        Elizabeth Turbett            57-70
Gries        George W.                     7-91
Gries        Jacob Kaiser                 50-102
Gries        Jacob Kaiser                 57-71
Gries        John E.                       7-92
Gries        Louisa Matilda                7-93
Gries        Matilda                       7-94
Gries        Sarah Ellen                   7-95
Griesback    Jacob                        49-99
Grieve       Frederick Wm.                53-198
Grieves      Anne                         52-361
Grieves      Lillie Eliza                 49-265
Griffen      Mary Genevieve                1-399
Griffin      Ellen (Mrs.)                  7-96
Griffin      Eva Frances                  20-211
Griffin      Frances Smith                23-80
Griffin      George T.                    20-212
Griffin      George Thomas                29-196
Griffin      George W.                    30-424
Griffin      James Benjamin               40-237
Griffin      Joel W.                      23-81/s
Griffin      John                         39-69
Griffin      John                         39-73
Griffin      John F.                      32-141
Griffin      Joseph                       30-423
Griffin      Joseph                       32-139
Griffin      Joseph                       32-411
Griffin      Louisa                        7-97
Griffin      Lucinda Elizabeth            54-33
Griffin      Nancy Ely                    32-140
Griffin      Patrick                      63-190
Griffin      Russell                      39-70
Griffin      Thomas David                 32-412
Griffin      William H.                    7-99
Griffin      William Henry                 7-100
Griffin      William W.                   20-213
Griffin      Wm. Andrew                    7-98
Griffith     Abram                        58-348
Griffith     Benjamin A.                   7-101
Griffith     Calvin                        7-102
Griffith     Calvin Chesterfield          54-34
Griffith     Calvin Chesterfield          65-375/s
Griffith     E. (Dr.)                      7-103
Griffith     Evan                         31-412
Griffith     Geo. Lacy                    30-427
Griffith     George Riggs                 38-251
Griffith     Grace Antoinette             21-308
Griffith     Grace Dickinson               7-104
Griffith     Griffith L.                  39-74
Griffith     Irwin                        31-411
Griffith     James                        54-35
Griffith     James Alfred                 65-374
Griffith     James Watsley                30-188
Griffith     James Watsley                54-394
Griffith     John                         31-401
Griffith     John                         38-252
Griffith     John L.                      30-189
Griffith     John L.                      54-395
Griffith     John Lacy                    63-465
Griffith     John Locey                   39-72
Griffith     Lydia M. (Sensibaugh)        65-370
Griffith     Martha Matilda Scott         29-275
Griffiths    John                         39-71
Griffiths    Joseph                       18-5
Griffiths    Magdalena Lawson              7-105
Griffiths    Phoebe                       18-7
Griggs       Ida Ella                     20-214
Griggs       Joseph Henry                 27-498
Griggs       Sidney A.                    30-422
Grigsby      Catherine Gibbs              52-29
Grigsby      Cynthia nee Faires           69-3
Grigsby      Elmira nee Miller            69-1
Grigsby      Evelyn Endora Osborn         64-215
Grigsby      Harriet Frances               1-394
Grigsby      Isabelle                     68-197
Grigsby      Jesse                         7-106
Grigsby      P. D.                         7-107
Grigsby      Pamelia S.                   42-15
Grigsby      William Henderson            52-30
Grigsby      Willis                        7-108
Grijalva     Juan Pablo                   65-362
Grijalva     Maria Del Carmen             37-498
Grijalva     Maria Josefa                 31-402
Grijalva     Maria Yosefa                 31-402/a
Grillo       Giocomo                       7-109
Grillo       James                        49-98
Grillo       Maria Ghiglieri              60-6
Grillo       Maria Gighleri                7-110
Grim         Leonard                      49-266
Grimes       Brice                        60-30
Grimes       Catherine                    27-250
Grimes       Cleaton                      31-397
Grimes       Eleanora Hogle               60-29
Grimes       Eli                          20-215
Grimes       Eli                          22-435
Grimes       Ella                         27-252
Grimes       Isaac Copeland               27-249
Grimes       Margaret                     18-6
Grimes       Thomas Wilson                27-251
Grimm        Adele                        50-219
Grimm        Albert                       50-220
Grimm        Charles                      50-221
Grimm        Emil August                  48-151
Grimm        Ferdinand                    50-222
Grimm        Ferdinand James              50-223
Grimm        Fred                         48-152
Grimm        Frederick Wm.                50-224
Grimm        Mary R.                      48-153
Grimme       Sophie G. (Mrs.)              7-113
Grimshaw     Emma Mary Kraemer            40-238
Grimshaw     Sarah P. (Mrs.)               7-111
Grimshaw     William Robinson              7-112
Grinislow    William                      50-217
Grinnel      John                         39-75
Grist        Mary D.                      54-137
Griswold     Alfred                       68-201/s
Griswold     Benjamin M.                  49-267
Griswold     Daniel                       38-253
Griswold     Daniel                       47-194
Griswold     David                         7-114
Griswold     Frances Melissa              49-125
Griswold     George Willis                39-76
Griswold     Zalmon                       38-254
Gritton      Margaret                     58-377
Gritton      Margaret Johnson              7-115
Gritton      Margaret Johnson             63-155
Grizzle      Amanda Alice                 34-147
Grizzle      James Douglas                34-148
Grizzle      John David                   34-149
Grizzle      Maria E. Williams (Mrs.)     34-150
Grizzle      Mary Jane                    34-151
Groezinger   G.                            7-116
Grogan       Josephine Miller (Mrs.)      58-339
Groom        Marie Mathilda               18-8
Gros         Joseph                        7-117
Gross        Elisha Snow                   7-118
Gross        Esther                       57-109
Gross        J.                           50-46
Gross        John                         22-137
Grossglass   Henry                        39-77
Grossklaus   Christian                    39-78
Grossklaus   Gottleib                     39-79
Grosvenor    Daniel Wills                 39-80
Grotefend    Augustus Charles              7-119
Grotefend    Carl August                  47-374
Grother      Gavert                        7-120
Grother      Lillie Patrick               67-390
Grotton      Alonzo Llewellyn             39-81
Grout        Cyrus                        39-82
Grove        John Frederick Wilhelm       28-157
Grover       Alvin Merrill                47-230
Grover       Charles Alvin                47-231
Grover       George                       39-83
Grover       John                         39-84
Grover       Luther Perry                 47-375
Grover       Luther Perry                 63-177
Grover       Stephen F.                    7-121
Groves       Alexander                    39-85
Groves       Henrietta Crighton           20-216
Groves       Jerome Chas.                  7-122
Groves       Mary Angelina                50-218
Groves       Philip                       20-217
Groves       Sarah Adeline Wilcox          7-123
Groves       Sophia Elletta Stewart        7-124
Groves       Susan Dean McFarlan          20-218
Groves       William Henry                20-219
Groves       William Varney               39-86
Growell      Robert C.                    18-9
Growl        Marie (Mrs.)                  7-125
Grubb        Charles F.                   52-362
Grubb        Daniel                        7-126
Grubb        Daniel H.                    52-363
Grubb        Elizabeth                    52-364
Grubb        Oscar Henry                  50-225
Grubbs       Bowen D.                      7-127
Grubbs       Eli Harrison                 39-87
Grubbs       Elisha M.                     7-128
Grubbs       James Hiram                   7-129
Grubbs       John                          7-130
Grubbs       John M.                       7-131
Grubbs       Mary Elvina Kennedy           7-132
Grubbs       Richard Champion              7-133
Grubbs       Richard Champion             39-88
Grubbs       Rocco M.                      7-134
Grubbs       Thomas                        7-135
Grubbs       William Jackson              39-89
Grubbs       Wm. Hood                      7-136
Grubbs       Wm. J.                        7-137
Grube        J. Carsten                   22-132
Gruben       Ann McGinity                 67-227
Grugin       Francis                      39-90
Grummet      Carl Albert                   1-390
Grummet      Charles Albert               39-91
Grummet      Elese Ebbeke                  7-138
Grummet      George Albert                 7-139
Gruner       Ann Smith                     7-140
Gruner       Helena Caroline Wollitz      55-282
Gruner       Lena Wollitz                 62-399
Grunsky      Carl Albert Leopold          60-142
Grunsky      Charles                      22-133
Grunsky      Clothilde                    51-227
Grupe        Catherine Margaret            7-142
Grupe        J. Carsten                   56-90
Grupe        John Caisten                  7-143
Gruttner     Augusta C. Voss               7-144
Gruw         William Snow                 38-255
Gruwell      Birdie Drais                  7-145
Gruwell      John D.                       7-146
Gruwell      John Davis                    7-147
Gruwell      L. H.                         7-148
Gruwell      Melvin                        7-149
Gruwell      R. C.                         7-150
Gruwell      Robert Cornelius              7-151

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