Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Surname Index - Fm-Fr

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LAST         FIRST                       VOL-PAGE
Foerster     August                       38-153
Fogarty      Alicia Frances               17-397
Fogarty      Nicholas Francis             20-153
Fogarty      Thomas                       66-101
Fogarty      Thomas Edward                65-385
Fogel        Jacob                        20-156
Foger        Walter (Fozer)               43-412
Fogerty      Mary                         23-221
Fogerty      Thomas Sr.                   57-492
Fogg         Edmund Wilson                30-7
Fogg         Timothy                      37-463
Foise        William H.                   60-357
Foley        Clarissa Sidney Wood         64-208
Foley        James                        38-154
Foley        John                         38-155
Foley        Philip                       43-413
Foley        Thomas                       17-398
Foley        Thomas John                   6-183
Foley        Timothy Patrick              60-133
Folger       Charlotte Rebecca            62-374
Folger       Clara E.                     20-154
Folger       James Pinkham                 1-335
Folger       Mary Ann Cain                 6-184
Folger       Seth                         60-145
Folk         Samuel S.                     6-185
Folkheimer   Barnet                       38-156
Folkman      Peter Thompson               38-157
Follrath     Adam                         66-435
Follrath     George Edward                66-438
Follrath     James Henry                  66-440
Follrath     Mary Jane                    66-439
Follrath     Mary Jane Mahaffy            66-436
Follrath     William Adam                 66-437
Folly        James                         6-186
Folsom       Ellen M. (Malle)             53-170
Folsom       George W.                    51-29
Folsom       Mary Ann                     28-138
Folsom       Olivette Manly               17-399
Foltz        Odessa Lourene               17-400
Fonda        Charles Egbert                6-187
Fontana      Emily A. (Mrs.)               6-188
Fontana      Emily Amanda Bouckow         20-157
Fontana      Mary Ethel Gallager          49-251
FontanaRosa  Antonio                      62-259
Fontenrose   Antonio                      62-259
Fontenrose   David                         6-189
Fontenrose   Joseph                        6-190
Fontinau     Antoine                      38-158
Foote        Anne W.                       6-191
Foote        Forrest                      17-401
Foote        Margaret Duncan              17-402
Foote        Wm. M.                       40-219
Foote        Wm. Z.                       40-220
Foppiano     Nicola                       17-403
Forbes       A. C.                        63-327
Forbes       Agnes                        22-28
Forbes       Alfred                       41-484
Forbes       Amanda Bellah Breen          47-160
Forbes       Charles H.                   40-221
Forbes       Charles H.                   41-485
Forbes       Clara Frances                41-486
Forbes       Edwin A.                     31-371
Forbes       Eugene E.                    47-135
Forbes       F. E.                        57-487
Forbes       Frank Howard                 41-487
Forbes       Franklin Pierce               1-322
Forbes       Frederick                    41-488
Forbes       George H.                     1-321
Forbes       Hugh Waldrin                  6-192
Forbes       J. B.                         1-324
Forbes       James Alexander               6-193
Forbes       James Alexander              31-370
Forbes       James Alexander              33-161
Forbes       James Alexander              41-490
Forbes       James Alexander Jr.          41-491
Forbes       James Alexander Sr.          40-222
Forbes       James D.                     37-464
Forbes       James Olonzo                 41-489
Forbes       James Winchell               38-159
Forbes       Jared                        34-130
Forbes       Jared                        38-160
Forbes       John Alexander               28-128
Forbes       John T.                      41-492
Forbes       Louis P.                     41-493
Forbes       Margaret                     41-494
Forbes       Martha Eleanor               41-495
Forbes       Mary Pierce                  34-131
Forbes       Miguel G.                    41-496
Forbes       Milville P.                   6-194
Forbes       William                      44-214
Forbush      Sarah M.                     58-95
Ford         Alice Isabel Marvin           6-195
Ford         Andrew Jackson                1-336
Ford         Annie Truscott (Mrs.)        47-348
Ford         Anthony                      38-161
Ford         Carrie Earl McFadden         30-62
Ford         Carrie McFadden               1-358
Ford         Ellen Nash                   29-194
Ford         Erastus                      29-195
Ford         Henry Lambert                68-7
Ford         Henry P.                     37-465
Ford         James                         1-337
Ford         Jessie Madeline               1-338
Ford         Margaret (Mrs.)              17-404
Ford         Margaret Ellen               17-405
Ford         Mary                         20-158
Ford         Nellie Virginia Woodlee      68-8
Ford         Noah Eastman                 68-6
Ford         Reuben M.                    50-452
Ford         Richard Albion               38-162
Ford         Roena                         1-339
Ford         Rosalie                      25-302
Ford         Sheridan Jackson              1-340
Ford         Stephen Speed                38-163
Ford         Trumbull James                1-341
Forde        Anna M.                      20-159
Fordham      John Freeborn                38-164
Foree        Alice Premilla               27-122
Foreman      Benjamin Franklin            32-389
Foreman      Bryant                        6-196
Foreman      Hugh                         38-165
Foreman      Josephine A.                  6-197
Foreman      Margret                       6-198
Foreman      Rose Carroll                  6-199
Foreman      Rose Carroll (Mrs.)          54-385
Foreman      Samuel                        6-200
Foreman      Samuel                       22-109
Foreman      Samuel                       56-73
Foreman      Susan                         6-201
Foreman      William                       6-202
Foreman      William                       6-203
Foreman      William                      38-166
Foreman      William C.                    6-204
Foreman      Wm.                          54-386
Foreman      Wm. C.                       54-387
Forester     Luella Davis                  6-205
Forkner      Albert M.                     1-344
Forkner      Alexander B.                  1-345
Forkner      Alexander Bryson             37-466
Forkner      Jacob Allen                   1-346
Forkner      Louella M. McClelland         1-347
Forkner      Samuel                       38-167
Forkum       Joseph Doss                  38-168
Forley       Jewett Chauncy               38-90
Forner       Frederick A.                 17-406
Forney       Cornelius                    66-227
Forney       Mary Frances                 63-473/a
Forni        Amelia N.                    67-218
Forni        Florinda M. Orelli Fripp     66-345
Forni        Josephine L.                 58-383
Forni        Louisa                       67-217
Forni        Oaja Dunlop O.               41-497
Forni        Samuel Q.                    58-384
Forni        Samuel Quirino               66-346
Forrest      Louis Florentine             38-169
Forrester    Elizabeth                    52-351
Forrester    William                      52-352
Forsman      Wm. T. (Capt.)               32-390
Forster      Don Juan                     35-442
Forster      Don Marco                    28-131
Forster      Don Marco                    28-132
Forster      Don Marco                    35-445
Forsting     Naomi Arvis Casteel           6-207
Forsyth      Alexander Sinclair           51-30
Forsythe     William                      38-170
Fortier      Marcella Perpetua             6-206
Fortier      William Hamilton             49-93
Fortna       Stephen R.                   38-171
Fortune      Sarah Helen Hereberg         17-407
Foss         Calvin Ichabod               69-32
Foss         John Rufus                   37-467
Foss         Nora Agnes (Mrs.)            34-132
Foss         Samuel Parker                41-62
Fossati      Nicola                       67-344
Fossati      Sarah (Lombardo)             67-345
Foster       Abagail Jewett Scott         48-453
Foster       Abram                         6-208
Foster       Allen                        37-468
Foster       Annie Leona                  29-415
Foster       Antonie                       6-209
Foster       Arthur Elmer                 17-408
Foster       B. F.                        21-434
Foster       Benjamin Franklin            48-454
Foster       Charles F.                   31-376
Foster       Charles Leonard              23-73
Foster       Chas. A.                     32-391
Foster       Clarborne                    50-11
Foster       Edwin                        48-449
Foster       Elizabeth Ruse                6-210
Foster       Elizabeth Ruse                6-281
Foster       Elvalina                      7-249a
Foster       Galatin                      38-172
Foster       Jacob                         6-211
Foster       Jerome                       37-469
Foster       John A.                       6-212
Foster       John Andrew                  38-173
Foster       John H.                      50-453
Foster       Joseph Arthur                23-317
Foster       Jubal Alonzo                 29-271
Foster       Laura Elizabeth               6-213
Foster       Lucy Parlee Elliott          23-74
Foster       Malcolm Gelchrease           38-174
Foster       Malcolm Nathaniel            38-175
Foster       Margaret                      6-214
Foster       Margaret                     50-12
Foster       Mary                          6-215
Foster       Mary Caroline                 6-216
Foster       Mary Forman Wood             64-288
Foster       Peter Charles                37-470
Foster       Ransom                       38-176
Foster       Robert                       51-194
Foster       Sarah Ann                    62-482
Foster       Sarah Ann C. Murphy          66-158
Foster       Steven C.                    53-171
Foster       Stewart                      62-355
Foster       Susan Alma                   23-476
Foster       Susan Jane                   51-195
Foster       William B.                   29-413
Foster       William McAllister           66-157
Foster       William Meredith             29-414
Foster       William Robert               38-177
Foubert      Eugene A.                    48-143
Foubert      Eugene J.                    48-144
Fountain     George C.                     6-217
Fountain     Joshua                       31-364
Fountain     Melinda E. Thompson           6-218
Fountain     William Andrew               32-135
Fowl         Jacob                        38-178
Fowle        Bertha                       17-411
Fowle        Cora Mecklenburg              1-357
Fowle        Jacob                        38-179
Fowler       Andrew Jackson               58-134
Fowler       Andrew Jackson               60-469
Fowler       Andrew Jackson               66-5
Fowler       Bell Jane Fagg                1-369
Fowler       Benjamin Franklin            65-337
Fowler       Benjamin Franklin            66-4
Fowler       Charlotte                    43-414
Fowler       Charlotte Cartwright         17-409
Fowler       Edmund Isaac                 58-132
Fowler       Edmund Isaac                 58-132/a
Fowler       Emily Weaver                  1-365
Fowler       J. H.                        22-115
Fowler       James Lewis                   1-366
Fowler       James Washington             37-471
Fowler       Jennie Elizabeth Phillips    66-3
Fowler       John                         66-109
Fowler       John Isaac                   65-495
Fowler       Joseph Miner                 21-268
Fowler       Keziah James                 58-133/a
Fowler       Keziah Jones                 58-133
Fowler       Larkin Green                 17-410
Fowler       M. R. (Dr.)                  32-392
Fowler       Malinda Jane Jamison         66-111
Fowler       Martha Catherine             51-155
Fowler       Mary Ann Thompson             6-220
Fowler       Melissa                       1-348
Fowler       Miranda                       6-219
Fowler       Richard                      68-306
Fowler       Synthia Jane                 26-335
Fowler       Tennessee Onero (Herndon)    65-496
Fowler       Walter Henry                 66-112
Fowler       Welcome                      66-110
Fowler       William                      38-180
Fowler       William Harvey               38-181
Fox          Albert H.                    41-63
Fox          Albert Sherman               36-475
Fox          B. S.                         6-221
Fox          Henry John (Fuchs)           27-121
Fox          James                        64-345
Fox          John                         23-302
Fox          John                         36-476
Fox          Kittie Ann Shepherd           6-228
Fox          Margaret Elizabeth            6-222
Fox          Mary (Mrs.)                   6-223
Fox          Mary Howe Hinds              25-98
Fox          Mary J. (Castruccia)         53-172
Fox          Presley                       6-224
Fox          Presley B.                   54-388
Fox          Presley Bryant               38-182
Fox          Richard                       6-225
Fox          Richard D.                    6-227
Fox          Susan Elizabeth              33-378
Fox          Thomas                       38-183
Fox          Viola Browder                 6-229
Fox          W. H.                         6-231
Fox          William Henry                 6-230
Foxen        Benjamin (Wm. Domingo)       23-69
Foxen        Ramona                       23-70
Foxen        Thomas Frank                 26-340
Foxen        William Benjamin             55-260
Foxen        William J.                   55-261
Foxen        William J. J.                55-262
Foy          Mary Emily                   66-372/s
Fozer        Walter (Foger)               43-412
Fradhlin     Ellen Mae Borden             23-219
Frake        Sarah Hedrick                 1-349
Frakes       Elizabeth Ann Knox            6-232
Frakes       Jessie                        6-233
Frakes       John                          6-234
Frakes       Thomas                        6-235
Frakes       Thomas                       55-263
Frakes       Thomas (Mrs.)                55-264
Frakes       Thomas Garnett               65-120
Frame        Amos                          6-236
Frame        George Elmer                 61-24
Frame        George Willett               37-472
Frampton     George                       47-349
France       F. W.                         6-237
France       John K.                      37-473
Francis      Alexander Antonio             6-277
Francis      Decima Ap.                    6-238
Francis      Ellen Lincoln Shaw           34-493
Francis      Ellen Shaw                   55-436
Francis      Florinda Forni (Mrs.)         6-278
Francis      Francis                       6-239
Francis      Grace Roberts                 6-240
Francis      John                         20-160
Francis      John Martin                  60-11
Francis      Mary                         29-192
Francis      Nicholas J.                  66-290
Francis      Richard Henry                 6-241
Francis      Samual (Capt.)               34-494
Francisco    Matias                       38-184
Franck       Frederick Christian           6-242
Franco       Pedro (Don)                  60-475
Francois     Charles                       6-279
Franhlin     Albert Benjamin              23-220
Frank        Alfred                       51-156
Frank        Esther                       17-413
Frank        Fanny (Hyman)                37-474
Frank        Joseph                       38-185
Frank        Lawrence H.                  20-161
Frank        Rebecca Crowdy               20-162
Frank P.     William                      35-36
Franke       Souisa Theresa               17-414
Frankenberg  Leon J.                      51-157
Frankenberg  Lil                          20-163
Frankl       Leopold                      59-477
Franklin     Adele                        20-164
Franklin     Annie Wolff                  55-265
Franklin     DeWitt C. (Dr.)              68-34
Franklin     Ella May Byrick              26-339
Franklin     James                        67-257
Franklin     Joseph                       55-266
Franklin     Mary Anderson                68-33
Franklin     Mary Elizabeth Lewis          6-243
Franklin     Theresa Elizabeth Bailard    44-493
Franklin     William Thomas               17-415
Franscioni   Gavina Marentis              48-145
Frantz       Fred                         17-416
Frantz       John Frederick               26-476
Frantz       John Fredrick                26-476/a
Franz        Emanuel                      28-133
Franz        John Frederick               48-455
Fraricks     Drederick                    38-186
Fraricks     John Henry                   38-187
Fraser       Daniel                       30-411
Fraser       Emma Patrick                 67-391
Fraser       Franklin Pierce              64-22
Fraser       Philip Barry                 17-417
Fraser       Thomas                       64-21
Fraser       William Henry                64-26
Frasier      Jared                        53-173
Frasier      Martin                       37-475
Fratis       Rita Claudine de Castro      25-295
Frazee       Lewis                        32-133
Frazer       Marie Lucille Glehan         17-418
Frazier      Isaac                         6-244
Frazier      Isaac                        21-465
Frazier      John                         37-476
Frazier      Lucinda (Mrs.)               21-466
Frazier      Mary Lee Dun                  1-350
Frederick    John                         38-188
Frederick    John Harvey                  49-94
Frederick    Michael                      68-10
Frederick    Nicholas                     49-95
Frederick    Sophie                       49-96
Frederick    Sybilla                      49-97
Frederick    Thomas                        1-351
Fredericke   Genuther                      6-245
Free         George A.                     6-247
Free         William                      27-491
Freear       Horace Robert                20-165
Freeland     John                         37-477
Freeland     Thomas Benton                61-189
Freeman      Albert                        6-248
Freeman      Andrew Jasper                34-133
Freeman      Charles James (Dr.)          51-250
Freeman      Clara M. (Dr.)               25-124
Freeman      Darius                       23-410
Freeman      Edward C.                    50-454
Freeman      Emil R.                       6-249
Freeman      Emma                          6-250
Freeman      Frank S. (Hon.)              31-375
Freeman      Frederick Nye                37-478
Freeman      George A.                     6-251
Freeman      George W.                    63-217
Freeman      Henry D.                      6-252
Freeman      Henry Darius                 17-419
Freeman      I.                           63-328
Freeman      James                         6-253
Freeman      James Lincoln                17-420
Freeman      James William (Hon.)         57-229
Freeman      John Allan (Rev.)            34-134
Freeman      John C.                      51-251
Freeman      John Cornish                 37-479
Freeman      John E.                       6-254
Freeman      John Elmer                   21-303
Freeman      John Elmer                   23-408
Freeman      John Frank                   34-135
Freeman      John W.                      31-379
Freeman      Lucretia Streeter             1-354
Freeman      Lydia J. Perrias             23-412
Freeman      Lydia Jane (Perrins)         21-304
Freeman      Lydia Perrins                 6-255
Freeman      Martini Foxen                51-252
Freeman      Mary Alice Murray             6-256
Freeman      Mary Halstead                 6-257
Freeman      Mary Halstead                23-411
Freeman      Mary Lucas                    6-258
Freeman      Mary Lucas                   17-421
Freeman      Mattie L. Gilliland           6-259
Freeman      Merrick L.                   21-305
Freeman      Nancy A. Harris              34-136
Freeman      Orin                          6-260
Freeman      Sarah Cass                    6-261
Freeman      Thomas Maseny                38-189
Freeman      Warren                        6-262
Freeman      William D.                   23-409
Freeman      William Darius                6-263
Freeman      William Darius               21-306
Freeman      William Edmund               38-190
Freeman      William Franklin              6-264
Freeman      Wm. F.                       22-120
Freer        James Bascomb                50-97
Freer        Leon Dennis (Hon.)           38-191
Freer        Lewis                        36-112
Freer        Peter                        36-113
Freer        Peter                        37-480
Freer        Peter                        38-192
Freer        Samuel                       37-481
Freer        Sarah Ann (Hopper)           50-98
Frees        John H.                      58-322
Freese       Edward Lottmann              38-193
Fregulia     Mary                          6-265
Freher       Philip Edward                17-412
Freisman     John                         25-125
Freitas      Franceico                    38-194
Fremont      Jessie Benton                66-368
Fremont      John Charles (Capt)          66-369
French       Addie A. Pierce               6-266
French       Benjamin Franklyn            24-382
French       California (Mrs.)             6-267
French       Charles                      24-383
French       Charles Durban               38-195
French       Charles E.                   28-130
French       Charles E.                   35-446
French       Charles Lewis                37-482
French       Cyrus                        38-196
French       Elizabeth Dent                6-268
French       Emma Masten                   1-352
French       Eunice                       65-85
French       George Monroe                17-422
French       Harrison (Mrs.)              23-245
French       Hugh Humphrey                38-197
French       Isaac L.                     38-198
French       James                        56-230
French       John Lewis                   56-231
French       Julia Douglas Ortley         67-94
French       Katherine                     6-269
French       Milton                       32-137
French       Thomas J.                     1-353
French       W. B.                        27-488
French       William (Mrs.)                6-271
French       William B.                    6-270
Frerichs     George Louis                 54-126
Freshonr     Martin                       49-252
Freshour     Bessie Finley                31-393
Freshour     George Wesley                50-205
Freshour     Joseph Frank                 31-392
Freuque      Dolores Magdeline            49-253
Frey         Anna Kluver                   6-272
Frey         Edward                        6-273
Frey         Henry                         6-274
Frey         Joe                           6-275
Frey         Lizzie                        6-276
Frian        Martha Ann                   61-54
Fridley      Salome Morgan Lincoln         6-280
Friedberger  Arnold                        1-363
Friedberger  Leo                           1-361
Friedberger  Lotta Kaplin                  1-362
Friedel      Wilhelmina                   20-167
Friedlander  Herman                       58-443
Friedlander  May                          20-166
Friedlander  Pauline Meyer                58-442
Friedman     Fredolina                     5-459/a
Friedman     John                          6-282
Friedman     John                          6-282/a
Friedman     Sallie                       17-423
Friedman     Wilhelmina                    6-282/a
Friedrich    Charles Gottfried            27-493
Friedrich    Karl August                  27-494
Friedrich    Regina Caroline Hellwig      27-495
Friend       Annie W. Beers (Mrs.)        55-267
Friesleben   Daniel N.                     6-283
Friesleben   Daniel Nathan                37-483
Friesleben   Ella Marcus (Mrs.)           53-174
Friesmann    John                         37-484
Friezzell    Joseph James                  6-284
Frink        Caroline Wilson               6-285
Frink        Daniel (Hon.)                 6-286
Frink        George K.                    17-424
Frink        Marcus L.                    62-246
Frisbie      Adelayda (Adela) Vallejo     30-335
Frisbie      B. F.                        36-114
Frisbie      Edward                       31-377
Frisbie      Eleazer                      48-146
Frisbie      Ephyfania (Fannie) de        30-334
Frisbie      Henry                        38-200
Frisbie      John B.                      48-147
Frisbie      John B. (Captain)            30-183
Frisbie      John Blackman (Gen.)         31-380
Frisbie      Levi C.                      50-455
Frisbie      Levi C. (Dr.)                30-182
Frisbie      Lizzie M. Duhig              27-492
Frisch       Gotlieb                      38-199
Frisch       Johanna Christina             6-287
Frishholtz   John                         38-201
Frishholz    John                         30-184
Frishholz    Michael                      38-202
Fritsch      Jacob                        38-203
Fritter      Albertine Rice               64-234
Fritter      Frances Ann Cartwright       61-152
Fritter      John P.                      30-186
Fritter      John Powhatan                61-116
Fritter      John Powhatten               37-485
Fritter      Mary Marilda Coon            61-118
Fritts       H. R.                         6-288
Fritz        Anna Margaret                53-175
Fritz        Georgia Ann                  31-34
Fritz        Margaret                     20-168
Froelich     Gustavus                      6-289
Froh         John                         31-368
Froh         John                         65-439
Frontin      Joseph George                68-202/s
Frost        George Franklin              37-486
Frost        Henry A.                     20-169
Frost        James Henry                  38-204
Frost        John Marvin                  37-487
Frost        Mary Enos                     6-290
Frost        Simeon Loden                 37-488
Frost        Simeon Loder Jr.             37-489
Frost        Truman G.                    35-447
Frowe        Pernina                      52-353
Frowenfeld   Jacob                        20-170
Froyer       William Alexander            44-308
Frusetta     Joseph Francis               38-205
Fry          Christian Peachy             38-206
Fry          George                       37-490
Fry          George                       38-207
Fry          Irene Luvina Grizzle         34-137
Fry          Joseph Jackson               38-208
Fry          Mary Louisa Wiggins           6-291
Fry          Rachel Ellen                  6-292
Fry          Robert Bruce                 38-209
Frye         Charles Frederick            20-171
Frye         Chas. Frederic               49-14
Frye         Frank M.                     49-15
Frye         John W.                      49-16
Frye         Joshua                        6-293
Frye         Reuben Frederic              49-17
Frye         William H.                   49-18
Fryer        Maria                         6-294
Fryer        Marih                         1-326
Fryer        Richard C. (Rev.)            59-420
Fryer        Richard Chamberlain           1-359
Fryer        Richard Chamberlain          29-385

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