Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Surname Index - Fa-Ff

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LAST         FIRST                       VOL-PAGE
Faber        Annastasia Power             27-490
Faber        Felix                        27-489
Faber        Lucy Jane                     1-364
Fabian       Philip                       17-367
Fabing       Catherine                    65-182
Facht        Michael                      38-83
Fader        Annie Hayden                 34-120
Fagan        Edward                       38-84
Fagan        Jane                         26-334
Fagan        John                         60-416
Fagan        Lavina Jane Messick          67-431
Fagan        Margaret Duke                 6-54
Fagan        Margaret Duke                27-124
Fagan        Michael                      57-397
Fagan        Michael                      60-315
Fagan        Peirce Bye (Dr.)              6-56
Fagan        Peter                         6-55
Fagan        Peter                        27-123
Fagerberg    Harriet                       1-327
Fagg         Amanda M. Wood                1-368
Fagg         George                        1-370
Faggiano     J. B.                         6-57
Faggiano     John Baptiste                 1-360
Fagundes     Josephine                    49-247
Fahey        Dennis                        6-58
Fahey        John Thomas                  65-473
Fahey        Margaret Ann                 65-472
Fahey        Margaret Mann                 6-59
Fahey        Thomas F. V.                 53-159
Fair         Elizabeth M.                 20-137
Fairbank     Henry Augustus               38-85
Fairbank     James Edward Alfred           6-60
Fairbanks    Augustus L.                  37-445
Fairbanks    James                         6-61
Fairbanks    W. R.                         6-62
Fairbrother  Cleopatra Harriet             6-63
Fairchild    Alice Bidwell                 6-64
Fairchild    Anderson                     65-158
Fairchild    Anna Gray                     6-65
Fairchild    Hyman                         6-66
Fairchild    Sarah Kilton Ford             1-328
Fairchild    Susan Benson                  6-67
Fairchild    Thomas                        1-329
Fairchild    Thomas Henry                  1-330
Fairchild    W. H.                        27-487
Fairchild    William Heister               6-68
Fairchilds   Elizabeth                    47-174
Fairclo      George                        6-69
Fairfield    Ann Morton nee Tate          69-8
Fairlee      George Washington            62-239
Fairlee      Mary (Williams)              62-240
Fairman      Mary Elizabeth Butts         34-121
Fake         George J. (Captain)          17-368
Fake         George J. (Captain)          27-404
Fake         Lena S. (Mrs.)               17-369
Falck        Abraham                      37-446
Falck        Charles Lawrence             30-407
Falck        John C.                      30-406
Falk         H.                           38-86
Falkenstein  Alice A.                     60-322
Falkenstein  Mary R.                       6-70
Falkner      Robert Marshall              38-87
Fall         Amos Davis (Charles Wm.      54-476
Fallman      Frank A.                     53-462
Fallman      Louis                        53-463
Fallon       Carmel Cota Lodge            66-324
Fallon       Catherina                     6-71
Fallon       Catherine                     1-367
Fallon       Delia Dunning                 6-72
Fallon       Ellen Gregg                  66-175
Fallon       Ellen Murray                 25-403
Fallon       James G.                     66-176
Fallon       James L.                      6-73
Fallon       Jeremiah                     25-402
Fallon       Jeremiah                     25-420
Fallon       Jeremiah                     63-436
Fallon       Katherine Mercer              6-74
Fallon       Luke                         21-358
Fallon       Margaret Sheahan             66-299
Fallon       Mary                         50-379
Fallon       Mary Coyle                   21-359
Fallon       Owen                         66-174
Fallon       Roger Robert                 25-405
Fallon       Roger Robert                 58-105
Fallon       Thomas H.                    17-370
Fallon       William M. P.                25-404
Fallon       William Murray               58-104
Falor        Albert Allen                 66-51
Falor        Arthur Pliney                65-258
Falor        Catherine Frances Pells      65-257
Falor        Frank Eugene                 66-52
Falor        Mary Emma Dolson             66-50
Falor        Milo John                    65-256
Fanning      Alexander                    37-447
Fanning      Catherine                     6-75
Fanning      D. W.                        17-371
Fanning      Daniel W.                    22-108
Fanning      Daniel W.                    56-68
Fanning      H. M.                        22-107
Fanning      H. M.                        56-52
Fanning      H. T.                        56-472
Fanning      Harry Howard                 27-405
Fanning      Harry T.                     17-372
Fanning      Henry T.                     22-112
Fanning      Howard Malcolm               27-31
Fanning      Howard Malcolm               27-406
Fanning      James                         6-76
Fanning      John                          6-77
Fanning      Thomas                        6-78
Fanning      Thomas                       17-373
Faren        James                        37-448
Fargo        Lafayette                    38-88
Farish       Benjamin Franklin            38-89
Farley       Charles Keene                21-253
Farley       Francis                      60-176
Farley       James M.                      6-79
Farley       John                         38-91
Farley       John W.                      22-118
Farley       Mary Elizabeth Lucas         24-437
Farley       Robert K.                     6-80
Farley       William Harrison             38-92
Farlin       Charles                      32-134
Farmer       Agnes Theresa Shea           66-277
Farmer       Annie Victoria               51-152
Farmer       Clara Morey Hayward          59-112
Farmer       Eleanor Creighton            48-116
Farmer       Frank                        66-274
Farmer       Fredrick Edward              66-272
Farmer       Henry E.                     66-275
Farmer       Hiram Milo                   59-111
Farmer       Jessie                       25-99
Farmer       John W.                      35-443
Farmer       John Winfield                59-106
Farmer       Lewis Pettis                 31-362
Farmer       Mary Ann Ryan                66-273
Farmer       Phoebe                       59-108
Farmer       Rufus Monroe                 38-93
Farmer       Sallie Seely                 25-100
Farmer       Winfield                     59-107
Farnan       Joseph                       37-449
Farnan       Thomas J.                    61-220
Farney       Mark                          6-81
Farnham      Carrie                       50-195
Farnham      Charles Haines               50-196
Farnham      Daniel                       31-363
Farnham      Daniel                       31-372
Farnham      Ella                         50-197
Farnham      Ellison Putnam               38-94
Farnham      Erastus Sylvester            31-373
Farnham      Eugene H.                    50-198
Farnham      Frank                        50-199
Farnham      Hattie B.                    50-200
Farnham      Henry C.                      6-82
Farnham      Hiram C.                     50-201
Farnham      Russell                      22-119
Farnham      Russell                      55-439
Farnham      Walter S.                    50-202
Farnlacher   Emma                         20-138
Farnsworth   Ann Maria                     6-83
Farnsworth   Calvin Eldredge              17-374
Farnsworth   Calvin Eldridge               6-84
Farnsworth   Eldridge C.                   6-85
Farnsworth   Eliza                        28-134
Farnsworth   Fred William                 31-365
Farnsworth   Joseph                       31-366
Farnsworth   Joseph                       31-374
Farnsworth   Junius Franklin Jr.           6-87
Farnsworth   Junius Sr.                    6-86
Farnsworth   Lena Kocher                  36-109
Farnsworth   Mary Isabelle Creighton      44-310
Farnsworth   Norton                       37-450
Farnsworth   Norton                       44-311
Farnsworth   Norton                       47-226
Farnsworth   Seba Calvin                  69-16/s
Farnsworth   William Calvin               69-17/s
Farquhar     George                       38-95
Farr         George Peter                 38-96
Farraher     Mary Neilon                  64-402
Farrell      James                        17-375
Farrell      Mary                         17-376
Farrell      Royal John                   38-97
Farrell      Thomas                       38-98
Farren       John Edward                   6-90
Farren       Nicholas Jackson             37-451
Farren       Thomas                       17-377
Farrer       Mary Eloise Dorsey           23-397
Farrer       Samuel                       43-408
Farrington   H. L.                        22-122
Farrington   H. S.                        22-117
Farrington   Mary Ella                    60-140
Farrow       Josephine Bernhardt           6-91
Farrow       Napoleon Bonaparte           38-99
Fasenfeldt   David                        37-452
Fasseno      Ida Pandola                   6-92
Fassero      Ida (Mrs.)                   23-326
Fassett      Ada                          62-383
Fassett      Charles Henry                62-381
Fassett      George                       62-386
Fassett      May                          62-384
Fassett      Truman                       62-382
Fassett      Truman Lewis                 62-388
Fast         Elmira Gray Hetfield         61-148
Father       Martin Nevin                 33-377
Faul         Caroline (Ruch)(Mrs.)        54-376
Faul         Caroline Ruch                 6-93
Faul         Charles H.                    6-94
Faul         Clara                         6-95
Faul         Frank George                  6-96
Faul         Frank George                 54-377
Faul         Fred Edward                  54-378
Faul         Frederick E.                  1-343
Faul         Jacob                         6-97
Faul         Jacob                        54-379
Faul         Lena                          1-342
Faul         Louise                        6-98
Faulkner     Charles                      30-8
Faulkner     Charles                      31-382
Faulkner     Charles                      61-383
Faulkner     Charley                      38-100
Faulkner     Daniel A.                    32-384
Faulkner     George                       38-101
Faulkner     James Monroe                 38-102
Faulkner     Thomas                       37-453
Faunce       Emma                         24-25
Faunce       Emma Jane                     6-99
Faunce       William Jasper                6-100
Faunt        George                       38-103
Fawcett      John                         59-15
Fawcett      Margaret Harlan              59-16
Fawcett      Richard                       6-101
Fawcett      Richard                      59-13
Fawcett      Rosamond Eglan               59-14
Fay          Michael                      40-208
Fay          Sarah Helen                   6-102
Fay          William                      38-104
Feagin       Elizabeth Jones              19-350
Feagin       Elizabeth Jones              23-71
Feagin       Pleasant R.                  19-349
Feagin       Pleasant Ruffin              23-72
Feagins      Elizabeth Jones               6-103
Feagins      Elizabeth Jones              26-478
Feagins      Pleasant R.                   6-104
Feagins      Pleasant R.                  26-477
Feally       T. W.                         6-105
Featherston  William                      38-105
Fee          Andrew                       37-454
Fee          James                         6-106
Fee          John                         38-106
Fee          John W.                       6-108
Fee          Martha Combs                  6-107
Fee          Mary Belle                   34-122
Feely        Elizabeth                    53-160
Feeney       James Aloissius              34-123
Feeney       Sarah McBride                34-125
Feeny        Richard Henry                50-449
Feese        Joseph                       19-353
Fehely       Patrick                      65-78
Feist        Lorentz                      38-107
Feit         Daniel                       38-108
Feldbusch    Charles H.                   20-139
Feldon       Jane                         50-203
Felitor      William                      38-109
Felix        Luz Lopez                    63-291
Feliz        Felipa                       47-227
Feliz        Juan Jose                    40-209
Feliz        Rafaela                      40-210
Feliz        Sacramento                   61-92
Fell         Edward T.                    29-477
Fell         James                         6-109
Fell         Matilda Wright               29-476
Fellon       John                          6-110
Fellon       Mathias                       6-111
Fellows      Anna McCabe                   6-112
Fellows      David S.                     21-360
Fellows      David S.                     28-135
Fellows      George                        6-113
Felt         Catherine Miller             50-380
Felt         John W.                      17-378
Felt         Orra Lyon Plank              66-190
Felt         Orson B.                     17-379
Felt         Theodore Dwight Sr.          50-381
Felton       Joann "John"                 67-47
Felts        Christopher Columbus         32-385
Fembres      Teresa Davis                 26-73
Fenderson    Cyrus                        61-344
Fenderson    Mary E.                       6-115
Fenner       George Davison               38-110
Fennessy     Jeremiah                     38-111
Fentem       Richard Burton               65-116
Fenton       Emma Josephine               52-342
Fenton       Mary Ann Victoria Labadie    20-140
Fenwick      Alexander                     6-114
Fenwick      Amanda Alvina                55-250
Fenwick      Nancy Ann (Mrs.)             55-251
Feran        Henry                        31-381
Feraud       Jules                        53-161
Ferguson     Aaron A.                     65-119/s
Ferguson     Aaron Archibald              64-367
Ferguson     Andrew Jackson               38-112
Ferguson     Andy D.                       6-116
Ferguson     Arza Patterson                6-117
Ferguson     F. M.                        22-125
Ferguson     F. M.                        56-8
Ferguson     John William                 64-356
Ferguson     Marcellite LeFevre           65-117/s
Ferguson     Marsalette Le Fevre          64-368
Ferguson     Mary Thomas                  64-361
Ferguson     Nancy Z.                     64-207
Ferguson     Nathaniel                    38-113
Ferguson     Obediah                      37-455
Ferguson     Robert J.                    30-409
Ferguson     Robert J.                    54-380
Ferguson     Robert James                  6-118
Ferguson     Thomas                       67-29
Ferman       Edward G.                    31-33
Fernald      Charles (Judge)              55-254
Fernald      Charles (Mrs.)               55-253
Fernald      Florence                     55-252
Fernandez    Abraham Edward                6-119
Fernandez    Bernando                     52-18
Fernandez    Ida Urquidez                  6-120
Fernandez    Jose Reyes Roberts            6-121
Fernandez    Victoria                     20-141
Fero         William Henry                38-114
Ferqua       George H.                     1-323
Ferral       John                         17-380
Ferrando     Edvige                       43-407
Ferrari      Clara Fregulia                6-122
Ferrari      Louis de                      6-123
Ferrari      Lucinda                      20-142
Ferratti     Garbarina Sovera             52-19
Ferrel       Jessie Frances                6-124
Ferrel       Jessie Frances               22-429
Ferrel       William Jasper                6-125
Ferrelly     Catharine Leahy               6-88
Ferrelly     Patrick                       6-89
Ferrier      I. P.                         6-126
Ferrill      John D.                      67-363
Ferris       Mary                         52-343
Ferris       Richard L.                   62-179
Ferry        Charles C.                   49-9
Ferry        Francis                      49-10
Ferry        Henry                        49-248
Ferry        Mary Mamie                   49-11
Ferson       Horace Dane                  38-115
Fesler       Austin R.                    54-298
Fesler       Isaac                        54-299
Fetter       Frank Culin                  18-1
Fetter       Henry                        38-116
Fetter       Paul                         38-117
Fetters      Charles                      54-381
Feudge       Henry Edward                 26-336
Feudge       John (Colonel)               26-337
Feudge       Susan Kenifeck               26-338

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