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LAST FIRST VOL-PAGE Dial C. H. 22-91 Dial Charles Hinkle 27-29 Dial G. H. 55-463 Diamond Mary 5-287 Diaz Alphonso 53-138 Dibble Ambrose 5-288 Dibble Ambrose M. 37-95 Dibble John Charles 37-96 Dibble Mary Lewellyn 50-444 Dibble Sarah A. 5-289 Dibert Sarah Ann 56-259 Dichman Bessie Allen Grattan 40-234 Dick Alexander 37-97 Dick Alexander 56-486 Dick Jennie 58-186 Dick John 37-98 Dick Martha Ellen Combs 5-290 Dickens Charles 50-7 Dickens George Washington 50-8 Dickenson Cosby 37-271 Dickenson David Hubbard 37-272 Dickenson Edward Stevenson 37-273 Dickenson Gallant Duncan 51-495 Dickenson George W. 51-496 Dickenson Ida Belle Hawley 64-80 Dickenson Joseph 5-292 Dickenson Lua Reamond 46-22 Dickenson Mansfield 37-274 Dickenson Phebe Elizabeth 62-499 Dickenson Richardson 37-275 Dickerman Ida May 50-193 Dickerson Cora Estella 32-366 Dickerson George Fauntleroy D. 32-367 Dickerson Ida May 47-133 Dickerson Louis Martin 32-368 Dickerson Marshal Sheeley 32-369 Dickey Joseph Harvey 37-276 Dickieson Emily McDonnel Shand 24-291 Dickins Jonathan 49-231 Dickinson Dora Cordelia 5-291 Dickinson John J. 5-293 Dickinson Wilson 37-99 Dickison Margaret 51-141 Dickman Jno. H. 49-232 Dickson John Calvin 5-294 Dickson John Hamilton 64-322 Dickson Margaret P. 51-241 Dickson William J. 5-295 Dicus Charles 31-353 Dicus S. C. 31-354 Diebold Albert Augustus 5-296 Diebold Mary Ann Riley 5-297 Dieckmann Peter 55-237 Diercks Harriet 5-298 Dierick Jacob 37-277 Dies Lucy P. V. (Mrs.) 28-102 Dieven Edward Ludwig Peter 49-233 Diffen Andrew Gibson 64-382 Diffen James Orlando 64-385 Diggles Lottie 17-308 Diggs David Pitt 31-345 Dikeman Rufus 37-278 Dill Armstrong G. 5-299 Dill Armstrong Gregory 37-279 Dill Eva Vogel 48-132 Dill Frank Marion 5-300 Dillard George Washington 51-497 Dillard Mary Susan Billingsley 51-498 Dille Joseph D. 60-387 Dillen Joseph Andrew 37-100 Dillian Lavina Jane Hamrick 5-301/a Dillian Levina Jane Hamrick 5-301 Dilling Andrew 5-302 Dilling Frank 5-303 Dilling Isabel Wright 5-305 Dilling Isabelle 5-304 Dillingham Frank 17-309 Dillion George 5-306 Dillion Matilda Blevings 20-99 Dillion Willaim Riley 5-307 Dillman Fannie (Miss) 28-106 Dillon Edward 1-304 Dillon John 5-308 Dillon Joseph A. 30-391 Dillon Peter 37-280 Dimick Annie 55-89 Dimick Clarence 55-90 Dimick Clarence 55-91 Dimick Edward 55-92 Dimick Elsworth 55-93 Dimick George 55-94 Dimick William 55-95 Dimock Joseph 61-281 Dimock Martha Jane 5-309 Dimock Matilda A. Drake 61-282 Dingel Jacob 37-281 Dingel John 37-282 Dingley A. S. 21-460 Dingley Albert Samuel 20-100 Dingley Henrietta E. 50-376 Dingley Joseph 59-258 Dingley Laura Delacey Lillabridge 50-377 Dingley Martha Jordan 59-257 Dingley Nellie Barnes 20-101 Dingley Samuel 21-461 Dingley Samuel 23-59 Dingley Samuel 59-259 Dininger F. 36-98 Dinklage Herman 29-410 Dinklage Jennie Levy 29-411 Dinning William 5-310 DiNola Leon 49-234 Dinwiddie John White 34-74 Dinwiddie Mary Elizabeth 24-30 Dion Sarah 21-299 Dion Sarah Agnes 1-296 Dippel Philip 65-453/s Dipper Florence Josephine 17-310 Dippon Christopher 37-283 Dirks Adelia 63-144 Dirks John J. (Jan Janse) 63-143 Dirlam James Munroe 37-284 Disbrew Wm. Henry 51-142 Disney Mary Ellen 5-311 Disney Theodore Goodlo 5-312 Distel B. 5-313 Distel Edward F. 5-315 Distel Winifred V. 5-314 Dittemore Clarence Albert 5-316 Dittemore Loren Jeter 5-317 Ditzler Elizabeth J. 5-318 Ditzler Michael 37-285 Divelbiss Benjamin Arnold 37-101 Divver Mary Jane 17-311 Dixie Marie 53-139 Dixon Catherine 20-102 Dixon Christine Elizabeth Hahn 5-320 Dixon Eliza Ann Whisman 67-69 Dixon Emily Sophia Elliott 5-321 Dixon Emma Franke Wubbena 1-292 Dixon Henry W. 1-291 Dixon Hosea 37-286 Dixon James 49-235 Dixon Mary E. 50-194 Dixon William Edward 5-322 Dixon William Edward Sr. 38-71 Dixon William H. 63-189
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