Native Daughters of the Golden West
California Pioneer Project
Surname Index - Cm-Cr

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LAST         FIRST                       VOL-PAGE
Coates       Anne Jane Tuttle             27-108
Coates       George Washington            44-210
Coates       Henrietta Sabelle             1-241
Coates       Ida Helen Walker             66-477
Coates       John                          1-240
Coats        Alice M.                     63-36
Coats        Carlos Austin                24-257
Coats        Catherine McKay              54-219
Coats        James                        63-34
Coats        James M.                     63-39
Coats        James W.                     63-40
Coats        Laura A.                     63-37
Coats        Mary E.                      63-41
Coats        Mary Ivers Reynolds          24-258
Coats        Myrtle J.                    63-43
Coats        Newton                       54-220
Coats        Silas Duncan                 26-63
Coats        Silas Dunham                 24-259
Coats        Silas Timothy                24-256
Coats        Susan E.                     63-38
Coats        Thomas Jefferson             63-42
Coats        Wm. A.                       36-70
Cobb         Annie E. Huckson              4-353
Cobb         George Briggs                47-305
Cobb         John                          4-354
Cobb         Matilda Standiford           23-36
Coblentz     Samuel                       17-229
Cobler       Sara Jane Anderson           23-467/a
Cobler       Sarah Jane Anderson          23-467
Coburn       Ella Anthony                 48-411
Coburn       Samuel Shepherd              27-103
Coburn       William Riley                37-37
Cochran      Charles M.                   34-55
Cochran      Connelly Alexander           63-203
Cochran      Connelly Alexander           63-428
Cochran      Jackson                      35-391
Cochran      James                        37-38
Cochran      Joseph Albert                63-204
Cochran      Lucy Hutton Sutch            58-402
Cochran      Mary Goetjen                 58-426
Cochran      R. M.                        63-214
Cochran      Sarah Jane                   63-427
Cochrane     Ann E.                        4-355
Cockerton    Ebenezer                     65-390
Coco         Nalatie Carnem               28-61
Coddington   C. H.                        29-408
Coddington   James                        36-71
Codington    Arthur David                 62-160
Codington    Charles Frederick            62-157
Codington    Frank Perry                  62-159
Codington    Lida                         62-161
Codington    Mary Louise (Mrs.)            4-356
Codington    William Edward               62-156
Codington    William Henry                62-154
Codoni       Joseph                        4-357
Cody         Catherine Anne                4-358
Cody         Charles                      17-230
Cody         Michael                      37-39
Coe          Rebecca McCracken            47-485
Coen         Patrick                      17-231
Coen         William                      17-232
Cofer        Allen Tice                   60-124
Cofer        Charles L.                   31-307
Coffee       Elizabeth                    20-50
Coffee       Kate Ellen Wooten            66-323
Coffee       Martha Ann Howell             4-359
Coffee       Stockard Wadkins              4-360
Coffee       Stockard Wadkins             25-117
Coffer       David Philip                 53-115
Coffey       Samuel A.                    53-116
Coffey       William Joseph               62-443
Coffey       William R.                   45-280
Coffin       Ann Eliza                     4-361
Coffin       David W.                      4-362
Coffin       Harriet M. Lewis              4-363
Coffman      Joseph Martin                30-387
Coffman      Margaret E. McConnell        64-216
Coffman      Martin                       30-388
Coffroth     James Wood                   66-339
Coflin       Daniel Nelson                48-100
Coflin       Harriet Lewis                48-101
Coflin       Harriet Mary (Mrs.)          23-240
Coghilan     Catherine (Caughlin)         61-487
Coghill      Andrew J.                    66-498
Coghill      James Henry                  66-496
Coghill      William N.                   66-497
Coghlan      John (Hon.)                   4-364
Coghlan      Mary Ann Riley               20-51
Coghlan      O. R.                        50-441
Cogley       James                        37-40
Cogswell     Alice Brewster               20-52
Cogswell     Edwin Bruce                   4-365
Cogswell     G. M.                         4-366
Cogswell     James Layfayette (Dr)        65-245
Cogswell     Lucius T.                    29-268
Cohen        Meyer                        36-453
Cohen        Sarah Goldwater               4-367
Cohn         Alice Martha                  4-368
Cohn         Caroline (Kohn)               4-369
Cohn         Charles                      37-41
Cohn         Eva                          20-53
Cohn         Hirsch                       37-42
Cohn         Julia S.                      1-178
Cohn         Levi                         24-260
Cohn         Richard Thomas               32-352
Cohn         Samuel E.                    20-54
Cohn         Sarah Levy                    4-371
Cohn         Sarah Marks                   4-370
Cohn         Simon                         4-372
Coil         Alexander                     4-373
Coil         Charles                      31-312
Coil         Herbert E.                   31-304
Coil         Nellie                       53-117
Coiner       Daniel                       50-79
Coiner       Florence Lee                 23-468
Coiner       Isabel Anderson              50-80
Coiner       Sallie Belle                 50-82
Coit         Lillie Hitchcock             67-151/s
Colaya       Nativo                       53-118
Colb         Mary Jane Hicks              17-233
Colbert      Edmund                       37-43
Colbert      Grace Udell Norman           63-259
Colby        Alfred S.                     4-374
Colby        Caroline Amelia Smith         4-375
Colby        George Fred                   4-376
Colby        Gilbert Winslow               4-377
Colby        Gilbert Winslow              37-44
Cole         Abigail Martha                1-179
Cole         Alfred T.                     1-230
Cole         Andrew Jackson               34-56
Cole         Celia Ann                    60-210
Cole         Conrad                       37-45
Cole         Elizabeth O. (Foster)        65-377
Cole         Eulalie                      25-121
Cole         Fanny Snell                  59-406
Cole         Jesse                        59-407
Cole         John Alva                    23-449
Cole         John Alva                    53-119
Cole         John Smith                   25-118
Cole         Jos. H.                      55-497
Cole         Joseph H.                    22-85
Cole         Marie Eulalia                61-264
Cole         Martha Hutchison              1-229
Cole         Martha Jane Hutchison        31-321
Cole         Nathaniel Palmer             65-376
Cole         Rebecca Sawyer               20-55
Cole         Sterling Lincoln             58-342
Cole         William Henry                23-450
Cole         William Henry                37-46
Cole         William Marion               67-11
Coleman      John                         17-234
Coleman      John Joseph                   4-378
Coleman      Mary Ada Trace               28-76
Coleman      Mary Minnie                  58-100
Coley        Henry Clay                   35-392
Colhoun      Edmund R. (U.S.N.)           48-102
Colildo      Manuel                       49-207
Colin        Jeremiah                     35-393
Collett      Joseph                       35-394
Collier      Cornelius A.                 36-72
Collier      Hannah Irene Morse           33-347
Collier      Harry Milton                 23-316
Collier      James H.                     36-73
Collier      W. G.                        23-387
Collier      William Jackson              30-51
Colliern     Harry Milton                 23-32
Collin       Henry Frederick              17-235
Collingwood  Margaret Walsh                4-379
Collins      Addison B.                   30-168
Collins      Addison Blair                35-395
Collins      Amos Wright                  51-207
Collins      Andrew James                 57-287
Collins      Ann (Mrs.)                   23-238
Collins      Anthony Snow                 37-47
Collins      Asa                           4-380
Collins      Asa                          21-454
Collins      Asa                          29-407
Collins      Augusta Hauschildt           57-290
Collins      Catherine                    20-56
Collins      Catherine                    22-422
Collins      David H.                     62-248
Collins      David Hayden                 54-7
Collins      Edward                        4-381
Collins      Edward                       26-457
Collins      Ella Lydia                   20-57
Collins      Flora (Mrs.)                 54-103
Collins      Francis Lee(Frank)           66-384
Collins      George U.                     4-383
Collins      Hanora Reagan                20-58
Collins      J. M.                         4-384
Collins      James                        17-236
Collins      James                        17-237
Collins      James Andrew                 57-289
Collins      James B.                     17-238
Collins      James Stanley                22-423
Collins      Jeremiah                     20-59
Collins      John                         35-396
Collins      John James                   20-60
Collins      John Thomas                  20-61
Collins      John Thomas                  22-424
Collins      Lew W.                        4-382
Collins      Lizzie E.                    57-286
Collins      M. J.                        23-236
Collins      Mary Anna                     4-385
Collins      Mary C.                      20-62
Collins      Mary C.                      22-425
Collins      Mary Jane Peyton             66-385
Collins      Nina MacFadyn                 4-386
Collins      S. A. (Dr.)                  63-218
Collins      Samuel Westly                 4-387
Collins      Timothy                      17-239
Collins      W. W.                        63-315
Collins      Willard E.                    4-388
Collins      William                      20-63
Collins      William West                 35-397
Collins      Williams                     22-426
Collis       Ann Esther nee Randall       69-5
Collis       Laura Susannee Grigsby       69-4
Collo        Mitchell                     35-398
Collyer      Jacob                        35-399
Colm         Jane S.                       4-390
Colm         John                          4-389
Colm         William W.                    4-391
Colman       Daniel Bryant                54-363
Colman       Daniel Bryant                63-421
Colman       Frederick (M.D.)              4-392
Colnon       E. L.                        56-473
Colnon       William                      22-77
Colohan      Lillian Harriet              58-393
Colombet     Clemente                      4-393
Colt         Edwin W.                     22-67
Colton       David                        52-319
Colwell      Edward                       35-400
Colyar       Georgia Anna Doss            20-64
Combs        Daniel                        4-394
Combs        Elmira Barnes                 4-395
Combs        Mary Elizabeth               58-107
Combustor    Maria G. Soberanes           29-5
Comegys      Edna A.                      48-88
Comegys      George W.                    48-89
Comegys      J. Lynn Lloyd                48-91
Comegys      Jacob (Judge)                48-90
Comfort      Carrie Henrietta Drullard     4-396
Compion      Marie                        33-333
Compton      Adam M.                       4-397
Compton      Andrew Jackson               68-379
Compton      H. C.                         4-399
Compton      H. C. Jr.                     4-398
Compton      H. T.                        22-81
Compton      Harry C.                     40-178
Compton      Margaret                     32-353
Compton      Mary Murdock                  4-400
Comstock     Andrew Jackson (Captain)     51-471
Comstock     Emily J.                     64-120
Comstock     George C.                    31-314
Comstock     Lewis Henry                  64-321
Comstock     Lucian Bonaparte             31-315
Conant       Roger                        54-104
Conard       Elizabeth Jane Anderson      24-160
Conard       Mary Alice A.                24-159
Conaway      J. A.                        59-448
Conaway      Lizzie Jane Blamey           59-447
Concannon    Edilia Bridget (Bridget)     61-311
Condell      F. C.                        22-83
Condell      F. C.                        55-480
Conder       John Wallace                 35-401
Conder       John Wallace                 35-402
Condit       Ellen McConchie (Mrs.)       48-108
Condit       James Havey                  48-109
Condit       Josephine L.                  4-401
Condon       David                        36-454
Condon       Ellen H.                     17-240
Condon       John                         17-241
Condon       John Henry                   17-242
Condon       Perry Green                  36-455
Condon       Richard                      37-48
Condon       Sarah Elizabeth              17-243
Condon       Stephen                      37-49
Condon       Susan Ann                    17-244
Cone         Joseph Spencer               31-305
Coney        Alexander                     4-406
Coney        Cecilia Michaels              4-407
Confer       Solomon Lytle                55-215
Confer       Susan                        55-216
Confer       William                      55-217
Confer       William (Mrs.)               55-218
Congdon      George F.                     1-180
Congrave     Carrie W. Mallett             4-413
Conkel       Isaac                        53-120
Conkel       Isaiah                       35-403
Conklin      Adaline                      51-472
Conklin      Alonzo Moses                 51-473
Conklin      Clara Antoinette             51-474
Conklin      E. B. (Prof.)                 4-409
Conklin      Ella                         51-475
Conklin      Emma Amelia                  51-476
Conklin      John Chambers                51-477
Conklin      Levi                         32-354
Conklin      Levi                         48-110
Conklin      Lily                         51-478
Conklin      Maggie                       51-479
Conklin      Marcus Lafayette             32-355
Conklin      Moses John                   51-480
Conkling     Sarah Jane Dryden            38-430
Conkling     Thomas Jefferson             38-431
Conley       James William                 4-408
Conley       Mary Ann Hazelton            67-178
Conley       William Maxwell              67-152/s
Conlin       Ann                          68-411
Conlin       Thomas                       19-345
Conlon       Thomas                        4-410
Conn         Carrie                       47-329
Conn         Connelley                     4-411
Conn         Francis                      21-262
Conn         Frederech                    44-211
Conn         Frederick Joseph             21-263
Conneau      Frank Ernest                 23-38
Connell      James William                17-246
Connelly     Anna                         30-122
Connelly     Mary Elizabeth               17-247
Connelly     Thomas                       37-51
Conner       Caswell L.                   64-164
Conner       D. V.                         4-412
Conner       Elizabeth A. Cluck           64-163
Conner       George Daniel                29-182
Conner       Lucinda Jane Carver          54-295
Conner       Lucinda Jane Carver          57-48
Connerry     John                         51-16
Connerry     Mary                         51-17
Conners      Cora Theresa                 56-204
Conners      Honora                       56-205
Conners      John                         56-207
Conners      John Jr.                     56-206
Connick      Isabella Dahle               17-245
Connolly     E.                           62-215
Connolly     Margaret Agnes               59-432
Connor       Hamilton Simeon              31-332
Connor       Henry                        64-165
Connor       Henry                        64-165/a
Connor       James                        63-264
Connor       Robert Brewer                64-166
Connors      John                         20-65
Conover      John Simpson                 29-365
Conrad       George A.                    27-24
Conrad       George Allen                  4-414
Conrad       George Washington            37-50
Conrad       George Washington            57-449
Conrad       Margaret Reeves Bosselle     57-450
Conrad       Mary Lukens                  48-111
Conrad       Mary R. Lukens               32-117
Conrad       Samuel                       32-112
Conrad       Samuel                       48-112
Conran       Ira Millan                   62-457
Considine    Daniel J. Sr.                59-436
Content      Ella                         26-316
Contreras    Antonia Anita                20-66
Conway       Bridget                       4-415
Conway       Elizabeth G.                 20-67
Conway       James Clenton                37-52
Conway       Mary Helena (Sister)         57-352
Conway       Sam                           4-416
Conway       Sam                          21-450
Conwell      Henry Ashbury                37-53
Conyea       Veriss Bettencourt           48-436
Coogan       Michael R.                   51-18
Cook         Aaron                        49-208
Cook         Ada Locke                    24-467
Cook         Albert William                4-417
Cook         Andrew J.                    40-179
Cook         Andrew Jackson               56-208
Cook         Anna Christina               17-248
Cook         Anna Elizabeth               62-370
Cook         Baron Frances Charles        55-219
Cook         Buford Henry                 26-311
Cook         Byron Francis Charles        17-249
Cook         Calvin Henry                  4-418
Cook         Charles C.                    4-419
Cook         Charles William              62-373
Cook         Daniel                       37-54
Cook         Elisha                       65-3
Cook         Emma Jane Brown               1-166
Cook         F. N.                         4-421
Cook         Florence                     56-209
Cook         George Franklin              49-209
Cook         Green Lafayette              56-210
Cook         Grove                        51-179
Cook         Henry                        35-404
Cook         Henry                        45-281
Cook         Henry Theodore               57-81
Cook         Hiram S.                     40-180
Cook         J.                            4-422
Cook         James Andrew                 56-211
Cook         James Clinton                56-212
Cook         James Douglas                53-121
Cook         James Wesley                 61-396
Cook         John De Bao                  55-220
Cook         John James                   57-79
Cook         John Wesley                  35-405
Cook         Joseph Edwards               62-361
Cook         Julia (Mrs.)                 17-250
Cook         Katherine Augusta Shinar     62-274
Cook         Laura Brittomart             23-469
Cook         Lavinia                      56-213
Cook         Lily Elerida                 23-470
Cook         Louis Horton                 49-5
Cook         Louisa Jane                  56-214
Cook         Martha Bolles                62-371
Cook         Mary Ann Turley              45-282
Cook         Mary Elizabeth               56-215
Cook         Mary Jane Kloss               4-423
Cook         Matilda Adeline Tanner       24-28
Cook         Mortimer                     49-210
Cook         Nannie                       20-68
Cook         Peter                         4-425
Cook         Polly Ann                    65-4
Cook         Rudolph D.                   26-456
Cook         Rudolph Desirous             68-91/s
Cook         Sarah Frances (Frankie)      56-216
Cook         Sarah Rogers                 61-397
Cook         Sarilda                      56-217
Cook         Theodore Tyler               62-368
Cook         Theresa Hagerty               4-424
Cook         Thomas                       43-390
Cook         Thomas Elwood                23-471
Cook         Thomas H.                    40-181
Cook         Warren                       20-69
Cook         William                       4-426
Cook         Willie                       56-218
Cooke        Carrie Louise                54-105
Cooke        Frederick William            54-106
Cooke        George Bowen (Capt)          54-107
Cooke        George Henry                 54-108
Cooke        J. B.                        31-311
Cooke        Kate Nelson                  54-109
Cooke        Minnie Fannie                54-110
Cooke        Susan Bowen                  54-111
Cooks        Elizabeth                    57-186
Coolbrith    Agnes                        38-54
Coolbrith    Ina (Josephine Dona          38-55
Cooley       Caleb                         4-427
Cooley       Christine Seiger             49-211
Cooley       Ellen Tolpot                 26-318
Cooley       Florence Howland              1-181
Cooley       Francis Chancey Erwin         4-428
Cooley       George                       26-317
Cooley       George                       64-473
Cooley       Henry Miller                  1-182
Cooley       John                          4-429
Cooley       John                         33-137
Cooley       John                         49-212
Coombe       Margaret Russ                 4-430
Coombs       Richard Gibson               30-107
Coombs       W. S.                         4-431
Coon         Albert William                4-432
Coon         Albert William               61-170
Coon         Allen Thurman                61-176
Coon         America Elizabeth            61-188
Coon         Andrew Jackson               35-406
Coon         Caroline Panama              61-165
Coon         Christian                    61-157
Coon         Coon Elizabeth               61-177
Coon         Elizabeth Huddle             28-71
Coon         Emmet                        34-57
Coon         Emmett                       61-174
Coon         Frances Flora                28-68
Coon         Hugh                          4-433
Coon         Hugh                         58-492
Coon         Isaac                        61-166
Coon         John                         61-236
Coon         Lucinda (Denning)            51-19
Coon         Margaret Jane                 4-434
Coon         Margaret Jane Gray           61-160
Coon         Martha Ellen                 28-70
Coon         Mary Jane                    28-69
Coon         Perry Matson                 61-167
Coon         Robert Michael                4-435
Coon         Robert Michael               61-169
Coon         Sarah Gray                   61-171
Coon         Sarah McCord Freeland        61-117
Coon         Susannah McCord              61-237
Coon         William                      28-72
Coon         William                      61-182
Coon         William Stogden              61-235
Cooney       John                         35-407
Cooney       John                         65-404/s
Cooney       John Patrick                 17-251
Cooney       Mary Ellen                    1-183
Coons        Benjamin Franklin            52-320
Coons        Edward Lanham                 4-436
Coons        George Washington             4-437
Coons        Irene Estella Davis           4-438
Coons        Irene Estrella Davis         38-56
Coons        Lewis                        35-408
Coons        Louisa Frances Reid          57-34
Coons        Ninion Whitesides             4-439
Coons        Ninion Whitesides            38-57
Coons        Sempronia Hamilton Lanham     4-440
Coons        William                      33-370
Coons        William Henry                57-33
Coop         Matilda                       4-441
Cooper       Alice                        40-182
Cooper       Annie                        17-252
Cooper       Annie                        40-183
Cooper       Augustus Astley              37-55
Cooper       Betty                        62-121
Cooper       Cecelia                       4-442
Cooper       Charles M.                   62-119
Cooper       Charles Richard               1-234
Cooper       Christina Cass Douglass       4-443
Cooper       Daniel Ayers                  4-444
Cooper       David McDaniel               36-456
Cooper       David McDaniel               37-56
Cooper       Elizabeth                    60-211
Cooper       Frank                         4-445
Cooper       Frank Leslie                 24-22
Cooper       Gardy                        60-212
Cooper       George                        4-446
Cooper       Hattie                       60-213
Cooper       Humphery Jackson             62-114.1
Cooper       J. B. (Captain)              30-164
Cooper       Jackson                      60-214
Cooper       James                         1-184
Cooper       James                         4-447
Cooper       James                         4-448
Cooper       James Foster                 35-409
Cooper       Joel S.                      62-117
Cooper       John G.                      66-192
Cooper       John Paxton                   4-449
Cooper       Margaret Ann                 62-123
Cooper       Maria Encarnacion Vallejo    30-328
Cooper       Martha J. Lamb                4-450
Cooper       Mary                         60-215
Cooper       Mary Ellen Lavelle           17-253
Cooper       Mary Gibbons (Mrs.)          32-356
Cooper       Mary Gibbons (Mrs.)          38-58
Cooper       Ophelia                      49-6
Cooper       Phebe Herrill                 4-451
Cooper       Rachel Virginia              57-102
Cooper       Robert Lee                   62-132
Cooper       Ruth                         62-116
Cooper       Sarah                        23-357
Cooper       Sarah Ann Walker              1-233
Cooper       Sarah Ann Walker             60-439
Cooper       Sarah Brown Ingersoll        66-321
Cooper       Stephen                      62-118
Cooper       Susie                        60-216
Cooper       Wiley                        35-410
Cooper       William                       4-452
Cooper       William                      40-184
Cooper       William A.                   17-254
Cooper       William B.                   62-120
Cooper       William R.                    4-453
Coots        Winifred                      1-239
Copeland     Euphemia Johnson              4-454
Copeland     Euphemia Narcissa             4-455
Copeland     James                        35-411
Copeland     John F.                       4-456
Copeland     John F.                      21-453
Copeland     Sarah Ellen Greenwell        63-296
Copello      Augustine                    49-213
Copenhaver   Adongah                      49-214
Copenhaver   Henry William                37-57
Coppin       Eliza                        42-151
Coppock      Annie Laura Everhart         59-160
Copsey       Mary J. (Herndon)            66-29
Corbett      Samuel J.                    63-316
Corbett      Wm. Lincoln                  17-255
Corbin       Anna Martha                  48-113
Corbin       E. Newell                    32-106
Corcoran     Bedelia Jennie                4-457
Corcoran     Bride McGrath                 1-235
Corcoran     Daniel                        4-458
Corcoran     James                         4-459
Corcoran     John J.                       4-460
Corcoran     Mary Bowen                    4-461
Corcoran     Michael J.                    4-462
Corcoran     Thomas                        1-236
Corcoran     Thomas                       22-76
Cordera      Maria Betlica                 1-186
Cordero      Adelaide Ruiz Shoemaker       1-185
Cordero      Antonio                      48-114
Cordero      Benjamin                     55-221
Cordero      Eduardo                      64-189
Cordero      Eloy Levorio                 59-438
Cordero      Juan de Parma                64-187
Cordero      Juanita Serafina Garcia      59-440
Cordero      Mariano                      64-188
Cordes       Pauline Frances              57-486
Cordewa      Mariano                      51-20
Cordy        Ida Josephine Munn           21-449
Cordy        John Joseph                  21-448
Corey        Annie Gibson                 28-65
Corey        Cynthia Ann                  57-418
Corey        John Griffith                57-419
Corey        John Walker                  35-412
Corlett      Elizabeth Frances Derry       4-463
Corlew       Dora McDonald (Mrs.)          4-464
Corliss      Henry Brown                  32-116
Cornelison   Frances E. Barnes             1-187
Cornelison   Wiley                         1-188
Cornelius    Foeke Arends                  4-465
Cornelius    George                       17-256
Cornelius    William                      63-235
Cornell      Anson Fiske                  28-58
Cornell      Chauncey                     28-55
Cornell      Ella Louise                  28-59
Cornell      J. G.                        36-74
Cornell      Marian Morrison              17-257
Cornell      Robert Henry                 28-56
Cornell      William Chauncey             28-57
Cornett      Lillian R. Freeman            1-226
Cornish      George F.                    32-357
Cornwall     George                        4-466
Cornwall     Thomas A.                    54-112
Cornwell     Henry Asberry                35-413
Correa       Felipa Leyva                  1-189
Correa       John King                    17-258
Corson       Charles Waldron              35-414
Corson       Lillie Mae                   51-128
Corson       Lillie Mae Lipp               1-221
Cortez       Margaret Susian               1-223
Cortez       Michiel Joseph                1-224
Cortez       Ohenio                       49-215
Corum        Simeon Tives                 32-119
Corum        Susan Ann Sackett            32-118
Cory         Aaron Eller                   4-467
Cory         Abby Amelia                   4-468
Cory         Abby Cory                     4-469
Cory         Carrie Emilie                 4-470
Cory         Ella Ware                    24-262
Cory         Elza Nathan                   4-471
Cory         Francis Marion                1-206
Cory         Hannah                        4-472
Cory         Henry C.                      4-473
Cory         James Cabbin                 24-261
Cory         John Randolph                 4-474
Cory         Josiah                       24-104
Cory         Lewis Henry                   4-475
Cory         Lewis Henry                  64-392
Cory         Nellie Cory                   4-476
Cory         William Edward               64-393
Cory         William Edwin                 4-477
Cosgrave     John                         63-295
Cosgrave     Margaret (Pyne)              49-216
Cosgrove     Chas. James                  28-63
Cosgrove     Katie (Miss)                 43-391
Cosgrove     Mary Bryan                   28-62
Cosgrove     Mary E. McCreevy Lucot        4-478
Cosgrove     Michael                      28-64
Cosio        Inez                          4-479
Cosner       Robert                       31-318
Costa        Carlotta Sanguinetti         43-392
Costa        Carrie Raggio                57-330
Costa        David                        51-129
Costa        Giovanni                     53-122
Costa        Luigi                        49-217
Costa        Michael                      43-393
Costa        Michele Adam                  1-222
Costello     Michael Thomas               20-70
Costigan     John Henry                   34-58
Costigan     Mary Ellen Elrod             34-59
Cota         Jose Valentin                67-137
Cota         Simon (Corp.)                40-185
Cota         Soledad                      40-186
Cotman       Martha Adeline               44-457
Cotten       J. W.                        36-75
Cottingham   Mary Margaret Thompson        4-480
Cottle       Catherine Price Loving       51-481
Cottle       Francis Marion               23-39
Cottle       Francis Marion               51-482
Cottle       Frank                         4-481
Cottle       Fred L.                       4-482
Cottle       Fred Landess                 23-379
Cottle       Harriet L. Kennedy           23-40
Cottle       Harriet Louise Kennedy       51-483
Cottle       Ira                           4-483
Cottle       Martha Prescilla              4-484
Cottle       Sadie Ray                    23-381
Cottle       William                       4-485
Cottle       William J.                    4-486
Cottle       William Jamison              23-380
Cottle       Zora                         51-484
Cotton       John                         35-415
Cottrell     Inez E.                       4-487
Cottrell     Mae Bohall                    4-488
Couden       Frank                        35-416
Coudy        Elizabeth                     4-402
Coudy        Herbert James                 4-403
Coudy        Joseph                        4-404
Coudy        Richard                       4-405
Coughlan     Jeremiah                     37-58
Coughlin     Ellen Haggerty               38-59
Coughlin     Mary Ann                     29-181
Coughlin     Nellie A.                    38-60
Coughlin     William                      38-61
Coughran     Nancy Ann                     4-489
Coulter      A. H. (Judge)                 4-490
Coulter      Adolphus Henry               50-442
Coulter      David                        38-62
Coulter      Elizabeth J. (Mrs.)           4-491
Coulter      George                       61-18
Coulter      George Wilson                58-331
Coulter      George Wilson                61-19
Coulter      James                         4-492
Coulter      Margaret Backhous            61-20
Coulter      Olive M. Jenkins McGee        4-493
Coulthard    Ellen Autalucia Osborn       24-105
Coulthard    Elsie Jane Thompson          23-383
Counihan     John                         37-194
Courreges    Roch                         23-472
Court        Catherine Dunnigan           17-259
Courtright   Abbie Marie (Goss) Questo    68-345
Courtright   Martha Ann (Mrs.)             4-494
Courtright   Phoebe Wilde                  4-495
Courtright   Theodore                     55-222
Courtwright  George                       52-322
Courtwright  John R.                      52-323
Courtwright  Martha Ann Gregory           58-139
Cousins      Charles                       4-496
Cousins      Maria Catarina (Kate)        41-457
Coutolenc    Jean                         54-364
Covell       Allen T.                     52-321
Coverdill    Eli                          66-478
Coverdill    Leah Sprouse                 66-479
Covert       Hester A. Warner             19-344
Covert       John Bates                   19-343
Covert       John George                  58-385
Covert       Nancy                         4-498
Covert       Ora Wasson                    4-499
Covert       Susan Cranshaw                4-500
Covert       William A.                   19-346
Covert       William Henry                 5-1
Covert       William Henry                 5-2
Covey        Josiah                       25-474
Covey        Josiah                       28-66
Covey        Margaret McMahon             25-473
Covey        Marguerite                   23-386
Covey        Rachel                       57-125
Covey        Robert                       27-466
Covey        Uriah                         5-3
Covilland    Charles                      36-76
Covilland    Charles J.                   36-77
Covington    John Delondo                 60-217
Covington    Josephine Adelia             60-218
Covington    Nephi (Levi) Moroni          60-219
Covington    Sarah Priscilla              60-220
Covington    William Berrill              60-221
Cowan        Mary Roberta                 65-467
Cowan        Oliver                       65-466
Cowan        William W.                    5-4
Cowan        Willie Ann (Tripp)           65-465
Coward       John Pawson                  51-208
Cowart       Zachary Taylor               32-104
Cowden       Adeline Tubbs                17-260
Cowden       James                        17-261
Cowden       James B.                     17-262
Cowdrey      Lucy Ann                     18-45/a
Cowell       Alfred H.                    51-180
Cowell       Alfred L.                    17-263
Cowell       F. M.                        17-264
Cowell       Henry                        53-456
Cowell       Joshua                        1-190
Cowell       Joshua                       17-265
Cowell       Joshua                       25-45
Cowles       Anna Louise Wooster          59-117
Cowles       Charlotte Mary               59-124
Cowles       Edwin Wooster                59-119
Cowles       Helen Cornelia               59-121
Cowles       Samuel                       59-116
Cowles       Samuel Wadsworth             59-118
Cowman       Harriet Mae Rice             27-220
Cox          Abraham                       5-6
Cox          Almeda Morrison              53-2
Cox          Anne McNamee                  5-5
Cox          Calvary                       5-7
Cox          Castella                     62-57
Cox          Castilla                      1-191
Cox          Dicey Baggs                  50-83
Cox          Frances Ann                  21-298
Cox          Franklin                     35-417
Cox          George                       50-84
Cox          George Washington            66-121
Cox          Ida May                      58-428
Cox          Jacob Milan (Jake)           50-85
Cox          James                        35-418
Cox          James F.                      5-8
Cox          James H.                     57-305
Cox          James H. Jr.                 57-308
Cox          James Marion                 25-354
Cox          Jessie Helm                  57-303
Cox          John                         50-87
Cox          John Andrew                   5-9
Cox          John Dunlap                  23-41
Cox          John Wesley                  35-419
Cox          John Wesley                  57-44
Cox          Joseph Emory                 50-86
Cox          Joseph Landis                 5-10
Cox          June                         57-306
Cox          Lafayette                    50-88
Cox          Livia Malvina                 5-11
Cox          Margaret Ellen                1-192
Cox          Margaret Hilyard             57-46
Cox          Mary                          5-12
Cox          Mary (Spaar)                 37-195
Cox          Mary E.Crapo Denslow         66-120/s
Cox          Nancy Ellen                   5-13
Cox          Palmer                       66-371
Cox          Palmetta                     57-446/a
Cox          Rebecca M.                   59-213
Cox          Rozella                       5-14
Cox          Silas Cadman                 25-360
Cox          Silas Cadman                 26-458
Cox          Silas M.                     60-389
Cox          Thomas                       35-420
Cox          William                       5-15
Cox          William                      35-421
Cox          Wm.                          50-89
Coy          Sarah Catherine              19-399
Coy          Zenos Lincoln                19-398
Coyle        Charlotte Mary               21-333
Coyle        Edward                       21-334
Coyle        James L.                     21-331
Coyle        John                         21-329
Coyle        Katherine                    21-328
Coyle        Margaret                     21-330
Coyle        Mary Fallon                  21-327
Coyle        Mathew                       57-340
Coyle        Thomas E. Jr.                21-332
Coyle        Thomas Edward                21-326
Coyle        Thomas Edward                50-373
Coyle        William S.                   21-335
Coyne        Annie Perrins                 5-16
Coyner       Alexander                    54-63
Coz          Vincente Marco               69-52
Cozzens      W. W.                         5-17
Crabb        Alonzo                        1-193
Crabb        Alonzo                       51-181
Crabb        Charles                      51-182
Crabb        Charles E.                    5-18
Crabb        H. W.                         5-19
Crabb        Hanna Webb                   51-183
Crabb        Isabel Maris                  1-194
Crabb        Isabel Maris                 51-184
Crabb        James                        51-185
Crabtree     "Charlotte Mignon            67-153
Crabtree     Ephram Jasper                 5-20
Crabtree     George Leland                47-132
Crabtree     John Benjamin                27-104
Crabtree     William Franklin             35-422
Craddock     George Washington            45-283
Craddock     James Coleman                 5-21
Craddock     John                          5-22
Craddock     Silas                         5-23
Craft        Benjamin                      5-24
Craghead     Ethel Akers                   5-25
Craig        Albert Henry                 64-73
Craig        Andrew                       54-113
Craig        Florence Rumsey               5-26
Craig        Frank P.                     51-130
Craig        George M.                    31-333
Craig        Homer Alexander              35-423
Craig        John Albert                  64-76
Craig        Joseph (Hon.)                31-316
Craig        Peter Morton                 35-424
Craig        R. W.                        22-79
Craig        Ranolph R.                   31-317
Craig        Rose                         42-152
Craig        Wilton P.                    31-335
Crain        Andrew Jackson               62-19
Crain        Della (Miss)                 40-187
Crain        Frances                      62-23
Crain        Jackson Andrew (Andrew       62-21
Crain        Mary Jane                    62-22
Crain        Sarah                        62-20
Crains       Jennie Aurelia               17-266
Cramer       Charles                      31-309
Cramer       Lewis                        32-358
Cramer       Lucilla                      55-223
Cramp        William                      64-25
Crandal      Nancy                        27-228
Crandal      Simeon                       27-229
Crandall     Lucian Delancy               26-314
Crandall     Lucian Delancy Jr.           26-312
Crandall     Mary Ann Wixom               26-313
Crandall     William Nelson               26-315
Crandell     Andrew                       58-206
Crandell     Annie                        58-207
Crandell     Dorothy Marin Weeks          58-202
Crandell     Thomas B.                     5-28
Crandell     William O.                    5-29
Crandell     William Osborn Lee           58-200
Crane        Anna Francis                  1-238
Crane        E. C.                        59-437
Crane        Emmett Casimir               58-15
Crane        George G.                    58-12
Crane        J. L.                        57-262
Crane        James A.                     32-108
Crane        James E.                     67-271
Crane        Jane E. Davidson              5-30
Crane        Jeanette Briggs              57-261
Crane        Jefferson L.                 58-13
Crane        Joel                          5-31
Crane        L. P.                        57-263
Crane        Lemuel Prescot (Hon.)        38-63
Crane        Lincoln P.                   58-16
Crane        Mary Eliza Orange             5-32
Crane        Richard Hope                  5-33
Crane        Richard Lincoln               5-34
Crane        Robert                       32-109
Crane        Samuel P.                    29-266
Crane        Thomas Jackson                5-35
Cranney      John                          5-36
Crannis      Jane Main                     5-37
Crannis      Joseph                        5-38
Crannis      Philip                        5-39
Crary        Lyman                        65-233
Crary        Peter Mills                  65-232
Crary        Steven                       65-45
Craven       Thomas                       35-426
Cravens      Elizabeth J. Humes           44-476
Cravens      Emily Cora                   44-477
Cravens      Jessie P.                    44-478
Cravens      Mary Lucretia                44-479
Cravens      Thomas Adams                 44-480
Cravens      Thomas Edwin                 44-481
Craver       Daniel                       35-425
Craver       Jerry                        35-427
Craw         Clementine Edwards           17-267
Crawdall     Bloomfield P.                 5-27
Crawford     Alexander                    51-21
Crawford     Catherine Gallagher Duffy     5-40
Crawford     David                        50-5
Crawford     Dora (Mrs.)                   5-41
Crawford     E. C.                         5-42
Crawford     Edwin Roberval                5-43
Crawford     Emma                         51-131
Crawford     Emma Frances Kenny           41-458
Crawford     George Byerly                67-123
Crawford     Henrietta                     4-14
Crawford     Jacob Day                     5-44
Crawford     James                        35-428
Crawford     John                         60-440
Crawford     John W.                      67-121
Crawford     Levi Welton                   5-45
Crawford     Lowell                       65-46
Crawford     Lucy Day                      5-46
Crawford     Margaret                     31-324
Crawford     Marietta Castle              20-71
Crawford     Mary Jane Gregg               5-47
Crawford     Morgan                        4-13
Crawford     Morgan Burbon                 1-228
Crawford     Morgan Jr.                   20-72
Crawford     Morgan Sr.                   20-73
Crawford     Sarah Byerly                 67-122
Crawford     Williams Cummings            67-124
Crawford     Wm.                          36-79
Crawford     Wm. A.                       36-78
Crawford     Woods                         5-48
Creamer      Nancy Jane Bolen Jones       51-485
Creason      Robert Edward Lee            65-326
Creason      Sarah Elizabeth (Taylor)     65-325
Creason      Sterling Price               65-324
Creech       Laurel Lafayette              5-49
Creech       Susan Elizabeth Woods         5-50
Creglowe     Henry                         5-51
Creighton    Addie Block (Mrs.)            5-52
Creighton    Chas. Wesley                 47-214
Creighton    David                        48-115
Creighton    Evelyn Susan Drullard         5-53
Creighton    Harriett                     53-123
Creighton    James                        56-149
Creighton    James Samuel                 56-150
Creighton    Jane Gray                    47-370
Creighton    Joseph Harrison              47-215
Creighton    Margaret Alice               47-216
Creighton    Martha Jane Clark            56-151
Creighton    Mary Isabelle                47-217
Creighton    Mary Isadeen Taylor          56-152
Creighton    Oscar                        47-218
Creighton    Samuel Gray                  48-122
Creighton    Sarah Jane                   47-219
Creps        Matilda Lofton                5-54
Creps        William Albert                5-55
Cress        William L.                    5-56
Cressey      A. L.                         5-57
Cressey      Albert L.                    23-42
Cressey      Frank A.                     23-43
Crew         Alexander H.                 30-169
Crew         Alexander Hill               37-59
Crew         Henry William                30-170
Crews        Clara Bell (Mrs.)            24-23
Crider       William T.                   62-451
Criglar      J. C. (Hon.)                  5-58
Cripe        Samuel                       30-49
Cripe        Sarah Elizabeth Ebe          24-380
Crismon      Gilbert                      36-80
Crist        George Frederick             35-429
Criswell     Laura A.                      1-218
Criswell     Maggie                       43-394
Crites       Angus McCloud                54-472
Crites       Louisa Maria Jewett          54-473
Crittenden   Charles Peck                 17-268
Crittenden   Deborah Kathryn Scott        17-269
Crittenden   George Baldwin               17-270
Crittenden   Joseph Lambert               17-271
Crittenden   Mary Lambert                 17-272
Crittendon   Levi Albert Milton           50-90
Crocker      Abbie Gates                  54-8
Crocker      Allen Swift (Capt.)          28-73
Crocker      Gulielma Ruth                54-9
Crocker      Henry Robinson               28-74
Crocker      Winslow                      54-10
Crocker      Winslow Templeton            54-11
Croco        Snyder                       32-359
Croly        Edward J.                    31-313
Cromwell     George C.                    35-430
Cronin       Ella                         62-401
Cronin       James J.                     50-189
Cronin       Julia                         5-59
Crook        Asa H.                       48-437
Crook        Harriet Bright               47-241
Crook        Theron W.                    48-438
Crook        Theron W.                    48-439
Crooks       Andrew Jackson               23-44
Crooks       Andrew Jackson               27-461
Crooks       Annie Ella                   23-45
Crooks       Margaret Jane                 5-60
Crooks       William                       5-61
Crooks       William                      21-455
Crooks       William Hamilton             27-462
Cropley      Charles H.                    5-62
Cropp        Carrie Lee Redding           23-46
Cropper      Laura Weller                 20-74
Crosby       Hannah (Brown)               65-429
Crosby       James                        65-430
Crosera      George                       35-431
Cross        Alice M. Boyer                5-63
Cross        Ansel                        36-457
Cross        Anson                        36-458
Cross        Asa Adderton                 54-64
Cross        Carrie L. Fowler             32-360
Cross        George                        5-64
Cross        John                         54-65
Cross        Lillian                      51-132
Cross        Mary Frances Swift           27-464
Cross        Mary Louise Chaine           41-46
Crotty       Minnie                        5-65
Crouch       Charlie Wiley                61-445
Crouch       Elizabeth Ann Filand         56-219
Crouch       John                          5-66
Crouch       John                         36-459
Crouch       Miranda Woods Damon           5-67
Crouch       Robert (Hon.)                 5-68
Crouch       W. D.                         5-69
Crouch       William                       5-70
Crough       Sarah Grace Cyrus            61-448
Crow         Andrew Gregory               35-432
Crow         Edith                        36-81
Crow         Granville                    54-12
Crow         Jane                         54-13
Crow         Jasper                       54-14
Crow         John                         54-15
Crow         Laura Ann (Huntley)          27-314
Crow         Lewis B.                      1-195
Crow         Lewis Jacob                   5-71
Crow         Lewis Jr.                    54-16
Crow         Lewis Sr.                    28-75
Crow         Marion                       54-17
Crow         Mary Josephine                5-72
Crow         Nancy                        54-18
Crow         Polly                        33-138
Crow         Susan J.                      1-196
Crow         Tom                          33-139
Crowder      Franklin (Dr.)               30-5
Crowder      G. C.                        36-82
Crowder      Godfrey C.                   30-4
Crowder      Jennie Pinkston              58-159
Crowder      Philip                       66-357/s
Crowder      Thomas P.                     1-198
Crowder      Zachary Taylor               32-107
Crowe        William Henry                 1-197
Crowell      Abner Buel                   20-75
Crowell      William Henry                 1-209
Crowley      James                         5-73
Crowley      Margaret                      5-74
Crowley      Margaret Collins              5-75
Crowther     William Henry                28-83
Crowther     William Henry                35-433
Croza        Marianna                     52-324
Cruess       Robert Samuel                 5-76
Cruess       Thomas Edward                 5-77
Cruickshank  Etta Ella                    17-273
Crum         Andrew Jackson               64-474
Crum         Cynthia Florilla             66-373
Crum         Frank Pierce                 30-171
Crum         Frank Pierce                 64-475
Crum         Mary Ann                     25-449
Crum         Mary Helen                    1-152
Crum         Rosetta Ann                   1-151
Crumbaugh    Peter C.                     31-308
Crummey      Anne                          5-78
Crummey      John Thomas                  17-274
Crumpton     George H.                    65-47
Crumpton     Wesley R.                    63-320
Cruse        Augustus Elmer               33-371
Cruson       Catherine Ann Greene         64-79
Cruson       Frances Ann                  64-92
Cruson       Mary A.                      33-140
Cruson       Rebecca                      47-171
Cruson       Rebecca                      48-440
Cruson       Thomas                       60-222
Cruson       Thomas K.                    58-19
Crutcher     James Wilson                 32-103
Cruz         Domitila                     61-265

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