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LAST FIRST VOL-PAGE Bianchi Maria C. Soberances 58-236 Bickford Adonijah 48-45 Bickford Elizabeth Longley 3-145 Bickford James Thomas 35-79 Bickford Lilleon 48-46 Bickmore Lucinda Alvira 3-186 Bicknell Thomas 30-375 Bicknell Thomas 54-351 Biddle Francis 35-283 Biddlecom Hiram 35-284 Bidwell Annie E. K. (Mrs.) 29-493 Bidwell Augustus Richardson 3-146 Bidwell C. W. 22-82 Bidwell C. W. 55-447 Bidwell Calvin Wayne 3-147 Bidwell Daniel 35-80 Bidwell Ella Esther 3-148 Bidwell George Agustus 3-149 Bidwell Henry Codman 3-150 Bidwell John 29-494 Bidwell John (General) 40-29 Bidwell Julia Shaw Poole 3-151 Bidwell Lena 3-152 Bidwell Thomas Joseph 35-81 Bidwell Walter Edmund 3-153 Bielar Henry 61-417 Bielar John Henry 61-416 Bielar Mary Elizabeth Weltz 61-415 Bieler John Henry 35-82 Bierce James Culver 35-34 Bierce Roderick Henry 64-129 Bierstadt Albert 53-77 Bigelow Allen 3-154 Bigelow Clara Parlin 3-155 Bigelow Emma 3-159 Bigelow George Washington 64-370 Bigelow Jane Wallace 3-156 Bigelow Marcus James 3-157 Bigelow Marcus James 36-395 Bigelow Sarah Alveretta 3-158 Biggins Mary Agnes 19-473 Biggs Benjamin Franklin 67-85/s Biggs Edward Ernest 3-160 Biggs Elam 3-161 Biggs Elam 59-21 Biggs Elem 23-367 Biggs Hannah Coombs 3-162 Biggs Hannah Coombs 59-19 Biggs John H. 54-94 Biggs Juda Ann Hawkins 29-488 Biggs Marion 36-396 Biggs Marion (Major) 29-487 Biggs Mary Eleanor Fawcett 59-17 Biggs William 3-163 Biggs William 23-368 Biggs William 59-18 Biggs William Thomas 67-84/s Bigley Josephine 17-94 Bihlman John George 36-25 Bilch Jose 35-285 Biles William 35-35 Billagoya Marianna D. 43-371 Bille Louise 50-159 Billick John Albert 50-160 Billinghurs W. H. 21-415 Billings Frederock 64-463 Billings William H. 19-474 Billingsley Mary Frances (Trafton) 68-335s Billingsley Urban Clark 68-336s Billion Joseph 32-315 Billion Michael 31-302 Bills Charles L. 61-202 Bills George H. 3-164 Bills John Harrison 35-205 Bills Kate Wagner 61-376 Bills Kate Wagner (Mrs.) 55-25 Bills Nancy Jane 1-80 Bills Nancy Jane Grubbs 3-165 Bills Orin Clark 35-206 Bills Orphia Lorena Hall 3-166 Bills Richard William 3-167 Bills Robert McCoy 1-83 Bills Robert McCoy 3-168 Bills Robert McCoy 3-169 Bills Robert McCoy 35-37 Bills Robert McCoy 61-375 Billups Charles 35-286 Billups Edward 36-397 Bimbam Charles T. 3-176 Bimbam Ellen Irene 3-177 Binder Minnie Zanker 17-95 Bineim Edward L. 53-78 Binet Edward 3-170 Bingham Ada 23-458 Bingham Erastus 23-459 Bingham Frances Constanza Robbins 33-358 Bingham George 41-35 Bingham George 50-426 Bingham Tabitha (Ferguson) 65-118 Bingham Tabitha Ferguson 64-362 Binkelmann Dave 27-439 Binkelmann David 27-444 Binkelmann John 27-441 Binkelmann Julia 27-440 Binkelmann Rosie 27-443 Binkelmann Sophie 27-442 Binnet Edward 54-352 Binney Andrew Jackson 36-26 Binninger Jean William 1-133 Binninger Milton Henry 1-134 Binninger William T. 1-135 Birabent Frank Leon 1-136 Birabent Soledad Ordaz Rochin 1-69 Birabent Soledad Rochin 28-33 Birch May E. 3-171 Bird Henry 3-172 Bird Henry 35-83 Bird Maria 3-173 Bird Mary Russell (or Byrd) 65-107 Bird Ralph 35-38 Bird William 35-287 Birdsall Arabella 28-19 Birdsall Charles 28-25 Birdsall Constant 32-316 Birdsall Franklin 35-84 Birdsall George 28-17 Birdsall George Jr. 28-21 Birdsall Harriet 28-20 Birdsall Lucy 28-18 Birdsall Maria Spencer (Mrs.) 32-317 Birdsall Mary 28-22 Birdsall Walter 28-24 Birdsall William 28-23 Biren Emma Julia (Mrs.) 25-188 Birkmore Lucinda Alvina 1-89 Birmingham Arthur B. 29-499 Birmingham Arthur B. 54-353 Birmingham J. T. 54-354 Birmingham Mary Frances 3-174 Birmingham May Ann 3-175 Birmingham Michael 35-288 Birney Timothy 30-161 Bisbee Robert Taber 3-178 Bisbee Wilson A. 50-427 Bischofberg Jacob 3-179 Bischofberg Jacob 51-110 Bishop Amasa Wright 35-39 Bishop Edgar 3-180 Bishop Edgar 49-80 Bishop Edith Ellen (Wallis) 61-367 Bishop Edith Ellen Wallis 54-471 Bishop Emaline Richardson 64-170 Bishop H. B. 22-62 Bishop Isabelle Curry 60-144 Bishop Malinda Case Blackburn 62-309 Bishop Noah Daniel 35-289 Bishop Samuel 3-181 Bishop Samuel McCorgin 64-113 Bishop Silas 3-182 Bishop Silas 31-21 Bishop William H. 62-308 Bispham Henry 35-290 Bisso Bernardo 43-372 Bisso Bernardo 49-171 Bitancourt Antonio 3-183 Bither Ada J. (Bradley) 28-46 Bither Benjamin Frank Denny 51-231 Bither Sarah Jane Ward 51-232 Bither Tyler 51-233 Bittick Joseph B. L. 3-184 Bittle Margaret C. 48-47 Bittle Margaret C. James 1-128 Bittle Margaret C. James 3-185 Bitzer Urias 31-269 Bivens Alice 19-475 Bixby Herbert G. 40-32 Bixel Joseph 3-187 Bixley Herbert Gonlol 44-207 Bjorkman Josephine 19-476 Blabon Abbie Louella 23-52 Blabon Joseph Dudley 23-51 Blabon Joseph Dudley 57-177 Blabon Ralph Dearborn 57-176 Blabon Walter Littlefield 57-173 Blabon William Casper 57-175 Black Alexander 35-291 Black Alexander George 51-456 Black Amelia Warth (Mrs.) 58-467 Black David Alexander 49-172 Black Frederick 35-40 Black George Henry 1-98 Black George Henry 3-188 Black H. Hiram 31-300 Black Jacob Schaeffer 35-41 Black James 54-285 Black Nancy 34-102/a Black Robert 31-301 Black Robert 40-20 Black Robert 64-142 Black Samuel 36-428 Black Samuel Madison 58-466 Black W. Hiram 40-21 Black William 17-96 Blackburn Anthony 64-214 Blackburn Charles 3-189 Blackburn Esther A. (Hattie) (Rose) 64-193 Blackburn James Felix 50-364 Blackburn Josies 35-85 Blackford Christopher 35-292 Blackford John 65-462 Blackford Maria (Berry) 65-463 Blackford Martha (Hartley) 65-460 Blackford Price 65-459 Blackie Annie 3-190 Blacklock Elizabeth Ann Cobb 62-46 Blacklock John Sr. 62-44 Blackmer Wesley 32-318 Blackwell Elizabeth Clasby 3-191 Blackwell Thomas Jefferson 3-192 Blacow Alfred 27-438 Blacow Alice Anne 27-455 Blacow Charles Richard 31-13 Blacow Edwin 27-448 Blacow Emma 27-447 Blacow Frank 27-449 Blacow Helen Deering 59-400 Blacow John 64-464 Blacow Josephine Horner 25-201 Blacow Lela 27-453 Blacow Mary Jane 27-456 Blacow Rachael 27-452 Blacow Richard 27-454 Blacow Robert 27-457 Blacow Robert 59-399 Blacow Rubin 27-446 Blacow William 27-445 Blain Orin 35-293 Blaind Jane 48-48 Blaine George 3-199 Blair Abigail V. 19-477 Blair Agnes Campbell 3-193 Blair Alinda Minerva 63-454 Blair Brice Hugh 63-455 Blair Frank Erwin 63-456 Blair George McClellan 41-404 Blair James Hervey 3-194 Blair Jane Emmaline Woods 55-159 Blair John Carleton 35-207 Blair John James 19-478 Blair John Washington 19-479 Blair Mary Ann 32-319 Blair Robert Brice 63-457 Blais Charles E. 43-373 Blaisdell Samuel Stillman 35-294 Blaisdell Sanborn 22-66 Blaisdell Sanborn 56-30 Blake Abraham S. (Honorable) 58-311 Blake Alexander 36-429 Blake Anson Stiles 58-490 Blake Charles Edward 59-492 Blake Eliza (Miss) 47-326 Blake George Washington 35-208 Blake J. 63-350 Blake Jane 54-60 Blake Jeremiah Ladd 3-195 Blake Louis Seymour 3-196 Blake Mary Lynch 1-97 Blake Mary Lynch 3-197 Blake Sherman Techusah 59-494 Blakeley (Mr.) 32-320 Blakeley Alburn James 61-275 Blakeley Ursula 32-321 Blakely Ambrose 49-498 Blakely Frank Emmett 49-499 Blakely William H. 50-411 Blakely William Hamilton 49-81 Blakemore Jeanette Jordan 66-377 Blakesley Abel Hawley 35-42 Blakesley Amanda Ellen 50-161 Blakesly Henry Augustus 35-86 Blancarte Anna 55-160 Blanchard C. F. 3-198 Blanchard Charles Benjamin 36-398 Blanchard G. T. 21-416 Blanchard Lucy M. 52-291 Blanchard Melvin White 30-386 Blanchard Melvin White 66-433 Blanchard Nathan Weston 57-65 Blanchard Sarah Eliot 57-425 Bland Adam 48-49 Bland Carolyn Kimberlin 48-50 Bland Clara Gifford 49-173 Bland William Seward 49-174 Blank Lawrence 35-295 Blankenberg Adam E. F. 3-200 Blankenship George Arthur 53-79 Blankenship John Barney 3-202 Blankenship John Burl 1-146 Blankenship John Burl 3-201 Blankenship John Martin 1-147 Blankenship John Martin 3-203 Blankenship Nancy 54-95 Blankenship William Moore 3-204 Blanks Annie Odell 50-365 Blanton John 65-293 Blasdell Amanda Teresa Perry 1-86 Blasdell Amanda Teresa Perry 3-205 Blasdell Amanda Teresa Perry 17-97 Blasingame J. A. 22-54 Blasingame J. A. 56-86 Blasingame John Stevens 62-51 Blazer Isac 17-98 Bledsoe Anthony Jennings Sr. 48-423 Blee Amanda Jane 38-24 Blevins David 45-277 Blevins Emily Caldwell 45-278 Blevins Matilda 61-276 Blewett William Catlet 25-40 Blick Alphonse Samuel 17-99 Bligh Andrew 35-296 Bligh James 35-43 Bliler Solomon 35-209 Bliss Bert 66-381 Bliss George 66-380 Bliss George D. II 51-115 Bliss George Dudley I 47-327 Bliss George Dudley II 47-328 Bliss Mary 66-379 Bliss Minerva Arthur 62-395 Bliss O. H. 3-206 Bliss Robert P. 66-382 Bliss Roxy Ann Jordan 66-378 Bliss William Young 3-207 Bliss William Young 35-44 Bliss William Young 36-430 Bliven Benjamin Barber 35-87 Bloch Joseph 35-45 Blochman Lucian A. 17-100 Block Andrew 33-359 Block Charles Henry Jr. 3-209 Block Charles Henry Sr. 3-208 Block Nora E. Ryan (Mrs.) 3-210 Block William August 1-96 Block Wm. August 3-211 Blockman L. E. 22-22 Blodgett Catherine R. 3-212 Blodgett Catherine R. 38-25 Blodgett Charles Ross 23-460 Blodgett Joseph H. 29-345 Blodgett Oscar Clark 23-461 Blohme Henry 53-452 Blomquist Frank Ludvig 64-306 Bloom Andrew Corbley 42-146 Bloom David 66-42 Bloom Henry Sterling 66-41 Bloom James 3-213 Bloom James B. 51-167 Bloom Marks 19-480 Bloom Solomon 49-82 Blos Lucy B. Ferren 17-101 Blosser Jacob 1-114 Blosser Jacob 3-214 Blosser Lorenzo W. 51-168 Blosser Martha Marten 1-113 Blosser Martha Marten 3-215 Blosser Nelle 51-169 Blossom A. C. 22-60 Blount Levy 31-298 Blower Margaret Ann 1-82 Blower Margaret Ann 3-216 Blowers Russell B. (Dr.) 31-287 Bludworth Charles Francis 65-448/s Bludworth Francis B. (White) 65-449 Blue Mary Emeline 21-377 Blue Thomas Porter 41-36 Blum Frederick Robert 3-217 Blum Henry C. 3-218 Blumb Henry 3-219 Blume John 35-297 Blumenthal Tillie 19-481 Blumi Matilda 60-65 Blundell Elizabeth (Mrs.) 3-220 Blundell Josephine 3-221 Blundell Levi Jefferson 3-222 Blundell William Harrison 36-399 Blunkall Elizabeth Payton Jett 25-111 Blunkall Robert Henry 25-110 Blurton John 35-210 Bluxome Isaac Jr. 51-111 Bly Andrew Conner 35-211 Bly John 35-88 Bly Michael 36-431 Blyther J. C. 3-223 Blyther J. C. 49-83
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