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LAST FIRST VOL-PAGE Agard Clara Kent 2-64 Agate William 34-396 Agee Annie Belle 1-4 Agee Annie Belle Sharp 53-49 Agee Charles 36-1 Agee John Philip 16-490 Agee Laura Evelyn 16-491 Ager Jerome B. 62-448 Ager Jud A. 62-447 Ager Thomas 34-397 Agers Eulia 53-55 Agnew Abram 2-65 Aguilar Nicawora 44-451 Aguilar Ramon H. 29-160 Aguirre Honorinda Hortensia 61-272 Aguirre Juan Miguel 64-460 Ah Lin 53-56 Ah Nee 51-81 Ah Se Nau 51-398 Ah Yet 52-273 Ah Moey Fanny (Ah Chun) 65-405 Ahart Peter 67-205 Ahart Ursula Prudence Ragsdale 67-206 Ahern James 48-4 Ahern Johanna Ahearn 48-3 Aherns Henry F. 30-142 Ahlf John C. 31-267 Ahrens Henry Herman 2-66 Aigeltinger Anna M. Schilling 2-67 Aigner George 34-398 Aiken (Mr.) 32-294 Aiken Abigail (Mrs.) 32-295 Aiken David 34-400 Aiken Ellen 32-296 Aiken Ellen Abyah 48-77 Aiken James H. 19-423 Aiken John 48-76 Aiken John Seward 34-399 Aiken Martha Ann Taylor 41-252 Aiken Mary 32-297 Aiken Mary Brady 60-259 Aiken Mary Jane Detro White 63-451 Ainsworth Frank L. 29-161 Ainsworth Frank L. 36-2 Ainsworth Lewis 29-162 Ainsworth Lewis 29-163 Ainsworth Lewis 36-3 Ainsworth Lewis 44-450 Ainsworth Mitt O. 36-4 Ainsworth Persis Bartholomew 29-158 Airola Antone 37-1 Airola John 44-21 Aitken Andrew B. 33-104 Aitken Balantine 33-105 Aitken Robert 2-68 Aitken Robert 51-2 Aitken Robert 51-3 Aitken Robert Grant 2-69 Akers Alia Minta 58-7 Akers Frances Middleton 59-347 Akers Harvey 57-39 Akers Henry Francis 2-70 Akers Jess Morrow 19-424 Akers John 29-157 Akers John 37-3 Akers John 58-1 Akers Katherine Finley 19-425 Akers Leroy 19-426 Akers Luella Anabelle 58-3 Akers Martha Ione 58-6 Akers Mary Eliza 58-5 Akers Stephen 2-71 Akers William Albertus 19-427 Akers Wilmer R. 58-4 Akin William Henry 68-171 Akins Francska Wax 68-257 Akins James 68-257 Alanis Eugenio Nicolas 67-113/s Alanis Maria Fernanda Tapia 67-114/s Albanez Francisco 41-2 Albanez Maria Antonia Ybarra 41-3 Albee Caltha Putnam 67-110/s Albee Joseph Porter 63-183 Albee Joseph Porter 67-109/s Albee Laura Amanda 68-12 Albers Mary Jane 2-73 Albers Paul 34-401 Albert Emma Howard 16-492 Albert George Lincoln 2-74 Albert Gustav 16-493 Albert James Willis 16-494 Alberti A. 21-437 Alberton F. C. 63-255 Albertson Mary Elizabeth 19-428 Albright Lewis 34-402 Albro David 34-403 Albro Edward Curtis 34-404 Alcaraz Jose Maria 2-75 Alcaraz Joseph 2-76 Alcaraz Maria Guadalupe Viera 2-77 Alcorn Branceford 30-115 Alcorn William 30-116 Alcross Joseph H. 53-57 Alden Max 2-78 Alden S. J. 36-5 Alderman Richard Samuel 31-268 Aldersley John 34-405 Alderson Thomas 68-309 Aldredge Mary Ellen 28-2 Aldrich Charles 34-406 Aldrich Frederick 34-407 Aldridge David Lehi 25-437 Aldridge Jeptha Washington 25-439 Aldridge Martin 34-408 Aldridge Minerva Caroline Weeks 25-438 Aldridge Nellie Viola Ames 25-440 Alegretti Gaetano 16-495 Alegretti Gaetano 21-438 Alegretti Gaetano 53-58 Alegretti Gastano 2-79 Alegretti John 2-80 Alegretti John 16-496 Alegretti John B. 21-439 Alexander Agnes Lavine 16-497 Alexander Amanda Hepsabeth Jenkins 58-437 Alexander Ann Cadd 26-36 Alexander Annie 25-330 Alexander Cyrus 42-142 Alexander David 2-81 Alexander David 51-201 Alexander Emilie Levy 24-440 Alexander Ernest 16-498 Alexander Isadore 24-433 Alexander James 53-450 Alexander James 58-439 Alexander James Wesley 68-156 Alexander John 2-82 Alexander John William 58-438 Alexander Joseph Benson 58-436 Alexander Joseph Dryden 63-240 Alexander Manuel 48-409 Alexander Margaret R. 64-291 Alexander Maria Valdez 23-454 Alexander Mary Mahala Hardy 63-208 Alexander Ramon (Raimundo) 23-455 Alexander Vincent 68-157 Alexander Virginia Bell 68-158 Alford Adeline 36-6 Alford Delphine Cordelia 24-282 Alford Robert Temple 64-132 Algeo Amy 56-169 Algeo Andrew 56-170 Algeo Frank W. 32-78 Algeo Georgiana 56-171 Algeo John 32-77 Algeo John 40-1 Algeo John M. 48-5 Algeo John M. (Judge) 56-172 Algeo John M. (Mrs.) 56-173 Algeo Oba 56-174 Algeo Ridgley Stewart 40-2 Algeo Thomas 56-175 Alin John Jacob 34-409 Alison Susan 64-47 Allan George Grant 36-7 Allan John Dunbar 48-6 Allan Mary Emma 16-500 Allan Prescott 36-8 Alldredge Hattie Mallissa Wilcox 59-375 Allen Al Woodlock 60-193 Allen Albert 2-83 Allen Albert 34-410 Allen Albina Jane Foster 59-132 Allen Alexander 34-411 Allen Almon Bailey 34-412 Allen Andrew 58-218 Allen Andrew 59-143 Allen Ann 56-452 Allen Ann Elizabeth Chase 28-82 Allen Anna Bethia 2-84 Allen Anna H. Frances 55-140 Allen B. G. 59-485 Allen Benjamin F. 34-413 Allen Benjamin Franklin 2-85 Allen Byron 47-323 Allen Catherine Theresa 19-429 Allen Charles 34-414 Allen Charles 63-339 Allen Charles Albert 2-86 Allen Charles Henry 2-87 Allen Charlotte Malone 59-144 Allen Clara Lawrence 2-236 Allen Danville Augustus 34-415 Allen David 34-416 Allen David H. 2-89 Allen David Sr. 2-88 Allen Edward David 2-90 Allen Elam Elijah 59-135 Allen Elihu 59-483 Allen Eliza Eleanor Bradford 29-156 Allen Elizabeth 2-91 Allen Elizabeth Christefer 55-141 Allen Elizabeth D. 1-18 Allen Emma 51-112 Allen Gabriel 69-14 Allen George 2-92 Allen George 2-93 Allen George 2-94 Allen George 2-95 Allen George 2-96 Allen George 34-417 Allen George 47-127 Allen Harlow 34-418 Allen Harlow 56-453 Allen Harvey Sessions 67-232 Allen Hattie Ables 59-486 Allen Henry A. 63-337 Allen Henry W. 63-338 Allen Hiram 2-97 Allen Horatio Augustus 36-9 Allen Hosea G. 21-459 Allen Hosea G. 49-140 Allen Hossa G. 2-98 Allen Isaac 2-99 Allen Isaac 34-419 Allen Isaac Newton 59-133 Allen J. C. 2-100 Allen James 2-101 Allen James 34-420 Allen James 34-421 Allen James Buchannen 64-295 Allen James H. 52-281 Allen James Monroe 59-147 Allen James Nelson 64-133 Allen James Wesley 59-138 Allen Jennie D'Olier 2-102 Allen Jennie D'Olier 21-385 Allen Jeremiah 34-422 Allen Jeremiah 34-423 Allen John E. (Dr.) 2-103 Allen John H. 2-104 Allen John J. 16-499 Allen John P. 59-134 Allen Joshua Lewis 50-59 Allen Julia Ann Mendenhall 48-482 Allen Laura Viola 49-496 Allen Lettice Newbegin 2-105 Allen Mamie Hinkson 49-79 Allen Margaret Ellen 59-140 Allen Mary Ann Graves 59-484 Allen Mary Elizabeth 59-141 Allen Mary Jane Sallee 50-134 Allen Mary Miller 2-106 Allen Mary R. Harris 19-430 Allen Melissa Ann 59-142 Allen Prescott 29-159 Allen Prescott 44-452 Allen Reuben 2-107 Allen Reuben Harmon 34-424 Allen Richard 26-279 Allen Richard Spicer 19-431 Allen Roena Ford 1-5 Allen Samuel 2-109 Allen Samuel Albert 59-139 Allen Sarah A. 51-103 Allen Sarah Woolery 2-110 Allen Sodina C. Mendenhall 59-148 Allen Stephen Hutchings 64-134 Allen Thomas 34-425 Allen Thomas Henry 59-374 Allen William 2-111 Allen William 2-112 Allen William 2-113 Allen William 21-384 Allen William 34-426 Allen William 59-131 Allen William 64-131 Allen William 64-292 Allen William John 17-1 Allen William Thomas 59-136 Alley F. 2-114 Alley John Valentine 34-427 Alley Perez Jenkins 34-428 AllHoff Martin "Marty" Jr. 67-323 Allhoff Joseph 67-322 Allhoff Martin 67-320 Alling Norman E. 2-115 Alling Norman E. 21-386 Allinger Christian 30-143 Allinger Elysses Simpson Grant 29-256 Allinger Mary Catherine Litch 29-257 Allinger Sarah T. Stephenson 30-144 Allis Peter 34-429 Allis Peter 34-430 Allison Charles Pratt 29-343 Allison Chas. Pratt 24-283 Allison Edward Alford 24-284 Allison Joshiah 36-10 Allison Oscar U. 2-116 Allison Robert 49-141 Allyn John 2-117 Alm Agnes Parks (Mrs.) 62-66 Alm John Gustava 2-118 Almy Joseph (Judge) 2-119 Alpaugh James Leander 27-3 Alpaugh James Leander 27-5 Alpaugh James Leander 48-410 Alpaugh James Leander 66-56 Alpaugh Thomas 34-431 Alpaugh Thomas 64-111 Alpi Joseph 58-148 Alpi Joseph Benjamin 62-245 Alsford Alice Hakemoller (Mrs.) 2-120 Alsford Alice May Hakemoller 24-379 Alston John 2-121 Alstrom Swen 2-122 Altamirano Maria Antonia 41-310 Alter Isaac 2-123 Alton Phebe Jane 68-47 Alvarado Adelina 30-148 Alvarado Annie B. Chevesich 30-165 Alvarado Francisca Avila 41-4 Alvarado Francisco 30-145 Alvarado Francisco Xavier 25-197 Alvarado Henry (Judge) 30-147 Alvarado Henry V. (Hon.) 44-298 Alvarado Jose Francisco (Sgt) 67-16 Alvarado Josefa 25-200 Alvarado Juan B. 44-297 Alvarado Juan Baptista 30-146 Alvarado Juan Batista Valentine 67-17 Alvarado Juan Batista Valentine 67-18 Alvarado Juan Nepomuceno 25-199 Alvarado Maria del C. Barbara 66-423/a Alvarado Mariano 25-198 Alvarado Martina Alexander Castro 30-166 Alvarez Julia A. James 63-452 Alvinson Benjamin Brad 49-142 Alvis Caroline Cooper 2-124 Alviso Anastasio 41-311 Alviso Anastasio Geronimo Pedro 30-497 Alviso Antonia 41-312 Alviso Antonio 41-313 Alviso Augustin 31-1 Alviso Blas 41-314 Alviso Carmen 41-315 Alviso Concepcion 30-495 Alviso Dolores 30-494 Alviso Domingo 30-490 Alviso Domingo 30-496 Alviso Francisco 30-491 Alviso Francisco 41-316 Alviso Francisco Xavier 30-492 Alviso Ignacio 41-317 Alviso Ines 41-318 Alviso Isabel 41-319 Alviso Jesus Maria 31-5 Alviso Jose Antonio 30-499 Alviso Jose Bautista 31-4 Alviso Jose E. 41-320 Alviso Jose Gabriel Luciano 30-498 Alviso Jose Guadaloupe 31-7 Alviso Jose Guadalupe Teodosio 31-3 Alviso Jose Maria 30-493 Alviso Jose Maria 41-323 Alviso Jose Maria Francisco 41-324 Alviso Jose R. 41-321 Alviso Jose S. 41-322 Alviso Josefa 41-325 Alviso Juan Ignacio 41-326 Alviso Juan Ygnacio (Sgt.) 30-500 Alviso Margarita 31-2 Alviso Margarita 41-327 Alviso Maria 41-328 Alviso Maria Antonia 26-443 Alviso Maria Antonia 41-329 Alviso Maria Antonia Leonor 41-330 Alviso Maria B. 41-331 Alviso Maria Loretta 27-450 Alviso Maria Ynocencia 41-332 Alviso Nicolas 41-333 Alviso Nicolas 41-334 Alviso Rafael 41-335 Alviso Salvio 31-8 Alviso Tomas 41-336 Alviso Valentin 31-6 Alviso Valentine 50-414 Alviso Ygnacio 41-337 Alviso Ygnacio 58-453 Alvitre Maria De La Cruz 53-59 Alvord Ida Ricker 57-407 Alvord Luke 48-7 Alvord Samuel 66-184 Alworth Noel Byron 34-432 Alzina Frank K. 2-125
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