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LAST FIRST VOL-PAGE Aaron Belle 16-483 Aaron Francis William Howard 1-1 Aaron Mary Musgrove 1-2 Aaronson George Dexter 1-14 Ababie Guillaume 22-500 Abadie Guillaime 64-459 Abbett Cathrine 55-138 Abbey Charles 53-54 Abbey Daniel 34-375 Abbey E. Josephine (Mrs.) 1-26 Abbey Josephine Emma (Mrs.) 19-419 Abbot Jeanie Ogden 16-484 Abbott A. K. 64-140 Abbott Abiel 21-436 Abbott Addie Moulton 19-420 Abbott Americus Miller 2-36 Abbott Americus Miller 21-435 Abbott Elisha 64-144 Abbott George William 2-38 Abbott George William 22-411 Abbott James G. 2-37 Abbott John C. 36-371 Abbott Joshua 50-412 Abbott Leland 34-376 Abbott Mary Smith 2-39 Abbott Napolion Boneparte 2-40 Abdill David 68-278 Abel Frank Henry 31-264 Abel George Henry 33-103 Abel John 34-377 Abel John F. Sr. 31-261 Abel Nicholas 34-378 Abel Peter 34-379 Abel Rachel 19-421 Abele Alois Henry 32-76 Abels Salome Blase 52-274 Abernathy Archibald 34-380 Abernathy Joseph 24-457 Abila Juan (Don) 48-1 Ables Alice M. 33-329 Ables Annie 33-330 Ables Benjamin 28-7 Ables Clarence Arthur 33-331 Ables Clarence Arthur 50-413 Ables Kate 28-5 Ables Thomas J. 2-72 Ables Wallace M. 28-6 Ables William C. 60-34 Ablett Martha Barrette 2-35 Abraham Albert 54-337 Abraham Anthony 34-381 Abraham Anthony 37-2 Abrahms Henrietta I. 16-485 Abrams Julius 2-41 Abrott Andrew 25-21 Abshire John 52-275 Achorn Hector 34-382 Ackerman Charles H. 63-335 Ackerman James R. 63-336 Acuna Salon 49-138 Adair George Washington 34-383 Adair Henderson 34-384 Adam Ada Kelly 52-276 Adam Alexander 26-268 Adam Alexander 34-385 Adam Elizabeth Connor 51-161 Adam Margret Maine Thompson 26-442 Adam Mary C. 51-162 Adam William C. 52-277 Adam William Laird 51-163 Adam William Thomas 26-440 Adamina Joseph Saint 48-2 Adams (Mr.) 32-289 Adams Alice J. 55-139 Adams Alice J. (McAllen) 57-466 Adams Alice Pepper 1-25 Adams Amanda Herndon 66-33 Adams Angeline Moyer 56-160 Adams Angie Atta 2-42 Adams Billy 56-161 Adams Blanche 2-44 Adams Bonney 56-162 Adams Charles Albert 51-1 Adams Charles F. 23-315 Adams Charles Henry 49-78 Adams Charles M. 56-163 Adams Delia Brown 2-45 Adams Edith Greene 24-228 Adams Edson 66-40/s Adams Edwin 34-386 Adams Effie May 52-278 Adams Eli 34-387 Adams Eli (McAdams) 56-164 Adams Eliza Ann Nichols 16-486 Adams Elizabeth Ford 2-43 Adams Ellena C. 56-165 Adams Elvin E. 56-166 Adams Eva Angeline 56-167 Adams Flora Ella 52-279 Adams Frank 2-46 Adams George W. 2-47 Adams Harriet 32-290 Adams Harriet Marie 2-235 Adams Harry 32-291 Adams Henry 22-40 Adams Henry 55-452 Adams Ida Viola Williams 16-487 Adams Ida Viola Williams 58-473 Adams Ida Williams 2-48 Adams James 34-388 Adams James Scott 34-389 Adams John 2-49 Adams John 32-292 Adams John 49-139 Adams John 63-423 Adams John Charles 1-217 Adams John Joseph Sr. 67-130 Adams Joseph 1-28 Adams Joseph 22-37 Adams Joseph Holbrook 34-390 Adams Judith 2-50 Adams Kate Shears 2-51 Adams Katherine Coats 61-271 Adams Laura 52-280 Adams Laura Estella 59-180 Adams Lizzie Whiting (Mrs.) 2-52 Adams Lorenzo 2-53 Adams Lorenzo Dow 16-488 Adams Lorenzo Dow 58-472 Adams Luman B. 56-168 Adams Margaret Harrison 50-146 Adams Mary Anna 19-422 Adams Mary Stevens Haynes 16-489 Adams Mary Vine 2-54 Adams Meekie Williams (Mrs.) 34-1 Adams Nellie Amelia Scofield 27-431 Adams Oliver Miller 34-391 Adams Perry 2-55 Adams Richard 27-4 Adams Saddie Shears 2-56 Adams Sally 7-270a/s Adams Samuel 64-145 Adams Samuel Carson 27-432 Adams Samuel M. (Rev.) 34-2 Adams Sarah Reynold 2-57 Adams Theodore 34-392 Adams Warren Edward 34-393 Adams William 2-58 Adams William 2-59 Adams William 34-394 Adams William James 68-170 Adams Zebidiah 32-293 Adamson Christain P. 2-60 Adamson Ellen Irene Huntley 2-61 Adcock Lucy Jane 54-463/a Addams William 38-1 Addington Stephen 31-265 Adee Daniel 22-35 Adee Daniel 56-125 Adkins Oliver 1-3 Adkins Thomas Otho 34-395 Adler Anne Pallen Bons 2-62 Adler Fanny 41-1 Adler Lewis 2-63 Adsit Clayton L. 62-410 Adsit Silas 62-409 Aerters John 43-357
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