Cemeteries ~ Obituaries ~ Paradise Genealogical Society:
Deeds & Family Genealogies
"What's New" Note: Due to the size of some of
the Cemetery Files, they have been uploaded to my Google Drive.
Please use this new Link The Link also contains old issues of the
Genealogical GoldMine Cemetery Indexes
Sherman Lee Pompey Compiled a set
of records for California Cemeteries. "Miscellaneous Northern California
Cemetary [sic] Inscriptions" Sherman Lee Pompey Copyright 1966
Published by the Historical and Genealogical Publishing Company, Box
583, Independence, California 93526
I split out the Pages for Butte County which contain the following:
Orville Highway Cemetary [sic] ~ Patrick Cemetary [sic] ~ Old Hamilton Cemetary
and in another Section: Abandoned Cemetaries [sic] Foss
[Forbestown] Cemetary [sic]
Also New...
Gridley - Biggs Cemetery Records
Gridley, California Source: Richard McDowell Gridley BGL [Gridley
Branch Library?] POB 902 Gridley, California 95948 Film 820354
"Contains tombstone inscriptions"
Sample Entry:
Gridley Biggs Cemetery Records : Book, FS
Gridley, Butte Co., California Copied by the
Gridley 1st Ward, Gridley Stake Typed by The Genealogical Society Salt
Lake city, Utah 1958
Butte Co., Calif. Vol 1 [Cemeteries] Recorded by: Melinda Herzog Landrith
~ C James Landrith Anita Heston Du Vall ~ Gene Du vall
The TOC and Index are Here
Read Online or Download [FS Books]
Butte County Cemeteries - Please Use This Chart for Listing
Cemetery Records Copied by Members of the LDS Church in the United
States Typed by the Genealogical Society Salt Lake city, Utah, 1962
TOC: California [Butte County]: Bidwell Bar: P 1 ~ Thermalito [Odd Fellows] P 14
~ Wyandotte P 14
"Old Butte County Cemeteries" - Booklet
Upham Cemetery: 1858 - 1993
Vina Cemetery: LDS Film:1064667
Lingenfelter Collection:Hand Written Index.
Images: 598 - 613
Foss Cemetery, Butte County, CA
LDS film 1598446, Image 1554
Memorial Park Cemetery
Film # 874075, Vol 6 Please use this Link [After Login to your FS Account]
Oroville, Butte, CA
Images 399-489 [Alpha List]
Records Compiled, 1960
More Cemeteries on Film #1598446
Nona Parkin, Compiler
Reno, Nevada Stake Family History Center (Reno, Nevada)(Added Author)
Limited information from miscellaneous California counties:
Butte County Files: Cemeteries, Transcriptions
The transcriptions were done before 1997 as that is when the LDS Filmed the typed pages.
Beyond that, I cannot find any dates except on one set of pages that was done in 1964.
Chico [Images 1516-1553], Foss [1554], Old Hamilton [Img 1557], Oroville Highway [Img 1555] and Patrick [Img 1556]
There are also GAR Burials in the Chico Files
Please Use This Link to access the Pages
There are also Cemetery Indexes on these Films:
1819686 Item 1 and 1819763 Item 1
The following Cemeteries are listed:
Berry Creek ~ Durham ~ Forbes ~ Pine Creek ~ Wyandotte
Please Use This Link
And on this film: 558288
Forbestown ~ Foss ~ Oroville Jewish Cemetery
There is a set of Butte County folk buried in the Willows District Cemetery.
I have listed them below and indicated F~A~G Entries
Film # 1887452 can be found here for more information

Film 1819686 Florence Styles "Card Indexes for Butte County
Cemeteries" These cards are not 'traditional in any sense'. They have
bits of information not available elsewhere Forbes Cemetery, Item 4,
Images 1684-1715 [Alpha and easy to spot the blank folder with the Alpha
Letter on the top tab] Pine Creek Cemetery, Item 5, Images 1718-2359
Wyandotte Cemetery, Item 6, Images 2362-2602
But wait!, There's More:
Film 558291, Vol XVI
Chico Chapter, DAR, 1957
Dawn Williams ~ Jessie Gray ~ Ruby Rose [Researchers, Typed by Laura Patterson
Centerville ~ Cohasset ~ Dayton Cemeteries, Images 894 - 913
More DAR Cemetery / Vital Extracted Records
Film # 558289,
"Vital Records from Cemeteries in Northern and Central California"
Copied under the Direction of
The Genealogical Records commitee:
Daughters of the American Revolution of California
Mrs Milton M Hogle
State Chairman,
Genealogical Records Committee
Butte County, CA
Gridley-Briggs Cemetery, Page 29, Images 1198-1241
Oroville Highway Cemetery, Page 27, Images 1196-1197
Pine Creek Cemetery, Page 20, Images 1189-1195
Please Use This LInk
And even more DAR Cemetery records to be found using the link below
Please use this Link
Butte Co Cemeteries: F~A~G
Obituaries in "The Daily News", Red Bluff, CA Compiled by Jacqueline
Strobel Kelly Collected by Bonnie Kirk Love Images 166-251, No Index - Dec
1980 > Jan 1984 FS Historical Images Section
2003 - 31 December 2023
Chico Enterprise-Record
HeritageHub [Subscription Site]
This Index contains Obituaries and News Articles
to Accidents, Homicides, Suicides, as well as Police and Coroner Investigations.
September 2024 Note: I will not be
creating any more Obit Indexes: I have had no queries for them for a couple of
years. But, that
said, I will still do lookups on Heritage Hub
Contact: Martha
Note: Heritage Hub is available through Local Public Libraries with a Library
"Gridley Herald", Gridley, Butte County, California
Index created from old copies of the above paper
All of the Images are now online:
Please use this link [Google Drive] Note: "DOM" means Day of Month.
Florence Styles Obituary Collection
Scroll down to Odds, then Obits
The Florence Styles Memorial Library Files were all donated to Family Search:
They are in the Catalog: Log in,
Search, Catalog, enter "Florence Styles" [w/o quotes] in keyword slot.]
There is a very large collection of Vital Records, Cemetery Records, and other 'goodies'.
or... Please Use This Link:
All Styles Obituary Files, Listed by Year From there
you can pick a year and alpha letter of interest.
You can also
use the Collection for an individual search.
Obituary Indexes from the Legacy
Collection of Jose Rivera Nieves
Here is the Index for
Butte County Here is the
Index for all of California
Here is the Index for the
United States Here is an
index for Countries of the World
The FS Catalog has an extensive list
of Filmed Obituaries for California
Please use this Link
Modesto Bee [Newspaper] Obituaries 1988 >
2006 "The Modesto Bee Obituaries, Modesto, Stanislaus Co., California"
Creator: Eisenga, Jean Palma y Mesa; The Modesto bee (Modesto, California)
Digital Images of Books and Films that are located in the FS Catalog The
Chart Below will be a guide to the Films and Books
Please use this Link for both the Films and the Books
Please use this Link for the Indexes split out from the Books Note: Even
though the Modesto Bee is in Stanislaus County, there are references to many
California Counties as well as other States, so... check the indexes for
names of interest and because the books are fully searchable pdf's, locations
may be found using the Search Function.
Image Ranges for both Indexes and
Files for the Films.

Digital Online Archival Newspapers Many of the Obituaries
might be found using Heritage Hub Digital Newspaper Collection which is
available in many local Public Libraries. Check your local Library under
'Resources' - Access requires a Library Card
Here are two free Online
Resources for Old Digitized Local Newspapers Google Newspapers has this one:
Butte County
The Chico Weekly
Courant 135 issues Nov 18, 1865 - Oct 30, 1868
The California Digital Newspaper Project has this selection Chico News
and Review (Chico, 1978-2004) Chico Record (Chico, 1856-1948) Chico Weekly
Enterprise (Chico, 1869-1907) Enterprise-Record (Chico, 1940-1970) Gridley
Herald (Gridley, 1972-1985) Mercury-register (Oroville, 1902-1964)
Oroville Weekly Mercury (Oroville, 1887-1903) Oroville Weekly Register
(Oroville, 1885-1886) Weekly Butte Record (Oroville, 1853-1887)
 Paradise Genealogical Society
The Paradise Genealogical Society allowed the LDS to scan their Bulletins as well as other Resources
they compiled over the years.
This linked pdf lists all the resources in their catalog.
Once you have looked at the list and find something of interest, Please use this Link for the actual Records
Note: Some of the "GoldMine" Books are 'Protected' - Unable to view or download.
The Paradise Gen Soc also created Lists from Court House Records for Deeds.
Both Grantor and Grantee are Listed
There are Deeds in the Historical Records Section:
Please use this Link
Also in the FS Catalog Genealogical goldmine exerpts of indexes to
births, assessor's records, pre-emption claims, deeds, and probates, ca.
Film #1831810, Item 3
[Family Genealogies]
The Books listed below were all created by Members of the Paradise Genealogical Society, Butte County
Once Prepared: They were then given to the local LDS Church and have been included in the Family Search Catalog.
Please be advised that they were done a long time ago, and as such, are 'dated'.
I incude them here because even though they are old, they may still hold valuable clues.
As with all Family and Historical Data, please do your very best to document each and every item you wish to include with your work:
And document the source, which in this case, is the file number associated with the information.
Each File Number is linked to the book in the Family Search 'Books' Section 631949: 32 Pages: Use this Link
Keeler Family Bible
Ancestor Charts: Benner, Cessna, Keeler, Smith
631777: 479 Pages [Also Digital Film: 007540232, Item 1]
Use This LInk
Allen, Daniel: 1700 - 1988
Wilkerson, Turner Lee: 1758 - 1988
Harrell, Asa: 1800 - 1988
Comprehensive file, Photos, News Articles, Charts
631881: 47 Pages: Use This Link
Baker, Schiefer, Gridley, Meacham, Stitt
632630: 7 Pages: Use This Link
Family Bible Records:
Brown, Cartmill, Davidson, Metz, Allison, Doan, Bornefeld, Apperson
632813: 117 Pages: Use This Link
Ancestor Charts, Photos, Vital Records and Documents
Brown, Cartmill, Davidson, Metz, Allison, Doan, Bornefeld, Apperson
632234: 20 Pages: Use This Link
Warren, Rowe, Harmon
Dugan, William J: 92 Pages
Genealogy, Ahnentafel Charts, Index |