Did you know?
An obituary is a news article that reports the recent death
of a person, typically along with an account of the person's
life and information about the upcoming funeral.In large
cities and larger newspapers, obituaries are written only
for people considered significant.In local newspapers, an
obituary may be published for any local resident upon death.
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Index of surnames
This page last updated:
May 29, 2017
Below is an index of all surnames represented in obituaries
posted to the Tehama County GenWeb site. As new
obituarie/noticess are added, this index will be updated.
Click on the alphabet letter to go to the obituaries for
that letter.
A |
Abraham |
Adams |
Ambertrout |
Anderson |
Ames |
Archibald |
Arnold |
Atchison |
B |
Baird |
Balis |
Barrett |
Beall |
Beem |
Behrens |
Boose |
Bell |
Black |
Blankenship |
Bohnhof |
Boose |
Boscnko |
Botkin |
Boyd |
Braynard |
Brown |
Buffum |
C |
Cadwalader |
Chase |
Cheatham |
Clark |
Cohenour |
Cooper |
Crandall |
Cornell |
Cree |
Culbertson |
Cullen |
D |
Davis |
Dayton |
Doolittle |
Dougherty |
Dowling |
Drane |
E |
Eaton |
Eby |
Ehorn |
Edwards |
Epperson |
Ervin |
Escamilla |
Eustice |
F |
Felts |
Forward |
Freery |
Fuller |
G |
Gerald |
Gist |
Goodwin |
Graham |
Graves |
Gray |
Grayson |
Griffin |
Grigley |
Gupton |
H |
Haffey |
Hall |
Harrison |
Harvey |
Healy |
Heider |
Hook |
Hubsch |
Hunt |
Hunter |
Hutchens |
I |
Ide |
J |
Johnson |
Jones |
Juilliard |
K |
Karmel |
Keesler |
Kimmel |
Kindleberger |
King |
Knepper |
Knetzer |
Knott |
Kottmeyer |
L |
Laird |
Landavaso |
Landis |
Lee |
Leonard |
Lester |
Lingenfelter |
Lowrey |
M |
Markham |
Martell |
Mattison |
McCartney |
McCoy |
McDowell |
McKinney |
Mears |
Mellon |
Miller |
Monduncy |
Muller |
N |
Nanny |
Neate |
Neel |
Nelson |
North |
Nunes |
O |
O'Brien |
O'Callighan |
Oliver |
Owens |
P |
Papp |
Parvin |
Pate |
Pauly |
Potter |
Prindle |
Q |
R |
Raglan |
Raglin |
Reed-Herrick |
Riggs |
Rogers |
Ross |
S |
Sagres |
Schenck |
Schumaker |
Sellick |
Schults |
Sisson |
Smith |
Spann |
Stenson |
Stevens |
Stoddard |
Sutherlund |
Swinney |
T |
Taggart |
Thuresson |
Tolley |
Trickey |
U |
Underhill |
V |
Vickers |
Volz |
W |
Wadsworth |
Warner |
Waters |
Weast |
Wentworth |
Wheeler |
Whaley |
Wheeler |
Wilcox |
Williams |
Wilson |
Winkleman |
Wright |
Y |
Z |