Guissepi Zanolini


An illustration of the prosperity which has rewarded the efforts of our Swiss-American citizens may be found in the life of Guissepi Zanolini, who for thirty-five years has been identified with the interests of Sonoma county, and has won recognition as a steady-going, industrious rancher. Without energy and resolute determination he could not have attained to his present station in the community. Nature endowed him with the faculties necessary in the struggle for a livelihood in a new country. With the keen mind of his family he soon acquired a thorough knowledge of the English language, which he now speaks with ease and fluency. One of his noticeable traits is his love of system and order, everything about the ranch and its appointments speaking eloquently of this characteristic of the owner.


Guissepi Zanolini was born in Canton Ticino, Switzerland, in 1853, and under the careful training of his  parents was prepared for the responsibilities of life. He remained an inmate of the parental home until he was twenty-two years of age, when, in 1875, he followed others of his countrymen to the land of the free. The same year that he landed on these shores he came to California and to Sonoma county, and this particular section has benefited by his citizenship ever since. Not far from Healdsburg, in Russian River township, he owns five hundred and sixty and a-half acres, one of the largest acreages in the possession of one person in this section of country. Besides this large holding he also owns six valuable lots in Healdsburg. Of the ranch, fifteen acres are in young vineyard, in fine condition, and when in bearing will yield a splendid annual income to the owner. Here he has a diary of forty cows, which is the chief income of the ranch, besides which Mr. Zanolini has three fine horses which he expects to sell at good prices. It speaks well for the care which the owner bestows on the ranch, when it is said that during the year 1909 its valuation increased $1,200. Besides his ranch he rents two hundred and sixty acres for dairy purposes in the neighborhood of Belleview, where he milks about thirty cows.


In all of his aims and ambitions Mr. Zanolini has had the encouragement of his wife, who before her marriage was Miss Carolina Piezzi, who was born in Switzerland in 1863. Born of their marriage, which occurred in March, 1885, are the following children, four sons and two daughters: William, Silvia, Milo, Fred, Josephine and Jennie. The parents were reared to a belief in the tenets of the Roman Catholic faith, and in this faith they are also rearing their children, the family being communicants of the Catholic church at Healdsburg. Politically Mr. Zanolini is a Republican.


History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
May 21, 2012  Pages 1089-1090



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