Robert Woods


In outline the life of Robert Woods is not unlike that of scores of other men whose youth and strength have been lent to the upbuilding of this great state, not as a pioneer settler, but rather as one who builded upon the foundation which he found waiting and made possible only through the efforts of those who had preceded him by about three decades. A native of Canada, he was born in Ontario January 1, 1858, and in that province he was reared and educated, making it his home until he had attained his majority.


A new epoch in the life of Mr. Woods began at this time, for he then bade farewell to home and friends and crossed the continent to California, Petaluma, Sonoma county, being his destination. Over thirty years have since come and gone, and at no time has he had cause to wish that Fate had guided him elsewhere, for here he has been successful from a financial standpoint, and here, too, he found what was of far more value, a true and devoted life companion. Upon first locating in Petaluma he turned his hand to the first work that offered, which was farm work on a ranch near by town. This gave him an opportunity to look about for a better business opening, and in deciding upon the wood and coal business he made no mistake, for from a small beginning he gathered about him in time a business that made him independent and enabled him to retire from business. This was accomplished in a comparatively short time, the business which he sold out in 1910 representing the work of fifteen years, not a long time in which to accumulate a competency sufficient to enable one to live retired. Care of details and steadfastness of purpose may be given as the prime cause of his wonderful success, and co-incident with his success was the fact that he made friends and not enemies, all admiring and esteeming him for his honorable, upright methods.


In 1894 Mr. Woods was united in marriage with Miss Alice Gale, the youngest daughter of L. D. and Eliza A. Gale, pioneer settlers in Sonoma county. (An interesting account of the life of Mr. Gale and his wife will be found elsewhere in this volume.) Fraternally Mr. Woods is well known, being a member and active worker in the Masonic order, the Odd Fellows, Elks and the Independent Order of Foresters. His interest in the well-being of his home town is genuine and deep, and in season and out of season he sounds her praises and as often gives substantial testimony to his views. In 1906 he was elected a member of the board of trustees of Petaluma, and in him his co-laborers on the board find an enthusiastic though conservative and well-balanced member. Mr. Woods and his wife are members of the Christian Church of Petaluma, of which he is now a trustee.


History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
May 13, 2012  Pages 903-904


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