Sonoma County Biography

Togni & Dado



The dairy industry has engaged the intelligent activities of Togni & Dado, who by dint of strenuous application have established a growing business in the line of the specialty and also have gained a wide reputation for the successful prosecution of their chosen occupation. The ranch which they utilize for dairying comprises nine hundred and ninety-four acres in one body, situated twelve miles from Petaluma. One hundred and thirty acres are under cultivation to farm crops and the balance is utilized for the pasturage of the stock, including ten head of hogs, six head of work horses and one hundred and seventy head of cows. At this writing one hundred and thirty cows are milked, and they furnish an average income of $60 per head each year, over and above expenses. Separators are used in extracting the cream from the milk, and the former finds a ready market at the highest prices. The partners devote themselves assiduously to the management of the dairy and have little leisure for participation in local political or religious affairs, although they cast their ballots for Republican candidates at all elections and adhere to the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church with zealous sincerity. When they find a few hours of leisure in the midst of their many duties they enjoy taking their fishing tackle and bait and try their skill as fishermen.

The senior member of the firm, Michael Togni, was born in Switzerland in 1867 and came to California in 1881, settling in the locality of his present residence, and since 1902 engaging with his partner in the dairy business. The younger member of the firm, Silvio J. Dado, was born in Marin county, Cal., in August 1877, and is a son of Paul and Catherine (Togni) Dado, natives of Switzerland, the former born in 1840 and the latter in 1852. The father followed the occupation of a dairyman and the children early learned all of the details connected with the industry, so that the junior member of the firm of Togni & Dado was well qualified, in embarking upon the occupation, to conduct it along economical and sagacious lines of procedure.

Included in the family of Paul Dado there were eleven children, named as follows: Attilio, Silvio, Leo, Belinda, Corina, Delfina, Evelina, Florinda, Julia, Valeria and Irene. The eldest daughter, Belinda, Mrs. F. Casarotti, is a resident of Marin county and has become the mother of five children, those living being Charles, Ernest, Walter and Irene. Corina, Mrs. A. Bettinelli, who is living in Marin county, has had a family of ten children, those living being as follows: Paul, Lawrence, Alvena, Olymphio, Everest, Genevieve, Cora, Elma and Irene. Delfina, who married A. Garzoli, has one daughter, Mary, and lives at Nicasio, Marin county, Cal. Evelina, Mrs. S. Gabonini, resides at Marshall and has one child, Ray. Florinda married Joseph Garzoli and has three children, Clito, Leo and Frances. Irene, Mrs. P. G. Bloom, makes her home in Marin county.

History of Sonoma county, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
May 17, 2011  Pages 1090-1091



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