Sonoma County Biography

August Moebes

The chicken-raising industry in Sonoma county has competent exponents in August Moebes and his partner, Joseph English, both of whom have had individual experience and their united efforts are therefore productive of very satisfactory results. August Moebes was born in the Fatherland in 1854, the son of Henry and Dorothea (Schroeder) Moebes, both natives of Germany, the former born in 1826. Eleven children were born to these worthy parents, four sons and seven daughters, of whom August was the eldest.

By his marriage with Miss Augusta Gusta Mr. Moebes has two children, Marie and August. It was with the idea of giving his children a better outlook in life that he came to the United States in 1883, and in California he has realized his expectations in a greater degree than he had anticipated. Near the town of Sonoma he has a well-equipped chicken ranch, where ever accessory usual to a well-appointed and up-to-date hatchery may be seen. The proprietors realize a profit of about $1,000 annually from the hatchery alone, while five hundred laying hens add considerably to this income. Much of Mr. Moebes' time is passed in San Francisco, where he has other business interests, hence the care and management of the chicken ranch devolves principally upon Mr. English.

Not unlike his partner in his nativity, Joseph English is a native of Germany, his birth occurring there in 1862. He is one of seven children (of whom five were boys) born to his parents, Mathias and Catherine (Schutenhelm) English. The sons are Joseph, Mathias, Andrew, George and John, two of whom have established homes of their own, while three of the number are still single. The daughters are Barbara and Catherine. Joseph English is not identified by membership with any church organization, but believes in the Gold Rule as the best guiding principle in life and exemplifies this belief in his daily life. Politically he is a stanch Republican. Both Mr. English and Mr. Moebes are regarded as thoroughly reliable, enterprising business men and their efforts as chicken ranchers are watched with interest by their fellow-citizens. It is their intention to increase their capacity as rapidly as circumstances will permit, and judging from their success in the past, their future efforts may be assured also.

History of Sonoma County, California
History by Tom Gregory : Historic Record Company, 1891
Los Angeles, Ca. 1911
Transcribed by Roberta Hester Leatherwood
September 2008 Pages 1067-1068

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